750 research outputs found

    Studi Motivasi dan Trend Berpakaian Wanita Muslimah dalam Mengenakan Hijab pada Mahasiswi di Universitas Sriwijaya

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    Seiring perkembangan busana modern pakaian muslimah (hijab) mendapat tempat yang istimewa di mata wanita-wanita muslimah, sehingga model dan gaya busana muslimah juga dapat bersaing di dunia bisnis pakaian, terutama di negara-negara mayoritas muslim. Kenyataan ini juga mempengaruhi dalam pakaian dalam dunia pendidikan tinggi, Perguruan Tinggi Umum (PTU) seperti Universitas Sriwijaya dalam peraturan berpakaian mengikuti aturan umum bebas pantas dan tidak ada kewajiban khusus. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap dan menganalisis motivasi mahasiswi berbusana muslimah, apakah karena perintah agama, apakah karena matakuliah Pendidikan Agama Islam atau budaya yang berkembang dalam tren berpakaian saat ini, serta apakah pakaian tersebut menunjukkan identitas kelompok atau tidak, baik dari sisi pemahaman keagamaan atau dari sisi trend berpakaian saja. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, Secara umum walaupun tidak ada aturan resmi dari universitas, mahasiswi muslimah mayoritas menggunakan hijab di lingkungan kampus, dengan perbandingan 90% berhijab dan 10% tidak berhijab bagi kampus yang berada di Indralaya. Namun berbeda dengan kampus yang berada di kota Palembang perbandingannya 60% berhijab 40% tidak berhijab. Model dan trend hijab yang mereka gunakan dapat dikelompokkan kepada: Hijab Gaul (tidak syar’i), hijab standar (semi syar’i), hijab panjang (syar’i) dan hijab plus cadar. Sedangkan cara mereka memakai hijab juga bervariasi, berhijab saat mata kuliah agama Islam saja, berhijab saat di kampus dan tidak di luar kampus, berhijab tetap di manapun berada

    Learning Assessment With Portofolio

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    To find out the competencies a person has, we need a tool called evaluation. There are two things that need to be distinguished in evaluation, the meaning is measurement and assessment or interpretation. To be able to measure correctly, you need the correct measurement tool too. The correct measuring device must meet several requirements, including: valid,reliable, and practical. There are several types of measuring devices. In addition there are subjective measurement tools (essays), objectives (multiple choice, matchmaking, short content, and right-wrong), and performance, now it is beginning to be known as portfolio measurement tools. The portfolio is a collection of the work of a student as a result of carrying out a performance task, which is determined by the teacher or by students with the teacher, as part of an effort to achieve learning goals, or achieve competencies specified in the curriculum. Key Word : Learning, Assessment, Portofoli


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    This research is important to integrate the vision and mission of Small and Medium Industries of Creative Telematics with the vision and mission of the Manufacturing Industry especially in West Java province, considering the facts or  existing condition  that between Small and Medium Industries of Creative Telematics and the Manufacturing Industry still run on their own way and there has not been symbiotic mutualism  relations and /or orientation of activities between the two levels of industry has not been integrated. This study was conducted by using empirical juridical approach which is oriented towards holistic study and in the process, legal disciplines receive related disciplines .Analysis of the object of research was conducted through legal analysis The results of this analysis is the drafting of Integration Model Construction of Small and Medium Industries of Creative Telematics in the strengthening of manufacturing industry to increase productivity and competitiveness of industry in west java province, which can be briefly described as follows: a) Intellectual Property Rights produced by Small and Medium Industries of Creative Telematics either Copyrights, Patents, industrial design, or Right to Layout Design of Integrated Circuits is appreciated and is utilized by the specific manufacturing industry, so that both Small and Medium Industries of Creative Telematics and specific manufacturing industry get Added Value to increase the productivity and the competitiveness of local industry and national industry, and periodically Small and Medium Industries of Creative Telematics get the program of technical and management assistance  from the specific manufacturing industry in order to meet the standardization of quality of products and quantity of products which is in accordance with standards set by the specific manufacturing industry, and also to gain greater trust from Financial Services  to boost the capital; b) the specific manufacturing Industry got efficiency and effectiveness in developing the investments especially related to the fulfillment of the market demands ( design development) and production capacity through symbiotic mutualism and Small and Medium Industries of Creative Telematics; c) The government obtained the holistic study as materials to formulate legislation (Act, government regulations, local regulations) in the field of development of Small and Medium Industries of Creative Telematics in particular, the integrated industrial development and the sustainable industrial development, and the increase of regional revenue in the form of both local taxes and levies. and d) Financial Institutions ( Financial Services ) can reduce or minimize the potency of bad loans from the Small and Medium Industries of Creative Telematics.   &nbsp


