8 research outputs found

    Meta-structure correlation in protein space unveils different selection rules for folded and intrinsically disordered proteins

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    The number of existing protein sequences spans a very small fraction of sequence space. Natural proteins have overcome a strong negative selective pressure to avoid the formation of insoluble aggregates. Stably folded globular proteins and intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) use alternative solutions to the aggregation problem. While in globular proteins folding minimizes the access to aggregation prone regions IDPs on average display large exposed contact areas. Here, we introduce the concept of average meta-structure correlation map to analyze sequence space. Using this novel conceptual view we show that representative ensembles of folded and ID proteins show distinct characteristics and responds differently to sequence randomization. By studying the way evolutionary constraints act on IDPs to disable a negative function (aggregation) we might gain insight into the mechanisms by which function - enabling information is encoded in IDPs

    Structure-based design of MptpB inhibitors that reduce multi-drug-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis survival and infection burden in vivo

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein-tyrosine-phosphatase B (MptpB) is a secreted virulence factor that subverts antimicrobial activity in the host. We report here the structure-based design of selective MptpB inhibitors that reduce survival of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis strains in macrophages and enhance killing efficacy by first-line antibiotics. Monotherapy with an orally bioavailable MptpB inhibitor reduces infection burden in acute and chronic guinea pig models and improves the overall pathology. Our findings provide a new paradigm for tuberculosis treatmen

    Alineamiento m煤ltiple de secuencias con T-Coffee: una aproximaci贸n paralela

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    Las aplicaciones de alineamiento m煤ltiple de secuencias son prototipos de aplicaciones que requieren elevada potencia de c贸mputo y memoria. Se destacan por la relevancia cient铆fica que tienen los resultados que brindan a investigaciones cient铆ficas en el campo de la biomedicina, gen茅tica y farmacolog铆a. Las aplicaciones de alineamiento m煤ltiple tienen la limitante de que no son capaces de procesar miles de secuencias, por lo que se hace necesario crear un modelo para resolver la problem谩tica. Analizando el volumen de datos que se manipulan en el 谩rea de las ciencias biol贸gica y la complejidad de los algoritmos de alineamiento de secuencias, la 煤nica v铆a de soluci贸n del problema es a trav茅s de la utilizaci贸n de entornos de c贸mputo paralelos y la computaci贸n de altas prestaciones. La investigaci贸n realizada por nosotros tiene como objetivo la creaci贸n de un modelo paralelo que le permita a los algoritmos de alineamiento m煤ltiple aumentar el n煤mero de secuencias a procesar, tratando de mantener la calidad en los resultados para garantizar la precisi贸n cient铆fica. El modelo que proponemos emplea como base la clusterizaci贸n de las secuencias de entrada utilizando criterios biol贸gicos que permiten mantener la calidad de los resultados. Adem谩s, el modelo se enfoca en la disminuci贸n del tiempo de c贸mputo y consumo de memoria. Para presentar y validar el modelo utilizamos T-Coffee, como plataforma de desarrollo e investigaci贸n. El modelo propuesto pudiera ser aplicado a cualquier otro algoritmo de alineamiento m煤ltiple de secuencias.The multiple sequence alignment applications are of those requiring high computing potency and memory. This kind of applications has a hugh scientific importance due to their contribution to investigations in biomedicine, genetics and pharmacology for example. However, these applications are limited in the number of sequences they can analyze at once, being incapable to process thousand of sequences and justifying the need for a model to solve this problem. If we analyze the amount of data that is manipulated in biological investigations, and the complexity of the algorithms for sequence alignment, we realize that the only way to solve the problem is through the use of parallel and high performance computing. The research presented in this work, is about a parallel model allowing the increase of input sequences to the multiple alignment algorithms trying to maintain the quality in the final results to guarantee the scientific precision. The model proposed uses the clustering of input sequences as a base, employing biological information to maintain the quality of the results, and also diminishing the computing time and memory consumption. We used the T-Coffee algorithm as a development and research platform to present and validate the proposed model. We intend that our proposed model could be applied to any other algorithm for multiple sequence alignment

    Meta-structure correlation in protein space unveils different selection rules for folded and intrinsically disordered proteins

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    The number of existing protein sequences spans a very small fraction of sequence space. Natural proteins have overcome a strong negative selective pressure to avoid the formation of insoluble aggregates. Stably folded globular proteins and intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) use alternative solutions to the aggregation problem. While in globular proteins folding minimizes the access to aggregation prone regions IDPs on average display large exposed contact areas. Here, we introduce the concept of average meta-structure correlation map to analyze sequence space. Using this novel conceptual view we show that representative ensembles of folded and ID proteins show distinct characteristics and responds differently to sequence randomization. By studying the way evolutionary constraints act on IDPs to disable a negative function (aggregation) we might gain insight into the mechanisms by which function - enabling information is encoded in IDPs

