14 research outputs found

    Can You Fool AI by Doing a 180? \unicode{x2013} A Case Study on Authorship Analysis of Texts by Arata Osada

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    This paper is our attempt at answering a twofold question covering the areas of ethics and authorship analysis. Firstly, since the methods used for performing authorship analysis imply that an author can be recognized by the content he or she creates, we were interested in finding out whether it would be possible for an author identification system to correctly attribute works to authors if in the course of years they have undergone a major psychological transition. Secondly, and from the point of view of the evolution of an author's ethical values, we checked what it would mean if the authorship attribution system encounters difficulties in detecting single authorship. We set out to answer those questions through performing a binary authorship analysis task using a text classifier based on a pre-trained transformer model and a baseline method relying on conventional similarity metrics. For the test set, we chose works of Arata Osada, a Japanese educator and specialist in the history of education, with half of them being books written before the World War II and another half in the 1950s, in between which he underwent a transformation in terms of political opinions. As a result, we were able to confirm that in the case of texts authored by Arata Osada in a time span of more than 10 years, while the classification accuracy drops by a large margin and is substantially lower than for texts by other non-fiction writers, confidence scores of the predictions remain at a similar level as in the case of a shorter time span, indicating that the classifier was in many instances tricked into deciding that texts written over a time span of multiple years were actually written by two different people, which in turn leads us to believe that such a change can affect authorship analysis, and that historical events have great impact on a person's ethical outlook as expressed in their writings

    Improving Polish to English Neural Machine Translation with Transfer Learning: Effects of Data Volume and Language Similarity

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    This paper investigates the impact of data volume and the use of similar languages on transfer learning in a machine translation task. We find out that having more data generally leads to better performance, as it allows the model to learn more patterns and generalizations from the data. However, related languages can also be particularly effective when there is limited data available for a specific language pair, as the model can leverage the similarities between the languages to improve performance. To demonstrate, we fine-tune mBART model for a Polish-English translation task using the OPUS-100 dataset. We evaluate the performance of the model under various transfer learning configurations, including different transfer source languages and different shot levels for Polish, and report the results. Our experiments show that a combination of related languages and larger amounts of data outperforms the model trained on related languages or larger amounts of data alone. Additionally, we show the importance of related languages in zero-shot and few-shot configurations

    Surgical interventions in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 : a review of seven months of experience working in a COVID-19 dedicated centre

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    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has made changes to the traditional way of performing surgical consultations. The aim of the present study was to assess the need for surgical care performed by various surgical specialties among patients infected with COVID-19 hospitalized in a COVID-19 dedicated hospital. All surgical consultations performed for patients infected with COVID-19 in a COVID dedicated hospital in a seven month period were evaluated. Data on demographics, surgical specialty, consult reason, procedure performed, and whether it was a standard face to face or teleconsultation were gathered. Out of 2359 COVID-19 patients admitted to the hospital in the seven month period, 229 (9.7%) required surgical care. Out of those 108 consultations that did not lead to surgery, 71% were managed by telemedicine. A total of 36 patients were operated on while suffering from COVID-19. Out of them, only three patients admitted primarily for COVID-19 pneumonia underwent emergency surgery. The overall mortality among those operated on was 16.7%. Conclusions: Patients hospitalised with COVID-19 may require surgical care from various surgical specialties, especially during peaks of the pandemic. However, they rarely require a surgical procedure and only occasionally require major surgery. A significant portion of potentially surgical problems could be managed by teleconsultations

    Plasma total antioxidant status in breast cancer women in relation to lymph node involvement and HER-2/neu expression

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    BackgroundOxidants can act at several stages of malignant transformation. To protect against toxic effects of oxidants and to modulate physiological effects of their action organisms have developed antioxidant defence systems. Plasma total antioxidant activity (TAS) measures peroxyl-scavenging capacity of the extracellular antioxidant system.AimThe goal of this pilot study was to evaluate the plasma total antioxidant status in breast cancer women in relation to lymph node metastases and HER-2/neu expression.Materials/MethodsNewly diagnosed consecutive breast cancer patients (n=26) were recruited before any treatment and matched with controls (n=24) randomly selected from benign breast disease patients. Cancer progress was established according to lymph node involvement: No or N+. HER-2/neu was considered as either negative (0 or 1+) or positive (2+ or 3+). The plasma total antioxidant status (TAS) was measured by colorimetric test (RANDOX). HER-2/neu oncogene expression was determined in breast cancer tissue using the immunohistochemical method (Hercep Test).ResultsThe study demonstrated a significant decrease in the mean TAS level (mmol/L) in the breast cancer group (1.42±0.22) in comparison to the control group (1.56±0.18;

    Recommendations for diagnostics and therapy of adult patients with malignant primary bone tumors

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    Bone sarcomas comprise a heterogenous group of rare mesenchymal tumors (less than 0.5% of malignant neoplasms in adults). From clinical point of view they can be divided into two main groups: spindle-cell sarcomas (osteosarcomas, majority of chondrosarcomas and less common subtypes) and small-cell sarcomas (mainly Ewing family of tumors). Correct diagnosis and effective therapy is performed by cooperation of radiologists, oncological and orthopedics surgeons, clinical oncologists, radiotherapists, rehabilitants, pathologists, nuclear medicine specialists and molecular biologists. The most important principle in diagnostics and therapy of primary malignant bone tumors is multidisciplinary work in experienced centers. Improvement of diagnostics, implementation of combined therapy and technological developments caused the increase of limb-sparing surgery indications and better long-term results of their treatment. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2010; 6, 6: 355–369Mięsaki kości u dorosłych stanowią heterogenną grupę bardzo rzadkich nowotworów pochodzenia mezenchymalnego (poniżej 0,5% nowotworów złośliwych u dorosłych). Pod względem klinicznym mięsaki kości można podzielić na mięsaki wrzecionowatokomórkowe (obejmujące mięsaki kościopochodne, większość chrzęstniakomięsaków i inne rzadsze podtypy) oraz drobnokomórkowe (głównie rodzina mięsaków Ewinga). Prawidłowe rozpoznanie i skuteczne leczenie skojarzone pierwotnych nowotworów kości są sumą współpracy radiologów, chirurgów onkologów i chirurgów ortopedów, onkologów klinicznych, radioterapeutów, rehabilitantów, patologów, specjalistów medycyny nuklearnej i biologów molekularnych. Bezwzględnym warunkiem w diagnostyce i leczeniu pierwotnych nowotworów złośliwych kości jest wielodyscyplinarna współpraca wielospecjalistyczna w doświadczonych ośrodkach. Polepszenie diagnostyki mięsaków kości, wprowadzenie zasad terapii skojarzonej i postęp technologiczny spowodowały rozszerzenie wskazań do stosowania operacji oszczędzających kończynę oraz poprawiły odległe wyniki leczenia. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2010; 6, 6: 355–36

    Z firmy do kieleckiego salonu

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    Nietrzymanie stolca i zaparcia

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    Digital Twin Simulation Development and Execution on HPC Infrastructures

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    The Digital Twin paradigm in medical care has recently gained popularity among proponents of translational medicine, to enable clinicians to make informed choices regarding treatment on the basis of digital simulations. In this paper we present an overview of functional and non-functional requirements related to specific IT solutions which enable such simulations - including the need to ensure repeatability and traceability of results - and propose an architecture that satisfies these requirements. We then describe a computational platform that facilitates digital twin simulations, and validate our approach in the context of a real-life medical use case: the BoneStrength application