1,641 research outputs found

    Co-immunoprecipitation with the multi-peptide bacteriocin GarKS immunity protein

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    Garvicin KS (GarKS) is a bacteriocin recently discovered in Lactococcus garvieae belonging to a novel group of multi-peptide bacteriocins, whose receptor and mode of action is unknown. In this thesis heterologous expression of the immunity gene in Lactococcus lactis and Staphylococcus aureus was shown to provide immunity to GarKS in both species. In addition, the garvicin KS immunity protein (GakI) was shown to confer immunity also to aureocin A70 in L. lactis. Variants of GakI fused with a FLAG-tag did not change the normal function of this immunity protein. The thesis further describes the successful optimization for co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) of GakI. A washing buffer using the combination of the detergent IGEPAL CA-630 at 1% and 0.575 M NaCl was developed. Using this buffer the immunity protein was shown to co-precipitate with three proteins at approximately 25, 27 and 52 kDa. Immunoprecipitate was analyzed by mass spectrometry but the three aforementioned proteins remains to be identified. Genomic analysis of GarKS mutants was performed and revealed mutations in ythA and cesR, both likely involved in a general stress response against agents that perturb the cytoplasmic membrane. Further, proteomic analysis identified a high abundance of proteins involved in this response; YthC, YneH and FtsH in cells producing GakI and exposed to GarKS. Together they provide valuable insights into two little-understood general stress response systems in lactococci.Garvicin KS (GarKS) er et bakteriosin nylig oppdaget i Lactococcus garvieae som tilhører en særegen gruppe av fler-peptid bakteriosiner med en reseptor og virkemåte som er ukjent. Heterologt uttrykt immunitetsgen i Lactococcus lactis og Staphylococcus aureus ble vist å gi immunitet i begge arter med en økning i minimum inhiberingskonsentrasjon på henholdsvis 130 og 14-ganger . Garvicin KS immunitetsproteinet (GakI) ga også immunitet mot aureocin A70 i L. lactis med en 97-gangers økning eller mer. GakI med fusjonert FLAG-tag hadde liknende aktivitet. I denne oppgaven fremstilles en optimaliert protokoll for ko-immunoutfelling av GakI. En vanskeprotokoll basert på en kombinasjon av det overflateaktive stoffet IGEPAL CA-630 på 1% og 0.575 M NaCl ble utviklet. Ved bruk av denne kombinasjonen ble tre proteiner ko-immunoutfelt med GakI med estimerte masser på 25, 27 og 52 kDa. Analyse ved hjelp av massespektrometri ble utført på immunoutfellingsprøvene, men proteinene lot seg ikke identifisere. Helgenomanalyse av mutanter for GarKS ble utført og viste mutasjoner i ythA og cesR, som begge høyst sannsynlig er en del av et generelt stress respons system mot stoffer som forstyrrer cellemembranen. Videre proteomanalyse av kulturer som produserer GakI utsatt for GarKS viste en høy mengde YthC, YneH og FtsH, som alle er en del av denne responsen. Sammen gir dataene en innsikt i to stress respons systemer i laktokokker som er lite forstått.submittedVersionM-BIOTE

    China’s Collective Leadership at a crossroads?

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    Anbefalinger for ĂĄ forebygge alvorlig fedme og tilrettelegging for fysisk aktivitet blant overvektige i Norge: En kvalitativ studie

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    Den økende forekomsten av fedme er et verdenomspennende problem, som påvirker individers helse og utgjør store kostnader for samfunnet. Likevel, er det begrenset forskning i Norge som har undersøkt og diskutert tankene og meningene angående tilrettelegging og veiledning knyttet til fysisk aktivitet blant personer med overvekt og fedme. Primærmålet med denne studien var derfor å undersøke hvordan det oppleves å være i kategorien fedme i Norge i dag, og hvordan samfunnet mer effektivt kan legge til rette for deltakelse i fysisk aktivitet for personer med fedme. Et sekundærmål var å undersøke hvordan samfunnet kan forhindre utviklingen av overvekt og fedme i befolkningen. Ti voksne personer med fedme (kroppsmasseindeks ≥30) deltok i studien og fullførte et semistrukturert intervju. Dataene ble analysert ved hjelp av tematisk analyse for å belyse deltakernes meninger, erfaringer og perspektiver rundt temaet. To overordnede temaer ble identifisert og utviklet. Tema 1 (Impact of obesity on health) belyste hvordan deltakerne opplevde å være i kategorien fedme. Resultatene var i stor grad knyttet til stigmatisering, hvor det ble identifisert at deltakerne følte seg mindreverdige og nytteløse i trening- og sosiale settinger. Tema 2 (Facilitating physical activity to prevent obesity) antydet at deltakerne er klar over helsegevinstene ved å være fysisk aktive, men det ble identifisert barrierer som hindret dem i deltakelse i fysisk aktivitet. Deltakernes erfaringer og forslag til intervensjoner for vektreduksjon gjennom helsetjenesten ble også diskutert. Deltakerne rapporterte et ønske og behov for økt tilrettelegging og veiledning for å oppnå livsstilsendringer. Denne studien fremhever nyanserte og deltakersentrerte strategier som kan implementeres i samfunnet. Praktiske implikasjoner og anbefalinger diskuteres. Nøkkelord: Fedme, fysisk aktivitet, implementering, barrierer, behandling, stigmatiseringRising rates of obesity is a worldwide problem, affecting individuals’ health and posing major costs to society. However, in Norway, limited research has investigated and discussed thoughts and opinions regarding facilitation and guidance related to physical activity among obese people. The primary aim of this study was therefore to explore how it is perceived to be in the category of obesity in Norway today, and how society can more effectively facilitate participation in physical activity for people with obesity. A secondary aim was to explore how society can prevent the development of overweight and obesity in the population. Ten adult obese participants (body mass index ≥30) took part in the study and completed a semistructured interview. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis to illuminate participants’ opinions, experiences and perspectives on the topic. Two overarching themes were identified. Theme 1 (Impact of obesity on health) highlighted how participants experienced being in the category of obesity. Results were largely related to stigmatization, where it was identified that participants felt inferior and hopeless in exercise and social settings. Theme 2 (Facilitating physical activity to prevent obesity) suggested that participants are aware of the health benefits of being physically active, yet barriers exist that prevent them from engaging in physical activity. Participants’ experiences and suggestions regarding interventions for weight reduction through health care were also discussed. Participants reported a desire and need for enhanced facilitation and guidance for making lifestyle changes. This study highlights nuanced and participant-centered strategies that can be implemented in society. Practical implications and recommendations are discussed. Keywords: Obesity, physical activity, implementation, barriers, treatment, stigmatizatio

