143 research outputs found

    Developing E-Commerce web-site using Zend Framework and MySQL database

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    This thesis concentrates on developing an E-commerce website using Zend framework and MySQL database. Basically, a web development consists of 5 stages: graphic user interface(GUI) design, database design, back-end development, front-end development and search engine optimization (SEO) but only graphic user interface design, database design and back-end developing using Zend framework are focused in this thesis. The outcome of this thesis is the E-commerce website, www.mocaymart.com. The main methodology in this thesis is qualitative research, which mainly conducts various interviews for requirements collection and analysis. Furthermore, constructive research that is designed to solve problems in the real world is also ultilized. As a conclusion, the web owner satisfies with www.mocaymart.com and this website is evalu-ated as the key factor in their start-up plan

    High-Performance Hardware Implementation of Lattice-Based Digital Signatures

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    Many currently deployed public-key cryptosystems are based on the difficulty of the discrete logarithm and integer factorization problems. However, given an adequately sized quantum computer, these problems can be solved in polynomial time as a function of the key size. Due to the future threat of quantum computing to current cryptographic standards, alternative algorithms that remain secure under quantum computing are being evaluated for future use. As a part of this evaluation, high-performance implementations of these candidate algorithms must be investigated. This work presents a high-performance implementation of all operations of CRYSTALS-Dilithium and one operation of FALCON (signature verification) targeting FPGAs. In particular, we present a Dilithium design that achieves the best latency for an FPGA implementation to date and, to the best of our knowledge, the first FALCON hardware implementation to date. We compare our results with the hardware implementations of all viable NIST Round 3 post-quantum digital signature candidates

    High-Performance Hardware Implementation of CRYSTALS-Dilithium

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    Many currently deployed public-key cryptosystems are based on the difficulty of the discrete logarithm and integer factorization problems. However, given an adequately sized quantum computer, these problems can be solved in polynomial time as a function of the key size. Due to the future threat of quantum computing to current cryptographic standards, alternative algorithms that remain secure under quantum computing are being evaluated for future use. One such algorithm is CRYSTALS-Dilithium, a lattice-based digital signature scheme, which is a finalist in the NIST Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) competition. As a part of this evaluation, high-performance implementations of these algorithms must be investigated. This work presents a high-performance implementation of CRYSTALS-Dilithium targeting FPGAs. In particular, we present a design that achieves the best latency for an FPGA implementation to date. We also compare our results with the most-relevant previous work on hardware implementations of NIST Round 3 post-quantum digital signature candidates

    Achieving the successful lean implementation at manufacturing companies in Vietnam: Awareness of critical barriers

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    This study focuses on identifying the critical barriers/difficulties and exploring the roots of barriers/difficulties for successful Lean implementation at manufacturing companies in Vietnam. The literature review and in-depth interviews are applied in this study. The literature review is done to review and to obtain experiences of the inhibitors of Lean Implementation from previous studies. An in-depth interview is conducted with eight experts of eight manufacturing companies deployed Lean to explore and identify the critical barriers/difficulties for Lean implementation successfully. As a result, it finds that seven key barriers inhibiting the successful Lean implementation come from the leadership; the employees; the workplace; resources; operation process; the integration with customers; and from the integration with suppliers. These challenges are not easy and take a lot of time to overcome, though, this study provides helpful advice for business in Vietnam who has plans to follow Lean implementation in looking back to the company and restructuring strategies, objectives so that Lean implementation process would be more efficient and more open

    Assessing damages of agricultural land due to flooding in a lagoon region based on remote sensing and GIS: case study of the Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province, central Vietnam

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    This study aims to create a flood extent map with Sentinel imagery and to evaluate impacts on agricultural land in the lagoon region of central Vietnam. In this study, remote sensing images, obtained from 2017 to 2019, were used to simultaneously map the land cover status of a flood in the Quang Dien district. This study highlights flooded areas from Sentinel-2 images by calculating some indicators such as the Land Surface Water Index (LSWI) and the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). Comparisons between the floodplain samples (GPS point-based) and flood mapping results, with the ground-truth data, indicate that the overall accuracy and Kappa coefficients were 97.9% and 0.62 respectively for 2017; the values for 2019 were 95.7% and 0.77 for the same coefficients. Land use maps overlying the flood-affected maps show that approximately 11% of the agriculture land area was affected by floods in 2019 comparison to a 10% in 2017. Wet rice was the most affected crop with the flooded area accounting for more than 70% of the district under each flood event. The most affected communes are: Quang An, Quang Phuoc and Quang Thanh. This study provides valuable information for flood disaster planning, mitigation and recovery activities in Vietnam.Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu là lập bản đồ phân bố ngập lụt với hình ảnh vệ tinh Sentinel và đánh giá ảnh hưởng ngập lụt đến sử dụng đất nông nghiệp ở vùng đầm phá miền Trung, Việt Nam. Trong nghiên cứu này, ảnh viễn thám thu nhận giai đoạn 2017-2019 được sử dụng để xây dựng bản đồ hiện trạng sử dụng đất tại thời điểm bị ngập nước trên địa bàn huyện Quảng Điền. Nghiên cứu đã xác định được vùng ngập lụt ở huyện Quảng Điền bằng phương pháp phân loại chỉ số mặt nước (Land Surface Water Index – LSWI) và chỉ số khác biệt thực vật (Enhanced Vegetation Index-EVI) từ ảnh Sentinel-2. Xác định vùng nước lũ bị che khuất bởi mây bằng mô hình số hóa độ cao (DEM). Kết quả phân loại vùng ngập lụt được so sánh với giá trị tham chiếu mặt đất cho thấy độ chính xác tổng thể và hệ số Kappa đạt được trong năm 2017 là 97,9% và 0,62; trong khi năm 2019 đạt 95,7% và 0.77. Bản đồ sử dụng đất chồng lên bản đồ lũ lụt cho thấy khoảng 11% diện tích đất nông nghiệp bị ảnh hưởng bởi lũ lụt năm 2019 so với 10% năm 2017. Cây lúa nước là cây trồng bị ảnh hưởng nặng nề nhất, với diện tích bị ngập lụt chiếm hơn 70% diện tích lúa của huyện. Các xã bị ngập lớn là xã Quảng An, Quảng Phước và Quảng Thành. Nghiên cứu này cung cấp thông tin có giá trị cho các hoạt động lập kế hoạch, giảm nhẹ và phục hồi thiên tai lũ lụt ở Việt Nam

