1,231 research outputs found

    Assessing Nursing Clinical Skills Performance Using Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for Open Distance Learning Students in Open University Malaysia

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    Objective: The study assessed clinical competence level among distance learning nursing students’, using an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Study design: The cross sectional study method was used in this study. There are 5 stations of Objective Structured Clinical Examination. The researchers analyzed the level of competency from overall scores distribution using checklists. Results: The findings revealed that 43(14%) of the nurses have level four competencies, which indicates that they could perform the tasks correctly and complete. However, 36(12%) failed the OSCE, even though these nurses had more than ten years experience and post basic qualification. Among them were clinical instructors and nurse managers that give serious implications for nursing institution and services. The findings show that race, designation, current specialization and OSCE centers have an association with level of competency. Conclusion: An Objective Structured Clinical Exam is a necessary test that needs to be done continuously for tertiary nursing education programs, years of experiences and placement. This study supports the need for objective structured clinical examination in both the design of nursing degree programs and the assessment of nurses’ clinical competence level. (Author's abstract

    Distribution of trace elements like calcium, copper, iron and zinc in serum samples of colon cancer – A case control study

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    AbstractThe pathogenesis of a number of diseases like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer has been associated with changes in the balance of certain trace elements. In the present study we aimed to investigate the levels of trace elements like calcium, copper, iron and zinc in colon cancer patients in comparison with healthy controls. Serum samples were collected from 256 colon cancer patients and 180 healthy age and sex matched controls. Trace element levels were detected using commercially available kits and an Auto-Analyzer (ChemWell 2910, Awareness Technology, and USA). The concentrations of calcium, copper and iron were not significantly different in patients in comparison with healthy controls. The concentration of zinc was significantly lower in colon cancer patients (p=0.001) as compared to normal subjects. Deficiency of zinc may play a role in the development of colon cancer or may contribute to damage already underway. Zn may represent an independent risk factor for colon cancer and therefore a possible target for prevention

    Multiple Sclerosis Relapsing Remitting Progressive Type

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common neurologic demyelinating disease in high-income countries. The causes of MS is multifactorial involve genetics and the environment in which immune cell infiltration occurs across the blood-brain barrier, causing inflammation, demyelination, gliosis, and neuroaxonal degeneration in the substantia grisea in the central nervous system. A 23-year-old female patient was treated with four limbs weakened since 2 weeks ago accompanied by blurred vision, pain, cramps and stiffness in the back muscles and legs. The patient has experienced the same complaint before. Clinical findings reveal lhermitte sign, atrophy papillae, and tetraparese. On thoracic vertebral MRI examination without contrast and brain MRI with contrast obtained multiple sclerosis lesions. Patients receive steroid and antidepressant therapy. MS needs to be studied further because this number of cases began to emerge.

    Comparative Study of Lead (Pb) Levels on the Goats Liver at Industrial and Non-Industrial Areas Using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Method

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    The comparison of Lead in goat liver in an industrial and non-industrial area. The goat liver was drily digested, and then the ash of the goat liver dissolved with HNO3(p). Qualitative test using Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission (ICP – OES) where the sample results obtained I (Industrial area) = 0.088 ppm, sample II (Industrial area) = 0.080 ppm, sample III (Industrial area) = 0.086 ppm and sample IV (Non-Industrial area) = 0.022 ppm and Quantitative test determination of Pb content using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) at a wavelength for Pb 217.0 nm. The result of the determination showed that the content in Lead of sample A (Non-Industrial Area) = 0.4585 mg/Kg, sample B (Non-Industrial Area) = 0.4490 mg/Kg, sample C (Industrial area) = 0.8761 mg/Kg and sample D (Industrial area) = 0.8622 mg/Kg. However, Pb of metal content fulfilled SNI 7387:2009 that 1.0 mg/Kg


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    This research aims to describe the process and results the development of comic strip media for teaching reading skills in explanatory text material. The research subjects were 10 students of class XI MA Assalam jambewangi. The development procedure refers to the ADDIE model. Observation techniques, questionnaires and observations were used as information gathering in the preliminary study. Meanwhile, to determine the feasibility of comic strip products, researchers used a questionnaire instrument given to content and media experts. Then a student response questionnaire was conducted to determine the level of student satisfaction with the media. According to the content expert's assessment, a score of 88% was obtained in the very good category. From media experts, a score of 98% was obtained which was classified in the very Good category. In addition, the results of the student response questionnaire also scored 79% in the good category. Based on the overall assessment, the development of comic strip learning media on giving and asking for information themed explanatory text material for class XI students was declared valid and suitable for use teaching and learning activities in the School

