72 research outputs found

    [Sustainable Development from Islamic Perspective: Analysis Views of Scholars] Pembangunan Lestari dari Perspektif Islam: Analisis Pandangan Sarjana

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    Abstract This paper aims to discuss sustainable development from an Islamic perspective. In general, sustainable development is a development that meets current and future needs to achieve continuity between economic, social and environmental development without compromising the needs of the next generation. Sustainable development is appealing in the discipline of development, including among Islamic countries. What is the Islamic perspective on this sustainable development? There are two objectives that will be achieved in this paper according to this issues. First is to identify the sustainable development of Islamic perspective from the views of the scholars’. Second is analysis and summarised the views of the scholars’ towards sustainable development from Islamic perspective. This analysis was performed using library methods and content analysis. The study found that sustainable development from an Islamic perspective is broader than the usual sustainable development. Sustainable development from an Islamic perspective encompasses the epistemology and philosophy of Islam which has its own development mold involving physical, moral and spiritual aspects. Keywords: Sustainable development, Islamic perspective   Abstrak Kertas kerja ini bertujuan membincangkan pembangunan lestari dari perspektif Islam. Pembangunan lestari secara umum ialah pembangunan yang memenuhi keperluan semasa serta masa hadapan bagi mencapai kesinambungan antara pembangunan ekonomi, sosial dan alam sekitar tanpa menjejaskan keperluan bagi generasi seterusnya. Pembangunan lestari sangat mendapat perhatian dalam disiplin pembangunan termasuk dalam kalangan negara-negara Islam. Persoalannya, apakah perspektif Islam terhadap pembangunan lestari ini? Bagi mencapai tujuan tersebut, perbincangan dalam kertas kerja ini dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian. Pertama, mengenal pasti pandangan sarjana terhadap pembangunan lestari dari perspektif Islam. Kedua menganalisis dan merumuskan pandangan para sarjana terhadap pembangunan lestari dari perspektif Islam. Analisis ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kaedah kepustakaan dan analisis kandungan. Penelitian mendapati bahawa pembangunan lestari dari perspektif Islam lebih luas berbanding pembangunan lestari yang lazim. Pembangunan lestari dari perspektif Islam ini merangkumi epistemologi dan tasawur Islam yang mempunyai acuan pembangunannya yang tersendiri melibatkan aspek fizikal, akhlak dan rohani. Kata Kunci: Pembangunan lestari, perspektif Isla

    Complying with the requirements for issuance of SRI sukuk: the case of Khazanah’s Sukuk Ihsan

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to provide a critical review on how the Khazanah’s Sukuk Ihsan was structured in compliance with the requirements for issuance of Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) sukuk set by the Securities Commission (SC) Malaysia. Design/methodology/approach – To explain the structures and features of the Sukuk Ihsan, this study extracted important information from the sukuk’s Principle Terms and Conditions and Information Memorandum and presented them in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Next, this study refers to Part D: Requirement for Issuance, Offering or Invitation to Subscribe or Purchase Sustainable and Responsible Investment Sukuk of the SC’s Guidelines on Sukuk (revised edition: 28 August 2014) to assess the compliance of the sukuk in terms of eligibility of SRI sukuk issuer and SRI projects, use of proceeds, reporting and disclosure and independent assessment on SRI programmes. In addition, this study then compares the requirements stated in the SC’s SRI Sukuk Framework with the International Capital Market Association’s Green Bond Principles (GBP) and the USA’s Social Impact Bond (SIB) Act 2014. Findings – The present study finds that the definition of eligible SRI sukuk issuer in the Guidelines on Sukuk seems to be more stringent compared to the one provided in the GBP and the US’ SIB Act. Nevertheless, the SRI Sukuk Framework provides a more comprehensive yet precise list of eligible SRI projects, covering both environmental and social aspects, compared to the GBP (which only focuses on broad categories of environmental projects) and also the USA’s SIB Act (explicitly outlines 13 social projects which are aligned with the US Federal Government’s agenda in tackling social illnesses). Indeed, the main difference between the eligible SRI sukuk projects and its conventional counterparts lies in its compliance to Shariah principles. It is also observed that a significant emphasis has been given on SRI legislations in ensuring proper reporting and disclosure provided to the SRI sukuk stakeholders together with critical evaluation on the impacts of SRI programmes provided by an independent assessor. Practical implications – This paper contributes towards enriching the literature on the Islamic capital market, particularly on the integration between sukuk and social impacts investing. This paper was intended to highlight the important requirements in issuing SRI sukuk to various stakeholders of the Islamic capital market. Originality/value – The authors hope to shed some lights on the unique features and structural applications of SRI sukuk and its importance in becoming an effective instrument to raise funds for social agenda of a country by providing a real and practical example

