19 research outputs found


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    Purpose: This study analyzed local wisdom of the Bajo Tribe and its acculturation on Islamic sharia. Furthermore, it analyzed the practice of pamali and mamiakadilao as local wisdom of the Bajo tribe, and whether the existence of Islamic sharia diminishes the practice of local wisdom, or precisely accompanies the local wisdom of the Bajo people. Methodology: A case study method has been used for the study. The selection of informants was by purposive sampling and snowball techniques. The data collection was through in-depth interviews and passive participation observation. The data analysis was done qualitatively. Main Findings: The Bajo had local wisdom in the form of pamali and mamiakadilao which were institutionalized in traditions and customs. Pamali is an ethic of the Bajo people in building relationships with their natural environment. While, mamiakadilao is a grouping of the Bajo when fishing, namely the palilibu, bapongka, and sakai groups. When the Bajo accepted Islamic sharia, it did not eliminate their original beliefs. These two belief systems live side by side. The Bajo accepted Islam as their religion, but at the same time still hold fast and practice their ancestral heritage. Implications: Understanding the local wisdom of the Bajo Tribe, as well as its acculturation on Islamic Sharia. Novelty: The acceptance of Islam as a new religion for the Bajo does not diminish existing local wisdom. Bajo people embrace Islam as a new religion, but they do not abandon ancestral traditions. The entry of Islamic sharia is to enrich the local wisdom of the Bajo tribe


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    Purpose: This study analyzed the expansion of oil palm and its impact on the livelihood vulnerability of rural communities. Furthermore, this study analyzed the livelihood base of rural communities, explained the mechanism of oil palm expansion controlling rural land, analyzed land tenure by oil palm expansion, which caused vulnerability to rural livelihoods, and analyzed the actions of rural peasants responding livelihood vulnerability due to oil palm expansion. Methodology: The researchers conducted observations inTaludisub district and Popayatosub district, both of which were locations for oil palm expansion in the Pohuwato Regency of Gorontalo Province. Besides, the researchers observed coastal areas in Popayatosubdistrict, especially in Bajo tribal settlements that were affected by environmental damage in the form of floods sent from the mainland when it rained. The researchers also conducted in-depth interviews with various stakeholders who knew about oil palm expansion in Pohuwato Regency. The researchers interviewed village heads, heads of community empowerment institutions in the village, local environmental activists who actively discussed oil palm expansion, oil palm company leaders, and rural communities, both plasma peasants and other communities affected by oil palm expansion in Pohuwato Regency. To support observational and interview data, the researchers conducted a document review of previous research findings relating to the impact of oil palm expansion on local communities. Main Findings: Oil palm companies get two instruments in controlling the forest area and agricultural land. Those are concession rights, as well as the nucleus and plasma systems. Both instruments close rural communities to access forest areas and agricultural land. It causes livelihood vulnerability in rural communities, besides the ecological disaster in the form of flooding due to damage to the rural environment, as well as drought in the dry season. Rural communities are forced to survive by migrating and diversifying livelihoods in the form of multiple livelihoods. Implications: This research is significant on both the theoretical and policy levels. On the theoretical level, this research enriches the study of rural sociology, especially the study of rural access and livelihoods. As for the policy level, this research result can be a reference for the government in formulating policies regarding the development of oil palm plantations. In order to avoid livelihood vulnerability, the granting of forest area concessions to oil palm companies should be done at a radius quite far from the settlements of rural communities. Novelty: A concession permit granted by the government to an oil palm company closes rural communities' access to the forest area. Rural communities get worse when the company implements a nucleus and plasma system policy that causes the transfer of control of agricultural land from rural communities to oil palm companies. The nucleus and plasma system only benefits the oil palm companies as the nucleus and kills the peasants' livelihood base as the plasma. The vulnerability of the livelihood base does hit not only rural communities that are plasma peasants but also hit other communities as a result of environmental damage in the form of floods in the rainy season and drought in the dry season. Vulnerable rural livelihoods due to oil palm expansion forced rural communities to migrate to find new livelihoods and diversify their livelihoods


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    Purpose: This study analyses the implementation of the village fund program in poverty reduction related to the program approach, the problems that arise, the implementation of social principles, and its impact on the poor. Methodology: This study used a qualitative approach, in which the study was naturalistic, and the researchers conduct their research in as natural a condition as possible — the researchers in determining research informants using snowball techniques. The snowball technique allows more informants according to data requirements. The researchers interviewed the key informants and then asked them to mention other informants who made it possible to find out the topic being discussed. Some of the techniques used in data collection were observation, in-depth interviews, focused group discussions, and document studies. Researchers analyzed data by presenting data in the form of data sorting, categorizing data, and grouping data according to the needs of the analysis. Findings: The implementation of the village fund program applies a community approach. The community approach requires the participation of villagers at each stage of the program's implementation, since the planning, implementation, supervision, and preservation of development results. Nevertheless, the implementation of the village fund program was inseparable from several problems. Problems that occur found both at the local government level, advisory assistants, and the community itself. The implementation of the village fund program has more impact on the community, especially poor households. Implications: The results of this study provide academic contributions to improve the implementation of poverty reduction in general and the implementation of the village fund program in particular. Novelty: The implementation of the village fund program encourages the participation of village communities in the development of their villages. This approach enables the development to be carried out on target, and poor household communities feel its benefits


