60 research outputs found

    Customizing BPMN Diagrams Using Timelines

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    BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) is widely used standard modeling technique for representing Business Processes by using diagrams, but lacks in some aspects. Representing execution-dependent and time-dependent decisions in BPMN Diagrams may be a daunting challenge [Carlo Combi et al., 2017]. In many cases such constraints are omitted in order to preserve the simplicity and the readability of the process model. However, for purposes such as compliance checking, process mining, and verification, formalizing such constraints could be very useful. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for annotating BPMN Diagrams with Temporal Synchronization Rules borrowed from the timeline-based planning field. We discuss the expressivity of the proposed approach and show that it is able to capture a lot of complex temporally-related constraints without affecting the structure of BPMN diagrams. Finally, we provide a mapping from annotated BPMN diagrams to timeline-based planning problems that allows one to take advantage of the last twenty years of theoretical and practical developments in the field

    Modeling temporal dimensions of semistructured data

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    In this paper we propose an approach to manage in a correct way valid time semantics for semistructured temporal clinical information. In particular, we use a graph-based data model to represent radiological clinical data, focusing on the patient model of the well known DICOM standard, and define the set of (graphical) constraints needed to guarantee that the history of the given application domain is consistent

    Integrated Exploration of Data-Intensive Business Processes

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    Modeling and reasoning over business processes require enterprises to manage and integrate large amounts of information. Despite process designers and engineers may benefit from a unified view of process and data models, integrating these two perspectives is challenging, especially when considering conceptual models. In this paper, we provide a uniform formal representation of a process model, the schema of a related database, and the data operations connecting them. Then, we show how we can use such a formal representation to identify interesting information during the integrated conceptual modeling and analysis of processes and related databases, from a process (re-)design and improvement perspective. Finally, we discuss the evaluation of the proposed approach through a controlled experiment and a proof-of-concept implementation that considers both relational and XML database technologies

    A modular approach to the specification and management of time duration constraints in BPMN

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    The modeling and management of business processes deals with temporal aspects both in the inherent representation of activity coordination and in the specification of activity properties and constraints. In this paper, we address the modeling and specification of constraints related to the duration of process activities. In detail, we consider the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) standard and propose an approach to define re-usable duration-aware process models that make use of existing BPMN elements for representing different nuances of activity duration at design time. Moreover, we show how advanced event-handling techniques may be exploited for detecting the violation of duration constraints during the process run-time. The set of process models specified in this paper suitably captures duration constraints at different levels of abstraction, by allowing designers to specify the duration of atomic tasks and of selected process regions in a way that is conceptually and semantically BPMN-compliant. Without loss of generality, we refer to real-world clinical working environments to exemplify our approach, as their intrinsic complexity makes them a particularly challenging and rewarding application environment

    A graph-based meta-model for heterogeneous data management

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    The wave of interest in data-centric applications has spawned a high variety of data models, making it extremely difficult to evaluate, integrate or access them in a uniform way. Moreover, many recent models are too specific to allow immediate comparison with the others and do not easily support incremental model design. In this paper, we introduce GSMM, a meta-model based on the use of a generic graph that can be instantiated to a concrete data model by simply providing values for a restricted set of parameters and some high-level constraints, themselves represented as graphs. In GSMM, the concept of data schema is replaced by that of constraint, which allows the designer to impose structural restrictions on data in a very flexible way. GSMM includes GSL, a graph-based language for expressing queries and constraints that besides being applicable to data represented in GSMM, in principle, can be specialised and used for existing models where no language was defined. We show some sample applications of GSMM for deriving and comparing classical data models like the relational model, plain XML data, XML Schema, and time-varying semistructured data. We also show how GSMM can represent more recent modelling proposals: the triple stores, the BigTable model and Neo4j, a graph-based model for NoSQL data. A prototype showing the potential of the approach is also described

    From BPMN process models to DMN decision models

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    The interplay between process and decision models plays a crucial role in business process management, as decisions may be based on running processes and affect process outcomes. Often process models include decisions that are encoded through process control flow structures and data flow elements, thus reducing process model maintainability. The Decision Model and Notation (DMN) was proposed to achieve separation of concerns and to possibly complement the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) for designing decisions related to process models. Nevertheless, deriving decision models from process models remains challenging, especially when the same data underlie both process and decision models. In this paper, we explore how and to which extent the data modeled in BPMN processes and used for decision-making may be represented in the corresponding DMN decision models. To this end, we identify a set of patterns that capture possible representations of data in BPMN processes and that can be used to guide the derivation of decision models related to existing process models. Throughout the paper we refer to real-world healthcare processes to show the applicability of the proposed approach

