510 research outputs found

    An assessment of budget preparation and monitoring process: case study of African Union comission

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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan langkah strategis untuk melengkapi kompetensi mahasiswa calon tenaga kependidikan. PPL mahasiswa dapat mendarmabaktikan ilmu akademiknya di lapangan. Selanjutnya mahasiswa juga dapat belajar dari lapangan dimana dia ditempatkan. Dengan demikian mahasiswa dapat memberi dan menerima (give and take) berbagai keilmuan yang dapat menghantarkan mahasiswa menjadi calon tenaga pendidik professional dan berjiwa. Kegiatan PLT di SMAN 1 Yogyakarta ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 yogyakarta yang beralamat di Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No.10, Pakuncen, Wirabrojan, Yogyakarta dilakasnakan selama 2 bulan. Praktik tersebut dilaksanakan mulai pada tanggal 14 September 2017 sampai dengan 23 November 2017. Tujuan utama dari PPL itu sendiri adalah terutama sebagai berikut: 1. Memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa calon guru masa mendatang dalam bidang pembelajaran di sekolah atau lembaga, dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi keguruan atau kependidikan. 2. Memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengenal, menhintegrasi, mempelajari, dan menghayati permasalahan sekolah atau lembaga yang terkait dengan proses pembelajaran. 3. Meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa untuk menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang telah dikuasai secara interdisipliner ke dalam pembelajaran di sekolah, atau dimana adanya lembaga pendidikan. Dalam pelaksanaan PLT yang bertempat di SMAN1 Yogyakarta, para praktikan mengajarkan materi sesuai dengan bidang keahlian. Persiapan mengajar yang dibutuhkan berupa observasi mengenai karakter peserta didik yang dilaksanakan terlebih dahulu dan kegiatan pembelajaran, kurikurum yang digunakan, pembuatan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) dan pembuatan media yang sesuai sangat dibutuhkan dalam memperlancar proses belajar mengajar. Dalam setiap kali praktik mengajar setiap mahasiswa diwajibkan membuat Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran serta media pembelajaran berupa power point (jika ada proyektor) atau media lain sebagai persiapan mengajar supaya lebih mudah dan lebih menguasai materi yang nantinya akan disampaikan kepada peserta didik. Setelah dilakukan persiapan kemudian kegiatan PLT ini dilaksanakan, mulai dari tanggal 14 September 2017 hingga 23 November 2017 sesuai kalender pendidikan Sekolah di DIY/Kota Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Selain kegiatan praktek belajar-mengajar, melalui kegiatan PPL ini banyak sekali manfaat yang dapat diambil oleh praktikan dalam hal mengajar. Praktikan dapat mengetahui karaketr siswa dan siswi di lingkungkan sekolah dan bagaimana menjadi guru dan pendidik yang baik terhadap muridnya. Melalui kegiatan PPL ini juga dapat memberikan bekal kepada praktikan untuk dapat mencapai sebuah proses pembelajaran yang optimal demi terciptanya efisiensi dan kualitas penyelenggaraan proses pembelajaran yang optimal

    Cancer in Patients Referred Abroad For Health Care and Related Foreign Currency Expenses

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    Background: There is limited access to health services in Burundi, as most of the services such as cancer care are unavailable. Burundian citizen who can afford the costs involved in seeking treatment elsewhere are referred abroad. The purpose of this study was to assess the proportion of patients suffering from cancer among patients referred abroad for healthcare and to evaluate the costs incurred by those patients in relation to what the country would save by establishing cancer healthcare facilities.Methodology: The study was performed retrospectively from January 2016 to December 2018. With approval of Ministry of Public Health and AIDS control, the data was collected from medical reports at the general management of health facilities and AIDS control office. All patients with medical reports containing the reason for referral were included in the study. Medical reports assessing occupational disability were excluded. Data analysis was performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).Results: Male, female and unclear was 45.3%, 39.9% and 14.8% respectively. Average age was 31,82. The main reason for referral was MRI (21.7%). Cancer patients represented 18% of all patients referred abroad for healthcare and the most common type of cancer found was breast (26.5%), genitourinary (15.7%) and digestive (14,2%). If all patients from 2016-2018 were referred to Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, India or Europe for 30 years, the country would spend in foreign currency US3,858,229;US3,858,229; US638,342.80; US21,288,592;US21,288,592; US10,410,192.90; US54,718,329.70respectively.Also,ifallpatientsestimatedbyGlobocanin2018weretobereferredtothesecountries,thecostofforeigncurrencieswouldbeUS54,718,329.70 respectively. Also, if all patients estimated by Globocan in 2018 were to be referred to these countries, the cost of foreign currencies would be US52,455,122.60; US38,264,740.88;US38,264,740.88; US129,272,590.40; US81,330,325.94;US81,330,325.94; US276,601,008.02 respectively.Conclusion: There is a good number of cancer patients among patients referred abroad for health care. The estimated costs incurred by patients referred abroad for cancer care are far greater than funds needed to setup modern cancer care centres in Burundi

    Comparative study of Pap smear test and VIA test in cervical carcinoma screening among women aged over 20 years

