32 research outputs found

    Search-to-Decision Reductions for Lattice Problems with Approximation Factors (Slightly) Greater Than One

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    We show the first dimension-preserving search-to-decision reductions for approximate SVP and CVP. In particular, for any γ1+O(logn/n)\gamma \leq 1 + O(\log n/n), we obtain an efficient dimension-preserving reduction from γO(n/logn)\gamma^{O(n/\log n)}-SVP to γ\gamma-GapSVP and an efficient dimension-preserving reduction from γO(n)\gamma^{O(n)}-CVP to γ\gamma-GapCVP. These results generalize the known equivalences of the search and decision versions of these problems in the exact case when γ=1\gamma = 1. For SVP, we actually obtain something slightly stronger than a search-to-decision reduction---we reduce γO(n/logn)\gamma^{O(n/\log n)}-SVP to γ\gamma-unique SVP, a potentially easier problem than γ\gamma-GapSVP.Comment: Updated to acknowledge additional prior wor

    A Time-Distance Trade-Off for GDD with Preprocessing - Instantiating the DLW Heuristic

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    For 0α1/20 \leq \alpha \leq 1/2, we show an algorithm that does the following. Given appropriate preprocessing P(L)P(\mathcal{L}) consisting of Nα:=2O(n12α+logn)N_\alpha := 2^{O(n^{1-2\alpha} + \log n)} vectors in some lattice LRn\mathcal{L} \subset \mathbb{R}^n and a target vector tRn\boldsymbol{t}\in \mathbb{R}^n, the algorithm finds yL\boldsymbol{y} \in \mathcal{L} such that ytn1/2+αη(L)\|\boldsymbol{y}- \boldsymbol{t}\| \leq n^{1/2 + \alpha} \eta(\mathcal{L}) in time poly(n)Nα\mathrm{poly}(n) \cdot N_\alpha, where η(L)\eta(\mathcal{L}) is the smoothing parameter of the lattice. The algorithm itself is very simple and was originally studied by Doulgerakis, Laarhoven, and de Weger (to appear in PQCrypto, 2019), who proved its correctness under certain reasonable heuristic assumptions on the preprocessing P(L)P(\mathcal{L}) and target t\boldsymbol{t}. Our primary contribution is a choice of preprocessing that allows us to prove correctness without any heuristic assumptions. Our main motivation for studying this is the recent breakthrough algorithm for IdealSVP due to Hanrot, Pellet--Mary, and Stehl\'e (to appear in Eurocrypt, 2019), which uses the DLW algorithm as a key subprocedure. In particular, our result implies that the HPS IdealSVP algorithm can be made to work with fewer heuristic assumptions. Our only technical tool is the discrete Gaussian distribution over L\mathcal{L}, and in particular, a lemma showing that the one-dimensional projections of this distribution behave very similarly to the continuous Gaussian. This lemma might be of independent interest

    Kissing numbers and transference theorems from generalized tail bounds

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    We generalize Banaszczyk's seminal tail bound for the Gaussian mass of a lattice to a wide class of test functions. From this we obtain quite general transference bounds, as well as bounds on the number of lattice points contained in certain bodies. As applications, we bound the lattice kissing number in p\ell_p norms by e(n+o(n))/pe^{(n+ o(n))/p} for 0<p20 < p \leq 2, and also give a proof of a new transference bound in the 1\ell_1 norm.Comment: Previous title: "Generalizations of Banaszczyk's transference theorems and tail bound

    On the Quantitative Hardness of CVP

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    \newcommand{\eps}{\varepsilon} \newcommand{\problem}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathrm{#1}} } \newcommand{\CVP}{\problem{CVP}} \newcommand{\SVP}{\problem{SVP}} \newcommand{\CVPP}{\problem{CVPP}} \newcommand{\ensuremath}[1]{#1} For odd integers p1p \geq 1 (and p=p = \infty), we show that the Closest Vector Problem in the p\ell_p norm (\CVP_p) over rank nn lattices cannot be solved in 2^{(1-\eps) n} time for any constant \eps > 0 unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) fails. We then extend this result to "almost all" values of p1p \geq 1, not including the even integers. This comes tantalizingly close to settling the quantitative time complexity of the important special case of \CVP_2 (i.e., \CVP in the Euclidean norm), for which a 2n+o(n)2^{n +o(n)}-time algorithm is known. In particular, our result applies for any p=p(n)2p = p(n) \neq 2 that approaches 22 as nn \to \infty. We also show a similar SETH-hardness result for \SVP_\infty; hardness of approximating \CVP_p to within some constant factor under the so-called Gap-ETH assumption; and other quantitative hardness results for \CVP_p and \CVPP_p for any 1p<1 \leq p < \infty under different assumptions

    Solving the Closest Vector Problem in 2n2^n Time--- The Discrete Gaussian Strikes Again!

