266 research outputs found

    About littoral macrozoobenthos communities of Cheboksary reservoir

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    This work analyzed the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of zoobenthos communities of coastal shallow zone at Cheboksary reservoir during the vegetation period of 2014. In this regard, three sampling stations were provided, differing by soil, biotic and abiotic environmental conditions. Each station consists of two sections of reservoir shallow coastal area, where the research was performed: directly in the water line area, as well as at various depths of shallow water. The species composition of macrozoobenthos, the number and biomass indicators, the leading groups and organism taxa were specified. 41 taxa of aquatic invertebrates were revealed, 17 of which (41.5% of the total amount) occurred in the water line area and in littoral zone. The observed taxa belong to Mollusca, Arthropoda, Plathelminthes, Annelida types. The greatest species diversity was observed among insects (mainly Diptera representatives), as well as among mollusks. The high amount and biomass indices were observed among gastropods and bivalves, the invasive species Lithoglyphus naticoides (Pfeiffer, 1828), Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771), which play an important role in the communities of zoobenthos of the Volga-Kama reservoir system. High biomass indices were observed among gastropods, especially Viviparus viviparus (L., 1758). The water edge zone with high levels of biomass had a large amount of pond snails Lymnaea auricularia (L., 1758) and L. stagnalis (L., 1758) and the shallow water zone had a large amount of Unio longirostris (Rossmaessler, 1836) bivalves

    Association of C3435T (rs1045642) polymorphism of the MDR1 gene with the increased risk of colorectal cancer in russian females from Central Russia

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    The objective of this study was to examine associations of single nucleotide polymorphisms, rs1045642 within the MDR1 gene and rs1799930 within the NAT2 gene, with the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) in the population of Central Russi

    Organizational and economic transformations towards the greening of agro-industrial production

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    The increase in the production of agricultural products and food supplies in excess of regulatory needs and the provision of food safety in Russia led to the expansion of the export of agricultural products and the change in the course of the development of the agro-industrial complex from import substitution to export-oriented production. However, the entry to world food markets requires high quality of products from manufacturers and its certification in accordance with world standards. The article presents the organizational and economic transformations towards the greening of agro-industrial production, namely, the use of the resource potential, the involvement of Russian manufacturers in the production of environmentally friendly products and the development of organic agriculture; the mechanisms for solving the set problems are substantiated.peer-reviewe

    Concurrent thermochemoradiotherapy for brain high-grade glioma

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    Despite the achievements in the current strategies for treatment, the prognosis in malignant glioma patients remains unsatisfactory. Hyperthermia is currently considered to be the most effective and universal modifier of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Preliminary treatment outcomes for 28 patients with newly diagnosed (23) and recurrent (5) high-grade gliomas were presented. All the patients received multimodality treatment including surgery, thermoche-moradiotherapy followed by 4 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy. All the patients endured thermochemoradiotherapy well. A complication, limited skin burn (II stage), was diagnosed in two cases and treated conservatively without treatment interruption. A month after thermochemoradiotherapy the results were as follows: complete regression was achieved in 4 cases, partial regression in 4 cases, stable disease in 14 cases and disease progression in 6 cases (one of them is pseudo-progression). After completing the adjuvant chemotherapy 2 more patients demonstrated complete response and 1 patient had disease progression. Introduction of local hyperthermia in multimodal therapy of malignant glioma does not impair the combined modality treatment tolerability of patients with malignant gliomas. A small number of studied patients and short follow-up time do not allow making reliable conclusions about the impact of local hyperthermia on the treatment outcomes; however, there is a tendency towards the increase in disease-free survival in the patients with newly diagnosed malignant gliomas

    The Total Synthesis of Convolutamydine a in the Conditions of the Catalysis by β-Aminoalcohols of Pinane and Carane Structure

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    This work was supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (grant № 15-03-09352 A)

    Features of Femtosecond Correction of High Myopia through Small Access

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    Aim. To modify the calculated parameters of the lenticle extraction refractive surgery through a small access (SMILE), evaluate its safety and clinical efficacy in correcting high myopia.Materials and methods. 34 patients (68 eyes) underwent surgery by a modified SMILE technology under local anesthesia. In all cases, the patients had a high degree of myopia, in 37 % in combination with astigmatism.Uncorrected visual acuity before surgery averaged 0.05 ± 0.11, best corrected visual acuity of 0.94 ± 0.1, the pre-operative spherical refraction component was –7.23 ± 0.75, the cylindrical component was –0.48 ± 0.59.During the operation, to obtain the maximum possible refraction result using the proposed method, the standard operation parameters were changed: the corneal flap thickness was reduced to 100 μm, the neural optical layer by 5 μm, the diameter of the optical zone depended on the residual cornea thickness, which should exceed 280–290 μm. Corneal access was increased by 15–20 degrees.Results. The next day after surgery, monocular uncorrected visual acuity in distance in 73 % of patients was 0.8 or higher, and in 41 % of cases it was equal to or exceeded 1.0. The spherical equivalent on the first day after surgery had a slight hypermetropic shift, which was completely leveled by the year of follow-up. During the surgical intervention and in the postoperative period, no complications were noted.Conclusion. Using the proposed algorithm for calculating the refractive effect of the operation SMILE with a high degree of myopia allows obtaining a high refractive effect and avoiding possible complications

