21 research outputs found


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    Nowadays, One of aspect of islamic education that get the more attention and evolve is tasawuf. The thought of suifsm actually is not only followed by muslims in east region, but it also gets the best place in west region. Eventhough, many historians accused that tasawuf became the most responsible factor and became the cause of  decline of islamic civilization , moreover it also becames vacum of all those. Actually tasawuf has carried out the important rule in muslims life generally and islamic education especially. This research was conducted by using descriptive analysis, those paragpraph will elaborate the development of Gnosisme in Islamic thought, figure and its monumental creation, also its influence toward islamic education’s though

    Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Pada Kisah Nabi Adam AS

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    Abstrak:Sebagai bapak dari seluruh manusia, tentu kisah Nabi Adam sangat menarik untuk di bincangkan, banyak hikmah yang terselip disana. Mulai dari asal kejadiannya, proses pengajaran yang di berikan Allah secara langsung hingga Adam diberikan mandat untuk menjadi khalifah di bumi sampai akhirnya ia terusir dari surga oleh karena kelihaian setan dalam menggoda. Akan lebih menarik lagi jika kisah tersebut di kaitkan dengan pendidikan dan berbagai aspeknya. Tulisan ini akan lebih fokus membahas mengenai nilai-nilai pendidikan yang berkenaan dengan nilai sikap dan perilaku, nilai yang berkaitan dengan tujuan pendidikan dan nilai yang berkaitan dengan materi pendidikan serta nilai-nilai yang berkaitan dengan metode pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi pustaka terhadap beberapa kitab tafsir serta buku yang terkait dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terkandung dalam kisah Nabi Adam As


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    Islami said the labeling on a counselling course should refer to the teachings of Islam which is rahmatan lil 'alamin and is closely associated with the Qur'an and Hadith as a source of primary law retrieval. Therefore, the integration of the values of the Qur'an and Hadith is an inevitability of both in the ontology, epistemology, andaxiology. Thus Islamic Counselling referred to in this description is different to conventional counseling that come from the West. Counseling West talk about Self concept and Confidance. More than just self concept and self confidence, Islamic counseling talking how the concept of Qur'an and Hadith affirming Tawhid a servant in the position and the correct proportions. By using the methods of the study of literarature which refers directly to the Qur'an, following paragraph sets will focus more elaborate on the basics of Qur'anic in counseling and counseling approaches, principles, methods and techniques of the Islamic Islamic counseling.Keywords: counseling, Qur‟an and Hadit

    Nasionalisme Dan Identitas Muslim (Telaah Aksiologi Pendidikan Islam)

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    Nationalism and muslim identity is a typical character that belongs to the nation of Indonesia, although both are different in substance but have in common the principle, nationalism is the consciousness of a nation that has then gave birth to feelings of love towards the motherland. While the muslim identity is practised Islamic teachings and culture of Islam which was later arrested as a muslim identity. By using the method of the study the research library produces a correlation between nationalism and muslim identity. If seen through the eyes of axiology of education Islamic glass. Delivering the country's population of nationalism being loving his homeland and therefore surely he would feel comfortable living in his country. Similarly, Muslim identity or expression of Islam practised impressed different, but in the end had the same purpose, namely to practice God's commands and away from the restriction, which will ultimately deliver mankind to happiness in world and in the hereafter

    Romantika Sejarah Kejayaan Islam di Spanyol

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    Spanyol merupakan titik barat paling ujung yang ditaklukkan umat Islam, selain itu Spanyol merupakan representasi dari peradaban dunia Barat. Sehingga penaklukannya memiliki level kultural tersendiri. Tulisan ini menjadi lebih penting bahwa ternyata peradaban Islam di Spanyol banyak menghasilkan pencapaian sosial budaya serta kemajuan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan yang sampai hari ini menjadi refrensi peradaban. Betapapun sesungguhnya sejarah juga mencatat bahwa Islam di Spanyol berakhir dengan tragis, bahkan hampir seperti tidak menyisakan apa-apa. Dengan menggunakan teknik analisis pustaka, rangkaian paragraf berikut ini akan menguraikan pembahasan pada Dinasti Umayyah di Andalusia, perkembangan peradaban serta kebudayaan Islam yang terjadi di Spanyol, serta kejatuhan dan sebab-sebab berakhirnya pemerintahan Islam di sana.Kata kunci: Sejarah, kejayaan Islam, Islam di Spanyol


