236 research outputs found


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    Genetically modified agri-foods are genetically modified using biotechnology. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) advantages are the focus of much attention in world food markets. Genetically modified crop technology is claimed also to have great potential for the worlds farmers and ultimately consumers, following initial success with genetically modified cotton varieties. Benefits for farmers could include greater productivity and less occupational health and environmental damage (e.g., fewer pesticides), while benefits to consumers include lower food prices and, potentially, enhanced attributes. Common genetically modified agri-foods include maize, soybeans, oilseed rape (canola), chicory, squash, potatoes, pineapples and strawberries. Genetically modified agri-foods are designed for greater resistance to pests and viruses, higher nutritional value and longer shelf life. However, their safety, potential risks and ethical concerns are still being debated. Laws to regulate labeling of genetically modified agri-foods vary. The public's perception of the risk of new technology is critical to its acceptance. Perception of risk, in turn, depends on the credibility of the source of the information and trust in the regulatory process. Keyword: Genetically modified agri-food, trade, concerns, necessit


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    Udang rebon (Mysis sp.) adalah salah satu hasil perikanan yang sangat diandalkan di Kabupaten Sambas, Kalimantan Barat, terutama pada musim togok, yaitu bulan Februari-Mei. Hasil tangkapan kelompok nelayan dapat mencapai 0,5-1 ton/hari, kecuali musim hujan. Namun, tangkapan menjadi cepat membusuk akibat infrastruktur untuk mengawetkan hasil tangkapan sangat terbatas. Salah satu upaya menaikkan nilai jual dan daya simpannya, maka udang rebon dioleh menjadi terasi oleh kelompok wanita nelayan. Proses pembuatan terasi tersebut masih sangat sederhana karena menggunakan kemasan kertas koran, daun atau plastik biasa sehingga menurunkan mutu produk serta lazim dijual dalam bentuk kering di pasar tradisional di wilayah sekitar. Kondisi ini dimanfaatkan oleh pedagang untuk mengambil nilai tambahnya dengan penggunaan kemasan yang lebih baik. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah pelatihan pada kelompok wanita nelayan agar memiliki pengetahuan dan praktek terkait pemilihan dan label kemasan yang lebih menarik dan aman. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan pada 18 orang wanita nelayan di Kecamatan Selakau, Kabupaten Sambas dengan analisis deskriptif, dan distribusi frekwensi. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketercapaian pengetahuan adalah tinggi dan cukup, tetapi masih ada kesenjangan dengan keterampilannya terutama terkait persyaratan kemasan. Oleh sebab itu, keseriusan dan kemauan untuk memperoleh informasi terkait kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen, pemasaran dan promosi melalui pameran dan kerjasama stakeholders’ serta dukungan dan peran serta pemerintah daerah melalui pembinaan, penyuluhan, pelatihan, kemudahan akses modal, bantuan alat pengawetan hasil tangkapan serta perbaikan infrastrukur sangat diperlukan untuk mendorong berkembangnya usaha secara berkelanjuta

    Creating Strategic Competence of Independent Smallholders for Sustainable Palm Oil

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    Penelitian dilakukan di kabupaten perbatasan melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap 120 petani swadaya dalam kerangka Minyak Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan Indonesia (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil/ISPO), mencakup aspek hukum, pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan, organisasi petani dan aspek manajemen untuk mewujudkan kompetensi strategis menggunakan diagram sungai dan diagram tangga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa target inisiatif kinerja kompetensi terkait aspek legalitas dan manajemen lingkungan serta aspek pengawasan adalah mempelajari dan menerima praktik pengetahuan secara bertahap dalam semua kelompok petani, termasuk pengetahuan terkait tindakan pencegahan dan pengendalian kebakaran dan peningkatan bisnis secara berkelanjutan. Selain itu, target inisiatif kinerja kompetensi terkait aspek pencegahan dan pengendalian kebakaran dan keanekaragaman hayati adalah menerima transfer pengetahuan. Namun, daerah yang memiliki kompetensi lebih tinggi atau kesenjangan kompetensi yang lebih rendah dapat menjadi penyedia penerima pengetahuan dengan mempertimbangkan adopsi teknologi dan metode motivasi yang sesuai. Oleh karena itu, upaya mengatasi pengetahuan dan kompetensi petani rendah atau kesenjangan yang tinggi antara pengetahuan dan kompetensi dilakukan dengan pendekatan menangkap pengetahuan dengan cara memastikan bahwa semua petani belajar dan dapat mengakses layanan dan inovasi; dan pendekatan berbagi pengetahuan melalui program pendidikan dan pelatihan, praktik budidaya yang tepat, sertifikasi, dan kemitraan dengan universitas, perusahaan, pemerintah dan masyarakat

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Pengkajian Dan Penanganan Kasus Pertanahan Di Kota Palu

