21 research outputs found


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    Rice is one of the staple foods produced from the rice plant. Rice productivity is increased by carrying out efforts to control diseases that usually attack rice plants. Tungro is one of the most destructive diseases of rice plants. Mathematical models can help solve problems in the spread of plant diseases. In this paper, the development of a mathematical model for the spread of tungro disease in rice plants with 6 compartments is developed involving rice in the vegetative and generative phases. Furthermore, stability analysis is carried out on the obtained model by using the Basic Reproduction Number ( ) search through the matrix method, especially through the search for transition matrices and transmission matrices. The analytical results show that when 1   the non-endemic equilibrium point is stable and when >1   the endemic equilibrium point is stable. Numerical results showed that rice plants in the generative phase were more infected than rice plants in the vegetative phase

    Apparel Production Optimization Model with Branch and Bound Method (Case Study: Sawargi Jersey Confectionery, West Java)

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    The production optimization model can find optimal results and maximum profits from a production activity by considering certain limitations. In this research, a production optimization model was created based on data on apparel production in UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) Konfeksi Sawargi Jersey in West Java by applying the Integer Linear Programming model and solving it using the Branch and Bound Method with the help of Software Python. This research was conducted because there are many business actors engaged in the same field, especially in the apparel and sports sectors, considering the problems that are often faced by UMKM owners, such as raw material supplies, production time, production costs, selling prices, production profits, and production limits, minimum and maximum production. Based on this study's results, the Branch and Bound Method application to optimize apparel production obtains more optimal results and maximum profits than the actual production carried out by UMKM Konfeksi Sawargi Jersey

    Comparison of the differential transformation method and non standard finite difference scheme for solving plant disease mathematical model

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    The Differential Transformation Method (DTM) and the Non Standard Finite Difference Scheme (NSFDS) are alternative numerical techniques used to solve a system of linear and nonlinear differential equations. In this paper, we construct the DTM and NSFDS for a mathematical model of plant disease transmission dynamics and compare their solutions to that generated by MATLAB ode45 routine, which is the well-established numerical routine. The solutions of the DTM and NSFDS are in good agreement with MATLAB ode45 routine in the small time step. However, when the time step is larger, the NSFDS performs better than the DTM

    Study of Mathematical Modeling for Plant Disease Transmission: A Systematic Literature Review during 2012-2022

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    Many models representing disease transmission have been constructed and analyzed mathematically. However, literature studies on the mathematical models for vector-borne disease are sparse, especially on the plant disease transmission model. This study aims to obtain information about the research conducted and find room for developing the model, including mathematical analysis, intervention used, and biological factors considered. We employ a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to explore all of the studies on plant disease transmission modeling collected from four digital databases. First, the JabRef reference manager helps conduct the inclusion and exclusion processing. Then, we obtain 60 selected articles that passed the criterion. Next, the VOSviewer application is resulting a bibliometric analysis of the database containing chosen articles. Finally, we classify the model constructed based on the system used and elaborate on the intervention used. The results show that the existing researcher clusters are not linked to each other, and the models only consider usual interventions such as roguing and insecticide spraying. Hence, there is much room to build collaboration between the researcher and develop models for plant disease transmission by considering the other various intervention and biological factors in the model to improve further


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    Paper ini mengkaji kontrol optimal vaksinasi dari model epidemiologi tipe SIR dengan adanya reinfeksi, dimana S adalah individu kompartemen susceptible, I adalah individu kompartemen infected, dan R adalah individu kompartemen recovered. Kontrol optimal vaksinasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektifitas vaksin pada pencegahan penyebaran suatu penyakit menular. Pada model ini juga ditentukan angka reproduksi dasar, titik ekuilibrium endemik dan nonendemik. Selanjutnya diberikan perhitungan numerik dengan menggunakan program Matlab untuk ilustrasi pengaruh kontrol vaksinasi terhadap kompartemen terinfeksi. Kata kunci: Kontrol optimal, vaksinasi, tipe SIR, titik ekuilibrium, angka reproduksi dasar

