44 research outputs found

    Endothelial Dysfunction in Diabetes Mellitus: Possible Involvement of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress?

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    The vascular complications of diabetes mellitus impose a huge burden on the management of this disease. The higher incidence of cardiovascular complications and the unfavorable prognosis among diabetic individuals who develop such complications have been correlated to the hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress and associated endothelial dysfunction. Although antioxidants may be considered as effective therapeutic agents to relieve oxidative stress and protect the endothelium, recent clinical trials involving these agents have shown limited therapeutic efficacy in this regard. In the recent past experimental evidence suggest that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in the endothelial cells might be an important contributor to diabetes-related vascular complications. The current paper contemplates the possibility of the involvement of ER stress in endothelial dysfunction and diabetes-associated vascular complications

    The first combined russian experience of using perampanel in children and adolescents with epilepsy in everyday clinical practice

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    Background. Real world data help to provide more information on the effects and tolerability of therapy. However, data on the use of perampanel in Russian population of children remain limited. aim. To conduct a retrospective analysis of perampanel efficacy and tolerability in children and adolescents with epilepsy in real clinical practice. Materials and methods. A total of 106 children aged 4–18 years receiving perampanel as part of combination therapy for epilepsy were observed at 18 centers. Seizure frequency at 1–3, after 6 and 12 months of treatment, presence and type of adverse events (AEs) were analyzed. The main assessed efficacy parameters were seizure control, significant (≥50 %) decrease in seizure frequency. All other outcomes (<50 % decrease, no change or increased seizure frequency) were considered to be no effect. The assessed safety parameters were the percentage of patients with or without AEs and the percentage of perampanel withdrawals due to AEs. results. We defined 3 age groups for comparison: children 4–6, 7–11 and 12–17 years old. Perampanel efficacy was 69 % (seizure control – 23.6 %, ≥50 % decrease in seizure frequency – 45.3 %). The mean duration of the effect was 7.3 ± 4.1 months. No significant difference in efficacy between age groups was found. However, some greater efficacy of perampanel was noted in adolescents: absence of effect in the form of remission or significant decrease in seizures frequency was noted only in 25.5 %, with 40 % in children 4–11 years old. Among those with inefficacy, 3.8 % reported seizure aggravation. AEs occurred in only 23 % of patients, with the least frequent occurrence in adolescents (11.8 %) and the most frequent in children aged 7–11 years (40 %). The most frequent AEs was sluggishness and/or drowsiness. Discontinuation of perampanel due to AEs was required in 7.6 %. Conclusion. Perampanel has demonstrated high efficacy and good tolerability in real clinical practice among children from 4 years of age and adolescents with partial (focal) and secondary generalized seizures. The AEs that developed were not serious and very rarely led to withdrawal of the therapy. The results are comparable to those of phase III studies and previous real-world data. The usage of perampanel in children with primary generalized seizures should be further investigated. © 2022 ABV-Press Publishing House. All rights reserved.EisaiО.А. Рахманина / O.A. Rakhmanina: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9218-2531 И.В. Волков / I.V. Volkov: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7816-7535 О.К. Волкова / O.K. Volkova: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3314-3895 Ю.А. Александров / Yu.A. Aleksandrov: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3887-5219 М.В. Бархатов / M.V. Barkhatov: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6372-4677 И.С. Бахтин / I.S. Bakhtin: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3600-687X Г.М. Бережная / G.M. Berezhnaya: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3917-422X А.Ю. Карась / A.Yu. Karas: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9089-9627 Д.В. Морозов / D.V. Morozov: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4389-9143 И.С. Бахтин / I.S. Bakhtin: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3600-687X Т.Р. Томенко / T.R. Tomenko: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0652-1996 Ж.М. Цоцонава / Zh.M. Tsotsonava: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3275-5099 Конфликт интересов и финансирование. Публикация подготовлена при финансовой поддержке компании «Эйсай». Авторы несут полную ответственность за содержание статьи и редакционные решения. Conflict of interest and funding. This publication was funded by Eisai. The authors are fully responsible for the content of the article and editorial decisions


