31 research outputs found

    The radial growth of larch trees at Järvselja training and experimental forest center stands

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    Bakalaureusetöö Loodusvarade kasutamise ja kaitse õppekavalMets on tähtis tooraine allikas. Dendrokronoloogilised meetodid aitavad analüüsida nii kliimategurite, looduslike ja inimtekkeliste häiringute mõju puude kasvule. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on uurida lehiste radiaalkasvu kasvukohatüübiti Järvselja Õppe- ja Katsemetskonna lehisepuistutest kogutud puursüdamike andmeil. Töös kasutatakse 202 lehisepuult kogutud puurproovide andmeid, vastavalt mustika, jänesekapsa-mustika, jänesekapsa ja jänesekapsa-pohla kasvukohatüübist. Andmed koguti teadusprojekti „Lehise puistute kasvukäik ja majandamine Järvseljal“ raames, kus välitööd teostati 2014. aasta sügisel. Proovid mõõdeti LINTAB mõõteseadega ja ristdateeriti visuaalselt TsapWin programmiga ning statistiliselt COFECHA-ga. Lehiste puursüdamike andmed standardiseeriti ja analüüsiti vabavara R’iga, vastavalt paketide dplR ja pointRes vahenditega. Koostati erinevate kasvukohatüüpide kaupa lehistele juurdekasvuindeksite seeriad (kronoloogiad). Samuti leiti kasvukohatüübi kaupa lehiste aastarõngaid iseloomustavad statistikud, lehiste radiaalse juurdekasvu ja kasvukohatüüpide ahel, tehti regressioonanalüüs (diameetri ja vanuse vaheliste seoste analüüsimiseks regressioonimudel) ja näitaasta analüüs Cropperi meetodil (ekstreemsete kasvuaastate avastamiseks). Juurdekasvuindeksite varieeruvus erinevates kasvukohatüüpides on aastate lõikes küllaltki stabiilne, sarnane. Kõik lehiste aastarõngaste seeriate statistikud näitavad seeriate omavahelist head kooskõla. Kõige suurem diameeter ja aastarõngaste laiuskasv on jänesekapsa kasvukohatüübis. Koostatud lineaarne regressioonimudel näitas diameetri ja vanuse vahel statistiliselt olulist seost, determinatsioonikordajad jäid vahemikku 0,695 kuni 0,8125. Näitaasta analüüsi tulemused näitasid, et jänesekapsa kasvukohatüübis ei esinenud ekstreemseid kasvuaastaid. Samas teistel kasvualadel tõi analüüs esile mõned positiivsed ja negatiivsed kasvuaastad, kuid need erinesid kasvukohati. Saadud tulemused näitavad, et sobib kõige parem lehise kasvatamiseks jänesekapsa kasvukohatüüp. Töö tulemusi saab kasutada edasises uuringutes puistute produktsioonivõime prognoosimisel erinevates kasvukohatüüpides või optimaalse kasvukohta valimiseks.The forest is an important source of raw materials. Dendrochronologically methods help to analyze the impact of climatic and natural factors as well as anthropogenic disturbances on growth of the tree. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to study the radial growth of larches at different habitat types based on the data collected from drill cores of the larch stands at the Research and Experimental Forest District of Järvselja. This thesis uses data from core samples collected from 202 larches in such habitat types as the bilberry, wood sorrel / bilberry, wood sorrel, and wood sorrel / cowberry. Data were collected within the framework of a research project entitled “Growth History and Management of Larch Stands in Järveselja”. Fieldwork was carried out in the autumn of 2014. The samples were measured with the LINTAB measuring device and cross-dated visually with the program Tsap-Win and statistically with COFECHA. Data from the drill cores of larches were standardized and analyzed with freeware R, according to the package dplR and instruments of pointRes. Increment indices series (chronologies) were drawn up for larches based on different habitat types. Also the statisticians characterizing the annual rings of larches, the radial growth of the larches and chain of habitat were found by the habitat type, regression analysis (regression model for analyzing the relation between diameter and age) and analysis of pointer year by the Cropper method (to detect the extreme growth years) were made. The variability of increment indices in different habitat types were quite stable and similar over the years. All annual ring series statistics of the larches show good consistency between the series. The largest diameter and the width of the annual ring growth is at the wood sorrel habitat type. Drawn linear regression model showed statistically significant correlation between diameters and age, determination coefficient ranged from 0,695 to 0,8125. Pointer year results showed that there were no extreme growth years in the wood sorrel habitat type. However, other areas of the growth analysis pointed out some of the positive and negative growth years, but they vary across habitats. The results show that the most suitable for the cultivation for larch is the wood sorrel habitat type. The results of the thesis can be used in future studies to predict the production capacity of stands in different habitat types, or to select optimal habitat