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    Objective To compare the performance of VIA and Pap smear tests as screening tools in cervical carcinoma detection in women. Methods The prospective and retrospective study was conducted on 198 women. Cervical smears were collected with Ayres’s spatula. Acetic acid was used and the results were categorized as VIA positive and VIA negative. The Pap smear was reported according to the Bethesda system 2001. Cervical biopsy was done for all the cases. Results VIA was positive in 47.47% of the cases and Pap smear was positive in 39.89% of the cases. Among 198 cases, 61 (30, 8%) cases had cervical carcinoma. When we compared VIA and Pap smear tests, 94 cases were positive to VIA, and 61cases were confirmed positive with Pap smear. The sensitivity and specificity for VIA were 88.5% and 84.68%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity for Pap smear were 80.45% and 91.89%, respectively. The sensitivity of VIA was higher than that of Pap smear. However, the specificity of VIA was low as compared to Pap smear. Conclusion VIA is a cost effective test and could be alternatively used with Pap smear in screening of cervical carcinoma but the Papanicolaou test is the most effective test for early detection of cervical carcinoma. Keywords: Pap smear test; VIA test; cervical carcinoma; wome

    Capital Social et Gouvernance des PME Camerounaises

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    La gouvernance d'entreprise est présentée comme « le management du management » ou « métamanagement » par Pérez (2009, p.38). Elle est par ailleurs définie, en référence à Charreaux (1997, p.24), comme « l'ensemble des mécanismes qui ont pour effet de délimiter les pouvoirs et d'influencer les décisions des dirigeants, autrement dit, qui gouvernent leur conduite et définissent leur espace discrétionnaire

    Rotating and Accumulating Savings and Credit Associations as Effective Tool for Enhancing the Women Entrepreneurship. A Theoretical Review

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    Rotating and accumulating savings and credit associations are recognized as essential drivers for enhancing women's entrepreneurship. The contribution of the informal organizations on entrepreneurship has been broadly studied. Many have overlooked women entrepreneurship. The current study reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on savings and credit associations and women entrepreneurship. The specific objectives are: to identify factors that encourage women's participation in rotating and accumulating savings and credit associations, to assess how the rotating and accumulating savings and credit associations promote women's entrepreneurship, and to establish theories that link rotating and accumulating savings and credit associations and women entrepreneurship. The study is anchored on three theories, namely: social network theory, social capital theory, and theory of structural hole. The research study was based on descriptive research design. The study reviewed previous research on savings and credit groups and women entrepreneurship. Findings showed that thrifts and loans organizations were more effective at augmenting awareness of entrepreneurship among women members than non-partakers. The study concludes that savings and credit organizations have been effective in increasing women's entrepreneurship. The study recommends the following: First, the savings and credit associations should be included in entrepreneurship development programs of the government. Second, there should be utilization of informal associations as a better approach to have access to microcredits for enterprises startup and growth, and lastly, the inception of programs that will increase awareness of entrepreneurship among women

    Accès au Crédit Bancaire et Survie des PME Camerounaises_Le Rôle du Capital Social

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    Le capital social est actuellement évoqué comme un catalyseur d'accès au crédit bancaire pour la PME. La présente étude vise à vérifier cette assertion en examinant l'impact de diverses dimensions du capital social entrepreneurial sur l'accès au crédit bancaire des PME camerounaises. A l'aide d'un modèle logit multinomial, le capital social est capté par cinq indicateurs : le ratio de la main-d'oeuvre familiale, le soutien gouvernemental, l'appartenance aux réseaux d'affaires, les relations personnelles avec la banque cliente et le niveau du capital humain prédominant dans l'entreprise. A partir d'un échantillon de 413 PME camerounaises, les résultats montrent que, seules les trois dernières variables affectent positivement l'accès au crédit bancaire

    Performance productive des COOPEC camerounaises : une approche par la méthode DEA

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    Tout comme dans les autres organisations, la notion de performance fait l’objet de débats dans les COOPEC. Ce débat est même plus accentué dans les COOPEC au vu, non seulement des spécificités qui caractérisent ce type d’organisation, notamment son fonctionnement démocratique et la mission à laquelle elle est assignée ; mais aussi à cause des crises récurrentes qui frappent ce secteur. En outre l’avènement des NTIC amène aussi les chercheurs à questionner l’impact du progrès technologique sur la performance des COOPEC. Nous nous inscrivons à la suite de ce débat avec pour objectif d’examiner, à travers les données des COOPEC du réseau MC2, l’évolution de ces deux variables critiques et complémentaires (l’innovation technologique et l’investissement managériale). A partir d’un échantillon constitué de 95 COOPEC observées sur 4 ans (2014-2017), cet article démontre que la productivité des COOPEC Camerounaises est principalement déterminée par la capacité managériale au détriment du progrès technologique

    An efficient FIFO buffer management to ensure task level and effect-chain level data properties

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    International audienceReal-time embedded systems (automotive, avionics,drones autopilots, etc.) are composed of numerous functional components that are continuously interacting via a variety of communication models where they intensively share data. For the overall functional correctness these systems must verify not only real-time scheduling requirements but they also must guarantee that the data being used are qualitatively correct. The quality of the data reflects the preservation of data related properties: temporal properties (i.e freshness, end-to-end latency, etc.) and integrity related properties (i.e data consistency). The proposed protocols to ensure such properties highly depend on the considered communication model (shared registers or large buffers) and the data access policy (directly or via local copies). In order to overcome this limitation, we provide in this paper, the means for managing the FIFO buffers to guarantee these data properties in a way that communication dependencies do not impact the tasks system scheduling order. We do so while considering the communication model presented in [14]. We provide methods computing a sufficient size for the considered buffers. Last but not least, an algorithm implementing the "last reader tags mechanism" together with the data temporal matching is provided and explained