80 research outputs found

    Ikääntyneen lonkkamurtumapotilaan suun terveys

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    Terveyden- ja hyvinvointilaitoksen (THL) mukaan keskimäärin 7 000 ihmistä saa vuosittain lonkkamurtuman. Tilastojen pohjalta tyypillinen lonkkamurtumapotilas on monisairas yli 80-vuotias nainen. Murtumat aiheuttavat suuria yhteiskunnallisia kustannuksia. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli saada selville millainen on ikääntyneen lonkkaleikkauspotilaan suun terveys lonkkaleikkauksen jälkeisellä hoitojaksolla ja mitkä ovat näiden potilaiden keskeiset suun terveyden ongelmat. Opinnäytetyö oli osa Ravlon-hanketta. Opinnäytetyön toteutus tapahtui Turun kaupunginsairaalan ortopedisellä kuntoutusosastolla. Ravlon-hankkeen tarkoituksena oli selvittää ikääntyneiden lonkkaleikkauspotilaiden kuntoutusta suhteessa heidän saamaansa ravintoon. Suuhygienistiopiskelijat tutkivat potilaiden suun terveyttä osastolla, Suun terveydentilan selvitys -lomakkeen (LIITE 1-2) avulla. Hanke tarjosi opinnäytetyöaiheen kahdelle opiskelijaryhmälle. Ensimmäinen opinnäytetyö julkaistiin vuoden 2011 lopussa (Luomala, Niemenmaa & Salonen 2011). Tämä opinnäytetyö jatkaa ja vahvistaa aikaisemman opinnäytetyön tuloksia. Opinnäytetyön menetelmäksi valikoitui kvantitatiivinen eli määrällinen tutkimusmenetelmä, koska tutkimusaineisto oli numeraalisessa muodossa ja sitä pystyttiin tutkimaan erilaisilla tilastollisilla ohjelmilla. Tuloksista selviää, että lonkkamurtumapotilailla suun terveydentilan ongelmat ovat moninaiset. Suurimmat suun terveydentilan ongelmat olivat plakin määrä, ienongelmat, huonosti istuvat proteesit sekä hampaiden puhdistusvälineiden puuttuminen. Lonkkamurtumapotilailla oli runsaasti jatkohoidon tarvetta. Potilailla ei kuitenkaan ollut omien kokemustensa mukaan suussa tuntemuksia. Tämä oli kuitenkin ristiriidassa kliinisten havaintojen kanssa. Keskeiseksi havainnoksi nousikin potilaiden vähättelevä suhtautuminen suun terveyden ongelmiinsa.According to National Institute for Health and Welfare there are approximately 7 000 hip fractures annually. Statistically a typical hip fracture patient is an elderly woman with many diseases. Hip fractures cause substantial costs to the society. The purpose of Bachelor’s theses was to find out the status of oral health amongst the elderly hip fracture patients after the surgery. Another purpose was to find out what were the main oral problems with these patients. Bachelor’s thesis was a part of the Ravlon Project, and it was implemented in a ward at Turku City Hospital. The purpose of the Ravlon Project was to find out the significance of nutrition in the healing process of an elderly hip fracture patient. Dental hygienist students examined the oral health of elderly patients in the ward using a form designed for the task. The Ravlon Project gave topic to two dental hygienist student groups. The first Bachelor’s thesis was published in 2011 (Luomala, Niemenmaa & Salonen 2011). This Bachelor’s thesis continues the work of the first thesis and verifies the results with a larger number of patients. The method of the thesis was chose to be quantitative. The research material was in a numeral form, so it was easy to examine it with statistical programmes. The results of Bachelor’s thesis are that there are many oral problems with the elderly hip fracture patients. The main problems are dental plaque, gum problems, poorly stable dentures and the lack of dental hygiene products. Hip fracture patients were in a need of dental treatment. According to the patients, they did not have dental problems. This differs from the clinical observations. A crucial observation was that the elderly have a dismissive attitude towards dental health

    CSR communication in B2B business: "It is a bonus, not a priority."

