31 research outputs found

    Predictive Analytics – Examining the Effects on Decision Making in Organizations

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    Predictive analytics is a type of business analytics which enables predictions to be made, about occurrence of particular events in the future, based on data of the past. The predictive analytics is widely incorporated among the most successful organizations where it supports their decision-making process. The aim of our study is to examine the effects on decision making in organizations caused by predictive analytics. We perform a qualitative study to investigate the effects by using Simon’s model to break down the decision-making process and analyse how the predictive analytics affects each stage. Additionally we test the propositions from Huber’s theory of the effects of advanced information technology on organizational design, intelligence and decision making, in the context of predictive analytics as an advanced information technology. Our contribution to IS knowledge is derived from our findings which show that the predictive analytics offers strong support in the intelligence and design phase of the decision-making process, while having no effect on the choice phase. Furthermore, through the prism of Huber’s theory, we find that the predictive analytics generates effects on the organizational intelligence and decision making, while also having effects at subunit level, organizational level and the organizational memory

    Alternative fuel from agricultural wastes

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    Agriculture is the largest contributor of any resource sector of the country. It is also a large generator of waste materials. Agricultural waste recycling is a growing business, as more and more farms and companies turn to alternate ways to process waste products instead of sending them to landfill. Production of alternative fuel from agricultural wastes is a new perspective direction for investing. This happens because of rising prices for hydrocarbon fuels and the exhaustion of its world reserves

    Organic farming and its benefits for sustainable agriculture

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    Organic farming has to be encouraged on a wider scale to provide nutritious and healthy food to each and every citizen of the country. Strategies for promoting organic farming have to be implemented. Organic farmers should be trained for producing healthy and nutritious food without using chemical fertilizers, pesticides

    Possible detection of a magnetic field in T Tauri

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    Medium-resolution (R15000)(R\simeq 15000) circular spectropolarimetry of T Tauri is presented. The star was observed twice: on November 11, 1996 and January 22, 2002. Weak circular polarization has been found in photospheric absorption lines, indicating a mean surface longitudinal magnetic field BB_{\|} of 160±40160\pm 40 G and 140±50140\pm 50 G at the epoch of the first and second observations respectively. While these values are near the detection limit of our apparatus, we belive that they are real. In any case one can conclude from our data that BB_{\|} of T Tau does not significantly exceed 200 G, which is much less than surface magnetic field strength of the star (>2.3>2.3 kG) found by Guenther et al. (1999) and Johns-Krull et al. (2000). We discuss possible reasons of this difference.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Microeconomics of the materials and energents consumption in a simulated copper casting process

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    An analytical model for the optimization of the consumption of materials and energents in a typical coppercasting process based on a standard simulation procedure is presented. The proposed microeconomic analysisin correlation with the virtual manufacture of castings enabled a shortening of the time required to developa product, as well as the fabrication of high quality castings, which could be a crucial contributionto the achievement of increased engineering adequacy and economic competitiveness.In this sense, the article demonstrates the beneficial employment of mathematical programming withina systematic economic analysis. The analyzed casting process is a part of the metallurgical manufacturingoperations of the Copper Smelter and Refinery Bor, Serbia

    HD 178892 - a cool Ap star with extremely strong magnetic field

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    We report a discovery of the Zeeman resolved spectral lines, corresponding to the extremely large magnetic field modulus =17.5 kG, in the cool Ap star HD 178892. The mean longitudinal field of this star reaches 7.5 kG, and its rotational modulation implies the strength of the dipolar magnetic component Bp>=23 kG. We have revised rotation period of the star using the All Sky Automated Survey photometry and determined P=8.2478 d. Rotation phases of the magnetic and photometric maxima of the star coincide with each other. We obtained Geneva photometric observation of HD 178892 and estimated Teff=7700+/-250 K using photometry and the hydrogen Balmer lines. Preliminary abundance analysis reveals abundance pattern typical of rapidly oscillating Ap stars.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics; 4 pages, 4 figure

    The response of the institutions of the European union to the crisis of the rule of law in the European union