    Biological and Mechanical Transmission Models of Dengue Fever

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    Dengue fever disease is caused by the dengue virus and transmitted primarily by the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. There is no vaccine available to prevent transmission of the disease until recently which makes 30% of the worlds population is at risk of the disease. The Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are known as multiplebiters during their blood meal periods. There are two possible transmissions of the dengue virus from the mosquitoes to humans. First, infectious mosquitoes may transmit the virus through the bite to a susceptible human after the virus experiencing the extrinsic incubation period (EIP) in the body of the mosquitoes. Second, the transmission happens directly through the transfer of virus carried in the saliva of a mosquito to a susceptible human at the second bite without waiting for the EIP. The later is known as a mechanical transmission, which occurs when a susceptible mosquito bites an infectious human and almost at the same time it transmits the virus to a healthy human. Only a few literature consider this kind of dengue transmission. In this paper, we develop a mathematical model for dengue transmission by modifying the standard dengue transmission model with the presence of mechanical transmission. We show that the spreading behavior of the disease can be described by the basic reproduction number (BRN), R0. The disease will die out if R0 < 1, and it remains endemic if R0 > 1. The analysis shows that the ratio of the BRN in the presence and absence of the mechanical transmission increases as the mechanical transmission rate increases. There is also a significant change in the outbreak intensity especially when the mechanical transmission rate is greater than the biological transmission rate

    Mathematical Model as a Tool for the Control of Vector-Borne Diseases: Wolbachia Example

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    Dengue is a vector-borne disease that risks two-thirds of the world’s population particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. Strategies have been implemented, but they are only effective in the short term. A new innovative and promising strategy against dengue is by the use of Wolbachia bacterium. This requires that Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes should persist in the population. To assess the persistence of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes and its effects on dengue, a number of mathematical models have been formulated and analysed. In this chapter, we review the existing mathematical models of Wolbachia-carrying mosquito population dynamics and dengue with Wolbachia intervention and provide examples of the mathematical models. Simulations of the models are presented to illustrate the model’s solutions

    Kontrol Optimal Menggunakan A.aleyrodhis Penyebaran Penyakit Virus Kuning Pada Tanaman Terong

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    Dalam penelitian ini dibahas model matematis penyebaran penyakit kuning pada tanaman terong dengan protectant. Kami berasumsi bahwa protectant menggunkan ekstrak nabati daun pukul empat dapat meningkatkan sistem imun tanaman terong muda. Kami menunjukkan nilai Basic Reproduction Number (BRN)  dari transmisi penyakit tanaman. BRN dihitung dari nilai eigen terbesar dari Next generatin Matriks (NGM). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa jika ,  maka titik kesetimbangan endemik stabil, namun jika , maka titik ekuilibrium endemik menjadi tidak stabil. Kami juga membahas pengendalian kontrol optimal dari tanaman terong dan kutu kebul yang terinfeksi dengan mempertimbangkan pengobatan pencegahan menggunakan A.aleyrodhis yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi tanaman dan vektor yang terinfeksi dengan metode Pontrygain.. Hasil kontrol optimal menunjukkan A.aleyrodhis dapat mengurangi jumlah tanaman dan vektor yang terinfeksi dibandingkan tanpa kontrol

    Dynamical Analysis of a Modified Epidemic Model with Saturated Incidence Rate and Incomplete Treatment

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    This paper addresses a modified epidemic model with saturated incidence and incomplete treatment. The existence of all equilibrium points is analyzed. A reproduction number R0 is determined. Next, it is found that the non-endemic point P0 is stable in case R0<1, but unstable in case R0>1. The special conditions to analyze the local and global stability of the non-endemic and endemic points are investigated. Globally, the sensitivity analysis of the system is studied by combining the Latin Hypercube Sampling and Partial Rating Correlation Coefficients methods. By using the Pontryagins maximum principle, the optimal control problem is studied. Various numerical results are given to support our analysis

    Dynamical Analysis of a Modified Epidemic Model with Saturated Incidence Rate and Incomplete Treatment

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    This paper addresses a modified epidemic model with saturated incidence and incomplete treatment. The existence of all equilibrium points is analyzed. A reproduction number R0 is determined. Next, it is found that the non-endemic point P0 is stable in case R01, but unstable in case R0>1. The special conditions to analyze the local and global stability of the non-endemic and endemic points are investigated. Globally, the sensitivity analysis of the system is studied by combining the Latin Hypercube Sampling and Partial Rating Correlation Coefficients methods. By using the Pontryagins maximum principle, the optimal control problem is studied. Various numerical results are given to support our analysis