340 research outputs found

    Расширение возможностей занятости с помощью социального предпринимательства

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    У статті розглянуто питання розширення можливостей для зайнятості усіх верств населення за допомогою соціального підприємництва як ефективного способу зниження рівня безробіття. Проаналізовано європейський досвід діяльності соціальних підприємств, створених заради трудової інтеграції людей з особливими потребами у ринок праці, та запропоновано рекомендації щодо розвитку соціального підприємництва в Україні.The relevance of social entrepreneurship research is resulted the need for the growth of social and work integration in order to improve the standard of living for socially vulnerable population groups and to reduce the burden on the state budget in conditions of the economic crisis. The purpose of the work is to investigate the importance of social entrepreneurship for social well-being in the field of employment population and to identify how social entrepreneurship stimulates, promotes and encourages a culture of participation, development and continuous education mainly for the benefit of the individual. The analyzed European experience confirms that social entrepreneurship is actively stimulating integration of people with disabilities in the labor market, providing an opportunity of the employment, that are responsive to their professional skills and individual opportunities, that based on the personal interests in order to exercise their inalienable the natural right to work and to become a socially relevant. Guaranteeing equal rights and opportunities for all employees are guidelines for the social enterprises and it is the most effective way to increase the overall level of employment. Combining the strengths of public and private sector partnership activates social enterprises in Ukraine as a universal tool for solving the current and longterm social problems. Hence, the development of social enterprises in Ukraine will contribute to the development of a socially oriented market economy, which will provide a strong positive impact on all segments of the population, it will improve the quality of life and the environment simultaneously.В статье рассмотрены вопросы расширения возможностей для занятости всех слоев населения посредством социального предпринимательства, как эффективного способа снижения уровня безработицы. Проанализирован европейский опыт деятельности социальных предприятий, созданных для трудовой интеграции людей с особыми потребностями в рынок труда, и предложены рекомендации по развитию социального предпринимательства в Украине

    Financing – The basis of organization and realization of the investment policy of Russian enterprises

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    The relevance of the research: the relevance of research problem caused the necessity in organization investment policy of Russian enterprises for intensification their strategic investment development and insufficient development of theoretical and methodological aspects in attracting financial resources for the realization of investment decisions. Purpose of the research: the purpose of this article concludes in developing of measures to overcome the negative impact of the factors limiting the financial support of the investment activity of Russian companies in the context of a systematic approach. Methods of research: the main method of research of this problem is dialectical method of cognition of reality, allowing to investigate this issue thoroughly and interpret scientific results. Results of the research: Identify issues that restrict financing and proposed measures to overcome the negative impact of the factors limiting the financial support of the investment activity of Russian companies, including the modernization of the tax policy and the depreciation policy of the enterprise, the solution lowered the carrying amount and the residual value of fixed assets. Developed measures to promote the revitalization of financing strategic investment decisions on the basis of a common mechanism of tax regulation and amortization. Practical significance: realization of these measures could attract significant financial resources for intensification of the investment activity of Russian companies in the long term. © 2016 Charaeva et al

    The Micro- and Nanoforms of Impact Diamonds Surface

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    Описаны микро- и наноразмерные формы поверхности импактных алмазов По-пигайского кратера и россыпей западного склона Урала с применением методов электронной микроскопии высокого разрешения. Среди микроэффектов поверхности импактных алмазов отмечено широкое развитие трещиноватости, кавернозности и пористости. Наиболее распространенными наноформами поверхности являются нанотрещины и нанопоры. На поверхности импактных алмазов проявляются особенности их внутреннего строения (слоистость, поликристалличность). Постоянно присутствуют пленки и налеты, в химическом составе которых выявлены литофильные элементы и различные металлы.The micro- and nanoforms of impact diamonds surface from Popigai crater and placers of the Western Urals are described with application of high resolution electron microscopy methods. The presence of such surface micro defects as cracks, caverns and pores is established for impact diamonds. Nanocracks and nanopores are the most spread on the impact diamond as surface nanoforms. The peculiarities of internal structure (layering, polycrystalline base) are visible on the surface too. Coverings and coats are constantly presented on the surface. Their chemical composition includes lithophilous elements and different metals