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    52 pulmonary tuberculosis patients with concurrent diabetes and 76 pulmonary tuberculosis patients without concurrent diabetes (control group) were examined. The state of vascular endothelium was evaluated by the content of nitrogen oxide (NO), endothelium-1 (E-1) and antigen of Willebrand factor (WF) in blood serum (plasma). Patients with concurrent condition had more significant changes in their metabolic status of vascular endothelium (endothelial dysfunction) compared to control group. It manifested through significant reduction of NO level, which is negatively correlated to the increase of glycosylated hemoglobin and the loss of the self-regulating ability of the endothelium cells. The latter was documented by development of the negative correlation between rates of NO and E-1 (in the comparison group the correlation was positive). Functional decompensation of vascular endothelium in pulmonary tuberculosis patients with concurrent diabetes was accompanied by the presence of endothelial destructive lesions, documented increase of  WF (in the majority of patients from the control group WF was within the upper limit of the referent rates). In 3 months of complex treatment of patients with concurrent pathology NO level became normal, but E-1 and WF went confidently down but still were above the upper limits of the norm

    Impact of concurrent diabetes on the intensity of systematic inflammatory response syndrome and nutritive status of pulmonary tuberculosis patients

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    52 pulmonary tuberculosis patients with concurrent diabetes and 76 pulmonary tuberculosis patients without concurrent diabetes (control group) have been examined. Systemic inflammation response syndrome (SIRS) has been evaluated by the concentration in the blood serum (plasma) of C-reactive protein, A serum amyloid protein, α1 -antitrypsin, haptoglobin and fibrinogen; nutritive status has been assessed by body mass index and concentrations in the blood serum of general protein, albumin and transthyretin. It has been found out that SIRS in those with concurrent conditions was less expressed compared to the control group. In particular in 56.9% of them the rates of C-reactive protein were within normal limits (in control group in 19.7%, p &lt; 0.01). When evaluating the nutritive status in pulmonary tuberculosis patients with concurrent diabetes as per transthyretin and general protein, the protein deprivation (nitrogenous) has been found out along with paradox tendency in albumin and body mass index increase. The control group demonstrated less expressed signs of protein deprivation, but they were followed by the adequate reduction of albumin and body mass index. The detected changes allow presuming that the negative effect of diabetes on the course of pulmonary tuberculosis is determined by defective formation of SIRS, destroying its initial protective character and nitrogenous deprivation, restraining the reparation

    Numerical algorithm for calculating the electric characteristics of wire antennas used to analyse the electromagnetic compatibility parameters of a radio system

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    The authors have developed a numerical algorithm for analysing the electric characteristics of the sys-tem of vibrators arbitrarily located above the ground. The algorithm allows one to calculate the antenna radiation patterns corresponding to the harmonics (subharmonics) of the fundamental radiation, the frequencies of intermodulation interference, the pattern distortions, and the input impedance change caused by the installation of additional antennas on a given object. The votage induced by the nearby transmit antennas can be calculated as well

    Intensification of the Process of Metallizing Tungsten­containing Ore Raw Materials by the Powder Metallurgy Method

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    X-ray diffraction phase analysis of samples performed on a DRON-6 diffractometer has shown that the processes of CaWO4 transition to WC and W2C had the highest probability in the temperature range of 1,173–1,473 K. The end-product CaWO4, thermally treated with carbon, was represented by carbon in oxycarbide and carbide phases. The processes of tungsten reduction from its oxides through the phases of formation of tungsten carbide and oxygen compounds (higher and lower) and finally tungsten metal were shown. Basic chemical and phase transformations occurred within the temperature range of 300–1,800 K. This opens the prospect of producing tungsten as an alloying material without formation of liquid phases in a heterogeneous system and enables production of tungsten based alloying material at relatively low temperatures which significantly reduces power consumption. Qualitative and quantitative composition of charge materials for laboratory studies and industrial tests in a form of briquettes for metallization of tungsten-containing compounds in a furnace with induction heating was presented. The mechanism of phase and structural transformations occurring in reduction of tungsten from scheelite concentrates in the temperature range of 1,273–1,473 K and microanalysis of samples of chemical transformations were studied. A furnace unit with induction heating in which industrial tests were performed in stages was schematically shown.The tests have shown that a 1.3 times sample weight reduction and a 23 % specific density reduction occurred in the process of heat treatment of the samples based on scheelite concentrate.Several batches of spongy tungsten instead of standard ferrotungsten were produced and tested in smelting high speed steels. Advantages of the new technology of tungsten metallization from a scheelite concentrate and positive efficiency of using the new material in special metallurgy were shown

    Oral rehydration solutions in watery diarrhea in children: what’s new?