    The effect of bio-oils on feeding behavior of the large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis (L.))

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    Magistritöö Metsamajanduse õppekavalMännikärsakad (Hylobius spp) on kõige olulisemad okaspuuistutuskultuuride kahjurid. Kahjustusi on võimalik ennetada ja vähendada, kasutades erinevaid tõrjemeetodeid, sh sünteetilisi insektitsiide. Paljud putukamürgid on aga ka väikestes kogustes loodusesse sattudes keskkonda saastavad, mistõttu üha rohkem pööratakse metsakaitselistes uuringutes tähelepanu uudsetele keskkonnasäästlikele biopestitsiidele. Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks oli uurida puidu pürolüüsil saadud puiduõlide mõju hariliku männikärsaka toitumiskäitumisele laboritingimustes. Katsetes kasutati erinevate leht- ja okaspuu puitudest (arukask (Betula pendula), sanglepp (Alnus glutinosa), hall lepp (Alnus incana), harilik tamm (Quercus robur), harilik saar (Fraxinus excelsior), harilik haab (Populus tremula), harilik kuusk (Picea abies), lehis (Larix spp)) pürolüüsil ehk utmisel saadud õlisid. Töö hüpoteesideks oli, et hariliku männikärsaka toitumiskäitumist mõjutavad erineval määral kõik katsetes kasutatud puiduõlid ning puiduõlidel on pärssiv mõju hariliku männikärsaka toitumisaktiivsusele. Töö tulemusena selgus, et kõik puiduõlid avaldavad mõju hariliku männikärsaka valmikute toitumiskäitumisele. Kõige tõhusamateks deterrentideks mõlemast soost katseputukatele osutusid kuuse-, kase-, halli lepa- ja saareõlid.Pine weevils (Hylobius spp) are the most important pests of coniferous crops. Damage can be prevented and reduced by using a variety of control methods, including synthetic insecticides. However, many insecticides are polluting to nature even in small amounts when released into the environment, which is why forest protection research is increasingly focusing on innovative, environmentally friendly biopesticides. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of bio-oils obtained from wood pyrolysis on the feeding behavior of the large pine weevil under laboratory conditions. The experiments used the oils resulting from pyrolysis of wood of different deciduous and coniferous trees (silver birch (Betula pendula), black alder (Alnus glutinosa), grey alder (Alnus incana), common oak (Quercus robur), common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), common aspen (Populus tremula), Norway spruce (Picea abies), larch (Larix spp)). The hypotheses of the work were that the feeding behavior of the large pine weevil is affected to different degrees by all the bio-oils used in the experiments, and the bio-oils have an inhibitory effect on the feeding activity of the large pine weevil. As a result of the work, it was found that all bio-oils have an effect on the feeding behaviour of adult large pine weevils. Spruce, birch, grey alder and ash oils proved to be the most effective deterrents for test insects of both sexes

    Nutrient retention by differently managed vegetation of buffer zones

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    Shoots growth and nutrient concentration of differently vegetated buffer zones(BZ) were studied in south-western Finland with clay soils. Aboveground plant biomasses differed greatly among each of the six vegetation types with different age and harvesting parctice. The concentration of P AAAc in soil surface increased with natural vegetation with no harvest. The preliminary results for the BZ plots emphasized the role of vegetation and grazing in an additional nutrient loading

    Buffer zone water repellency: effects of the management practice

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    Water repellency index R was measured in a heavy clay and a sandy loam, used as arable land or buffer zone (BZ). Further, effect of management practise and ageing of BZs were studied. Water repellency was proved to be a common phenomenon on these soils. Harvesting and grazing increased water repellency as does ageing.Low water repellency is supposed to prevent preferential flows and provide evenly distributed water infiltration pattern through large soil volume, which favours nutrient retention