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    Vladavina prava predstavlja hrbtenico modernih pluralističnih in demokratičnih družb. Člen 2 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji vladavino prava določa kot eno izmed temeljnih vrednot, ki so skupne državam članicam in na katerih temelji Unija. Vladavina prava je ključnega pomena za zagotavljanje enake obravnave pred zakonom in zaščito pravic državljanov Unije, poleg tega pa tudi predpogoj za varovanje vseh ostalih vrednot EU, saj zagotavlja, da vsi javni organi delujejo v mejah določenih z zakonom, skladno z vrednotami demokracije in pod nazdorom neodvisnih in nepristranskih sodišč. Vloga neodvisnih in nepristranskih sodišč pri zagotavljanju vladavine prava je bila še posebej poudarjena z Lizbonsko pogodbo, ki je državam članicam naložila vzpostavitev pravnih sredstev, potrebnih za zagotovitev učinkovitega pravnega varstva na področjih, ki jih ureja pravo Unije. Če države članice ne spoštujejo vrednot Unije oz., da ne izpolnjujejo obveznosti iz Pogodb, le ti predpostavljata različne postopke sankcioniranj. Osrednji instrument za ukrepanje v primeru obstoja očitnega tveganja hujše kršitve oz. je hujša in vztrajna kršitev vrednot iz člena 2 PEU že ugotovljena, je politični postopek iz člena 7 PEU. Poleg tega pa Pogodba o delovanju Evropske unije predvideva tudi sodne postopke, za uporabo katerih je potrebno dokazati kršitev prava EU. Sodni postopki kljub dolgotrajnosti največkrat privedejo do uspešne rešitve, vprašanje pa se pojavi, kako reševati izzive v DČ, ki ne spadajo na področje uporabe prava EU, torej jih ni mogoče obravnavati kot kršitev konkretne obveznosti iz Pogodb, vendar pa pomenijo sistemsko nevarnost za vladavino prava. Politični napad na poljsko vrhovno sodišče, izveden z znižanjem upokojitvene starosti, ki je starejše sodnike prisilila v predčasno upokojitev, uvedba novega disciplinskega senata in novih disciplinskih postopkov zoper sodnike, prevzemanje nadzora nad državnimi institucijami, omejevanje medijske svobode, prikrajanje zakonodaje, spodkopavanje moči ustavnega sodišča itd. so ukrepi s katerimi sta Poljska in Madžarska Evropsko unijo pahnili v krizo vladavine prava, ki traja že več kot desetletje. Kljub številnim naporom Komisije, Evropskega parlamenta in Sodišča EU se kriza ne zmanšuje, ravno nasprotno, prihaja do vse pogostejših trenj in neposrednih političnih obračunov med državama članicama kršiteljicama in institucijami EU. V magistrski nalogi bom poskusila osvetliti pomankljivosti ukrepanja institucij EU pri spopadanju s krizo vladavine prava v EU v luči pravnega okvira EU, še zlasti neaktivnost Evropske komisije. vrednote EU, člen 2 PEU, člen 19 (1) PEU, politični postopek, člen 7 PEU, tožba zoper državo članico zaradni neizpolnjevanja obveznosti iz Pogodb, kriza vladavine prava v EU, Poljska, Madžarska, odzivi instutucij EU.The rule of law is the backbone of modern pluralistic and democratic societies. It is enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union as one of the common values of all Member States of the EU and one of the main values upon which the Union is based. The rule of law is crucial for ensuring equal treatment under the law and protecting the rights of Union citizens. It is also a precondition for safeguarding all other EU values, as it ensures that all public powers act within constrains set out by law, in accordance with the values of democracy and fundamental rights and under the control of independent and impartial courts. The role of independent and impartial courts in ensuring compliance with the rule of law was particurlarly emphasized by the Lisbon Treaty, which required Member States to establish the legal remedies necessary yo ensure effective legal protection in areas governd by Union law. Supposing that the Member States disregard the values set out in article 2 TEU or if they do not fulfill their obligations under the EU Treaties there are different types of sanctioning procedures. The main instrument to be used when there is a clear risk of serious breach or if a serious and persistent breach of the values set out in Article 2 TEU has already occured is the political procedure defined in Article 7 TEU. In addition, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union also provides legal procedures which can be used if there breach of specific provision of EU law. Despite being long-lasting, legal proceedings often lead to a successful solution, however the question arises as to how to address challenges that do not fall within the scope of EU law, so they cannot be considered a breach of Treaty obligations but pose a systemic threat to the rule of law. Political assault on the Polish Supreme Court by lowering retirement ages and therefore forcing older judges into retirement, introducing new disciplinary regime and new new judicial disciplinary rules, taking control of state institutions, restriction of media freedom, concealment of legislation, undermining the power of the Constitutional Court, ...all these are the measures taken by Poland and Hungary to plunge the European Union into a crisis of the rule of law that has been lasting now for more than a decade. Despite the many efforts of the European commission, the European Parliament and the Court of Justice, the crisis is not diminishing, on the contrary, there are increasing frictions and direct political confrontations between the offending Member States and the EU institutions. In this thesis I will try to highlight the shortcomings of actions taken by EU institutions dealing with the rule of law crisis in light of the EU legal framework, especially the inactivity of the European commission