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    Purpose: This study analyzed the empowerment of brick factory laborers, related to the relations of labors and employers in the production to marketing processes, problems faced by laborers, their potential, and the priority of empowerment programs for brick factory laborers. Methodology: In collecting data, researchers used the method of observation, in-depth interviews, and focused group discussion as the primary data source, and the literature study method as a secondary data source. Researchers analyzed data with a qualitative approach. When the data collection took place, researchers began to analyze data until a certain time even though the time of data collection has been completed. Findings: Three principal components are interrelated in brick production, namely: landowners, employers, and laborers. The employer rents land from the landowner and employs laborers to produce bricks. Between laborers and landowners do not have a direct employment relationship, because it is the employer who presents his work. In the case of labor and employer relations, laborers are in an exploited and alienated position, which leaves workers powerless. Several labor problems that occur in working relationships in brick factories are: labors get salaries not based on provincial minimum wages, labors do not have social protection, labors find it difficult to meet basic needs, weak legal protection, labors do not get holiday allowances, face dismissal problems, and it is hard to get jobs outside the brick factory.  Implications: This research was beneficial to create the community of laborers in brick factories that were empowered, socially, economically, and politically. Novelty: The laborers in brick factories can be empowered by developing an institutional organization of laborers, strengthening labor capacity through training, and opening access to ownership of production capital.&nbsp

    Modernization and Shifting Practices of Local Wisdom on Corn Farming in Gorontalo Province

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    Modernisasi teknologi pertanian telah mendominasi aktivitas pertanian di Gorontalo. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan perubahan praktik pertanian jagung dari berbasis kearifan lokal dan solidaritas sosial menjadi berbasis teknologi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menjadikan 25 petani sebagai partisipan untuk didalami pengetahuannya dan diamati aktivitas pertaniannya. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa praktik pertanian berbasis kearifan lokal sudah tidak ditemukan lagi. Kearifan lokal ini terdiri dari tradisi mopo’a huta dan panggoba sebagai sistem pertanian yang berbasis solidaritas sosial dan ramah lingkungan. Tradisi ini berganti dengan sistem pertanian modern yang dianggap lebih efektif dengan hasil produksi yang melimpah. Modernisasi di dalam sistem pertanian selain memberikan efek yang baik juga telah mengakibatkan banyak perubahan, baik secara ekonomi, sosial budaya dan ekologi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sebagai akibat dari modernisasi pertanian jagung: 1) telah terjadi pergeseran tenaga kerja dan modal, 2) terjadi pergeseran kearifan lokal, dan 3) terjadi degradasi lingkungan dan ketimpangan sosial.Modernization of agricultural technology has dominated farming activities in Gorontalo. This paper describes the change of farming practices from local wisdom and social solidarity to modern technology. The research used a qualitative approach with 25 farmers as participants with the aim to explore their knowledge and observe their farming activities. This study found that local farming practices are no longer in existence. This local wisdom consists of the traditions of mopo'a huta and panggoba as farming systems which are based on social solidarity and are environmentally friendly. This has been replaced by a modern farming system that is considered more effective with abundant production. Modernization in the farming system, apart from having a good effect, has also resulted in many changes, both economically, socially, culturally and ecologically. This research concludes that as the results of corn farming modernization: 1) there has been a shift in labor and capital, 2) there has also been a shift in local wisdom, and 3) there are environmental degradation and social inequality


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    Purpose: This study analyzed the cultural and natural potentials that become tourism destinations in Gorontalo Regency, related to the attractiveness and problems of tourism, as well as the strategy to realize domestic and foreign tourism destinations. Methodology: This study used a qualitative approach with data collection methods through observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and focused group discussions. Meanwhile, researchers analyzed data by organizing data, grouping data, and analyzing normatively. Findings: Several tourism destinations in Gorontalo Regency are the Soekarno Landing Cultural Heritage House, Pentadio Resort, Limboto Lake, Embung Dumati, Bubohu Religious Tourism, Walima Emas Mosque, Dulanga Beach, and Taluhu Barakati. The tourism problems that exist are specific destinations in dirty conditions; infrastructure is minimal, the educational conditions of residents around tourism destinations are inadequate so that it affects the quality of service. Information on tourism destination objects to the public is still lacking and ineffective; access to roads and human resources managing tourism objects is inadequate. To make Gorontalo Regency a tourism destination, in addition to overcoming existing problems, the development of regional tourism potential is a necessity. Implications: This research is beneficial, both for policymakers, especially the Gorontalo Regency Government, businesses related to tourism, and the local community. The results are expected to increase synergy between local governments, businesses, and local communities. For Local Governments, the results of this study are expected to be an input for formulating policies that can encourage the attractiveness of domestic and foreign tourists. As for the business, the results of this study are expected to be taken into consideration to increase business investment in the tourism sector. Meanwhile, for local communities, the results of this study are expected to encourage local communities to love their local resources and culture more for their sustainability. Novelty: To realize a tourism destination both local and foreign, it is important to solve any problems that arise, as well as developing the existing regional tourism potential