    Kepentingan kerohanian dalam menangani pesakit kanser wanita menurut Islam

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    Kerohanian menurut Islam merupakan aspek penting yang perlu difahami oleh semua pesakit kanser dan ianya sangat sesuai diaplikasikan bagi pesakit kanser wanita. Kanser adalah satu ujian yang baik untuk manusia atau pesakit hidup lebih cemerlang, dengan syarat pesakit tersebut tabah. Namun, terdapat segelintir manusia apabila menghadapi ujian kesakitan, mereka tidak redha dan sabar sehingga tiada harapan untuk meneruskan kehidupan. Selain itu, terdapat juga pesakit yang mengambil jalan pintas iaitu mendapatkan kaedah rawatan tradisional seperti bomoh, pawang dan sebagainya. Akibatnya ramai pesakit yang menganggap ujian ini sebenarnya tiada harapan lagi dan hanya menunggu ajal sahaja. Bahkan juga ada sebahagian amalan mereka jauh menyimpang daripada ajaran Islam. Hal ini menyebabkan pesakit mengamalkan rawatan yang tidak betul dan bertentangan dengan tuntutan syarak seperti mengamalkan mantera yang jelas terpesong dari akidah yang sebenar. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji konsep kerohanian dan kepentingan kerohanian dalam menangani pesakit kanser wanita menurut Islam. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk dokumen analisis kandungan dengan mengumpul data-data yang berkaitan kefahaman yang mendalam dari aspek teoritikal. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa konsep kerohanian amat sesuai diamalkan dalam kalangan pesakit kanser wanita dan kepentingan aspek kerohanian seperti mengakui bahawa ujian adalah satu rahmat daripada Allah SWT, dapat membersihkan jiwa orang-orang mukmin dan sebagai satu latihan kepada manusia dalam membentuk peribadi mulia

    Pemodelan Sebaran Emisi SO? dari Cerobong Boiler Bahan Bakar Batubara di Industri Pengolahan Susu Menggunakan Software Screen View??

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    Industri pengolahan susu merupakan salah satu sektor industri yang turut menyumbang emisi di udara. Sumber pencemar udara berasal dari cerbong boiler pada industri pengolahan susu. Jenis emisi dari proses pembakaran batubara jenis subbituminous yang dikeluarkan melalui cerobong boiler salah satunya adalah Sulfur Dioksida (SO?). Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi pola sebaran dan konsentrasi emisi SO? menggunakan Software Screen View??. Hasil pemodelan menunjukkan nilai konsentraai maksimum SO? pada musim hujan sebesar 1,94 ?g/mÂł pada jarak 568 meter dan pada musim kemarau nilai konsentrasi emisi sebesar 1,69 ?g/mÂł pada jarak 431 meter. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan nilai konsentrasi SO? tidak melebihi baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan oleh Peraturan Gubernur Jatim No. 10 Tahun 2009 .Visualisasi pola sebaran hasil pemodelan menggunakan software Arcmap 10.8

    Incivility in Nursing Education: Sources of Bullying and their Impact on Nursing and Psychiatric Nursing Students

