1,116 research outputs found

    Modular AC coupled hybrid power systems for the emerging GHG mitigation products market

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    Bioenergy systems particularly waste to energy (WTE) systems are increasingly gaining prominence. Market for modular hybrid energy systems (HES) combining renewable energy sources including WTEs is potentially large. Novel configuration of AC coupling for HES is discussed. Emerging opportunities for market development of hybrid energy systems under green house gas mitigation initiatives particularly Kyoto flexibility mechanisms is analysed

    Evolutionary algorithm for timber shelter optimization

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    The present paper describes an approach to wood as an alternative construction material and the formal search of typologies which combine a secure and efficient structure with an architectural based definition of dimensions and geometry. The outcome, given by a genetic algorithm is intended to be used as a concept to develop shelter solutions for the village of Jametla, located on the coast of the state of Jalisco, in Mexico

    Larval rearing and production of spat of the oyster Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) in an Experimental hatchery

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    The Indian backwater oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis, was spawned in the laboratory at Tuticorin. The larvae were reared and the spat settled in 15-20 days. Two species of jihytoflagellates, Isochrysis galbana and Pavlova sp. were isolated from the natural environment, cultured in mass scale and given as food throughout the larval period. Early stages of the development of fertilized egg, successive stages of developing larvae, and metamorphosis to the spat have been described. The methodology of the production of cultchless spat and rearing the post-set oysters are discussed

    A model of the reflection distribution in the vacuum ultra violet region

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    A reflection model with three components, a specular spike, a specular lobe and a diffuse lobe is discussed. This model was successfully applied to describe reflection of xenon scintillation light (175 nm) by PTFE and other fluoropolymers and can be used for Monte Carlo simulation and analysis of scintillation detectors. The measured data favors a Trowbridge-Reitz distribution function of ellipsoidal micro-surfaces. The intensity of the coherent reflection increases with increasing angle of incidence, as expected, since the surface appears smoother at grazing angles. The total reflectance obtained for PTFE is about 70% for VUV light at normal incidence in vacuum and estimated to be up to 100% in contact with liquid xenon

    Protein kinase activation in theileria-infected cells

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    Resiliencia o antifragilidad. Tipologías para la vivienda

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    Se compara la definición de sistema estructural antifrágil contra la resiliencia estructural y se aplican en tipologías estructurales de vivienda de la región partiendo de la concepción típica de tipologías de vivienda. De este análisis, con base en resiliencia y antifragilidad, se establecen algunos criterios para la viabilidad de la generación de sistemas constructivos para dar respuesta a sucesos catastróficos o normales, así como controlar su influencia en el entorno. Se hacen propuestas para modificar las tipologías existentes y provocar un cambio de paradigma en prácticas constructivas hacia sistemas que se restauran o mejoran por definición.This work contrasts the definition of anti-fragile structural system with structural resilience, and applies both to structural typologies of housing in the region, starting with the typical conception of housing typologies. This analysis, based on resiliency and anti-fragility, leads to the establishment of a number of criteria to assess the feasibility of generating construction systems can resist catastrophic or normal phenomena, as well as control their impact on their surroundings. Proposals are made to modify existing typologies and provoke a paradigm shift in construction practices toward systems that by definition can be restored or improved.ITESO, A.C

    A plan for molluscan experimental hatchery at Tuticorin, India

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    The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute has developed techniques of oyster culture aimed at production for marketing. At present it is a semi culture depending on nature for collection of spat. Reliance on wild spat has to be reduced since it does not guarantee seed supply at all times. A plan has been evolved for hatchery production of oyster seeds. The paper describes the hatchery system being developed at Tuticorin. The layout with green house, sea water filtration, and purification and temperature control systems has been so designed as to achieve tangible resul

    Facing Forward, Looking Back: Religion and Film Studies in the Last Decade

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    On November 17, 2012, at the American Academy of Religion’s National Meeting, the Religion, Film, and Visual Culture Group sponsored a session entitled, “Facing Forward, Looking Back: Religion and Film Studies in the Last Decade.” The session focused on four recent books in the field of Religion and Film: John Lyden’s Film as Religion: Myths, Morals and Rituals (NYU, 2003); S. Brent Plate’s Religion and Film: Cinema and the Re-Creation of the World (Wallflower Press, 2009); Antonio Sison’s World Cinema, Theology, and the Human: Humanity in Deep Focus (Routledge, 2012); and Sheila Nayar’s The Sacred and the Cinema: Reconfiguring the ‘Genuinely’ Religious Film (Continuum, 2012). Each author was present to make remarks on his or her book, and then three respondents made remarks on each of the books as well. The respondents were Stefanie Knauss, Rachel Wagner, and Jolyon Thomas. Joe Kickasola introduced the session, and moderated the discussion that followed. This session represented a rare opportunity for scholars of the field of Religion and Film to reflect on the past, present, and future directions of the field, and the Journal of Religion and Film is happy to be able to include the remarks of all the presenters here