    Efficiency of radiotherapy during local hyperthermia in the treatment of laryngeal and laryngopharyngeal cancer

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    Cancer of the larynx and laryngopharynx, which is accessible to visual and instrumental examination, remains the most relevant and complicated problem among head and neck malignances as before. Investigations show that the incidence of cancer at these sites in Russia in the last decade has risen from 4.5 to 9.67 %. This is a severe and poor prognostic form of cancer, which is characterized by its nonspecific early clinical manifestations, complex anatomic and topographic structure, and a high rate of regional metastases. The mainstay of treatment for head and neck cancer involves 3 components: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy (RT), which are performed alone or in combination. The most commonly used technique is combined, frequently crippling due to organ-removing operations. The clinical introduction of current radio modifiers, local and deep hyperthermia systems, is a promising approach to improving the results of treatment, to enhancing the radiation damage of RT, and to achieving the tumor regression sufficient for surgical intervention without augmenting the early and late toxicity inherent in chemoradiation treatment. The results of the performed study of 35 patients with T2–3N0–2M0 laryngeal and laryngopharyngeal cancer proved the high efficiency of local hyperthermia in treating malignancies in this region during both preoperative (grades III– IV therapeutic pathomorphism) and radical beam RT


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    The purpose of the study: to evaluate the effectiveness of postoperative management of the bronchial stump in lung cancer patients. material and methods. Forty-four patients with stage III lung cancer underwent endoscopic examination of the bronchial tree 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after surgery. The EVIS EXERAII and LUCERA videoendoscopic complexes with consistent use of white light mode, autofluorescence and narrow- spectrum mode were used. Endoscopic results were compared with morphological findings. Results. X-ray of the chest was negative for tumor recurrence in 3 (6.8 %) cases and early metachronous tumor of the trachea was revealed in 1 (2.3 %) case. The main endoscopic symptoms of early local recurrence in the bronchial stump were the marked lilac glow identified in the AFI mode and the mucosal vascular pattern deformation Timely diagnosis of recurrence allows a special treatment to be performed.Цель исследования - оценка эффективности комплексного послеоперационного мониторинга состояния культи оперированного бронха у больных раком легкого. Материал и методы. У 44 больных, оперированных по поводу рака легкого III стадии, в сроки через 3, 6, 9 и 12 мес после лечения проводилось комплексное эндоскопическое исследование бронхиального дерева на видеоэндоскопических комплексах EVIS EXERAII и LUCERA с последовательным использованием режима белого света, аутофлуоресценции и режима узкого спектра. Результаты эндоскопии сопоставляли с данными морфологического исследования. результаты. В 3 (6,8 %) случаях на различных этапах послеоперационного мониторинга были обнаружены рентгенонегативные рецидивы опухоли, в 1 (2,3 %) - ранняя метахронная опухоль трахеи. Основными эндоскопическими симптомами ранних местных рецидивов в культе оперированного бронха являются выраженное сиреневое свечение, выявляемое в режиме AFI, и различная деформация сосудистого рисунка слизистой оболочки. Своевременная диагностика рецидивного процесса позволяет провести специальное лечени


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    Studies of probable significance of different immunological mediators for the development of chronic allergic inflammation in patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) are necessary in order to specify potential targets for therapeutic intervention and timely diagnosis of the disease. The purpose of present study was to determine the features of immune response regulation, and to identify diagnostic markers associated with development of ABPA in patients with bronchial asthma, and to evaluate clinical and immunological efficacy of specific antimycotic therapy.The study involved 13 patients with ABPA, 14 patients with bronchial asthma with fungal sensitization (BAFS), 17 patients with bronchial asthma (BA) and 12 apparently healthy individuals. Levels of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC), IL-8, as well as levels of total IgE and specific IgE to Aspergillus fumigatus (A. fumigatus) were measured in blood serum by enzyme immunoassay; blood eosinophil counts were also made. Monitoring of these immunological markers in the course of antimycotic therapy was carried out.Significantly higher numbers of eosinophils, increased levels of total IgE and sIgE for A. fumigatus, as well as TARC and IL-8 in serum were revealed in patients with ABPA when compared to the patients with BA. No significant differences in TSLP content were found between the examined groups of patients. A positive correlation between the levels of sIgE to A. fumigatus and contents of TARC and IL-8, numbers of eosinophils, and total IgE levels confirms the important diagnostic value of proinflammatory cytokines in ABPA patients. In the course of itraconazole medication, a positive clinical and immunological dynamics in ABPA patients was revealed. After 12 weeks of therapy, a significant increase in AST, FEV1 and Tiffno respiratory indexes, along with decreased number of eosinophils, total IgE levels, and a trend towards a decrease in TARC and IL-8 levels were documented. This dynamics confirms clinical efficiency of antifungal drugs when treating chronic allergic inflammation in ABPA patients.Implementation of modern immunological biomarkers, alongside with traditional indicators, will allow to differentially evaluate a probability for ABLA development in patients with bronchial asthma, to present additional evidence for discerning early stages of the disease, and to conclude about the efficiency of the therapy applied

