5,801 research outputs found

    Crèdit de síntesi a 3er d’ESO: La producció multimèdia com a proposta per a treballar les competències bàsiques i pròpies de tecnologia

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    La proposta que faig en aquest treball de síntesi és el de fer una Orla multimèdia a 3r d’ESO feta per als alumnes de 4t d’ESO. El treball de síntesi ha de ser un resum de les capacitats competencials adquirides fins el moment actual. Per tant, ha de ser un treball transversal que no només es centri en l’adquisició de coneixements d’una matèria sinó que ha de procurar cobrir una gran part del desenvolupament competencial de l’alumne. Aquesta proposta i treball de fi de màster pretén, dins d’aquesta intenció, assolir tres objectius generals que són: Treball de les competències bàsiques individuals En aquest objectiu general es pretén que l’alumne hagi de fer servir les seves capacitats per a poder resoldre un problema de conjunt. Mitjançant metodologies basades en PBL (Project Based Learning) l’alumne haurà de col·laborar en la resolució de problemes d’àmbit social i relacional, adjacents o colaterals, típics de les dinàmiques de grup. Però a més, haurà de preveure problemes i necessitats, projectar solucions a aquests problemes o necessitats, de forma consensuada. Haurà també de fer propostes al grup i probablement haurà de discutir i defensar la seva proposta. A banda a més a més, hi ha una part del projecte a la qual haurà d’empatitzar amb la resta de companys i preveure necessitats de l’altre i atendre-les. Aprenentatge de tècniques audiovisuals Caldrà ser competent en l’ús de programari d’edició d’àudio, de vídeo, de disseny gràfic i disseny web. A més hauran de fer una publicació efectiva del resultat. És evident que per al nivell d’aprenentatges curriculars de 3r d’ESO aquest projecte supera en la majoria dels casos les seves capacitats. Tot i això, segons el centre i segons el seu èmfasi en l’àmbit multimèdia, aquest projecte el poden assolir perfectament fent un recolzament a través de l’ús de plantilles HTML. Vivència de processos d’aprenentatge cooperatiu Fer un recobriment competencial complert de forma transversa, amb una sola activitat com és el treball de síntesi, suposa clarament un treball de disseny complex i acurat. La complexitat de les metodologies implicarà una dificultat d’implementació docent alta. I per això, tant els alumnes com el professor haurien d’estar familiaritzats amb metodologies cooperatives, prèviament. És en experimentar les dinàmiques que es produeixen dins del grup en les metodologies cooperatives, en les que caldrà fer ús de les seves habilitats socials i competencials. Conseqüentment, la implementació d’aquestes és un punt clau per a l’èxit de la proposta

    Characterizing and following eddies in Drake Passage

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    Drake Passage, the gap between South America and Antarctica, is a very energetic region, with strong currents and numerous eddies. These eddies are important for mixing waters across the main three fronts, and for affecting the biological productivity in the region. We use weekly maps of colour images, sea level anomaly and geostrophic velocities to characterize physical and biological activity in the region surrounding Drake Passage. In particular, we note that the largest eddy kinetic energy occurs to the east of the passage and is principally in the area bounded by the mean Subantarctic Front (SAF) and the mean Polar Front, whilst the biological productivity is highest in coastal regions, with the SAF acting as a clear southern boundary. In a number of cases, cyclonic eddies detected by altimetry also show a strong signature in ocean color. Regular XBT (eXpendable BathyThermograph) surveys provide information on sub-surface structure, confirming the altimetric identification of features and showing that they often contain water masses originating from the other side of the front

    Biomarkers, Obesity, and Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Obesity and overweight are among the major health problems in the world today. The excessive accumulation of fat in adipose tissue is accompanied by low‐grade inflammation, adipokine secretion dysregulation, oxidative stress, and an alteration of the secretion of gut hormones and food intake related to peptides. This is related to the development of cardiovascular diseases, which have been increased worldwide during the last 15 years approximately. The biomarkers are tremendously important to predict, diagnose, and observe the therapeutic success of common complex multifactorial metabolic diseases, such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases. This chapter presents a review of the most common biomarkers that have been used in the prevention, treatment, prognosis, and diagnosis of obesity and cardiovascular diseases

    Timing the formation and assembly of early-type galaxies via spatially resolved stellar populations analysis