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify who were the key sources of incivility, how frequently uncivil behaviours occurred, and determine the impact of incivility among a sample of Bachelor of Nursing (BN) and Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing (BPN) students at one university in a western Canadian province. Methods: A mixed-methods study was conducted that incorporated findings from an anonymous cross-sectional survey of second, third-, and fourth-year students from the BN and BPN programs (n = 68) and narrative findings from a live discussion forum (n = 48) with third-year student participants. Results: The most frequent sources of incivility included nurses, faculty, clinical instructors, student peers, patients, and physicians. Out of a total of 26 uncivil behaviours, 10 were identified as being the most common among the sample. They included: (1) feeling undervalued; (2) that high and impossible expectations were set; (3) students experienced feeling resentment; (4) were frozen out, ignored, or excluded; (5) were unjustly criticized; (6) that student efforts were undervalued; (7) information was withheld; (8) there were changing expectations; (9) they experienced hostility, felt belittled or undermined; and (10) 45.6% of students felt they were treated poorly on grounds of race. Non-parametric statistical analysis revealed that students who self-identified as a visible minority had a statistically significant positive relationship with intent-to-leave their baccalaureate program (rs = 0.262, p = 0.031). Thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke, 2006) of the narratives discussed by students revealed three overarching themes. The themes included: (1) practicing in a toxic culture; (2) feeling like a burden; and (3) having a lack of positive role models and support. Conclusions: Students from BN and BPN programs experience bullying and uncivil behaviours from a variety of sources. Of great concern, was the number of student participants who reported the occurrence of horizontal bullying and incivility experienced by nursing students from fellow nursing students. The findings indicated the presence of horizontal violence among students that requires further study. The presence of a toxic culture can jeopardize patient safety if learners are afraid to speak up and advocate for their patients. Students seeking employment planned to avoid clinical units where negative encounters occurred amid a toxic environment. This has implications for employers engaged in recruitment and retention efforts with students seeking alternate employment opportunities upon their graduation and entry into the nursing profession. Although students felt humiliated at times and treated like a burden by clinical staff, they remained hopeful for the nursing profession as they looked to their future careers in health care settings. Greater efforts are required to minimize racism and incivility experienced by students during their education in addition to disrupting the cycle of violence that begins while students are enrolled in their nursing education program. Résumé Buts : Cette étude avait pour buts d’identifier les groupes constituant les principales sources d’incivilité, d’évaluer la fréquence des comportements incivils et de déterminer les effets de l’incivilité au sein d’un échantillon d’étudiant(e)s au baccalauréat en sciences infirmières (B. Sc. inf.) et au baccalauréat en sciences infirmières psychiatriques (B. Sc. inf. P.) d’une université de l’Ouest canadien. Méthodes : Une étude à méthodes mixtes a été réalisée en intégrant les résultats d’un sondage transversal anonyme effectué auprès d’étudiant(e)s de deuxième, troisième et quatrième année des programmes de B. Sc. inf. et B. Sc. inf. P. (n = 68) ainsi que les résultats d’ordre narratif issus d’un forum de discussion (n = 48) avec des étudiant(e)s de troisième année. Résultats : Les sources d’incivilité les plus fréquentes sont les infirmières, les membres du corps professoral, les enseignantes cliniques, les pair(e)s étudiant(e)s, les patients et les médecins. Sur un total de 26 comportements incivils, 10 ont été identifiés par cet échantillon comme étant les plus courants. Il s’agit des suivants : 1) des attitudes suscitant un sentiment de dévalorisation; 2) des attentes élevées et impossibles à satisfaire; 3) la projection de ressentiment; 4) le rejet, l’exclusion ou le fait d’ignorer; 5) des critiques injustes; 6) la dévalorisation des efforts des étudiant(e)s; 7) la non-divulgation d’informations; 8) la modification des attentes; 9) l’hostilité ainsi que des efforts de rabaisser ou d’ébranler; et 10) la discrimination raciale (selon 45,6 % des répondantes). Une analyse statistique non paramétrique a révélé une relation positive et statistiquement significative entre les étudiant(e)s qui s’identifiaient comme appartenant à une minorité visible et ceux ou celles qui avaient l’intention de quitter leur programme de baccalauréat (rs = 0,262, p = 0,031). Une analyse thématique (Braun et Clarke, 2006) des propos rapportés par les étudiant(e)s en groupe de discussion a mis en évidence trois thèmes globaux : 1) l’exercice des fonctions dans une culture toxique; (2) le sentiment d’être un fardeau; et 3) le manque de modèles positifs et de soutien. Conclusions : Les étudiant(e)s au sein des programmes de B. Sc. inf. et B. Sc. inf. P. font l’expérience d’intimidation et de comportements incivils provenant de sources diverses. Le nombre d’étudiant(e)s ayant signalé des situations d’intimidation et d’incivilité de la part de collègues étudiants est très préoccupant. Puisque les résultats indiquent la présence de violence dite « horizontale » parmi les étudiant(e)s, d’autres études sont nécessaires. La présence d’une culture toxique peut compromettre la sécurité des patients si les apprenant(e)s craignent de s’exprimer et de défendre leurs patients. Les étudiant(e)s à la recherche d’un emploi comptent éviter les unités de soins où des rencontres défavorables ont eu lieu dans un climat toxique. Cela aura des répercussions sur les employeurs qui s’efforcent d’embaucher et de retenir des étudiant(e)s qui sont à la recherche d’autres possibilités d’emploi suite à l’obtention de leur diplôme et à leur entrée dans la profession infirmière. Même si les étudiant(e)s se sont parfois senti(e)s humilié(e)s et traité(e)s comme un fardeau par le personnel clinique, elles et ils ont gardé espoir en la profession infirmière tout en envisageant leur carrière à venir dans le secteur de la santé. De plus amples efforts sont requis afin de minimiser le racisme et l’incivilité vécus par les étudiant(e)s au cours de leur formation. Des efforts soutenus sont également nécessaires afin de rompre le cycle de la violence qui se manifeste dans le cadre d’un programme de formation en sciences infirmières

    Assessment of Ta’widh and Gharamah in Islamic Financing Contract and Its Applicability Potential for Construction Works Contracts

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    Ta'widh and gharamah are the Shariah compliant late payment charges primarily used for Islamic financial contracts. Seven identified themes were used to qualitatively compare and contrast between the Guidelines on Late Payment Charges for Islamic Banking Institutions (2012) against the provisions of interest for late interim payment from four Malaysian construction works contracts. The findings revealed similarities and differences for identification of Shariah compliance. Recommendations were made for the harmonisation of ta’widh and gharamah in the construction works contracts while ensuring its practical and legal applicability. The outcome is beneficial for Islamic organisations and Muslims involved with the construction works.  Keywords: ta’widh and gharamah, late payment, interest,construction, eISSN: 2398-4287© 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v5i15.250

    Peer-reviewed Public Health Journals

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    Peer-reviewed Public Health journals are essential media for the workers in the public health field. There are already many periodicals published in the public health domain and still many new ones are being added. Journalism in public health is facing many changes and challenges. Technologies and smart phones applications in particular affected the pattern of publication and readership of these journals. This report shed some light on the current peer-reviewed periodicals in the public health
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