544 research outputs found

    Heavy ion beam lifetimes at relativistic and ultrarelativistic colliders

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    The effects of higher order corrections in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions are considered. It is found that higher order contributions are small at low energy, large at intermediate energy and small again at very high energy. An explanation for this effect is given. This means that the Weizsacker-Williams formula is a good approximation to use in calculating cross sections and beam lifetimes at energies relevant to RHIC and LHC.Comment: 10 pages, 2 tables, 4 figure

    The Nystrom plus Correction Method for Solving Bound State Equations in Momentum Space

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    A new method is presented for solving the momentum-space Schrodinger equation with a linear potential. The Lande-subtracted momentum space integral equation can be transformed into a matrix equation by the Nystrom method. The method produces only approximate eigenvalues in the cases of singular potentials such as the linear potential. The eigenvalues generated by the Nystrom method can be improved by calculating the numerical errors and adding the appropriate corrections. The end results are more accurate eigenvalues than those generated by the basis function method. The method is also shown to work for a relativistic equation such as the Thompson equation.Comment: Revtex, 21 pages, 4 tables, to be published in Physical Review

    Charge-to-mass dispersion methods for abrasion-ablation fragmentation models

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    Methods to describe the charge-to-mass dispersion distributions of projectile prefragments are presented and used to determine individual isotope cross-sections or various elements produced in the fragmentation of relativistic argon nuclei by carbon targets. Although slight improvements in predicted cross-sections are obtained for the quantum mechanical giant dipole resonance (GDR) distribution when compared qith the predictions of the geometric GDR model, the closest agreement between theory and experiment continues to be obtained with the simple hypergeometric distribution, which treats the nucleons in the nucleus as completely uncorrelated

    Second quantization techniques in the scattering of nonidentical composite bodies

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    Second quantization techniques for describing elastic and inelastic interactions between nonidentical composite bodies are presented and are applied to nucleus-nucleus collisions involving ground-state and one-particle-one-hole excitations. Evaluations of the resultant collision matrix elements are made through use of Wick's theorem

    Symmetry considerations in the scattering of identical composite bodies

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    Previous studies of the interactions between composite particles were extended to the case in which the composites are identical. The form of the total interaction potential matrix elements was obtained, and guidelines for their explicit evaluation were given. For the case of elastic scattering of identical composites, the matrix element approach was shown to be equivalent to the scattering amplitude method

    A T-matrix theory of galactic heavy-ion fragmentation

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    The theory of galactic heavy ion fragmentation is furthered by incorporating a T matrix approach into the description of the three step process of abrasion, ablation, and final state interations. The connection between this T matrix and the interaction potential is derived. For resonant states, the substitution of complex energies for real energies in the transition rate is formerly justified for up to third order processes. The previously developed abrasion-ablation fragmentation theory is rederived from first principles and is shown to result from time ordering, classical probability, and zero width resonance approximations. Improvements in the accuracy of the total fragmentation cross sections require an alternative to the latter two approximations. A Lorentz invariant differential abrasion-ablation cross section is derived which explicitly includes the previously derived abrasion total cross sections. It is demonstrated that spectral and angular distributions can be obtained from the general Lorentz invariant form

    Graviton Production in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We study the feasibility of producing the graviton of the novel Kaluza-Klein theory in which there are d large compact dimensions in addition to the 4 dimensions of Minkowski spacetime. We calculate the cross section for producing such a graviton in nucleus-nucleus collisions via t-channel photon-photon fusion using the semiclassical Weizsacker-Williams method and show that it can exceed the cross section for graviton production in electron-positron scattering by several orders of magnitude.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    An abrasion-ablation model description of galactic heavy-ion fragmentation

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    The fragmentation of high-energy galactic heavy ions by nuclear interactions with arbitrary target nuclei is described within the context of a simple abrasion-ablation fragmentation model. The abrasion part of the theory utilizes a quantum-mechanical formalism based upon an optical model potential approximation to the exact nucleus-nucleus multiple-scattering series. Nuclear charge distributions of the excited prefragments are calculated using either a hypergeometric distribution or a method based upon the zero-point oscillations of the giant dipole resonance. The excitation energy of the prefragment is estimated from the geometric clean-cut abrasion-ablation model. The decay probabilities for the various particle emission channels, in the ablation stage of the fragmentation, are obtained from the EVAP-4 Monte Carlo computer program. Elemental production cross sections for 1.88-GeV/nucleon iron colliding with carbon, silver, and lead targets are calculated and compared with experimental data and with the predictions from the semiempirical relations of Silberberg and Tsao

    Cross section calculations for subthreshold pion production in peripheral heavy-ion collisions

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    Total cross sections angular distributions, and spectral distributions for the exclusive production of charged and neutral subthreshold pions produced in peripheral nucleus-nucleus collisions are calculated by using a particle-hole formalism. The pions result from the formation and decay of an isobar giant resonance state formed in a C-12 nucleus. From considerations of angular momentum conservation and for the sake of providing a unique experimental signature, the other nucleus, chosen for this work to be C-12 also, is assumed to be excited to one of its isovector (1+) giant resonance states. The effects of nucleon recoil by the pion emission are included, and Pauli blocking and pion absorption effects are studied by varying the isobar width. Detailed comparisons with experimental subthreshold pion data for incident energies between 35 and 86 MeV/nucleon are made