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    This Research Target is know and analyse the Policy Implementation of[is Solving of dispute Land Ground in Palu Town of this Research Type is research qualitative with the informan selected by the four of people. Data collecting use the technique interview and documentation. Technique analyse the data used by that is (1) Editing (2) Subdividing (3) Interpretation Mean (4) Withdrawal of Conclusion and Suggestion. Result of Research (1) policy Implementation of solving of land;ground dispute in Office of Land;Ground of Palu Town seen from factor of standard and policy target not yet walked better, seen from time duration still in solving of dispute, so that society feel saturated in managing dispute and visit upon the office of Land;Ground of Palu Town. (2) policy Implementation is solving of land;ground dispute in Office of Land;Ground of Palu Town seen from Resource factor not yet walked better this matter is seen from there no fund prepared to the solving of dispute and also medium also not yet adequate. Like there no counter of denunciating of land;ground dispute. (3) policy Implementation is solving of land;ground dispute in Office of Land;Ground of Palu Town seen from factor comunicatioan, characteristic, political and economic social condition and also disposition factor not yet walked better, this matter is seen by that tren of dispute denunciating every year tend to increase later;then facility which disedikan not yet adequate and also supported by result of interview with the informan conducted by a field telling not yet walked bette

    Behavioral Changes of Independent Palm Smallholders Farmers through Farmer Institution

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    Farmer institutions along with regulatory, normative, and cultural cognitive aspects have important roles in social cohesion to achieve the food security of independent palm smallholder farmer households. However, some dysfunctionalities and external challenges affect the structure of their institutions. This paper aims to find ways to change the behavior of independent palm smallholder farmers by identifying the internal and external factors of their behaviors in their institutions. The data were collected from 100 smallholders in West Kalimantan using Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results indicate that the internal factors do not influence farmers’ behavior because of lack of social influences on their relationships, exceptional characteristics of the region, and a mismatch between perceived risk sources and risk management strategies. Meanwhile, the external factors (the surrounding environment, institutional information, the extension roles, ISPO, reward, and family encouragement) show positive influences on farmers' behavior. Therefore, to optimize the behavioral changes of independent palm smallholders in their institutions, knowledge exchange is necessary through formal or informal communication networks. Also, they need to have the connections with institutional buyers and potential agro-processing entrepreneurs and the connection with appropriate formal saving schemes, and financial products in their value chains

    Pelatihan Online Marketing Pada Pelaku UMKM Olahan Makanan

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    Online marketing is a set of tools and methodologies used to promote products and services over the internet. Online marketing includes broader marketing elements than traditional business marketing because of the extra channels and marketing mechanisms available on the internet. Online marketing is also known as marketing using the internet, web-based marketing, and digital marketing. Community service activities aim to increase the number of research outputs and community service per lecturer, which have succeeded in gaining international recognition or been implemented by the community (IKU 5). The solution for improving processed food MSMEs related to online marketing is carried out using counseling and demonstration (Practice) methods. Marketing management regarding online marketing in question is knowledge about online marketing, techniques for managing grammar in online marketing, and online marketing evaluation techniques. This activity includes counseling and technical guidance packaged in the form of online marketing knowledge and skills. The number of participants who will take part in the training is 10 people at UMKM Chef Gui in Pontianak. The stages of implementing Community Service consist of planning, field observation, preparation, implementation of training, evaluation and monitoring, reporting and dissemination of the results of Community Service Activities. Conclusion: The community service activities carried out went well. Chef Gui's Food Processed MSME employees received increased knowledge (75 percent) regarding online marketing for Community Service

    Performance Behavior of Corn Smallholders for Sustainable Cooperative Change in West Kalimantan

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    The production of corn as the second most important cereal crops after rice is dominated by smallholders, particularly in West Kalimantan. However, smallholders in farmer cooperatives are unsustainable because of the lack of decision-making power at the grassroots level; limited access to land, capital, technologies, information and financial services; low market competitiveness; weak management; and limited policy and socio-cultural norms. This research aims to construct the behavior model for performance change of cooperative farmers in Rasau Jaya, Kubu Raya district, West Kalimantan. It involved 75 smallholders recruited using purposive sampling technique. In-depth interviews using the structural equation modeling/SEM based on the new institutional approach and the theory of planned behavior were used in the study. The findings proved that intentions and past behaviors have positive and negative influence on farmers' cooperative behavior, but contradicted with control. Therefore, there are several efforts for changing the behavior in corn farmers’cooperatives, i.e. the perceived behavioral control can stimulate the motivation to be long-lived performing based on the resources and opportunities; pro-environmental behavior needs to engage a supportive injunctive norm and a supportive descriptive norm; a subjective norm for motivation to exhibitthe positive experiential attitude; and the confidence to perform and control their performance
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