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    Abstrak Secara umum ada dua faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa yaitu internal dan eksternal, minat siswa termasuk ke dalam salah satu faktor internal yang memiliki hubungan erat terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Minat yaitu munculnya sikap positif terhadap suatu objek yang berkeinginan untuk mendapatkannya. Petanquedalah olahraga yang tidak terlalu membutuhkan banyak energi tetapi membutuhkan konsentrasi dan ketepatan tinggi. Artikel ini dibuat untuk mengetahui hubungan minat siswa terhadap hasil belajar shooting petanque jarak 6 meter di SDN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non eksperimen dan desain yang digunakan adalah korelasional. Sebanyak 20 siswa yang ikut ekstrakurikuler petanque menjadi sampel penelitian berdasarkan teknik total sampling. Variabel minat diukur menggunakan angket minat dan variabel hasil belajar shooting menggunakan tes keterampilan shooting. Teknik analisis data dilakukan tiga tahap, yaitu: (1) uji validitas dan relibilitas angket minat menggunakan korelasi dan Cronbach’s Alpha; (2) deskriptif statistik; dan (3) uji hipotesis menggunakan korelasi product moment. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara minat dan hasil belajar shooting petanque (r= -0,398, p= 0,082>0,05). Berdasarkan besar r-hitung maka kekuatan hubungan minat siswa dan hasil belajar shooting petanque yaitu rendah. Berdasarkan indeks diterminsi (r-hitung kuadrat) bahwa variabel minat memiliki kontribusi terhadap hasil belajar shooting petanque yaitu sebesar 15,8%. Kata Kunci:  minat; tembak; petanque Abstract In general, there are two factors that influence student learning outcomes, namely internal and external, student interest is included in one of the internal factors that have a close relationship to student learning outcomes. Interest is the emergence of a positive attitude towards an object that wants to get it. Petanque is a sport that does not require a lot of energy but requires high concentration and precision. This article was created to determine the relationship between students' interest in learning outcomes of shooting petanque 6 meters away at SDN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung. This research is a non-experimental research and the design used is correlational. A total of 20 students who took part in extracurricular petanque became the research sample based on the total sampling technique. Interest variables were measured using an interest questionnaire and shooting learning outcomes variables using shooting skills tests. The data analysis technique was carried out in three stages, namely: (1) testing the validity and reliability of the interest questionnaire using correlation and Cronbach's Alpha; (2) descriptive statistics; and (3) hypothesis testing using product moment correlation. The results showed that there was no relationship between interest and learning outcomes of shooting petanque (r= -0.398, p= 0.082>0.05). Based on the large r-count, the strength of the relationship between student interests and learning outcomes of shooting petanque is low. Based on the index of termination (r-count squared) that the variable of interest has a contribution to the learning outcomes of shooting petanque by 15.8%. Keywords: interest; shooting; petanque &nbsp


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    Abstrak Teknologi berkembang pesat dan telah menjadi hal umum di kalangan semua kelompok usia anak-anak, remaja, dan orang dewasa. Kemajuan ini telah melahirkan berbagai alat dan media, dengan internet menjadi contoh yang menonjol. Di tengah pandemi, pendidikan dan kegiatan lain beralih ke dunia online, menggunakan platform seperti Zoom dan Google Meet. Game online kini menjadi gaya hidup baru bagi semua kalangan, terutama anak-anak zaman sekarang. Game online mobile adalah salah satu game online yang berbasis mobile hanya menggunakan ponsel dan jaringan internet sudah dapat diakses atau dimainkan dengan mudah. Jika bermian game online mobile dengan waktu yang lama akan berdampak kepada penggunanya yaitu menurunkan kesehatan dan membuat kecanduan pada game online mobile tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kebiasaan bermain game online mobile pada peserta didik kelas XI di SMA Dharma Wanita Surabaya dan mengetahui dampak buruk bermain game online mobile yang berpengaruh kepada kebugaran jasmani peserta didik dan diberikannya kuesioner untuk diisi oleh peserta didik untuk mengetahui kebiasaan dan dampak buruk bermain game online mobile pada peserta didik. Kemudian untuk mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani peserta didik akan diukur dengan instrumen tes yaitu tes MFT (Multistage Fitness Test). Ho pada penelitian ini yaitu tidak ada pengaruh game online mobile terhadap kebugaran jasmani peserta didik dan Ha yaitu adanya pengaruh game online mobile terhadap kebugaran jasmani peserta didik. Dan hasil pengujian nilai Sig. uji kruskal wallis test pada hasil ini adalah (0.002) jadi Ha dapat diterima dan Ho ditolak karena (0.02 < 0.05). Kata Kunci: kebugaran jasmani; game online mobile; multistage fitness test Abstract Technology is rapidly evolving and has become commonplace among all age groups of children, teenagers and adults. These advancements have spawned a variety of tools and media, with the internet being a prominent example. Amidst the pandemic, education and other activities have moved online, using platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet. Online gaming is now a new lifestyle for all, especially kids in this era. Mobile online games are one of the mobile-based online games that only use cell phones and internet networks that can be accessed or played easily. If playing mobile online games for a long time will have an impact on its users, which is to reduce health and make addiction to these mobile online games. This study was conducted to determine the habits of playing mobile online games in class XI students at SMA Dharma Wanita Surabaya and to find out the adverse effects of playing mobile online games that affect the physical fitness of students and a questionnaire was given to be filled in by students to find out the habits and adverse effects of playing mobile online games on students. Then to find out the level of physical fitness of students will be measured by test instruments, namely the MFT (Multistage Fitness Test) test. Ho in this study is that there is no effect of mobile online games on the physical fitness of students and Ha is the effect of mobile online games on physical fitness. Keywords: physical fitness; mobile online game; multistage fitness test &nbsp