    Algorithmic presentation of the independent work of the students of the vocational pedagogical university in the conditions of the synchronous pedagogical control

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    The topicality of the investigated problem is stipulated by the demand for specialists able to develop algorithmic preparedness to perform professional activities, the level of which corresponds to modern level of technological production. The purpose of the article is to diagnose the influence of the synchronous pedagogical control on the development of preparedness for the algorithmic presentation of the independent work of the students of professional and pedagogical university. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the method of algorithmic presentation of the synchronous pedagogical control of the process of assimilation by the students of the professional knowledge and skills, enabling them to develop in algorithmic preparedness corresponding to the level of complexity of the implemented educational and professional activities. The article deals with the psychological and pedagogical approaches in the study of algorithmic preparedness to work independently as well as with the arrangements for the synchronous type of the pedagogical control in the discipline of profile preparation of students of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University and with the results achieved during experimental search of work indicating the effectiveness and efficiency of this type of control. The materials of the article may be useful to teachers of vocational training in the organization of practical training in the disciplines of profile preparation containing procedural knowledge and skills and, consequently, an algorithmic nature. © 2016 Dneprov et al

    Призначення та проведення експертиз: проблеми законодавства і практики

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    It has been noted that the problems of procedural guaranteeing of the rights of victims, suspects (accused) in terms of reforming the criminal procedural legislation are relevant during the appointment and holding of the examination and require further research. The aim of this study is to analyze the current criminal procedural legislation on the appointment and conduction of examination and to develop propositions for its improvement. The authors of the article have analyzed the existing procedural legislation on the appointment and conduction of examination; have defined the problematic issues of procedural guaranteeing of the rights of victims, suspects (accused) in the appointment and conduction of examination; and have offered the ways to solve them; have substantiated the need for legislative regulation of additional and re-examination of explosive and technical examination and have provided forensic recommendations to eliminate these problems. Based on the conducted research, the authors have provided the following suggestions and recommendations: 1) to enshrine the right of the prosecution and defense parties in the Art. 243 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine (CPC) to independently appoint an examination; 2) to declare it appropriate to supplement Section 3 of the CPC with the Art. 56-1 “Rights of the victim in the appointment and conduction of examination”, which should enshrine the relevant rights; 3) to declare it expedient to supplement Section 20 of the CPC of Ukraine with the Art. 242-1, which should determine the rights of the suspect (accused) in the appointment and conduction of examination; 4) to standardize the procedure for the appointment of additional expertise in paragraph 11 of the Art. 101 of the CPC; 5) to standardize the procedure for the appointment of re-examination in paragraph 12 of the Art. 101 of the CPC; 6) to recommend investigators and judges to determine the expert’s questions depending on the objects of expert examination; 7) to improve the stage of experimental testing of objects in carrying out explosive examination.Розглянуто проблемні питання призначення та проведення експертизи, обґрунтовано необхідність унормування процесуальної процедури призначення повторної та додаткової експертиз. Проаналізовано практику призначення та проведення вибухотехнічних експертиз, надано рекомендації щодо підготовки експертних об’єктів

    Longitudinal borehole functionality in 15 rural Ghanaian towns from three groundwater quality clusters

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    OBJECTIVE: In sub-Saharan Africa, 45% of the rural population uses boreholes (BHs). Despite recent gains in improved water access and coverage, parallel use of unimproved sources persists. Periodic infrastructure disrepair contributes to non-exclusive use of BHs. Our study describes functionality of BHs in 2014, 2015, and 2016 in 15 rural towns in the Eastern Region of Ghana sourced from three groundwater quality clusters (high iron, high salinity, and control). We also assess factors affecting cross-sectional and longitudinal functionality using logistic regression. RESULTS: BH functionality rates ranged between 81 and 87% and were similar across groundwater quality clusters. Of 51 BHs assessed in all three years, 34 (67%) were consistently functional and only 3 (6%) were consistently broken. There was a shift toward proactive payment for water over the course of the study in the control and high-salinity clusters. Payment mechanism, population served, presence of nearby alternative water sources, and groundwater quality cluster were not significant predictors of cross-sectional or longitudinal BH functionality. However, even in the high iron cluster, where water quality is poor and no structured payment mechanism for water exists, BHs are maintained, showing that they are important community resources