    A Methodological Framework for the Integrated Design of Decision-Intensive Care Pathways\u2014an Application to the Management of COPD Patients

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    Healthcare processes are by nature complex, mostly due to their multi-disciplinary character that requires continuous coordination between care providers. They encompass both organizational and clinical tasks, the latter ones driven by med- ical knowledge, which is inherently incomplete and distributed among people having different expertise and roles. Care pathways refer to planning and coordination of care processes related to specific groups of patients in a given setting. The goal in defining and following care pathways is to improve the quality of care in terms of patient satisfaction, costs reduction, and medical outcome. Thus, care pathways are a promising methodological tool for standardizing care and decision-making. Business process management techniques can successfully be used for representing organiza- tional aspects of care pathways in a standard, readable, and accessible way, while supporting process development, analysis, and re-engineering. In this paper, we intro- duce a methodological framework that fosters the integrated design, implementation, and enactment of care processes and related decisions, while considering proper rep- resentation and management of organizational and clinical information. We focus here and discuss in detail the design phase, which encompasses the simulation of care pathways. We show how business process model and notation (BPMN) and decision model and notation (DMN) can be combined for supporting intertwined aspects of decision-intensive care pathways. As a proof-of-concept, the proposed methodology has been applied to design care pathways related to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the region of Veneto, in Italy

    A hybrid logic for XML reference constraints

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    XML emerged as the (meta) mark-up language for representing, exchanging, and storing semistructured data. The structure of an XML document may be specified either through DTD (Document Type Definition) language or through the specific language XML Schema. While the expressiveness of XML Schema allows one to specify both the structure and constraints for XML documents, DTD does not allow the specification of integrity constraints for XML documents. On the other side, DTD has a very compact notation opposed to the complex notation and syntax of XML Schema. Thus, it becomes important to consider the issue of how to express further constraints on DTD-based XML documents, still retaining the simplicity and succinctness of DTDs. According to this scenario, in this paper we focus on a (as much as possible) simple logic, named XHyb, expressive enough to allow the specification of the most common integrity and reference constraints in XML documents. In particular, we focus on constraints on ID and IDREF(S) attributes, which are the common way of logically connecting parts of XML documents, besides the usual parent-child relationship of XML elements. Differently from other previously proposed hybrid logics, in XHyb IDREF(S) attributes are explicitly expressible by means of suitable syntactical constructors. Moreover, we propose a refinement of the usual graph representation of XML documents in order to represent XML documents in a formal and intuitive way without flatten accessibility through IDREF(S) to the usual parent-child relationship. Model checking algorithms are then proposed, to verify that a given XML document satisfies the considered constraints

    Enabling instant- and interval-based semantics in multidimensional data models: the T+MultiDim Model

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    Time is a vital facet of every human activity. Data warehouses, which are huge repositories of historical information, must provide analysts with rich mechanisms for managing the temporal aspects of information. In this paper, we (i) propose T+MultiDim, a multidimensional conceptual data model enabling both instant- and interval-based semantics over temporal dimensions, and (ii) provide suitable OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) operators for querying temporal information. T+MultiDim allows one to design typical concepts of a data warehouse including temporal dimensions, and provides one with the new possibility of conceptually connecting different temporal dimensions for exploiting temporally aggregated data. The proposed approach allows one to specify and to evaluate powerful OLAP queries over information from data warehouses. In particular, we define a set of OLAP operators to deal with interval-based temporal data. Such operators allow the user to derive new measure values associated to different intervals/instants, according to different temporal semantics. Moreover, we propose and discuss through examples from the healthcare domain the SQL specification of all the temporal OLAP operators we define. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Towards association rules for XML documents

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    In this work we propose a flexible approach to extract and evaluate association rules on XML documents. We describe two kinds of association rules: structural associations and value associations. A structural association allows one to capture the similarity of an XML document with respect to a given structure, while a value association allows one to capture the similarity of the information contained in the XML document with respect to a given scenario. Moreover, we show how it possible to compose these associations in order to describe complex association rules on XML documents
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