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    Abstrak Pendidikan jasmani merupakan mata pelajaran yang mengajarkan kemampuan fisik, motorik, dan pengetahuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa pada ekstrakurikuler bola voli menggunakan jenis penelitian pendekatan kuantitatif, desain penelitian studi perbandingan. Penelitian dilakukan di MAN Lumajang dan SMAN 1 Wonoayu. Instrumen penelitian tes kebugaran jasmani berupa vertical jump, sit up, lari 60m, pull up, lari 1200m. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 6 siswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney Test yang bertujuan melihat perbedaan hasil pada setiap kelompok. Hasil penelitian ini vertical jump SMAN 1 Wonoayu 30,50cm dan MAN Lumajang 31,33cm. Sit up SMAN 1 Wonoayu 51,50 kali dan MAN Lumajang 45,83 kali. Lari 60m SMAN 1 Wonoayu 9,57 detik dan MAN Lumajang 8,47 detik. Pull up SMAN 1 Wonoayu 8,67 kali dan MAN Lumajang 7,67 kali. Lari 1200m SMAN 1 Wonoayu 7.60 dan MAN Lumajang 6.61. Kesimpulannya tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor vertical jump yang diperoleh keduanya, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor sit up yang diperoleh keduanya dimana SMAN 1 Wonoayu memiliki skor yang lebih baik 51,50 kali dari pada MAN Lumajang 45,83 kali, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara waktu Lari 60m yang diperoleh keduanya dimana SMAN 1 Wonoayu memiliki skor waktu yang lebih baik 9,57 detik dari pada MAN Lumajang 8,47 detik, tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor vertical jump yang diperoleh keduanya, dan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara waktu Lari 1200m yang diperoleh di keduanya dimana MAN Lumajang memiliki skor waktu yang lebih baik 6.61 dari pada SMAN 1 Wonoayu 7.60. Kata Kunci: kebugaran jasmani; ekstrakulikuler; bola voli Abstract Physical education is a subject that teaches physical abilities, motor skills, and knowledge. This study aims to students the level of physical fitness in volleyball extracurricular using a quantitative approach, a comparative study research design. The research was conducted at MAN Lumajang and SMAN 1 Wonoayu. Physical fitness test research instruments in vertical jumps, sit up, 60m run, pull up, 1200m run. The data analysis technique used the Mann-Whitney Test which aims to see the difference in results in each group. The results of this study vertical jump SMAN 1 Wonoayu 30.50 cm and MAN Lumajang 31.33 cm. sit up at SMAN 1 Wonoayu 51.50 times and MAN Lumajang 45.83 times. The 60m run for SMAN 1 Wonoayu was 9.57 seconds and MAN Lumajang was 8.47 seconds. The sample of this research is 6 students. Pull up at SMAN 1 Wonoayu 8.67 times and MAN Lumajang 7.67 times. Run 1200m at SMAN 1 Wonoayu 7.60 and MAN Lumajang 6.61. In conclusion, there is no significant difference between the vertical jump scores obtained between the two. There is a substantial difference between the sit-up scores obtained by both, where SMAN 1 Wonoayu has a better score of 51.50 times than MAN Lumajang 45.83 times, there is a significant difference between the 60m running time obtained by both, where SMAN 1 Wonoayu has a better time score of 9.57 seconds than MAN Lumajang 8.47 seconds, there is no significant difference between the vertical jump scores obtained by both, and there is a significant difference between 1200m Running time gained in both where MAN Lumajang had a better time score of 6.61 than SMAN 1 Wonoayu 7.60. Keywords: physical fitness; extracurricular; volleybal