    90th anniversary of Boris Stepanovich Lunev

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    Приведены сведения о деятельности доктора геолого-минералогических наук, профессора кафедры поисков и разведки месторождений полезных ископаемых Пермского государственного национального исследовательского университета Бориса Степановича Лунева.The information is given on the activities of the Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits of the Perm State University Boris Stepanovich Lune

    Homoeopathic Medicines of Virginian Witch Hazel: Dosage Forms and Standardisation

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    According to the authors’ analysis of regulatory documents for homoeopathic medicines of Virginian witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana L.), there is a need to transform quality assessment approaches and to unify analytical procedures for identification and assay tests.The aim of the study was to determine approaches to identification and assay of homoeopathic mother tinctures of Virginian witch hazel leaves and bark and medicinal products based on the tinctures.Materials and methods: in order to select quality evaluation procedures, the authors analysed scientific literature, Russian and foreign pharmacopoeias and regulatory documentation regarding homoeopathic medicines of Witch hazel. The authors performed practical evaluation of the selected procedures based on thin-layer chromatography, spectrophotometry, qualitative reactions, and titrimetry, using samples of homoeopathic mother tinctures of Witch hazel leaves and bark, as well as corresponding homoeopathic medicinal products in various dosage forms.Results: the authors proposed identification and assay procedures for the studied active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and homoeopathic medicinal products and prepared the drafts of pharmacopoeial monographs Hamamelis virginiana e foliis (Hamamelis, Folium) homoeopathic mother tincture and Hamamelis virginiana (Hamamelis) homoeopathic mother tincture. The unified procedures were included in the draft monographs for homoeopathic medicinal products Hamamelis, homoeopathic drops; Hamamelis D1, homoeopathic ointment; Hamamelis, folium D1, homoeopathic ointment; Hamamelis virginiana e foliis D1, rectal homoeopathic suppositories.Conclusions: the developed procedures are compatible with the principle of holistic, end-to-end standardisation, as they make it possible to carry out identification tests and assays using the same class of biologically active compounds throughout the whole range of homoeopathic medicines from APIs to finished products. The authors proposed the methodology for assessing homoeopathic medicinal products’ quality, taking into account the degree of dilution of the homoeopathic tinctures used


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    The article presents the results of research of influence of inhibitors of    α-glucosidase on the basic parameters of carbohydrate metabolism and the dynamics of body weight in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 complicated with diabetic foot. The authors note the positive effect of these drugs on all components of the metabolic syndrome, safe for body, no serious contraindications and low level of development of hypoglycemia. Voglis as a representative of the group of inhibitors of α-glucosidase can be effectively used in combination with insulin therapy.У статті наведено результати дослідження впливу інгібіторів альфа-глюкозидази на основні показники вуглеводного обміну та динаміку маси тіла у пацієнтів на цукровий діабет 2 типу, ускладнений діабетичною стопою. Автори вказують на позитивний ефект препаратів цієї групи на всі компоненти метаболічного синдрому, безпеку для організму, відсутність серйозних протипоказань і низький рівень розвитку гіпоглікемій. Воглібоз як представник групи інгібіторів альфа-глюкозидази може ефективно використовуватися у поєднанні з інсулінотерапією

    Organization’s Methods of Student’s Reflection in Online Course as a Enhance Factor of Learning Motivation

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    В статье охарактеризован онлайн-курс как вид электронного обучения. Рассмотрены возможности организации рефлексии обучающихся онлайн-курсов в процессе самостоятельной учебной деятельности. Представлены инструменты организации рефлексии обучающихся в онлайн-курсе и формирования мотивационной системы в рамках онлайн-курса.In the article the online course is described as a type of e-learning. The organization’s options of student’s reflection in the process of selfdirected learning activity are considered. The tools for organizing students’ reflection in an online course and the formation of a motivational system within an online course are presented