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    We give a 2n+o(n)2^{n+o(n)}-time and space randomized algorithm for solving the exact Closest Vector Problem (CVP) on nn-dimensional Euclidean lattices. This improves on the previous fastest algorithm, the deterministic O~(4n)\widetilde{O}(4^{n})-time and O~(2n)\widetilde{O}(2^{n})-space algorithm of Micciancio and Voulgaris. We achieve our main result in three steps. First, we show how to modify the sampling algorithm from [ADRS15] to solve the problem of discrete Gaussian sampling over lattice shifts, LtL- t, with very low parameters. While the actual algorithm is a natural generalization of [ADRS15], the analysis uses substantial new ideas. This yields a 2n+o(n)2^{n+o(n)}-time algorithm for approximate CVP for any approximation factor γ=1+2o(n/logn)\gamma = 1+2^{-o(n/\log n)}. Second, we show that the approximate closest vectors to a target vector tt can be grouped into "lower-dimensional clusters," and we use this to obtain a recursive reduction from exact CVP to a variant of approximate CVP that "behaves well with these clusters." Third, we show that our discrete Gaussian sampling algorithm can be used to solve this variant of approximate CVP. The analysis depends crucially on some new properties of the discrete Gaussian distribution and approximate closest vectors, which might be of independent interest

    On the Closest Vector Problem with a Distance Guarantee

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    We present a substantially more efficient variant, both in terms of running time and size of preprocessing advice, of the algorithm by Liu, Lyubashevsky, and Micciancio for solving CVPP (the preprocessing version of the Closest Vector Problem, CVP) with a distance guarantee. For instance, for any α<1/2\alpha < 1/2, our algorithm finds the (unique) closest lattice point for any target point whose distance from the lattice is at most α\alpha times the length of the shortest nonzero lattice vector, requires as preprocessing advice only NO~(nexp(α2n/(12α)2))N \approx \widetilde{O}(n \exp(\alpha^2 n /(1-2\alpha)^2)) vectors, and runs in time O~(nN)\widetilde{O}(nN). As our second main contribution, we present reductions showing that it suffices to solve CVP, both in its plain and preprocessing versions, when the input target point is within some bounded distance of the lattice. The reductions are based on ideas due to Kannan and a recent sparsification technique due to Dadush and Kun. Combining our reductions with the LLM algorithm gives an approximation factor of O(n/logn)O(n/\sqrt{\log n}) for search CVPP, improving on the previous best of O(n1.5)O(n^{1.5}) due to Lagarias, Lenstra, and Schnorr. When combined with our improved algorithm we obtain, somewhat surprisingly, that only O(n) vectors of preprocessing advice are sufficient to solve CVPP with (the only slightly worse) approximation factor of O(n).Comment: An early version of the paper was titled "On Bounded Distance Decoding and the Closest Vector Problem with Preprocessing". Conference on Computational Complexity (2014

    On the Lattice Distortion Problem

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    We introduce and study the \emph{Lattice Distortion Problem} (LDP). LDP asks how "similar" two lattices are. I.e., what is the minimal distortion of a linear bijection between the two lattices? LDP generalizes the Lattice Isomorphism Problem (the lattice analogue of Graph Isomorphism), which simply asks whether the minimal distortion is one. As our first contribution, we show that the distortion between any two lattices is approximated up to a nO(logn)n^{O(\log n)} factor by a simple function of their successive minima. Our methods are constructive, allowing us to compute low-distortion mappings that are within a 2O(nloglogn/logn)2^{O(n \log \log n/\log n)} factor of optimal in polynomial time and within a nO(logn)n^{O(\log n)} factor of optimal in singly exponential time. Our algorithms rely on a notion of basis reduction introduced by Seysen (Combinatorica 1993), which we show is intimately related to lattice distortion. Lastly, we show that LDP is NP-hard to approximate to within any constant factor (under randomized reductions), by a reduction from the Shortest Vector Problem.Comment: This is the full version of a paper that appeared in ESA 201

    A simple proof of a reverse Minkowski theorem for integral lattices

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    We prove that for any integral lattice LRn\mathcal{L} \subset \mathbb{R}^n (that is, a lattice L\mathcal{L} such that the inner product y1,y2\langle \mathbf{y}_1,\mathbf{y}_2 \rangle is an integer for all y1,y2L\mathbf{y}_1, \mathbf{y}_2 \in \mathcal{L}) and any positive integer kk, {yL : y2=k}2(n+2k22k1)  , |\{ \mathbf{y} \in \mathcal{L} \ : \ \|\mathbf{y}\|^2 = k\}| \leq 2 \binom{n+2k-2}{2k-1} \; , giving a nearly tight reverse Minkowski theorem for integral lattices

    Just Take the Average! An Embarrassingly Simple 2^n-Time Algorithm for SVP (and CVP)

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    We show a 2^{n+o(n)}-time (and space) algorithm for the Shortest Vector Problem on lattices (SVP) that works by repeatedly running an embarrassingly simple "pair and average" sieving-like procedure on a list of lattice vectors. This matches the running time (and space) of the current fastest known algorithm, due to Aggarwal, Dadush, Regev, and Stephens-Davidowitz (ADRS, in STOC, 2015), with a far simpler algorithm. Our algorithm is in fact a modification of the ADRS algorithm, with a certain careful rejection sampling step removed. The correctness of our algorithm follows from a more general "meta-theorem," showing that such rejection sampling steps are unnecessary for a certain class of algorithms and use cases. In particular, this also applies to the related 2^{n + o(n)}-time algorithm for the Closest Vector Problem (CVP), due to Aggarwal, Dadush, and Stephens-Davidowitz (ADS, in FOCS, 2015), yielding a similar embarrassingly simple algorithm for gamma-approximate CVP for any gamma = 1+2^{-o(n/log n)}. (We can also remove the rejection sampling procedure from the 2^{n+o(n)}-time ADS algorithm for exact CVP, but the resulting algorithm is still quite complicated.