    Implications of the Contract Freedom Principle and Legal Consequences of Standard Contract Which Detrimental to Debtors of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Makassar

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    The objectives of the study were as follows: 1) To determine how the freedom of contract principle is affected by the implementation of standard contracts; 2) To determine the legal repercussions of standard contracts whose terms are unfavorable to the debtor or consumer. This kind of research consisted of normative legal research or research conducted in libraries. The study made use of qualitative analysis by elaborating on the previously collected data through the use of words or statements. The implication of the principle of freedom of contract in the implementation of a standard contract is determined as a written condition in a form. This condition is then duplicated in a certain amount according to the requirements of the situation. Because of the preceding, customers are unable to negotiate the terms of the agreement because these forms are then provided to customers in mass quantities, even though the conditions outlined on each form are unique from those outlined on the other forms. To phrase it another way, consumers do not have the same level of bargaining power as producers or creditors; The legal consequences of standard contracts whose contents are detrimental to the debtor/consumer because at the beginning of making/composing the agreement the creditor/producer did not involve the customer in making/composing the greement so that they had no other choice; The as a consequence of this, several aspects of the standard agreement are regarded as conflicting with the rights of the debtor or consumer. These aspects are as follows: (1) The content, terms, and conditions are determined unilaterally; (2) the contents of the agreement are not known about the legal impact and consequences; (3) the bank is more dominant in the agreement; (4) Conditions are forced in the agreement

    Sharia Stocks and Muslim Millennials Investors in Indonesia: Between Religious and Economic Motives

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    Purpose: The objective of this study was to explore why Muslim millennials in Indonesia prefer to invest in Islamic stocks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).   Theoretical framework:  Muslim millennials prefer stock investments that align with religion and align with the consistency and moral integrity upheld by the Muslim community, including investing.   Design/methodology/approach: This study was a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with ten millennial Muslim investors who invest in Islamic stocks in the IDX. Data analysis was carried out using thematic descriptive analysis.   Findings: The findings of this study suggest that millennial Muslim investors in Indonesia prefer to invest in Islamic stocks for the following reasons: adherence to Islamic values and beliefs, ethical investment, risk management, diversification, and the potential for better returns.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  We suggest further studies to include a case study of a more specific group of Muslim millennials to determine the influence of previous investment experiences, personal characteristics, and financial situation on their preferences in investing in Islamic stocks. In addition, it can also conduct comparative studies among several different countries or cultures to identify the factors that influence sharia stock investment decisions to provide a broader and representative picture.   Originality/value: This study provides insights into the factors that drive millennial Muslim investors in Indonesia to invest in Islamic stocks. This study's findings could benefit investors, the capital market industry, and policymakers in developing targeted strategies to attract millennial investors. Additionally, this study contributes to the literature on the Islamic capital market and investment behavior in emerging market

    Verbal Abuse of Parents in Urban Poor Families

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    Terminologically, verbal abuse is a rude utterance that is said by a person without touching physically, but it makes an impact psychically to suicide risk. In this study, verbal abuse was done by the parents to male and female children. This study aims to determine the factors that cause verbal abuse in a poor family. Methodologically, this study used a qualitative approach by conducting interviews with several verbal abuse actors and victims of verbal abuse. The result showed that the factors of verbal abuse in a poor family are caused by a lack of education, low income, habits, or environment. Keywords : Verbal Abuse, Poor Family, Low Education, Economic and Povert

    Resilience in Children of Drug Abuse Families: A Case in Pattingalloang, Makassar City, Indonesia

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    This study analyzed the problems commonly encountered by children of drug abuse families and their resilience afterward. The research method was qualitative research with a case study approach. In collecting data, this study applied semi-structured interviews and observations of both research subjects and documentation. The data analyzed qualitatively. The results found that both subjects A and B often exposure some negative social problems; bullying, ostracism, and having no playmates. As a result, subject A becomes inferior, and subject B becomes lazy to formal school. The resilience is as follows; subject A has ‘I am’ in the form of empathy and optimism, ‘I can’ in the form of responsibility, and ‘I have’ in the form of appraisal support for attention undertaken from significant person C. Subject B, in addition, has ‘I am’ in the form of empathy, optimism, and confidence, ‘I can’ in the form of diligence and responsibility, and ‘I have’ in the form of appraisal support exposure by significant person D. Keywords: Resilience, Children, Drug, Family, Pattingaloang, Makassar city