    Druhotné chlazení radiálního ZPO

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    Importance of patient\u27s consent in medical procedures in criminal law

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    Pacientova privolitev je v današnjih časih pogoj za skladnost medicinskega posega z zakonom. Zdravniški poseg brez veljavne privolitve pomeni izvršitev kaznivega dejanja telesne poškodbe, za katero bo zdravnik kaznenskopravno odgovarjal. Pacientova pravica do privolitve v zdravstveno oskrbo je ena izmed treh pravic, ki sestavljajo pacientovo avtonomijo oz. pacientovo pravico do samoodločbe, s katero se pacientu omogoča aktivno sodelovanje v procesu zdravljenja. V zgodovini je bil pacient zgolj objekt, primoran upoštevati zdravnikova navodila, danes pa odnos med zdravnikom in pacientom temelji na partnerstvu. Zdravnik je zavezan spoštovati odločitve in voljo pacienta. V okviru pojasnilne dolžnosti ga mora seznaniti z vsemi pomembnimi dejstvi, da je pacient sposoben oblikovanja razumne odločitve glede zdravljenja. V primeru pacientove nezmožnosti podati veljavno privolitev, protipravnost medicinskega posega izključi nadomestna privolitev, dana s strani tretjih oseb, ki jih zakon zato predvideva. Zdravnik je vedno zavezan ravnati v dobrobit pacienta. Medicinski poseg je dolžan izvesti tudi kadar se zaveda, da je veljavno pacientovo ali nadomestno privolitev nemogoče pridobiti, vendar utemeljeno domneva, da bi se pacient s posegom strinjal. V drugih državah poznajo inkriminacijo samovoljnega zdravljenja, ki jo del sodobne teorije medicinskega kazenskega prava hvali kot najprimernejšo. Na prvi pogled se res zdi primerno sredstvo za varovanje pacientove avtonomije, vendar je treba poudariti, da ne more nadomestiti trenutno sprejetega koncepta varovanja samoodločbe, lahko ga le dopolni.Nowadays patient’s consent is a condition for a medical procedure to be in compliance with the law. Medical procedure without valid patient’s consent means commission of a criminal offense, for which the physician will be held responsible. Patient’s right to consent is one of three rights composing patient’s autonomy or patient’s right to self-determination which allows patient to actively participate in treatment process. In the past, the patient was only an object, obliged to follow physician’s instructions. Today, the relationship between a physician and a patient is based on partnership. The decisions and the will of the patient must be respected. It is physician’s duty to disclose all relevant information based on which patient forms reasonable decision regarding treatment. In the event of a patient’s inability to give a valid consent, law allows third parties to consent instead. Physician is always committed to acti in patient’s wellbeing. His medical intervention is also required when he is well aware that it is impossible to obtain patient’s or substitute’s consent, but it is reasonably assumed that the patient agrees with the procedure. Some countries are familiar with incrimination of arbitrary treatment, which is considered by part of modern theory of medical criminal law to be the most appropriate. At first sight it is true but it needs to be pointed out that arbitrary treatment cannot replace currently adopted concept of self-determination, it can only supplement it

    Dzieci Waniuszyna : dramat w czterech aktach

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    12 Uwagi: Współwydane: Gorkij Maksim, Mieszczanie - Lwów, 1903; Čirikov Evgenij. Żydzi - Lwów, 1905Seria : Biblioteka Dramatyczna ; t. 3