    Economic impact of climate change on agriculture: a case of Vietnam

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    Food security, agricultural exports, and livelihoods have improved by rapid agricultural expansion in the previous 30 years. In the coming decades, warming trends and human pressures are expected to exacerbate the impact of climate change on agriculture. A time series of data from 1990 to 2020 examines the economic effects of climate change on Vietnamese farm production. After using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Philips-Perron unit root tests, the ARDL bounds testing technique estimates short and long-run cointegration. They found long-run cointegration between the variables. A positive influence of CO2 emissions is identified, although negative impacts of average temperature and rainfall are found. But only in the short term can energy consumption benefit agriculture. Non-climatic factors like crop production and fertiliser consumption have beneficial short- and long-term impacts on agriculture production and yield. Juselius Jhansen As well as proving long-term cointegration between variables. The report advises the Vietnamese government to create and implement many adaptation programmes to preserve the agriculture industry from climate change.Nguyen Van Huong (Faculty of Economics, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education (UTEHY)), Bui Thi Minh Nguyet (Vietnam National University of Forestry), Hoang Van Hung (Faculty of Economics, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education (UTEHY)), Hoang Minh Duc (Faculty of Economics, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education (UTEHY)), Nguyen Van Chuong (University of Financial and Business Administration (UFBA)), Do Minh Tri (Nguyen Van Linh Political School), Phung Van Hien (National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA))Includes bibliographical references

    Implementation and Benchmarking of Round 2 Candidates in the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process Using Hardware and Software/Hardware Co-design Approaches

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    Performance in hardware has typically played a major role in differentiating among leading candidates in cryptographic standardization efforts. Winners of two past NIST cryptographic contests (Rijndael in case of AES and Keccak in case of SHA-3) were ranked consistently among the two fastest candidates when implemented using FPGAs and ASICs. Hardware implementations of cryptographic operations may quite easily outperform software implementations for at least a subset of major performance metrics, such as speed, power consumption, and energy usage, as well as in terms of security against physical attacks, including side-channel analysis. Using hardware also permits much higher flexibility in trading one subset of these properties for another. A large number of candidates at the early stages of the standardization process makes the accurate and fair comparison very challenging. Nevertheless, in all major past cryptographic standardization efforts, future winners were identified quite early in the evaluation process and held their lead until the standard was selected. Additionally, identifying some candidates as either inherently slow or costly in hardware helped to eliminate a subset of candidates, saving countless hours of cryptanalysis. Finally, early implementations provided a baseline for future design space explorations, paving a way to more comprehensive and fairer benchmarking at the later stages of a given cryptographic competition. In this paper, we first summarize, compare, and analyze results reported by other groups until mid-May 2020, i.e., until the end of Round 2 of the NIST PQC process. We then outline our own methodology for implementing and benchmarking PQC candidates using both hardware and software/hardware co-design approaches. We apply our hardware approach to 6 lattice-based CCA-secure Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs), representing 4 NIST PQC submissions. We then apply a software-hardware co-design approach to 12 lattice-based CCA-secure KEMs, representing 8 Round 2 submissions. We hope that, combined with results reported by other groups, our study will provide NIST with helpful information regarding the relative performance of a significant subset of Round 2 PQC candidates, assuming that at least their major operations, and possibly the entire algorithms, are off-loaded to hardware

    Extraction of anthocyanins from Butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L. Flowers) in Southern Vietnam: Response surface modeling for optimization of the operation conditions

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    In this paper, the Response Surface Methodology (RSM), in conjunction with Central Composite Design (CCD), was used to optimize the extraction of anthocyanins from Butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.Flowers) cultivated in Southern Vietnam. The effect of extraction temperatures of solvent ethanol (50-70 °C), duration of extraction (40-50 min) and solid-liquid ratios (20:1-30:1) was measured as independent variables on the total extraction anthocyanins in the response function. The highest anthocyanin content of 132.756 mg/L of butterfly pea anthocyanin was collected at the solid liquid ratio of 23:1, extraction time of 46 min, and temperature 60.6°C. Butterfly pea anthocyanins yield detailed significant correlation with high F values, low P values (<0.0001), and desirable determination coefficient (R2 = 0.9994)