145 research outputs found

    Partnering for progress: Business partnership with non-profits in New Zealand

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    This paper examines partnerships between business organisations and non-profits in New Zealand. Collaboration is becoming increasingly essential as organisations grow in both size and influence, and public pressure intensifies for organisations to address pressing social and environmental concerns. An increasing number of businesses have responded by engaging in corporate citizenship programmes to resolve social problems. Social partnerships between business and non-profits are widely promoted as important new strategies which will bring significant benefits to wider stakeholders. A key concern in business/non-profit collaboration is how organisations might collaborate to achieve mutually beneficial objectives and align with the organisations corporate social responsibility. This research seeks to develop an understanding of what the objectives of such relationships might be and to what extent these objectives are achieved


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    Bank has the main function as an intermediation institution, whose role is transferring funds from those who has excess in it to those who need it. Banks also have an objective in maximizing profit. Therefore, the rules and executions of bank’s risk management are based on the balancing of maximization of profit and the minimization of risks that comes with this profit maximization activity. This paper is aiming at finding the factors that determine the risk-taking behaviour of Indonesian banks, using the Structure Conduct and Performance (SCP) paradigm. According to this paradigm, bank’s decision making (its conducts) is influenced by the dynamic of its structure, and the level of performance it wants to achieve. Also, these conducts or decisions reflect bank’s risk preference, or its risk-taking behaviour. Using 2 Stage Least Square regression method, this paper finds that there are seven factors that determine bank’s risk-taking behaviour in Indonesia. These factors are the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) level, the amount of capital, the expectation on profit, the expectation on inefficiency, industry concentration ratio, the level of bank’s importance in Indonesia’s economy, and the movement of Bank Indonesia’s rate.Keywords: Banking risk, bank’s risk-taking behavior, banking risk management.

    Evaluasi Efektivitas dan Efisiensi dalam Laporan Realisasi Anggaran pada Badan Perencanaan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Kota Manado

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi Laporan Realisasi Anggaran Badan Perencanaan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Kota Manado Tahun Anggaran 2018-2020. menggunakan Rasio Efektivitas dan Rasio Efisiensi. Objek Penelitian ini adalah Badan Perencanaan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Kota Manado. Data yang digunakan adalah Laporan Realisasi Anggaran Tahun Anggaran 2018-2020. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat efektivitas dan efisiensi dari Laporan Realisasi Anggaran Badan Perencanaan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Kota Manado Tahun Anggaran 2018-2020 secara keseluruhan sudah bisa dikatakan baik karena berada dalam kriteria efektif dan efisien


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    Dalam masyarakat Toraja,  kegiatan adat seperti rambu tuka’ dan rambu solo’sangat sulit dipisahkan dengan rumah adat yang biasa disebut dengan togkonan. Oleh karena itu rumah tongkonan harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas yang baik untuk menunjang kelancaran kegiatan yang dilaksanakan di Tongkonan.  Salah satu fasilitas yang paling penting adalah listrik. Hal yang tidak dapat dipisahakan dari listrik adalah instalasi. Dimana instlasi ini menjadi hal yang sangat pentig diperhatikan agar tidak terjadi hal yang diinginkan seperti korlesting listrik yang dapat memicu kebakaran.  Dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini, pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yaitu pendekatan yang dilakukan dengan cara menguraikan semua permasalahan yang terjadi dalam masyarakat. Dari hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat diperoleh hasil yang cukup positif berupa pemahaman masyarakat terhadap pengaplikasian instalasi listrik  memenuhi standard dan melakukan perbaikan secara signifikan sesuai standar yang ada terhadap instlasi listrik yang tidak sesuai standar. Selain itu, masyarakat, tertuma generasi muda dapat melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan sederhana pada instalasi listrik yang dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari&nbsp


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    Padi merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok masyrakat Indonesia yang dalam pengolahnnya melalui beberapa tahap. Salah satu tahap penting dalam proses produksi padi adalah proses perontokan bulir padi dari batangnya. Proses perontokan ini masih banyak yang menggunakan alat perontok manual yang mana akan memakan waktu lebih banyak sehingga proses produksi menjadi kurang efektif dan efisien. Oleh karena itu, perlu dikembangkan alat yang dapat meningkatkan efisiensi produksi padi petani khususnya pada tahapan perontokan bulir. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk mendesain, membuat, dan melatih cara mengoperasikan alat ini menggunakan mesin motor Honda 100 cc. Adapun pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan di Kelurahan Nanggala Sangpiak Salu. Dalam kegiatan ini disosialisasikan cara pemakaian, cara merawat dan memperbaiki mesin perontok padi.. Jumlah petani aktif  dalam kegiatan ini dalam penerapan tepat guna mesin perontok padi berpengerak mesin motor Honda 100cc kurang lebih 30 orang.  Sebagai tim pelaksana pelaksana adalah Dosen, Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja, dengan bidang keahlian yang sesuai kebutuhan dan dibantu oleh mahasiswa. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan menggunakan metode utama praktik langsung di lapangan. Berdsarkan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan, dapat diambil, disimpulkan bahwah tim pelaksana telah berhasil memebuat 1 unit mesin perontok padi berpenggerak mesin motor Honda 100cc, yang dibutukan para petani di Kelurahan Nanggala Sangpiak Salu.Dalam kegiatan ini juga telah dilakukan pelatian tentang cara mengoprasikan mesin perontok padi berpenggerak mesin motor Honda 100cc, merawat, memperbaiki kerusakan ringan mesin perontok padi