    Problems and Prospects of Silk Industry in Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh is an underdeveloped and agro-based country. Silk industry is one of the important sectors of our national economy. It has a long and glorious past history but the growth and market share is not satisfactory of this industry to the national and global context. Thus it is an urgent need to mark the existing problem and future expectations of silk industry in Bangladesh. In our study we find out some problems of silk industry in Bangladesh like old technology, poor advertising, limited showroom, shortage of raw materials, inadequate capital, insufficient governmental facilities etc. We also find out some prospects of this industry like growth of sales and market share, low cost of labor, increasing demand, good geographical location, employment opportunity etc. So, it is essential to make effective plan and proper execution of that plan to get back the glorious position of our silk industry as well as to help the economical development of our country. Keywords: Silk, Mulberry, Industry Growth, Market Share, Technology, Quality Control

    Implementasi Dan Perancangan Sistem Pakar Untuk Diagnosa Penyakit Mata Pada Manusia Berbasis Pemrograman Clips

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    Seperti kita ketahui penyakit mata pada manusia ada bermacam-macam seperti Glaukoma, Hordeolum, Kalazion, Katarak, Konjungtivitis, Entropion. Penyakit mata adalah penyakit yang berbahaya, bila tidak segera didiagnosa dan diobati maka dapat menimbulkan kebutaan pada mata ataupun timbul penyakit lainnya. Penyakit mata tersebut dapat didiagnosa melalui gejala-gejala yang timbul yang diderita oleh manusia tersebut ataupun melalui gambaran klinisnya. Dengan menggunakan sistem pakar maka penyakit mata tersebut dapat didiagnosa dan diobati secara tepat dengan prinsip pembentukan basis aturan dan pembangunan komponen dilakukan pada lingkungan pengembangan, sedangkan lingkungan konsultasi digunakan sebagai sistem konsultasi oleh orang yang bukan ahli ataupun yang sudah ahli.Sistem pakar sebagai sistem yang mengadopsi kepakaran manusia ke dalam komputer dan memiliki kedudukan strategis sebagai sistem yang dapat membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan di bidang kedokteran. Sulitnya menentukan jenis penyakit karena rumitnya berbagai gejala yang mengiringinya, dapat dibantu dengan merepresentasikan gejala suatu penyakit ke dalam suatu bahasa pemrograman komputer (Wardana, 2008). Pada penelitian ini, dikembangkan suatu metode untuk mediagnosa 26 jenis penyakit mata berdasarkan 53 jenis gejala , gambaran klinis yang mengiringi serata pengobatan yang sesuai. Lingkungan pengembangan sistem pakar pada penelitian ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman CLIPS

    Proposed models for unit trust waqf and the parameters for their application

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    Purpose – This paper aims to present the viability of unit trust waqf (Islamic endowment) as an alternative asset class for waqf creation. Design/methodology/approach – This paper starts with the conceptual exploration of the literature in the areas of waqf. The sources of the literature cover authentic sources of the Qurʾan and hadīth, as well as secondary sources such as books, journal articles and online resources. Findings – This paper provides the conceptual framework of five models of unit trust waqf and their investment management parameters. Originality/value – The novelty of this paper lies in its attempt to highlight the importance of waqf investment strategy in ensuring sustainable returns for waqf. It does so by introducing the conceptual models of unit trust waqf as viable mechanisms to pool more cash waqf from individual investors. The sustainability of the capital waqf assets in the form of unit trusts is maintained through the parameters for its application proposed towards the end of the pape

    Innovation in Islamic finance: The way forward

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    Developing modern Islamic financial products can be very challenging due to a number of constraints from different aspects, including the formation of regulatory, taxation and economic frameworks that are based on conventional principles. Much emphasis was given to replication of conventional instruments by restructuring conventional financial products according to the Islamic law of commercial contracts and eliminating prohibitory elements from these products. This paper aims to discuss the role of innovation in structuring contemporary Islamic financial products. A series of library research is conducted by reviewing both classical and contemporary texts in areas relevant to the present study. In addition, we conducted a field study of the practice of financial innovation made by the stakeholders of the Islamic finance industry. It was found that though replication is acceptable, its continuous application may not be suitable. Hence, it is important for shari’ah scholars and industry experts to think beyond replication. The novelty of this paper lies in the proposed guidelines for innovating Islamic financial instruments

    Conservative treatment for patients with massive prolapsed lumber intervertebral discs