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    Abstrak Pandemi covid-19 menyebabkan pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring. Aktivitas fisik mahasiswa semakin berkurang dikarenakan hanya duduk, berbaring, dan bermain gadget. Hal ini menyebabkan naiknya berat badan dan terjadi obesitas yang berdampak terhadap keseimbangan tubuh karena kekuatan otot perut yang menurun. Penelitian  ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kondisi core strenght mahasiswa Pendidikan Geografi selama pembelajaran mata kuliah Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kebugaran dimasa pandemi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian Eksperimen Semu. Sampel yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini di ambil dari mahasiswa Pendidikan Geografi 2020 Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Hukum UNESA sebanyak 83 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling dan instrumen untuk mengukur kekuatan core strenght menggunakan plank test. Berdasarkan analisis data menggunakan Kolmogorof-Smirnov Test menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifkansi pre test dan post test lebih kecil dari 0,05 yang berarti distribusi data tidak normal. Dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Non Parametrik Dependent Wiloxon bahwa ada perbandingan hasil tes keterampilan plank test yang signifikan antara pre test dan post test dengan rata-rata hasil yang diperoleh pre test 42.99 dan rata-rata hasil yang diperoleh post test 54.22. menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dari sebelum dan sesudah test. Hasil test wiloxon diperoleh sebanyak 61 mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan, 16 mahasiswa mengalami penurunan dan 6 mahasiswa tetap . Hasil kesimpulan yang diperoleh terjadi peningkatan kondisi core strenght mahasiswa Pendidikan Geografi UNESA selama menempuh mata kuliah Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kebugaran dimasa pandemi covid-19. Kata Kunci: pendidikan jasmani; pembelajaran daring; core strenght Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has forced learning to take place online. Students' physical activity is decreasing because they just sit, lie down, and play gadgets. This causes weight gain and obesity which affects the balance of the body due to decreased abdominal muscle strength. This study aims to determine the improvement of thecondition  core strength of Geography Education students during the learning of Physical Education and Fitness courses during the pandemic. The type of research used is a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental research design. The sample used for this study was taken from 83 students of Geography Education 2020 Faculty of Social Sciences and Law UNESA. This study using sampling techniques purposive and instruments for measuring the strength of core strenght using the plank test. Data analysis using the Kolmogorof-Smirnov Test, it shows that the significance value of the pre test and post test is less than 0.05, which means that the data distribution is not normal. Followed by the Difference Test Wiloxon Dependent Non-Parametric  that there is a significant comparison of the skills test results plank test between the pre test and post test with the average results obtained by the pre test 42.99 and the average results obtained by the post test 54.22. showed an increase from before and after the test.results Wiloxon test obtained as many as 61 students experienced an increase, 16 students experienced a decrease and 6 students remained. The conclusions obtained were an increase in thecondition core strength of UNESA Geography Education students while taking Physical Education and Fitness courses during the covid-19 pandemic Learning, Core. Keywords: physical education; online learning; core strenght &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk tujuan menganalisis dan menguji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai.  Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai pada Dinas Pengendalian Penduduk, Keluarga Berencana, Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (DP2KBP2PA) Kabupaten Kendal dengan jumlah 36 orang  maka teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel quota sampling, maka sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah sebanyak 36 responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara faktor lingkungan kerja memberikan peran yang positif terhadap kinerja pegawai dengan bobot nilai 66,8% sedangkan motivasi kerja juga memberikan peran positif terhadap kinerja pegawai dengan bobot 28,1% dari dua faktor tersebut mempunyai nilai pengaruh sebesar 94,9%, terhadap kinerja pegawai, sedangkan 5,1 % lainnya di pengaruhi oleh faktor lain diluar penelitian ini. Kata kunci : lingkungan kerja, motivasi kerja dan kinerja pegawa