    Formation of pragmatic thinking foreign students

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    The focus of the study is the search for methods to improve the speech-cogitative activity of foreign students who study Russian as a foreign language at the initial and advanced stages of education for the further development of a technical profession. In order to achieve the tasks set, the team of authors analyzes some methodological methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language (including the method of teaching the scientific style of speech within the Russian as a foreign language) and comes to the conclusion that in modern conditions of intensification of the educational process, interdisciplinary coordination is necessary, which consists in immersion lexico-grammatical units into a highly specialized text adapted to them. Due to the integration of scientific knowledge (general linguistic and special), it becomes easier and faster to master the program of a higher educational institution, since this process creates the foundation for the formation of pragmatic thinking through the analysis and implementation of structural-semantic models with content and semantic diversity into speech practice. This allows you to put the student in real communicative conditions, in which scientific and speech problems are solved simaltaneously, to create complete statements in Russian independantly on a professional topic after rethinking the basic information and its content shades, and to form the skills of automated use of language tools

    Análise teórica e metodológica dos fenômenos educativos modernos

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    O posicionamento dos segmentos digital e de jogos como fenômenos educacionais é uma questão urgente que necessita de análise teórico-metodológica. O objetivo do artigo é destacar as características da gamificação e da digitalização no contexto do desenvolvimento inovador da educação. A tarefa de exploração científica centra-se na harmonização dos elementos digitais e de jogos na formação do paradigma educacional moderno. A metodologia de pesquisa concentrou-se no potencial do discurso metodológico científico geral (análise, sistematização, previsão) e científico e pedagógico (conceituação, modelagem). Os resultados indicam que os componentes digital e de jogo formam a dimensão inovadora das estratégias educacionais. Ao mesmo tempo, distinguem-se duas formas de conciliar os componentes-chave do espaço educativo: inovação e tradicionalismo e inovação versus tradicionalismo. Consequentemente, a gamificação e a digitalização são os fatores que determinam a proporção de componentes tradicionais e inovadores nas estratégias de desenvolvimento educacional

    Light-induced sulfur transport inside single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    This article belongs to the Section 2D and Carbon Nanomaterials.Filling of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and extraction of the encapsulated species from their cavities are perspective treatments for tuning the functional properties of SWCNT-based materials. Here, we have investigated sulfur-modified SWCNTs synthesized by the ampoule method. The morphology and chemical states of carbon and sulfur were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy, Raman scattering, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray photoelectron and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopies. Successful encapsulation of sulfur inside SWCNTs cavities was demonstrated. The peculiarities of interactions of SWCNTs with encapsulated and external sulfur species were analyzed in details. In particular, the donor–acceptor interaction between encapsulated sulfur and host SWCNT is experimentally demonstrated. The sulfur-filled SWCNTs were continuously irradiated in situ with polychromatic photon beam of high intensity. Comparison of X-ray spectra of the samples before and after the treatment revealed sulfur transport from the interior to the surface of SWCNTs bundles, in particular extraction of sulfur from the SWCNT cavity. These results show that the moderate heating of filled nanotubes could be used to de-encapsulate the guest species tuning the local composition, and hence, the functional properties of SWCNT-based materials.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project 18-72-00017), the bilateral Program “Russian-Germany Laboratory at BESSY II” in the part of XPS and C K-edge NEXAFS measurements, and shared research center SSTRC on the basis of the Novosibirsk VEPP-4 - VEPP-2000 complex at BINP SB RAS, using equipment supported by project RFMEFI62119X0022 in the part of S K-edge NEXAFS measurements. R.A. acknowledges the support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MAT2016-79776-P, AEI/FEDER, EU), from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under the project “ESTEEM3” (823717) and from the Government of Aragon and the European Social Fund under the project “Construyendo Europa desde Aragon” 2014–2020 (grant number E13_17R, FEDER, EU).Peer reviewe

    Chronobiological approach to study microsymbiont catalase activity in female reproductive tract