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    Background: The natural history of Lumber hernia of nucleus pulpous is not fully known and absolute indications for surgical intervention cannot be established. Several studies have shown that the most giant discs appear to have the greatest tendency to resolve with conservative treatment. The objective of this study is to investigate whether massive prolapsed discs can be safely managed conservatively once clinical improvement has occurred.Methods: Thirty-five patients were studied by clinical assessments and serial magnetic imaging over 3 years. Patients present with intense sciatica but began to show clinical improvement despite massive disc prolapsed. Clinical assessment included the Lasegue test and neurological improvement. The Oswestry disability index was used to measure function and changes in function. Serial MRI studies allowed the measurement of volume changes of the prolapsed disc material over some time. Results: Initial follow-up at an average of 13.2 months showed that 87% had complete and sustained recovery at the initial follow-up. Only four patients required surgery. The average Oswestry disability index improved from 63% to 20%. Volumetric analysis of serial MRI scans showed an average reduction of 69% in disc size. Conclusions: A massive disc prolapsed can pursue a favourable course. If early progress is shown, the long-term prognosis is very good and even massive disc prolapses can be treated conservatively

    Hippurate-Zinc layered Hydroxide Nanohybrid and its synergistic effect with Tamoxifen on the HepG2 cell lines.

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    A new simple preparation method for a hippurate intercalated zinc-layered hydroxide (ZLH) nanohybrid has been established, which does not need an anion-exchange procedure to intercalate the hippurate anion into ZLH interlayers. Methods: The hippuric acid nanohybrid (HAN) was prepared by direct reaction of an aqueous suspension of zinc oxide with a solution of hippuric acid via a one-step method. Results: The basal spacing of the nanohybrid was 21.3 Å, indicating that the hippurate anion was successfully intercalated into the interlayer space of ZLH, and arranged in a monolayer fashion with the carboxylate group pointing toward the ZLH inorganic interlayers. A Fourier transform infrared study confirmed the formation of the nanohybrid, while thermogravimetry and differential thermogravimetry analyses showed that the thermal stability of the nanohybrid was markedly enhanced. The loading of hippurate in the nanohybrid was estimated to be about 38.7% (w/w), and the release of hippurate from the nanohybrid was of a controlled manner, and therefore the resulting material was suitable for use as a controlled-release formulation. HAN has synergistic properties with tamoxifen toward a HepG2 cell line, with an IC 50 value of 0.35 compared with hippurate. In the antiproliferative assay, the ratio of viable cells account for cells treated by the combination tamoxifen with HAN to untreated cells was sharply reduced from 66% to 13% after 24 and 72 hours, respectively. The release of hippuric acid anions from HAN occurred in a controlled manner, and the resulting material is suitable for a controlled-release formulation


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    Seperti kita ketahui penyakit mata pada manusia ada bermacam-macam seperti Glaukoma, Hordeolum, Kalazion, Katarak, Konjungtivitis, Entropion. Penyakit mata adalah penyakit yang berbahaya, bila tidak segera didiagnosa dan diobati maka dapat menimbulkan kebutaan pada mata ataupun timbul penyakit lainnya. Penyakit mata tersebut dapat didiagnosa melalui gejala-gejala yang timbul yang diderita oleh manusia tersebut ataupun melalui gambaran klinisnya. Dengan menggunakan sistem pakar maka penyakit mata tersebut dapat didiagnosa dan diobati secara tepat dengan prinsip pembentukan basis aturan dan pembangunan komponen dilakukan pada lingkungan pengembangan, sedangkan lingkungan konsultasi digunakan sebagai sistem konsultasi oleh orang yang bukan ahli ataupun yang sudah ahli.Sistem pakar sebagai sistem yang mengadopsi kepakaran manusia ke dalam komputer dan memiliki kedudukan strategis sebagai sistem yang dapat membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan di bidang kedokteran. Sulitnya menentukan jenis penyakit karena rumitnya berbagai gejala yang mengiringinya, dapat dibantu dengan merepresentasikan gejala suatu penyakit ke dalam suatu bahasa pemrograman komputer (Wardana, 2008). Pada penelitian ini, dikembangkan suatu metode untuk mediagnosa 26 jenis penyakit mata berdasarkan 53 jenis gejala , gambaran klinis yang mengiringi serata pengobatan yang sesuai. Lingkungan pengembangan sistem pakar pada penelitian ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman CLIPS

    Artificial Neural Network and Savitzky Golay Derivative in Predicting Blood Hemoglobin Using Near-Infrared Spectrum

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    Monitoring blood hemoglobin level is essential to diagnose anaemia disease. This study aims to evaluate the capability of an artificial neural network (ANN) and Savitzky Golay (SG) pre-processing in predicting the blood hemoglobin level based on the near-infrared spectrum. The effects of the hidden neuron number and different SG pre-processing strategies were examined and discussed. ANN coupled with first order SG derivative and five hidden neurons achieved better prediction performance with root mean square error of prediction of 0.3517 g/dL and Rp2 of 0.9849 compared to the previous studies. Results depict that ANN that coupled with first order SG derivative could improve near-infrared spectroscopic analysis in predicting blood hemoglobin level, and the proposed nonlinear model outperforms linear models without variable selections. This finding suggests that the modelling strategy is promising in establishing a better relationship between the blood hemoglobin and near-infrared spectral data