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    Abstrak Kebugaran jasmani adalah unsur terpenting dalam menjalankan kegiatan fisik, dengan mempunyai kualitas tubuh yang bugar maka siswa dapat menjalankan kegiatan fisik dengan baik. Apabila siswa tidak memperhatikan dan menjaga kebugaran jasmani maka tingkat kebugaran jasmaninya akan menurun atau bernilai lebih rendah. Dari observasi awal di sekolah terdapat permasalahan pada kebugaran jasmani siswa, hal ini dapat dilihat dari kegiatan siswa yang beragam, ada yang lebih banyak duduk ada juga yang beraktivitas olahraga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani menurut aktivitas yang dilakukan siswa di sekolah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian meliputi semua siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Jetis yang berjumlah 53 siswa (16 putra dan 37 putri). Sampel yang digunakan yaitu teknik simple random sampling terdiri dari 26 siswa (8 putra dan 18 putri). Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen Tes Kebugaran Jasmani Indonesia (TKJI) dengan katagori umur 16 hingga 19 tahun, instrumen tersebut digunakan sebagai alat untuk mengumpulkan data. Hasil analisis data dan temuan di lapangan yang didapatkan menunjukkan siswa putra sebagian besar mendapatkan klasifikasi kebugaran jasmani Kurang (K) dengan persentase 46% dan siswa putri sebagian besar mendapatkan klasifikasi kebugaran jasmani Kurang Sekali (KS). Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Jetis tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa masih tergolong rendah. Maka dari itu perlu adanya perhatian khusus dari guru PJOK kepada siswa guna untuk menunjang peningkatan kebugaran jasmani. Diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini kedepannya dapat bermanfaat serta bisa digunakan sebagai bahan acuan sekolah untuk lebih memperhatikan kondisi kebugaran jasmani siswa. Kata Kunci: survei; kebugaran jasmani; siswa Abstract Physical fitness is the most important element in carrying out physical activities, by having a fit body quality, students will be able to carry out physical activities properly. If students do not pay attention to and maintain physical fitness the level of physical fitness will decrease or have a lower value. From initial observations at the school there were problems with the physical fitness of students, this can be seen from the various student activities, some of them sat more while others did sports activities. The study aims to determine the level of physical fitness according to the activities carried out by students at school. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. The population were all grade XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Jetis, totaling 53 students (16 boys and 37 girls). The sample used is simple random technique sampling consists of 26 students (8 boys and 18 girls). This study uses the indonesian physical fitness test instrument (TKJI) with the age category 16 to 19 years, the instrument is used as a tool collect data. The results of the analysis of the data obtained and the findings in the field show that most of the male students get the classification of Physical Fitness Less (K) with a percentage of 46% and the majority of female students get the classification of Physical Fitness Very Less (KS). The research results obtained by class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Jetis show that the level of physical fitness of students is still relatively low. Therefore, there is a need for special attention from PJOK teachers to students in order to support a better level of physical fitness of students. It is hoped that the results of this research will be useful in the future and can be used school reference material to pay more attention to students physical fitness conditions. Keywords: survey; physical fitness; student

    Development to Motivate the Interest and Ability of Entrepreneurship of Medika Suherman University Students

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    Indonesia is a large country, but the proportion of entrepreneurs in the population is very small. Empirical facts show that the number of university graduates has increased significantly over time, while the absorption capacity of the labor market is very low. So it is deemed necessary to develop student entrepreneurship. The purpose of this activity is to provide information about entrepreneurship and increase interest in entrepreneurship for students. The PkM team helps activity participants to be motivated and have an interest in the business world through the provision of material delivered by the speakers. The PkM team also helps provide assistance and training to activity participants. Based on the PkM activities that have been carried out, it is concluded that "PkM activities add insight and knowledge related to entrepreneurship in Suherman Medika University students so that they get better and better". Of course it is important to provide entrepreneurship education so that competent young entrepreneurs develop and understand the ability and stability to progress in inculcating attitudes, behaviors, awareness and skills. This can foster an entrepreneurial spirit, attitude, behavior and skills in students and society who are competent, reliable and superior. Besides that, it will foster strong and strong entrepreneurial awareness and orientation to students and the community. Of course it is important to provide entrepreneurship education so that competent young entrepreneurs develop and understand the ability and stability to progress in inculcating attitudes, behaviors, awareness and skills. This can foster an entrepreneurial spirit, attitude, behavior and skills in students and society who are competent, reliable and superior. Besides that, it will foster strong and strong entrepreneurial awareness and orientation to students and the community. Of course it is important to provide entrepreneurship education so that competent young entrepreneurs develop and understand the ability and stability to progress in inculcating attitudes, behaviors, awareness and skills. This can foster an entrepreneurial spirit, attitude, behavior and skills in students and society who are competent, reliable and superior. Besides that, it will foster strong and strong entrepreneurial awareness and orientation to students and the community
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