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    Pendidikan sangat erat kaitannya dengan interaksi edukatif. Hal ini disebabkan, dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan terdapat komunikasi yang terjalin, komunikasi dalam pendidikan ini kemudian disebut sebagai interaksi. Interaksi yang terjadi antara peserta didik dan pendidik dapat terjadi secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Interaksi ini lah yang kemudian akan menentukan keberhasilan dan ketercapaian pembelajaran. Dalam konteks pendidikan, banyak interaksi yang terjadi dalam proses pembelajaran. Interaksi ini termasuk di dalamnya perilaku mengajar pendidik, perilaku belajar peserta didik, interaksi antara pendidik dan peserta didik serta interaksi sesama peserta didik. Seorang pengajar memiliki tugas utama menyelenggarakan pembelajaran, agar pembelajaran menjadi hal yang menarik dan efektif, maka pendidik harus memiliki strategi dan metode pembelajaran yang baik dan tepat dalam menyampaikan materi-materi pembelajarannya dan harus dirangkaikan dalam interaksi edukatif yang baik


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    This paper describes the elements in the Noble Qur'an, psychology term that will be scrutinized is the nafs ' aql, qalb, ruh and fitrah. By using the library study results showed that nafs was the side that shows human beings concerning the potential good and bad. While 'aql is a power to acquire knowledge therefore has the power to make sense of abstract objects that captured the five senses. As for the definition of a substance is the qalb smooth functioning and getting to know the nature of things as well as have the ability to reflect. Ruh make man has servant of God purity. Tend to things eternal, peace and quiet. Fitrah is innate for religious and believe in God, with an innate human potential has been given more to believe in God, but over time people became disobedient to God because the environment shape it. The fifth element of psychology to be able to walk properly and is functioning to its fullest potential according to their respective wants always always cleaned and maintained from various forms of disobedience. This concept is the one who makes the difference between Islamic psychology with conventional psychology


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    This article aims to determine the importance of communication of Islamic education organization using the literature and literary approach related to the theme of this research. The authors ' analysis results showed that organizational communication is indispensable in running an organization of Islamic educational institutions. The success of Islamic educational institutions is determined by the management and organanization factor and interpersonal communication skills owned by each stake holders in carrying out their duties. Effective communication can be seen from the best service and school management, the quality and excellence of graduates as the expectations of stakeholders, the communication skills for school personnel is indeed the task of managers and school leaders To always be enhanced to make it clearer the benefits or contributions of communication skills and effectiveness in realizing the achievement of educational objectives in Islamic educational institutions

    Lembaga pendidikan tinggi Al-Azhar : Mengenang peradaban islam masa Fatimiyah 297-567 H/909-1171 M

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    Al-Azhar merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan kebanggaan ummat Islam. Sejarah telah mencatat betapa eksistensi Al-Azhar dari masa awal Dinasti Fatimiyah hingga hari ini menyimpan banyak cerita yang sangat menarik. Tidak hanya itu, Al-Azhar juga berkontribusi sangat besar pada perkembangan peradaban dan intelektual Islam. Banyak ilmuan-ilmuan besar yang lahir dari sana. Satu hal yang tak kalah penting adalah bahwa ternyata sistem pendidikan yang ada di Al-Azhar ternyata di adopsi oleh lembaga pendidikan yang ada di Negara-negara Barat. Oleh karenanya tulisan ini akan coba mengungkap kembali historis Al-Azhar pada masa Dinasti Fatimiyah, sejarah berdirinya, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dan sistem pendidikannya