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    Catalase is a heme-containing enzyme belonging to protection factors that destroys peroxide compounds. The presence of catalase activity is an important ability of microorganisms that allows them to be protected from unfavorable factors as well as adapt to macroorganism conditions. Catalase along with superoxide dismutase plays an important role in pathogen resistance to phagocyte oxygen-dependent bactericidal mechanisms. The aim of the study was to investigate microsymbiont catalase activity from female reproductive tract in normocenosis and candidiasis dysbiosis using the chronobiological approach. The study was conducted on clinical isolates, isolated from female reproductive tract microsymbiocenosis. The catalase activity was determined by spectrophotometry based on 24 hour-long hydrogen peroxide reduction with 3-hours interval in winter season. Dynamic hydrogen peroxide was assessed in 3–5 experiment replicates. In some Lactobacillus spp., catalase was found containing no heme group — pseudocatalase. Chronobiological approach allowed to reveal enzyme activity from all microsymbionts. The dominant and associative microbiota isolated from healthy females was characterized by circadian (24 hours) rhythms of catalase activity early in the morning — 5 a.m. (р 0.05). Hydrogen peroxide decomposes spontaneously or via non-enzymatic catalysts, and microorganisms cope with this situation under such conditions. In microsymbionts characteristic of female reproductive tract dysbiosis, and usually found in large numbers along with decreased Lactobacillus spp. ultradian rhythms with 12- and 8-hour harmonics of catalase activity with acrophase were recorded in the morning (8 a.m.) and evening hours (8 p.m.). The minimum values of enzyme production in all cultures were recorded at 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. Therefore, the contribution of the rhythm of the studied parameter at varying degree of vaginal sterility reflects the adaptive pathogen capabilities to the conditions of existence and can be the basis for studying related regulatory mechanisms. Mesor and amplitude phase stability are universal rhythmometric parameters used to evaluate patient’s condition independent of species assignment

    Probing the HIV-1 Genomic RNA Trafficking Pathway and Dimerization by Genetic Recombination and Single Virion Analyses

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    Once transcribed, the nascent full-length RNA of HIV-1 must travel to the appropriate host cell sites to be translated or to find a partner RNA for copackaging to form newly generated viruses. In this report, we sought to delineate the location where HIV-1 RNA initiates dimerization and the influence of the RNA transport pathway used by the virus on downstream events essential to viral replication. Using a cell-fusion-dependent recombination assay, we demonstrate that the two RNAs destined for copackaging into the same virion select each other mostly within the cytoplasm. Moreover, by manipulating the RNA export element in the viral genome, we show that the export pathway taken is important for the ability of RNA molecules derived from two viruses to interact and be copackaged. These results further illustrate that at the point of dimerization the two main cellular export pathways are partially distinct. Lastly, by providing Gag in trans, we have demonstrated that Gag is able to package RNA from either export pathway, irrespective of the transport pathway used by the gag mRNA. These findings provide unique insights into the process of RNA export in general, and more specifically, of HIV-1 genomic RNA trafficking

    National-cultural veil of etiquette phrases and environmentally responsible behavior

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    The article sets the goal, by direct observation of the facts of the language, to get ahead of how the language encodes images that are formed under the influence of cultural knowledge in the thoughts of a particular person, conveys the subtle nuances of the picture of the world and affects the non-verbal behavior of its carrier. The author believes that it is possible to understand the complex mechanism of communication by referring to linguistic and cultural studies, theory and history of culture, ethnography, psychology and other humanitarian disciplines, which contribute to a comprehensive description of language and culture, thereby laying the psycholinguistic and national-cultural foundations for the correct interpretation of the reproduced and received information. This presupposes, among other things, the awareness of the addressee of the speech that the addressee's interest in the information he receives is awakened not only by the content of the utterance, but also in the external form of its presentation, which includes phonetic framing, lexical selectivity, intonation design, structural length, qualifying as accompanying elements to the meaning of the statement. The author comes to the conclusion that etiquette forms of communication are capable of performing any of the linguistic functions, including suggestive, which lays a certain imprint on the very act of communication, giving it some subtext characteristic and contributing to the formation of a given decoration in the minds of the recipients of the dialogue