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    Tujuan Penelitian mempelajari variabel secara dekriptif dan mengalisis variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat. Sampel penelitian ini 75 staf pns di Kecamatan. pengambilan data dengan wawancara (kuesioner dan dokumentasi). Hasil penelitian rata-rata responden memberikan tanggapan tinggi pada Pengaruh Insentif, Kompetensi, Motivasi, Lingkungan Kerja. Kinerja Pegawai di Kecamatan Bara, Mungkajang, Wara Utara.Insentif berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai. Hasil analisis T statistik nilai t hitung= 1,087 t Tabel: 1,993 dengan nilai P Value sebesar 0,002 atau lebih kecil dari pada Cut off Value sebesar 0,05. Lingkungan Kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan Kinerja Pegawai . Hasil analisis T statistik diperoleh nilai t hitung= 2,564> t Tabel: 1,993 nilai P Value sebesar 0,011 atau lebih kecil dari pada Cut off Value sebesar 0,05

    Comparative study of ischial containment socket and quadrilateral socket for functional ability in persons with unilateral transfemoral amputation.

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    OBJECTIVE : To compare ischial containment socket with quadrilateral socket in transfemoral amputee persons in terms of functional ability and socket preference. METHODOLOGY : This is an interventional study where transfemoral amputee persons ambulant with prosthetic limb fitted with quadrilateral socket were enrolled after informed consent. First assessment was done with the quadrilateral socket during the initial visit. Then they were provided with ischial containment socket. The knee component, pylon and the foot piece were retained without alteration. Each patient was given two weeks’ time to acclimatize to the new socket. At the end of two weeks all the assessments were repeated with the ischial containment socket. OUTCOME MEASURES : Functional ability was measured with the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and Timed Up & Go (TUG) test. Subjective preference was tested with socket comfort score and final socket preference. The secondary outcome measures were energy efficiency with Physiological Cost Index and gait parameters. The outcome measures were statistically analyzed with the paired T test. RESULTS : The ischial containment socket (IC) was preferred by 87 % of patients who were already community ambulant with quadrilateral socket (QUAD). The socket comfort score significantly improved with the ischial containment socket. The ischial containment socket is superior to quadrilateral socket in terms of comfort. The comfortable walking speed of transfemoral amputee persons improved with the ischial containment socket. The gait velocity and stride length showed statistically significant improvement with ischial containment socket. The 6MWT, TUG and PCI showed better results with ischial containment socket even though the improvement was not statistically significant. Observable variations in gait deviations were not seen with the socket change. CONCLUSION : The ischial containment socket is an evolutionary transfemoral socket design, which provides better comfort for transfemoral above knee amputee persons. The ischial containment socket might potentially improve walking ability and endurance in unilateral transfemoral amputee persons

    The substantive representation of women in parliament with specific reference to the provincial legislature of Gauteng, 2001-2004.

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    Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal,Durban, 2006.In this study, I examine the substantive representation of women in the Provincial Legislature of Gauteng. The general perception is that if there is a substantial numerical representation of women in parliaments, then women's concerns will be adequately represented. My purpose was to understand how women perceived political representation. I found that although all the women whom I interviewed were interested in women's matters, they did not wish to be confined to the role of representing women, but wished to involve themselves in a broader spectrum of concerns. Although in South Africa there is an increase in the representation of women in the legislature, this is not necessarily being translated into effective and gender-sensitive policy-making. The partylist system of proportional representation was found to impact negatively upon the ability of women to represent women's concerns as women were constrained by the male dominated party and senior party officials. A legislated quota system would ensure that women from all parties are represented and the inclusion of a constituency-based electoral could counterbalance the control of parties. Female representation is subjected to numerous challenges from men, and from political parties which may not wish to prioritise the concerns of women. The introduction of formal political institutions in parliament would be best placed to monitor the selection process in parliament as well as ensure fair practice. The gender impact of the political and policy process can only be recognised through institutional mechanisms rather than the presence of women alone. Women themselves are by no means unanimous concerning what is best for them as parliamentarians or how they should represent the concerns of women. Channels of communication should be opened for women to understand each others cultural constraints. Although mechanisms, like the Women's Parliamentary Caucus, do exist for women to carry out representation, the effectiveness and status of the Caucus is questionable due its institutional status. Formalising the WPC as a standing committee would create a platform from which women could act to represent the concerns of women

    Effectiveness of clinical pathway for patients undergoing open reduction and internal fixation upon the knowledge and practice of nurses and patients outcome

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    A Quasi Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Clinical Pathway for Patients Undergoing Open Reduction and Internal Fixation upon the Knowledge and Practice of Nurses and Patient Outcome at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai. The Objectives of the Study were, 1. To assess the Pre and Post test level of Knowledge and Practice of Nurses regarding Clinical Pathway for Patients undergoing Open Reduction and Internal Fixation. 2. To assess the Patient outcome in Control and Experimental group of Patients undergoing Open Reduction and Internal Fixation. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of Clinical Pathway by comparing Pre and Post test level of Knowledge and Practice of Nurses regarding Clinical Pathway for Patients undergoing Open Reduction and Internal Fixation. 4. To compare the Patient outcome in Control and Experimental group of Patients undergoing Open Reduction and Internal Fixation. 5. To compare the level of Patient Satisfaction in Control and Experimental group of Patients undergoing Open Reduction and Internal Fixation. 6. To determine the association between selected demographic variables of Nurses and their Pre and Post test level of knowledge and Practice Regarding Clinical Pathway for Patients undergoing Open Reduction and Internal Fixation. 7. To determine the association between the selected Demographic Variables of Control and Experimental groups of Patients and their Outcome after implementation of Clinical pathway for Open Reduction and Internal Fixation. 8. To determine the association between the selected Clinical variables of Control and Experimental groups of Patients and their Outcome after implementation of Open Reduction and Internal Fixation
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