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    To investigate star formation and assembly processes of massive galaxies, we present here a spatially-resolved stellar populations analysis of a sample of 45 elliptical galaxies (Es) selected from the CALIFA survey. We find rather flat age and [Mg/Fe] radial gradients, weakly dependent on the effective velocity dispersion of the galaxy within half-light radius. However, our analysis shows that metallicity gradients become steeper with increasing galaxy velocity dispersion. In addition, we have homogeneously compared the stellar populations gradients of our sample of Es to a sample of nearby relic galaxies, i.e., local remnants of the high-z population of red nuggets. This comparison indicates that, first, the cores of present-day massive galaxies were likely formed in gas-rich, rapid star formation events at high redshift (z>2). This led to radial metallicity variations steeper than observed in the local Universe, and positive [Mg/Fe] gradients. Second, our analysis also suggests that a later sequence of minor dry mergers, populating the outskirts of early-type galaxies (ETGs), flattened the pristine [Mg/Fe] and metallicity gradients. Finally, we find a tight age-[Mg/Fe] relation, supporting that the duration of the star formation is the main driver of the [Mg/Fe] enhancement in massive ETGs. However, the star formation time-scale alone is not able to fully explain our [Mg/Fe] measurements. Interestingly, our results match the expected effect that a variable stellar initial mass function would have on the [Mg/Fe] ratio.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Healthy Universities: Concepts, Dimensions and Approaches for the Construction of Healthy University Environments

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    The purpose of this study was to analyse the health paradigms that prevail in the actions of the current university world by specifying the dimensions to guide interventions within the framework of Healthy Universities and by proposing a comprehensive and integrated vision of health for the construction of these interventions. Thus, a systematic review of the main available scientific databases based on an interpretative perspective was carried out. Forty-four articles, published between 2007 and 2018 and related to university environments or some of their stakeholders that included the addressed dimensions of Health: physical, mental, social, environmental and spiritual were selected. The results show that this field of study is growing, most studies point to the physical and mental dimension of the students. Few studies were found in the other addressed dimensions for teachers, employees and pensioners. In conclusion, the relevance of the five dimensions was identified; although the least studied were environmental and spiritual, they have great potential for the development of interventions. Healthy universities must articulate the five dimensions with the stakeholders that make up their communities from the holistic and salutogenic approach to overcome the bio-medical trend of current interventions

    Un algorisme evolutiu multiagent per a problemes d’optimització combinatòria

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    Diversos problemes en telecomunicacions són de naturalesa combinatòria i la seva resolució òptima és en molts casos impossible, ja que el temps de resolució mitjançant algorismes convencionals creix exponencialment amb la mida del problema. Llavors, certs algorismes de naturalesa probabilística com el simulated annealing, algorismes genètics, mètodes multiagent etc. - suggerits per processos naturals evolutius o pel comportament social d'insectes- resulten útils per trobar solucions pròximes a l'òptima en un temps raonable. En aquest TFC s’ha implementat un nou mètode d’optimització (que hem aplicat a l’acoloriment de grafs, base de l’assignació de freqüències GSM) i que s’inspira en el comportament social d’uns insectes socials peculiars: els borinots. Cada borinot porta codificada una solució al problema d’acoloriment., que evoluciona a mesura que els insectes virtuals segueixen el seu cicle vital (busquen i troben aliment, pateixen mutacions, etc.). D’aquesta manera, i en un procés que simula l’evolució darwinista, s’arriba a trobar solucions bones del problema. L’eficiència d’aquest mètode s’ha comprovat mitjançant un estudi d’acoloriment en grafs aleatoris i s’ha comparat respecte altres mètodes d’optimització com el d’àngels i mortals i un algorisme genètic, arribant a la conclusió que es tracta d’un mètode vàlid per la resolució

    Un algorisme evolutiu multiagent per a problemes d’optimització combinatòria

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    Diversos problemes en telecomunicacions són de naturalesa combinatòria i la seva resolució òptima és en molts casos impossible, ja que el temps de resolució mitjançant algorismes convencionals creix exponencialment amb la mida del problema. Llavors, certs algorismes de naturalesa probabilística com el simulated annealing, algorismes genètics, mètodes multiagent etc. - suggerits per processos naturals evolutius o pel comportament social d'insectes- resulten útils per trobar solucions pròximes a l'òptima en un temps raonable. En aquest TFC s’ha implementat un nou mètode d’optimització (que hem aplicat a l’acoloriment de grafs, base de l’assignació de freqüències GSM) i que s’inspira en el comportament social d’uns insectes socials peculiars: els borinots. Cada borinot porta codificada una solució al problema d’acoloriment., que evoluciona a mesura que els insectes virtuals segueixen el seu cicle vital (busquen i troben aliment, pateixen mutacions, etc.). D’aquesta manera, i en un procés que simula l’evolució darwinista, s’arriba a trobar solucions bones del problema. L’eficiència d’aquest mètode s’ha comprovat mitjançant un estudi d’acoloriment en grafs aleatoris i s’ha comparat respecte altres mètodes d’optimització com el d’àngels i mortals i un algorisme genètic, arribant a la conclusió que es tracta d’un mètode vàlid per la resolució

