729 research outputs found

    Printed books and the WWW

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    This contribution reports on an ongoing investigation and evaluation of freely available tools on the Internet and WWW to discover information about printed books or to find copies of a particular book for sale. Introduction: Various information needs exist related to books. The Internet and WWW provide many services to discover information. Problem statements / aims: Which information services are available free of charge for all users via the Internet and the WWW, which allow us to find information concerning various aspects of a particular printed book title? Furthermore, how well do these perform? Methodology: Information services that are relevant in the framework of this investigation have been identified. Their features and mechanisms have been compared. Some systems that looked promising have been evaluated in more detail by searching for information concerning particular, individual book titles, simulating normal usage. Results / findings: Internet services to find information about books can be categorized as dealing 1. with only one collection, 2. with more than one collection in a single, based on a single, merged database, 3. federated search services that exploit some of the other services simultaneously in one search action. The federated search systems offer in general the highest coverage. Therefore these are investigated in more detail. Conclusion / value: This investigation clarifies the state of the art of the usefulness of book search systems on the Internet and WWW for librarians as well as other users

    Search by Image Through the Internet: An Additional Method to Find Information

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    Offers an overview of an ongoing assessment of search by image through the Internet. This is a relatively new method for information retrieval, in which a query does not consist of text but of an image file. Various tests have been performed. The results show that search by image is evolving to a powerful, additional method to meet information needs that are difficult to handle with other, more classical methods. Various types of applications are presented

    Information discovery using search by image: applications in the humanities

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    This contribution deals with searching and finding information by using an image as query on the internet and WWW. The overview covers available systems, limitations of their power, and enabling underlying technologies, but the emphasis is on applications in humanities. The audience is motivated and enabled to apply this relatively new method to discover information and to support other potential users. Keywords : Reverse image search, search by image, information discovery, internet, Googl

    An outline of a National Health Education programme

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    An international training program in library and information science : looking backward and forward / Paul Nieuwenhuysen

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    The aim of this study is to improve the subsequent editions of an international training program in information management. Up to now 15 editions have been organized, coordinated by the author of this paper. About half of the participants work in developing countries in Asia. Each program takes place mainly in Brussels, Belgium, for about three months. One program has been organized each year, on average. The following are research questions: How to obtain financial support? How to organize the management of the program? How to exploit the fast evolution of ICT, to announce each new program? Same question for the communication with participants before and during the program. How to improve the use of computers and Internet by the participants? How to cope with the heterogeneity of the participants? Which contents to provide in the curriculum? Which types of learning experiences should we offer in this kind of training program? How to adapt to the specific needs of the students? How to assist the participants in translating their experience into a support for their future work? How to motivate the participants to use the training for concrete implementations in their home institute? How to deal with the reality that there is not just one solution for each challenge, while participants want to receive concrete solutions for needs in their home organization? What can be the function of assessment of each participant in such programs? How to provide a basis for future professional contacts among participants? How to use the program not only for professional development, but also as eye opener to other cultures? How to follow-up progress made by participants in their home organization? The training programs have served as lively laboratories to investigate how we can improve them. For each of the research questions above, we describe the situation during the first programs, the changes that we made during subsequent programs, and our view on the success of the various attempts towards improvemen

    Finding copies of an image: a comparison of reverse image search systems on the WWW

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    Objective - The reported investigation aimed to assess the performance of services that offer search by image on the Internet / WWW to find copies of a known image. The motivation is that finding copies of an image can be useful for several purposes, while search by image is a relatively new method that allows finding such images and that is offered free of charge by a few Internet search services. Furthermore, the context of each revealed image copy may yield relevant information. Methods - Various images have been used in empirical case studies. Results - Finding copies is positioned in a structured view of applications of reverse image searching. The concept 'copy' is clarified and sharpened. Data have been collected regarding the performance of several contemporary services to find copies of an image, namely TinEye, Google and Yandex. Conclusions - The reported findings have revealed significant differences in the number of copies discovered and in the precision of the search results. Therefore, all this may be helpful for users / practitioners to select andn appropriate image search service to reveal copies of an image and even information that is related to the image

    Internationale ontwikkeling van een digitale bibliotheek in “open access” over informatiebeheer

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    Studiematerialen over beheer van gegevens/data en informatie, die vrij toegankelijk zijn via Internet en WWW, worden ter beschikking gesteld op een georganiseerde manier in een digitale bibliotheek door het systeem OceanTeacher bij http://www.oceanteacher.org/ of http://ioc.unesco.org/oceanteacher/ of op optische schijf. Het is belangrijk dat zoveel mogelijk de volledige documenten inbegrepen zijn, omdat vele gebruikers werken in ontwikkelingslanden zonder breedband Internet toegang. Specifieker wordt de meeste aandacht besteed aan studiematerialen over gegevens en informatiebeheer ter ondersteuning van mariene wetenschap of oceanografie, want het gehele systeem wordt ontwikkeld in het kader van UNESCO-IOC, de Internationale Oceanografische Commissie, en nog meer bepaald van IODE, de afdeling die internationale uitwisseling steunt van oceanografische gegevens en informatie. Deze bijdrage biedt een overzicht van het kader, de evolutie van het systeem, een overzicht van de inhoud en de structuur, de plannen voor de toekomst, evenals de uitdagingen en de knelpunten