    Eksisterer det konjunkturer i det norske boligmarkedet? : en empirisk studie

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    Masteroppgave i bedriftsøkonomi - Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    The Relevance of Shame in Dog-Human Relationships

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    Epistemic discourses concerning the competence developed in a Norwegian master's degree program in health science

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    It has been claimed that various discourses related to competence influence higher education, but there is limited understanding of the discourses underlying competence development. The specific aim of this study was to explore epistemic discourses concerning the development of competence of health professionals with a master’s degree in health science. Accordingly, the study was qualitative and adopted discourse analysis. Twelve participants, all of whom were Norwegian health professionals aged between 29 and 49 years, participated in this study. Four participants were in the final stage of study for their master’s degree with three months left before completion, four had completed their degree two weeks before their participation, and four had been working for one year after the completion of their degree. Data were collected in three group interviews. Three epistemic discourses were revealed: (1) a critical thinking competencies discourse, (2) a scientific thinking competencies discourse, and (3) a competence-in-use discourse. The former two discourses were considered the dominant discourses and indicated that a knowing “that” discourse connected the specialized competence of different health professionals with a wider field of competence. This wider field transcended the boundaries of various health disciplines and represented a novel competence developed through a synergizing process between critical and scientific thinking competencies, which seems to drive continued competence development. A competence-in-use discourse was formed in the process. This discourse can be viewed as a unique outcome that contributes to health professionals’ specialized competence and suggests that a knowing “how” discourse was also an underlying background discourse.publishedVersio

    Therapeutic writing in a programme for binge eating disorder - A tool to come closer to clarifying feelings

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    Introduction Therapeutic writing involving affect consciousness (AC) can be used to put difficult topics into words. In this study, we investigated how patients with binge eating disorder (BED) experienced therapeutic writing and AC in the context of cognitive behavioural therapy. The elements were included in an existing cognitive behavioural therapy group programme and the participants' experiences investigated qualitatively. Aim To investigate therapeutic writing as experienced by patients in the context of a BED group programme focusing on AC. Method A phenomenological, hermeneutic design with semi-structured interviews was employed. Eight participants were recruited after completing the BED programme at a Community Mental Health Centre on the West Coast of Norway. Findings Four sub-themes emerged: Struggling to achieve a flow in the writing process, Deeper understanding of eating patterns through writing, Moving specific feelings towards the surface by writing and Greater insight into oneself as a human being by shared writing. Based on the sub-themes, one main theme was developed: Therapeutic writing in a binge eating disorder programme means focusing on oneself as a human being by becoming closer to one's feelings. Conclusion Therapeutic writing offered in treatment for BED involves individual movements at different levels, including processes of awareness of feelings, cognitions and oneself as a human being.publishedVersio

    From a professional practitioner to a practicebased researcher: a qualitative study of Norwegian PhD candidates in the fields of health, welfare and education

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    This study aims to describe and interpret the critical aspects of the development of PhD candidates’ professionally relevant, practice-near research competence in the fields of health, welfare and education. To provide knowledge regarding their development, a qualitative research design and phenomenological hermeneutic approach were used. Ten PhD candidates at a Norwegian multi-disciplinary research school were recruited through non-probability sampling. The following four themes emerged from the analysis: (1) relinquishing the professional status as a practitioner, (2) struggling at a low level of competence, (3) achieving autonomy as a PhD candidate, and (4) wanting to advance professional practice. The PhD candidates experienced loss when they relinquished their former professional status to become researchers while simultaneously struggling at a low level of competence compared to that of other qualified researchers. Thus, the importance of achieving autonomy to advance professional practice cannot be too strongly emphasised when PhD candidates are newcomers in a peripheral position within research communities.publishedVersio
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