19 research outputs found

    Robotics in the classroom: The effectiveness of robotics based curriculum in STEM education

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    Students learn best when they are engaged and are able to interact with their environment. They can build their own definition of concepts and themes, which are more meaningful because they are related to their own experiences and memories (Kolb, 1984). Simply put it all comes down to constructivism, which means a person builds knowledge and meaning from interactions between their experiences and ideas (the environment they work/play in and the people and objects they interact with). The purpose of this study is to find out how a middle school and high school constructivist robotics curriculum impacts students’ conceptual understanding of electrical circuit concepts

    Lunar Precursor Robotic Program: A Robotic Focus To The Vision

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    In April 2006, NASA, with help from the commercial and international communities, began developing a global Lunar Exploration Strategy. These activities resulted in themes that expanded on why we should return to the Moon and objectives that identify what we should do when we get there. NASA used these results to develop a Lunar Architecture designed to achieve the subset of the global Lunar Exploration Strategy objectives that fit within NASA's scope. A component of this architecture is the Lunar Precursor Robotic Program. This Program, anticipated to consist of both lunar orbiters and landers, is intended to meet many of NASA's lunar exploration objectives

    Path Forward to Space Solar Power using the O'Neill - Glaser Model Modified for Climate Change Demand and Considering the Increasing Risk of Human Self-Extinction if Confined to Earth

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    The cost of energy is humanity's economic exchange rate with the universe. Space solar power is the first great step that our technological species has to utilize the energy of its star. The classic Peter Glaser Solar Power Satellite, SPS, and later designs collect a large area of solar energy in space and beam it back to Earth for use in the electric grid, but even with optimistic launch costs and technology innovation a clear economic path is not evident using Earth launch of SPS. O Neill in 1969 solved the transportation costs problem by a model that uses lunar and asteroid materials to build SPS and locates the labor force permanently in space (O Neill free space habitats). This solution closes the economics and predicts large profits after 17-35 years. However the costs of time have up to now prevented this solution. We discuss a strategy to move forward in SPS with the motivations to stop global warming and prevent human selfextinction. There are near term steps that can be taken that place us on this path forward. First, we must reevaluate the technologies for the classic model and update the parameters to current technology. As technological capability continues to increase exponentially, we need to understand when the monetary potential energy hills are small as the technology gets larger. But the chance for self-extinction, if humanity remains in a single vulnerable habitat, also increased exponentially with time. The path forward is to identify investment points while assessing the risks of non-action

    International Collaboration in Lunar Exploration

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    The U.S. Vision for Space Exploration commits the United States to return astronauts to the moon by 2020 using the Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle and Ares V Cargo Launch Vehicle. Like the Apollo program of the 1960s and 1970s, this effort will require preliminary reconnaissance in the form of robotic landers and probes. Unlike Apollo, some of the data NASA will rely upon to select landing sites and conduct science will be based on international missions as well, including SMART-1, SELENE, and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). Opportunities for international cooperation on the moon also lie in developing lunar exploration technologies. The European Space Agency's SMART-1 orbiter (Figure 1) is making the first comprehensive inventory of key chemical elements in the lunar surface. It is also investigating the impact theory of the moon's formation.

    Germinating the 2050 Cis-Lunar Econosphere

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    In early 2013, the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Director and MSFC's Office of Strategic Analysis and Communications (OSAC) chartered a diverse team for a six-week "sprint" to speculate (in a disciplined manner) and paint (with broad brush strokes) a picture of how earth, space, and public/private entities might be operating and relating to each other...in the year 2100. Two 12-person groups of civil servants, one with members having 15 years or less of NASA experience and the other with more senior members, worked independently and then compared and integrated their conclusions. In 2014, the "Space 2100" team, with some new team members and different group boundaries, ran a longer sprint to a) develop more detailed estimates of the operations and economics of space activities in the vicinity of the Earth and Moon in the 2050 time frame, b) identify evolutionary steps and viable paths needed to make that a reality, and c) recommend actions to enable and invigorate those steps. This paper explores Space 2100's first two sprints and their projections of NASA's role in what will likely be a highly networked international space industry and cis-lunar infrastructure

    Lunar Mapping and Modeling Project

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    The Lunar Mapping and Modeling Project (LMMP) has been created to manage the development of a suite of lunar mapping and modeling products that support the Constellation Program (CxP) and other lunar exploration activities, including the planning, design, development, test and operations associated with lunar sortie missions, crewed and robotic operations on the surface, and the establishment of a lunar outpost. The project draws on expertise from several NASA and non-NASA organizations (MSFC, ARC, GSFC, JPL, CRREL and USGS). LMMP will utilize data predominately from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, but also historical and international lunar mission data (e.g. Apollo, Lunar Orbiter, Kaguya, Chandrayaan-1), as available and appropriate, to meet Constellation s data needs. LMMP will provide access to this data through a single, common, intuitive and easy to use NASA portal that transparently accesses appropriately sanctioned portions of the widely dispersed and distributed collections of lunar data, products and tools. LMMP will provide such products as DEMs, hazard assessment maps, lighting maps and models, gravity models, and resource maps. We are working closely with the LRO team to prevent duplication of efforts and ensure the highest quality data products. While Constellation is our primary customer, LMMP is striving to be as useful as possible to the lunar science community, the lunar education and public outreach (E/PO) community, and anyone else interested in accessing or utilizing lunar data

    Legislative Documents

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    Also, variously referred to as: House bills; House documents; House legislative documents; legislative documents; General Court documents

    How OFFWorld’s Swarm Robotic Mining Architecture is opening up the way for autonomous Mineral Extraction – on the Earth and beyond