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    Acute infectious diarrhoea is still a topical problem in pediatrics today. Approximately 95% of children under five years of age suffer from acute intestinal infection at least once or several times. Viral infections are the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis with dehydration. A thorough understanding of the mechanisms of dehydration, electrolyte metabolism disorders, and mucosal protection of the intestine has allowed to create modern oral rehydration solutions with a combined mechanism of action. Currently, oral rehydration solutions ORS with reduced osmolarity are recommended due to the latest recommendations of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists and Nutriciologists, containing probiotics with targeted anti-inflammatory action. Lactobacilli are the most studied microorganisms and are used either as drugs or as components of functional nutrition. One of the strains of L. reuteri in the metabolic process produces bacteriocin reuterin, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory potential. It is known that the L. reuteri, in addition to standard rehydration therapy, has had an effect on reducing the frequency and severity of diarrhea (by 74% compared to placebo). In subsequent studies, the DSM 17938 strain of L. reuteri was used simultaneously with rehydration solution and zinc, showing a significant reduction in the volume and frequency of watery diarrhoea. The possibility of using a combined preparation containing oral rehydration salts, zinc and probiotic L. reuteri DSM 17938 (Protectis) allows for a more effective elimination of dehydration in young children


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    A mathematical decision for assessment of distribution for reactionary gas-propane on length of model pore is got. At examining the coefficient of diffusion for reactionary gas as a power function from a temperature, the values of rate of deposition of pyrolytic carbon are got in the center of wall for carbonized coil plastic are defined. Finite correlation for define of mass rate of deposition of pyrolytic carbon, is offered.Получено математическое решение для оценки распределения реакционного газа - пропана - по длине модельной поры. При рассмотрении коэффициента диффузии реакционного газа в виде степенной функции от температуры определены значения скорости осаждения пиролитического углерода в центре стенки карбонизованного углепластика. Предложено конечное соотношение для определения массовой скорости осаждения пиролитического углерода

    Влияние сопутствующего сахарного диабета на выраженность синдрома системного воспалительного ответа и нутритивный статус больных туберкулезом легких

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    52 pulmonary tuberculosis patients with concurrent diabetes and 76 pulmonary tuberculosis patients without concurrent diabetes (control group) have been examined. Systemic inflammation response syndrome (SIRS) has been evaluated by the concentration in the blood serum (plasma) of C-reactive protein, A serum amyloid protein, α1 -antitrypsin, haptoglobin and fibrinogen; nutritive status has been assessed by body mass index and concentrations in the blood serum of general protein, albumin and transthyretin. It has been found out that SIRS in those with concurrent conditions was less expressed compared to the control group. In particular in 56.9% of them the rates of C-reactive protein were within normal limits (in control group in 19.7%, p &lt; 0.01). When evaluating the nutritive status in pulmonary tuberculosis patients with concurrent diabetes as per transthyretin and general protein, the protein deprivation (nitrogenous) has been found out along with paradox tendency in albumin and body mass index increase. The control group demonstrated less expressed signs of protein deprivation, but they were followed by the adequate reduction of albumin and body mass index. The detected changes allow presuming that the negative effect of diabetes on the course of pulmonary tuberculosis is determined by defective formation of SIRS, destroying its initial protective character and nitrogenous deprivation, restraining the reparation.Обследовали 52 больных туберкулезом легких (ТБЛ) с сопутствующим сахарным диабетом (СД) и 76 больных ТБЛ без сопутствующего СД (группа сравнения). Синдром системного воспалительного ответа (ССВО) оценивали по концентрациям в сыворотке (плазме) крови С-реактивного белка (СРБ), сывороточного амилоидного белка А, α1-антитрипсина, гаптоглобина и фибриногена, нутритивный статус - по индексу массы тела (ИМТ) и концентрациям в сыворотке крови общего белка (ОБ), альбумина (А) и транстиретина (ТТР). Установлено, что ССВО у больных с сочетанной патологией был выражен слабее, чем у пациентов группы сравнения. В частности, у 56,9% из них показатели СРБ находились в пределах нормы (в группе сравнения - у 19,7%; p &lt; 0,01). При оценке нутритивного статуса у больных ТБЛ с сопутствующим СД по показателям ТТР и ОБ отмечена выраженная белковая (азотистая) недостаточность при парадоксальной тенденции к увеличению концентрации А и ИМТ. В группе сравнения явления белковой недостаточности были выражены достоверно менее значительно, но сопровождались адекватным снижением А и ИМТ. Выявленные изменения позволяют предполагать, что в неблагоприятном влиянии СД на течение ТБЛ принимают участие дефектное формирование ССВО, нарушающее его изначально защитный характер, и азотистая недостаточность, тормозящая развитие репаративных процессов