160 research outputs found

    Developing core competencies through knowledge transfer in business relationships

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Developing competences through inter-organizational knowledge acquisition

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    siirretty Doriast

    Kesälaidunnuksen vaikutukset poron ravintokasveihin: kesälaitumet ja porojen kunto

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    Calf mortality of semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in the Finnish reindeer-herding area

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    During 1999-2008 calf mortality was studied in six reindeer-herding cooperatives in Northern Finland, where 3942 semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) calves were equipped with radio mortality collars. The calves were weighed and earmarked mostly at 2-5 days of age, or at 2-8 weeks of age. Altogether 460 dead radio-collared calves were found from calving in May until winter round-ups in October-January. In northern mountain herding cooperatives, the average mortality of calves varied between 7-12%. On average, 39-54% of calves found dead were attributed to predation. Golden eagles killed 0-3.5% of calves in different years and areas in Ivalo and Käsivarsi cooperatives. Golden eagles were responsible for 33-43% of the cases and 84-93% of all identified predation. Most calves killed by golden eagles were found in July-August and in open areas. Calves killed by golden eagles were significantly (P<0.01) lighter than those not predated. No predation occurred in the Poikajärvi cooperative, but the annual mortality of calves varied between 0-35% in cooperatives near the Russian border. In Oivanki cooperative brown bears killed on average 2% of the radio-collared calves. Most predation (87%) occurred at the end of May and in early June. In the Kallioluoma cooperative, predator-killed calves found comprised 53% and wolf-killed 45%. Predation was 70% of total mortality in the Halla cooperative, and predation by wolf, bear, lynx and wolverine comprised on average 38%, 20%, 9% and 2.3%, respectively. The sex and pelt color did not significantly affect survival of calves. Birth weight of calves killed by bears was significantly (P<0.01) lighter than those not killed, but those calves killed by lynxes were significantly (P<0.05) heavier than that survived. Bears killed calves mainly in May-July, wolves in July-October and lynx in August-December

    Mortality and survival of semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) calves in northern Finland

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    During the period 1999 to 2004 the reindeer calf survival and mortality were studied in two reindeer-herding cooperatives and in five herding-groups in northern Finland, where in total 1725 calves were fitted with mortality indicating radio-transmitters fixed on expandable neck collars. The calves were weighed and marked at the age of 2-5 days in calving corrals and also during earmarking in June/July, when the age of calves was 2-8 weeks. The rate, timing and causes of mortality of calves were investigated. In 1999-2001 in Ivalo reindeer-herding cooperative 4.6% of radiocollared calves and in 2002-04 in Käsivarsi reindeer cooperative 5.2% was found dead. The average mortality of the calves radio-collared during calving time in May, and monitored to the end of October, was 6.7% in Ivalo and 9.0% in Käsivarsi. From July on, the average mortality rates varied between 1.8-5.7% among reindeer herding-groups. On average 54 and 42% of all radio-collared calves found dead in Ivalo and Käsivarsi cooperatives were attributed to predation, and golden eagle was the most significant cause of death in both cooperatives killing 0-3.5% of radio-collared calves in different study areas and years. Golden eagle predation accounted for 33-43% of all radio-collared calves found dead, 55-59% of the cases with identified cause of death and 80% of all identified predation. Most of the calves killed by golden eagle were found during July and August mainly in the open areas, as in highlands, bogs and clear-cut forest areas. The mean body weight of the calves radio-collared in May (weights adjusted on June 1st) and found dead during the summer was significantly (P<0.01) lighter than the mean weight of survivors both in Ivalo and Käsivarsi. Furthermore, the midsummer body weights of the calves (weights adjusted on July 1st) killed by all predators and by golden eagles were significantly (P<0.001) lower than the mean weight of surviving calves in both cooperatives. However, the weights did not differ between depredated calves and those calves that succumbed due to other causes than predation. The results of this study emphasize the relative importance of golden eagle as a mortality factor for reindeer calves in the northern part of the Finnish reindeer husbandry area

    Poron vasatuotto ja -kuolemat Suomen poronhoitoalueella

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    Septicaemic listeriosis in reindeer calves – a case report

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    Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from 4 reindeer calves as a nearly pure growth from several internal organs, pointing to a septicaemic form of listeriosis. The calves were born in a calving corral. Silage feeding was considered the most probable source of the infection.Abstract in Finnish / Tiivistelm&auml;:Listeria monocytogenes -bakteerin aiheuttama verenmyrkytys poronvasoilla &ndash; tapausselostus Toukokuussa 2005 Suomen poronhoitoalueen kaakkoisosassa sijaitsevassa vasotustarhassa kuoli nelj&auml; poronvasaa pian syntym&auml;n j&auml;lkeen 5-11 p&auml;iv&auml;n ik&auml;isin&auml;. Kaikkien vasojen kuolinsyyksi todettiin Listeria monocytogenes -bakteerin aiheuttama verenmyrkytys. Tartunnan todenn&auml;k&ouml;isin l&auml;hde oli vaatimien lis&auml;ruokinnassa k&auml;ytetty s&auml;il&ouml;rehu. Kyseess&auml; on ensimm&auml;inen poronvasoilla todettu Listeria monocytogenes -bakteerin aiheuttama verenmyrkytys Suomessa. Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Tilfelle av sjukdomsfremkallende Listeriabakterie i reinkalver Listeria monocytogenes ble isolert fra 4 reinkalver som en nesten ren vekst fra flere indre organer, noe som antyder en sykdomsfremkallende form av listeriose. Kalvene nedkom i en kalveinnhegning, og man antok at d&aring;rlig silof&ocirc;r var smittekilden