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    Objective of the Study: The objective of the thesis was to shed light on how suppliers communicate CSR to organizational buyers in B2B business relationships by studying the topic from the buyer's perspective. More specifically, the study examined how organizational buyers perceive the role of CSR in business, how they perceive CSR communication practiced by suppliers, and to what extent organizational buyers process CSR communication when making buying decisions. The topic was scrutinized in the context of the Finnish shipping industry by way of studying the company Finnlines as the case organization. Methodology and the Analytical Framework: The study was conducted as a qualitative single case study using semi-structured interviews with four international organizational buyers who work in a department of altogether 11 buyers. The interviews were conducted in Helsinki and an interview guide was formulated to guide the research. The analytical framework of the study was constructed on the basis of the research questions. It consisted of three main parts: 1) B2B business relationship between the supplier and the buyer 2) CSR communication and 3) the organizational buying-decision. Findings and Conclusions: The main findings of the study were threefold. First, the findings showed that CSR was perceived rather traditionally, emphasizing the economic and legal aspect of responsibility, and the role of CSR was perceived mostly as enhancing corporate reputation. Furthermore, the buyers experienced that the suppliers did not heavily promote CSR in their communication, and if they did promote it, the buyers had a somewhat skeptical stance towards it. Finally, the findings showed that CSR communication was perceived as something extra while concurrently the organizational buyers were receptive to CSR messages; yet their motivation to process CSR communication was low and the effect of CSR communication on the buyer's buying- decision was marginal at most. These findings indicate that the case organization should emphasize CSR issues, both in the purchasing department and in the organization in general, in order to leverage competitive advantage. For supplier organizations in shipping, the findings indicate that supplier organizations should plan their CSR communications more carefully in order to influence organizational buyers in their supplier selections. Moreover, the findings indicate that B2B shipping organizations in general should further emphasize CSR both in their operations and in their communications to gain an image of a forerunner organization and gain a competitive edge over competitors

    The 'Incel' Phenomenon in the Digital Era--How Echo Chambers have Fueled the Incel Movement

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    The “incel” phenomenon began after 2010 when like-minded young – mostly straight white – men started to share similar thoughts and worldviews on certain digital platforms and online forums leading to an exclusive community. The phenomenon is characterized by misogynism, racism and homophobia. The most extreme forms of the phenomenon have led to violent hate crimes. The aim of this paper is to understand this phenomenon and analyze it by applying the echo chamber theory

    Emerging Wireless Technologies for Reliable Indoor Navigation in Industrial Environments

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    Reliable positioning systems are key drivers for location-based services in smart logistics and internet of things (IoT) applications amid the era of Industry 4.0. They are the foundation blocks upon which navigation applications are built for all client segments ranging from public individuals to industrial firms. This research article investigates the existing wireless radio technologies from a low-cost opportunistic perspective to provide precise positioning for dense indoor scenarios. In indoor scenarios, it is a rule of thumb that modern humans spend more than 90% of their time inside buildings, and yet, only a few indoor positioning systems are: less available, more expensive, more disruptable, and/or less accurate. One major reason is that the current indoor positioning technologies are compromising the system performance with other essential metrics such as the overall cost. For instance, the most accurate (millimeter level) indoor positioning technology -so far- is the LASER technology, however, it is massively expensive. On the other hand, some of the existing low-cost positioning technologies for indoor venues are less accurate, besides having other performance drawbacks. One prominent solution for dense indoor situations is Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology, as it provides a positive trade-off between operational costs and system performance. UWB has recently emerged to deliver precise indoor positioning solutions within a centimeter level of accuracy while being a reliable low-cost technology. It is foreseen that UWB will be embedded inside many smartphone models in the near future, some phone manufacturers have already started adopting UWB-chips in 2019 such as Apple and Samsung. Moreover, the FiRa consortium was established by giant founding companies such as Cisco, Google, Samsung, BOSCH, Apple, and Qualcomm, to promote UWB as an indoor positioning technology. Quoting from the FiRa website as follows “UWB is the most effective available technology for delivering accurate ranging and positioning in challenging real-world environments, allowing devices to add real-time spatial context and enabling new user experiences”. Previously in 2021, we conducted a thorough review study on UWB, in which we concluded that UWB is an industrial-friendly technology that can provide higher rates of accuracy while maintaining continuous service levels at low costs. In a well-established industrial laboratory in the Ostrobothnia region, Technobothnia, we performed technical experiments to deliver precise UWB positioning for individuals and mobile assets such as autonomous robots. Aided by sensitive inertial motion units (IMUs), the results showed that the UWB precision positioning in a dense challenging environment (i.e. Technobothnia) has been achieved to mean absolute error of 3.7 centimeters accuracy, and a Wi-Fi positioning accuracy of 4.5 meters. Our future objective is to further improve the positioning accuracy and reliability to facilitate autonomous operations by mobile robots in the lab. Later, our system will be made open to the public use e.g. for students, visitors, and staff as beneficiaries. Besides UWB technology, there are some additional opportunistic methods that are less accurate (ultra-meter(s) accuracy) however, can be assisted with other multisensor technologies to achieve reliable positioning solutions. The methods that are being investigated are Bluetooth low energy (BLE) and Wi-Fi positioning. The idea is based on the signal-of-opportunity (SOP) paradigm, in which the positioning solution is rendered by measuring one of the radio signal properties, that is, the received signal strength indicator (RSSI). By integrating with IMU sensors, the multisensor combinations BLE/IMU and WiFi/IMU can result in meter-level accuracy, which can be regarded as reliable positioning for certain indoor applications. Moreover, the use of both techniques is foreseen to be sufficient for laboratory mobile activities, as their typical multisensor positioning accuracy can range between 1.5 to 3 meters. The main objective of our proposed method is to refine the achieved positioning accuracy from the multisensor system using a series of algorithmic remedies. First, the positioning solutions are filtered via Bayesian filters to remove the noisy effects and DC offsets. Then, the multisensor scheme is selected as either loose or tight coupling to integrate the IMU readings with the radio-based RSSI estimations and overcome the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) effects. Afterward, the fused solution is treated with recursive Kalman smoothers to further refine the positioning traces, and remove sharpness and stationary effects. The final (optional) step is to apply some machine learning algorithms to adapt navigation routes to the real surroundings based on the collected training data. As a ground truth for all systems and also as training data, an accurate mobile robot is used to bear all sensors together during the experiments. The robot is equipped with LiDARs, ultrasounds, radars, and LASERs that can achieve millimeter accuracy, hence, the data recorded by its sensors are treated as ground truth as well as training data. We also developed an embedded system that synchronizes all data pools together coming from different sensors (UWB – WiFi – BLE – IMU) in the same time frame. In summary, this article studies the indoor navigation opportunities created by existing radio positioning technologies that are tailored for industrial use cases, using multisensor fusion methods for both precise and fingerprinting techniques. A special focus was given to UWB technology as it will be abundant in the near future by embedding smartphones, home appliances, and body wearables with commercial-grade UWB chips, which was already started in 2019. Additionally, we focused on the Wi-Fi based IPS for mobile assets (e.g., robots and humans) that are not necessarily requiring to have precise positioning, few meters of accuracy are becoming sufficient. The existing infrastructure in Technobothnia is currently being customized to embed BLE hardware into the designed IPS, however, the software part has been already implemented. Those RSSI-based indoor positioning methods are becoming trending in large indoor venues (e.g., airports, malls, and train stations) as well as being adopted by major positioning corporations. Consequently, we studied some algorithmic optimization techniques to transform both fingerprinting methods into more accurate reliable techniques. As future research, our proposed methods can be further adapted to be applied for real-time applications, and ensuring that all technologies (including BLE) are functional and up running.© 2023 The Authors. Published by the Institute of Navigation.fi=vertaisarvioimaton|en=nonPeerReviewed