    Trust in distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evaluation of the quality of education of students and teachers of Russian universities

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    Introduction. The widespread transition of higher education institutions to distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to a decrease in education quality ratings. These trends, against the background of forecasts of an increase in the share of “distance learning” in the educational process, may initiate an increase in social tension, as well as a decrease in the level of trust in the activities of authorities that do not fully ensure the maintenance of the quality of education in the new conditions. Aim. The aim of the article was to assess the quality of education in the context of distance learning, to analyse the consequences of the transformation of the practices of interaction between a teacher and a student. Methodology and research methods. An all-Russian comprehensive sociological study was conducted using the following methods: questionnaires and focus groups. The first wave of the study was a survey of students of higher educational institutions of economic orientation from 14 regions of the Russian Federation (the sample population was 6,500 students). During the second wave, the following projects were implemented: 1) a survey of students of economic universities from 17 regions of the Russian Federation (sample population = 7600); 2) a survey of teachers of the Financial University (sample population = 520); 3) focus groups with students. Results and scientific novelty. The results obtained allow the authors to draw the following conclusions: the remote format of classes during the quarantine restrictions did not cause a sharp drop in the quality of education. Meanwhile, students’ preferences demonstrate a commitment to the traditional form of education. The factors that shape the readiness of students for distance education (course of study, budget/contract form, direction of training) are identified. The main problem is related to the lack of face-to-face communication, which is interpreted by the authors not so much as an objective limitation of the remote format of work, but as a subjective unavailability, low adaptation of pedagogical and communicative practices to remote online interaction. The study showed the strengthening of the role of informal network interactions that ensure the filling of the information vacuum in conditions of uncertainty, the formation of trust. Practical significance. The research results and conclusions can be used for further theoretical and practical developments in this area, and can also become the basis for the preparation of methodological recommendations to reduce the negative consequences of the introduction of distance learning and improve the quality of education in the new environment.Введение. Повсеместный переход высших учебных заведений на дистанционное обучение в период пандемии способствовал снижению оценок качества образования. Данные тенденции на фоне прогнозов увеличения доли «дистанта» в образовательном процессе могут инициировать рост социальной напряженности, а также снижение уровня доверия к деятельности органов власти, которые не в полной мере обеспечивают поддержание качества образования в новых условиях. Цель статьи заключалась в оценке качества образования в условиях дистанционного обучения, анализе последствий трансформации практик взаимодействия педагога и студента. Методология и методы. Проведено всероссийское комплексное социологическое исследование с применением следующих методов: анкетирование и фокус-группы. Первая волна исследования представляла собой опрос студентов высших учебных заведений экономической направленности из 14 регионов Российской Федерации (выборочная совокупность составила 6 500 обучающихся). В период второй волны были реализованы: 1) опрос студентов вузов экономической направленности из 17 регионов Российской Федерации (выборочная совокупность = 7 600); 2) опрос преподавателей Финансового университета (выборочная совокупность = 520); 3) фокус-группы со студентами. Результаты и научная новизна. Полученные результаты позволяют сделать следующие выводы: дистанционный формат проведения занятий в период карантинных ограничений не вызвал резкого падения оценок качества образования. Но при этом студенты демонстрируют приверженность к традиционной форме обучения. Выявлены факторы, формирующие удовлетворенность студентов дистанционным обучением (курс обучения, бюджетная/контрактная форма, направление подготовки). Основная проблема связана с недостатком очного общения, что интерпретируется авторами не столько как объективное ограничение дистанционного формата работы, сколько как субъективная неготовность, низкая адаптация педагогических и коммуникативных практик к удаленному онлайн взаимодействию. Исследование показало усиление роли неформальных сетевых взаимодействий, обеспечивающих заполнение информационного вакуума в условиях неопределенности, формирование доверияПрактическая значимость. Полученные результаты и сделанные на их основе выводы могут быть использованы для дальнейших теоретических и практических разработок в данной сфере, а также могут стать основой для подготовки методических рекомендаций по снижению негативных последствий внедрения дистанционного обучения и повышению качества образования в новых условиях.The current research was carried out based on the results of studies carried out at the expense of budgetary funds under the state assignment of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.Исследование выполнено по результатам исследований, выполненных за счет бюджетных средств по государственному заданию Финансового университета при Правительстве РФ