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    Mining is one of the oldest activities of humanity, as the extraction of stones, ceramics and metals proved to be essential to develop tools and weapons and to drive forward human civilisation. Possibly the oldest mine – the “Lion Cave” – dates back to 41 000 BC. Located in Swaziland, its pre-historic operators mined haematite to make red-pigment ochre. The mine was likely in operation until 23 000 BC and at least 1200 tons of soft haematite had been removed in this timespan. As time progressed, mining diversified and production methods improved. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans mined different minerals, such as malachite, copper and gold. Philipp II, the father of Alexander the Great, is believed of having conquered gold mines in Thrace, which provided him with 1000 talents (26 tons) of gold per year. Needless to say that Alexander’s conquests would have not been possible without these extensive mining operations. Over the ages, mining activities continued to intensify. Today, a tier-one open-pit copper mine like Chuquicamata in Chuquicamata, Chile, with a depth of 900 m, provides for a production of 443,000 tons of copper and 20,000 tons of molybdenum p.a. Naturally such levels of production come with a price tag. Thousands of workers, numerous heavy machines and investments that go into the millions and billions are required to set up a mine and to maintain its operation. At the same time large amounts of waste – the so-called tailings – are generated, often posing a significant environmental risk. The fact that ore yields have dramatically decreased over time has worsened the situation; today, the extraction of 1 ton of metal ore requires vast amounts of energy and can easily generate hundreds of tons of waste.iv Were it not for a significant technological progress in the extraction, transport and processing of the ores, today’s mining operations could not be sustained. Despite all these technological advances, the mining industry is at a decision point. The conventional trend of the last hundred years of counteracting shrinking ore yields by making the mining machinery faster and bigger is at its limits. Today’s ore haulers weigh as much as 600 tons and require a net engine power of 2722 kW v to sustain operation. At the same time waste heaps have grown larger and larger – operations are clearly at their physical limits. Time is running out for enhancements and improvements, if mining is to continue, a drastic paradigm shift seems to be the only solution. This paradigm shift will require humanity to mine more efficiently and intelligently, by aiming to extract only these rocks that contain the ore and doing so in a manner, which results in the smallest possible ecological footprint. This is where OffWorld’s Swarm Robotic Mining Architecture comes into play. The overarching purpose of OffWorld is to enable the human settlement of space by developing a new generation of small, smart, learning industrial robots. This robotic workforce has numerous things to do: build landing pads, excavate underground habitats, extract water ice and materials, make drinkable water, breathable air and rocket propellant, manufacture basic structures and solar cells, produce electricity, etc. OffWorld’s overall vision is to operate thousands of robots that can mine, manufacture and build on the Moon, the as-teroids and Mars. These robots need to be small and robust, extremely adaptable, modular and reconfigurable, autonomous and fast learning – they are lightyears ahead of the 2 million industrial robots that currently work in factories and warehouses. Space is a tough place. The environment is harsh, resources are limited and the room for errors is close to zero. If a robot can succeed in space than it can surely excel in the terrestrial industry as well. This and the fact that OffWorld builds a swarm approach that relies on a small form factor, intelligence and surgical precision, has the potential to reduce the total cost of operations, can shorten the life of mine or industrial operation and can be easily scaled up and down in size. With all these benefits in mind, OffWorld is looking into a reduction in the total cost of operations of at least an order of magnitude within any industrial sector. This paper will introduce the design philosophy behind OffWorld’s robotic work-force and will present the masterplan for developing space-bound systems by first maturing them in large scale deployments in terrestrial industries

    The first dinosaur egg was soft

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    Calcified eggshell protect developing embryos against environmental stress and contributes toreproductive success. Since modern crocodilians and birds lay hard-shelled eggs, this eggshelltype has also been inferred for nonavian dinosaurs. Known dinosaur eggshell is characterized byan innermost membrane, an overlying protein matrix containing calcite, and an outermost waxycuticle. The calcitic eggshell consists of one or more ultrastructural layers that, along withrespiratory pore configurations, differs drastically across the three major dinosaur clades. Whileonly hadrosaurid, derived sauropod, and tetanuran eggshells have been discovered to date,missing fossil eggshells covering the phylogenetic gaps between these taxa challenge efforts tohomologize eggshell across all dinosaurs. We present mineralogical, organochemical, andultrastructural evidence for an originally non-biomineralized, soft-shelled nature of exceptionallypreserved ornithischian Protoceratops and basal sauropodomorph Mussaurus eggs. Statisticalevaluation of in situ organic phase Raman spectra obtained for a representative set of hard- andsoft-shelled, fossil and extant diapsid eggshells, clusters the originally organic, but secondarilyphosphatized Protoceratops and the carbonaceous Mussaurus eggshells with soft eggshells.Histology corroborates the organic composition of these two soft-shelled dinosaur eggs,revealing a stratified arrangement resembling soft turtle eggshell. An ancestral statereconstruction of composition and ultrastructure compared eggshells from Protoceratops andMussaurus to those from other archosaurs, and revealed that the first dinosaur egg was softshelled.The calcified dinosaur egg evolved at least three times independently throughout theMesozoic, explaining the bias towards eggshells of highly derived dinosaurs in the fossil record.Fil: Norell, Mark A.. American Museum of Natural History; Estados UnidosFil: Weimann, Jasmina. University of Yale; Estados UnidosFil: Fabbri, Matteo. University of Yale; Estados UnidosFil: Yu, Congyu. American Museum of Natural History; Estados UnidosFil: Marsicano, Claudia Alicia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; ArgentinaFil: Moore Nall, Anita. State University of Montana; Estados UnidosFil: Varricchio, David J.. State University of Montana; Estados UnidosFil: Pol, Diego. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. Museo PaleontolĂłgico Egidio Feruglio; ArgentinaFil: Zelenitsky, Darla K.. University of Calgary; Canad