    Indoor Asset Tracking in Dense Industrial Environments Using Low-cost Wireless Technologies

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    Location based services are becoming abundant and more reliable in today’s world thanks to the technological advancements achieved in the fields of positioning, navigation, and timing. Indoor asset tracking is an essential element of smart automation, warehousing, and manufacturing in industrial environments. Accurate indoor positioning systems (IPSs) exist with heavy financial costs depending on the degree of integrity required, consequently, numerous wireless based systems can be regarded as economical solutions. However, wireless positioning technologies suffer deep channel impairments especially in dense indoor venues that comprise various metallic and concrete structures. In this article, we showcase our work-in-progress research that studies a dense industrial environment in the context of indoor asset tracking. We experiment three potential wireless technologies: Ultra wideband (UWB), Bluetooth low energy (BLE) and Wi-Fi, to render a comparative assessment. Using a Multi-sensor fusion approach, we tend to complement the flaws in one technology with the merits of another, aided by physical quantity sensors like inertial motion units (IMUs). Moreover, we developed a machine learning optimization model to improve the results of the fusion based positioning scheme. The results are to be verified against millimeter-accurate reference measurements, then a seamless positioning scheme for indoor asset tracking can be achieved.© 2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Kinetic and NMR spectroscopic study of the Chemical Stability and Reaction Pathways of Sugar Nucleotides

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    The alkaline cleavage of two types of sugar nucleotides has been studied by 1H and 31P NMR in order to obtain information on the stability and decomposition pathways in in aqueous solutions under alkaline conditions. The reaction of glucose 1-UDP is straightforward, and products are easy to identify. The results obtained with ribose 5-UDP and ribose 5-phosphate reveal, in contrast, a more complex reaction system than expected, and the identification of individual intermediate species was not possible. Even though definite proof for the mechanisms previously proposed could not be obtained, all the spectroscopic evidence is consistent with them. Results also emphasise the significant effect of conditions, pH, ionic strength and temperature, on the reactivity under chemical conditions.</p