    Alineamiento m煤ltiple de secuencias con T-Coffee : una aproximaci贸n paralela

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    Las aplicaciones de alineamiento m煤ltiple de secuencias son prototipos de aplicaciones que requieren elevada potencia de c贸mputo y memoria. Se destacan por la relevancia cient铆fica que tienen los resultados que brindan a investigaciones cient铆ficas en el campo de la biomedicina, gen茅tica y farmacolog铆a. Las aplicaciones de alineamiento m煤ltiple tienen la limitante de que no son capaces de procesar miles de secuencias, por lo que se hace necesario crear un modelo para resolver la problem谩tica. Analizando el volumen de datos que se manipulan en el 谩rea de las ciencias biol贸gica y la complejidad de los algoritmos de alineamiento de secuencias, la 煤nica v铆a de soluci贸n del problema es a trav茅s de la utilizaci贸n de entornos de c贸mputo paralelos y la computaci贸n de altas prestaciones. La investigaci贸n realizada por nosotros tiene como objetivo la creaci贸n de un modelo paralelo que le permita a los algoritmos de alineamiento m煤ltiple aumentar el n煤mero de secuencias a procesar, tratando de mantener la calidad en los resultados para garantizar la precisi贸n cient铆fica. El modelo que proponemos emplea como base la clusterizaci贸n de las secuencias de entrada utilizando criterios biol贸gicos que permiten mantener la calidad de los resultados. Adem谩s, el modelo se enfoca en la disminuci贸n del tiempo de c贸mputo y consumo de memoria. Para presentar y validar el modelo utilizamos T-Coffee, como plataforma de desarrollo e investigaci贸n. El modelo propuesto pudiera ser aplicado a cualquier otro algoritmo de alineamiento m煤ltiple de secuencias.The multiple sequence alignment applications are of those requiring high computing potency and memory. This kind of applications has a hugh scientific importance due to their contribution to investigations in biomedicine, genetics and pharmacology for example. However, these applications are limited in the number of sequences they can analyze at once, being incapable to process thousand of sequences and justifying the need for a model to solve this problem. If we analyze the amount of data that is manipulated in biological investigations, and the complexity of the algorithms for sequence alignment, we realize that the only way to solve the problem is through the use of parallel and high performance computing. The research presented in this work, is about a parallel model allowing the increase of input sequences to the multiple alignment algorithms trying to maintain the quality in the final results to guarantee the scientific precision. The model proposed uses the clustering of input sequences as a base, employing biological information to maintain the quality of the results, and also diminishing the computing time and memory consumption. We used the T-Coffee algorithm as a development and research platform to present and validate the proposed model. We intend that our proposed model could be applied to any other algorithm for multiple sequence alignment

    Alineamiento m煤ltiple de secuencias con T-Coffee : una aproximaci贸n paralela

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    Las aplicaciones de alineamiento m煤ltiple de secuencias son prototipos de aplicaciones que requieren elevada potencia de c贸mputo y memoria. Se destacan por la relevancia cient铆fica que tienen los resultados que brindan a investigaciones cient铆ficas en el campo de la biomedicina, gen茅tica y farmacolog铆a. Las aplicaciones de alineamiento m煤ltiple tienen la limitante de que no son capaces de procesar miles de secuencias, por lo que se hace necesario crear un modelo para resolver la problem谩tica. Analizando el volumen de datos que se manipulan en el 谩rea de las ciencias biol贸gica y la complejidad de los algoritmos de alineamiento de secuencias, la 煤nica v铆a de soluci贸n del problema es a trav茅s de la utilizaci贸n de entornos de c贸mputo paralelos y la computaci贸n de altas prestaciones. La investigaci贸n realizada por nosotros tiene como objetivo la creaci贸n de un modelo paralelo que le permita a los algoritmos de alineamiento m煤ltiple aumentar el n煤mero de secuencias a procesar, tratando de mantener la calidad en los resultados para garantizar la precisi贸n cient铆fica. El modelo que proponemos emplea como base la clusterizaci贸n de las secuencias de entrada utilizando criterios biol贸gicos que permiten mantener la calidad de los resultados. Adem谩s, el modelo se enfoca en la disminuci贸n del tiempo de c贸mputo y consumo de memoria. Para presentar y validar el modelo utilizamos T-Coffee, como plataforma de desarrollo e investigaci贸n. El modelo propuesto pudiera ser aplicado a cualquier otro algoritmo de alineamiento m煤ltiple de secuencias.The multiple sequence alignment applications are of those requiring high computing potency and memory. This kind of applications has a hugh scientific importance due to their contribution to investigations in biomedicine, genetics and pharmacology for example. However, these applications are limited in the number of sequences they can analyze at once, being incapable to process thousand of sequences and justifying the need for a model to solve this problem. If we analyze the amount of data that is manipulated in biological investigations, and the complexity of the algorithms for sequence alignment, we realize that the only way to solve the problem is through the use of parallel and high performance computing. The research presented in this work, is about a parallel model allowing the increase of input sequences to the multiple alignment algorithms trying to maintain the quality in the final results to guarantee the scientific precision. The model proposed uses the clustering of input sequences as a base, employing biological information to maintain the quality of the results, and also diminishing the computing time and memory consumption. We used the T-Coffee algorithm as a development and research platform to present and validate the proposed model. We intend that our proposed model could be applied to any other algorithm for multiple sequence alignment

    Structure-based design of MptpB inhibitors that reduce multi-drug-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis survival and infection burden in vivo

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein-tyrosine-phosphatase B (MptpB) is a secreted virulence factor that subverts antimicrobial activity in the host. We report here the structure-based design of selective MptpB inhibitors that reduce survival of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis strains in macrophages and enhance killing efficacy by first-line antibiotics. Monotherapy with an orally bioavailable MptpB inhibitor reduces infection burden in acute and chronic guinea pig models and improves the overall pathology. Our findings provide a new paradigm for tuberculosis treatmen