    The mitochondrial and chloroplast dual targeting of a multifunctional plant viral protein modulates chloroplast-to-nucleus communication, RNA silencing suppressor activity, encapsidation, pathogenesis and tissue tropism

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    [EN] Plant defense against melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) is triggered by the viral auxiliary replicase p29 that is targeted to mitochondrial membranes causing morphological alterations, oxidative burst and necrosis. Here we show that MNSV coat protein (CP) was also targeted to mitochondria and mitochondrial-derived replication complexes [viral replication factories or complex (VRC)], in close association with p29, in addition to chloroplasts. CP import resulted in the cleavage of the R/arm domain previously implicated in genome binding during encapsidation and RNA silencing suppression (RSS). We also show that CP organelle import inhibition enhanced RSS activity, CP accumulation and VRC biogenesis but resulted in inhibition of systemic spreading, indicating that MNSV whole-plant infection requires CP organelle import. We hypothesize that to alleviate the p29 impact on host physiology, MNSV could moderate its replication and p29 accumulation by regulating CP RSS activity through organelle targeting and, consequently, eluding early-triggered antiviral response. Cellular and molecular events also suggested that S/P domains, which correspond to processed CP in chloroplast stroma or mitochondrion matrix, could mitigate host response inhibiting p29-induced necrosis. S/P deletion mainly resulted in a precarious balance between defense and counter-defense responses, generating either cytopathic alterations and MNSV cell-to-cell movement restriction or some degree of local movement. In addition, local necrosis and defense responses were dampened when RSS activity but not S/P organelle targeting was affected. Based on a robust biochemical and cellular analysis, we established that the mitochondrial and chloroplast dual targeting of MNSV CP profoundly impacts the viral infection cycle.The authors thank L. Corachan-Valencia for technical assistance. This work was funded by grant BIO2017¿88321-R from the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). J.A.N. and M.S.-B. are the recipients of a postdoctoral contract and a PhD fellowship from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades of Spain, respectively. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (PID2020-115571RB-I00), European Regional Development FundNavarro Bohigues, JA.; Sáiz-Bonilla, M.; Sanchez Navarro, JA.; Pallás Benet, V. (2021). The mitochondrial and chloroplast dual targeting of a multifunctional plant viral protein modulates chloroplast-to-nucleus communication, RNA silencing suppressor activity, encapsidation, pathogenesis and tissue tropism. The Plant Journal. 108(1):197-218. https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.15435S197218108

    Polyvalent Detection of Members of the Genus Potyvirus by Molecular Hybridization Using a Genus-Probe

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    [EN] The use of a unique riboprobe named polyprobe, carrying partial sequences of different plant viruses or viroids fused in tandem, has permitted the polyvalent detection of up to 10 different pathogens by using a nonradioactive molecular hybridization procedure. In the present analysis, we have developed a unique polyprobe with the capacity to detect all members of the genus Potyvirus, which we have named genus-probe. To do this, we have exploited the capacity of the molecular hybridization assay to cross-hybridize with related sequences by reducing the hybridization temperature. We observed that sequences showing a percentage similarity of 68% or higher could be detected with the same probe by hybridizing at 50 to 55 degrees C, with a detection limit of picograms of viral RNA comparable to the specific individual probes. According to this, we developed several polyvalent polyprobes, containing three, five, or seven different 500-nucleotide fragments of a conserved region of the NIb gene. The polyprobe carrying seven different conserved regions was able to detect all the 32 potyviruses assayed in the present work with no signal in the healthy tissue, indicating the potential capacity of the polyprobe to detect all described, and probably uncharacterized, potyviruses being then considered as a genus-probe. The use of this technology in routine diagnosis not only for Potyvirus but also to other viral genera is discussed.We thank L. Corachan for her excellent technical assistance and I. Font and A. O. Alfaro, from the Mediterranean Agroforestal Institute at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, for provide part of the potyvirus-infected field samples. This work was supported by grant BIO2017-88321-R from the Spanish Direccion General de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica (DGICYT-MINECO).Sanchez Navarro, JA.; Cooper, C.; Pallás Benet, V. (2018). Polyvalent Detection of Members of the Genus Potyvirus by Molecular Hybridization Using a Genus-Probe. Phytopathology. 108(12):1522-1529. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-04-18-0146-RS152215291081