955 research outputs found

    On the Creation of the Gradual of King Matthias

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    La réception des Visiones Georgii Lectures de la légende du Purgatoire de saint Patrick à la fin du Moyen Âge

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    Thèse dirigée en co-tutelle par Marie-Anne Polo de Beaulieu (ÉHESS) et Levente Selaf (Université de Budapest, ELTE BTK), soutenue le 26 janvier 2018, devant un jury composé de Gabor Klaniczay (Central European University, Budapest), Edit Madas (Université catholique Peter Pazmany de Budapest), Jean-Claude Schmitt (ÉHESS) et Myriam White-Le Goff (Université d’Artois). Résumé : « Les Visiones Georgii », datant du milieu du xive siècle, constituent une réécriture d’Avignon de la légende du Purga..

    Hysteretic behavior of spatially coupled phase-oscillators

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    Motivated by phenomena related to biological systems such as the synchronously flashing swarms of fireflies, we investigate a network of phase oscillators evolving under the generalized Kuramoto model with inertia. A distance-dependent, spatial coupling between the oscillators is considered. Zeroth and first order kernel functions with finite kernel radii were chosen to investigate the effect of local interactions. The hysteretic dynamics of the synchronization depending on the coupling parameter was analyzed for different kernel radii. Numerical investigations demonstrate that (1) locally locked clusters develop for small coupling strength values, (2) the hysteretic behavior vanishes for small kernel radii, (3) the ratio of the kernel radius and the maximal distance between the oscillators characterizes the behavior of the network

    A systemás lupus erythematosus patogenetikai tényezőinak és klinikai aktivitásának kapcsolata = Pathogenetic factors and clinical activity of systemic lupus erythematosus

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    1. Anti-SS-A és SS-B antitestek SLE-ben: 200 SLE-s beteget vizsgáltunk, 38,5% volt SS-A és/vagy SS-B antitest pozitív. A pozitívak között gyakoribb volt a bőrmanifestatio és ritkább a vese-, ill. központi idegrendszeri involvatio. Az SS-A és/vagy SS-B antitestek jelenléte SLE-ben prognosztikai jelentőséggel bír. 2. DNáz I aktivitás és anti-nucleosoma antitest (ANSA) SLE-ben: 113 SLE-s beteg 185 szérummintáját vizsgáltuk, 9 nem differenciált autoimmun beteg (UCTD) és 52 egyéb autoimmun beteg mintái szolgáltak kontrollként. A DNáz aktivitás SLE-ben és UCTD-ben alacsonyabb volt, mint a kontrollokéban. SLE-ben magasabb ANSA titert találtunk, mint akár az UCTD betegek, akár az egyéb autoimmun betegek között, e két utóbbi betegcsoport között nem volt szignifikáns különbség. A DNáz aktivitás csökkent SLE-ben, de nem követi az aktivitást és nem jósolja meg a veseinvolvatiot. 3. Thrombosis kockázat SLE-ben: 105 SLE-s beteg vérmintáit vizsgáltuk különféle thrombosis kockázati paraméterek (APA, APC rezisztencia, V Leiden/protrombin mutációk, protein C/S, antithrombin aktivitás, VIII faktor, vWf és homocisztein) szerint. A legfontosabb kockázati tényezők (V faktor Leiden mutáció, VIII faktor és homocisztein szint) szűrővizsgálata lényeges az antifoszfolipid antitest pozitív betegekben - ezek korrelálnak ugyanis legjobban a thrombosis kockázatával. A többi teszt kockázati és/vagy védő szerepe tisztázásra vár. | 1. Anti-SS-A and SS-B Antibodies in SLE: 200 patients with SLE were studied. 38.5% were SS-A and/or SS-B positive. In the SS-A/B positive group skin manifestations were more frequent, while renal and central nervous system manifestations occurred less frequently. The presence (or absence) of SS-A and/or SS-B antibodies, therefore, is of prognostic significance in SLE. 2. DNase I Activity and Anti-nucleosome Antibodies (ANSA) in SLE: 185 sera of 113 SLE patients were studied compared to 9 samples from patients of undifferenciated connective tissue disease (UCTD) and 52 control samples. DNase activity in SLE were found to be lower than in the sera from patients having non-systemic autoimmune diseases, but not lower than in UCTD. Conclusion: serum DNase activity is decreased in SLE but is not a proper parameter following disease activity or predicting renal involvement. 3. Thrombosis Risk in SLE: 105 patients with SLE were analyzed with an extensive screening including lupus anticoagulant (LA) APAs, APC resistance, factor V Leiden and prothrombin mutations, protein C, protein S and antithrombin activity, factor VIII and von Willebrand factor and homocysteine levels. Conclusion: the presence of LA and/or APA in SLE patients poses the highest risk for development of thrombosis; screening for additional thrombophilic factors is of less importance

    Results of a Teacher Burnout Intervention with Self-compassion and Self-Concordant Goals

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    This research aimed to help decrease the level of burnout among Primary School teachers in Hungary. We conducted a 7 week-long "Renewal programme" intervention, which was based on self-compassion theory and the self-concordance model. Self-compassion practices advocate the adoption of an accepting mindset regarding one's own mistakes, and further assume that by setting self-concordant goals, one can create the conditions for long-term intrinsic motivation. Our results showed that the Renewal programme decreased participants' burnout levels. It also turned out that the programme was more effective for those participants who were doing their homework regularly. Self-compassion was a relatively new concept for teachers who participated in the intervention, but 6 months after the programme ended, the levels of it had increased further beyond what was recorded in the post-measurement. Our results show that social support is an important characteristic of the programme, as burnout subsequently decreased, while self-compassion increased, possibly due to the decreasing support of the former group members. As an enhancement, we recommend creating a private social media group for participants, something which would enable future participants to stay in touch after a programme like this has ended

    The environmental impact of the feral pigeon (Columba Livia f. Domestica) in the historic city centre of Sopron

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    The presence of different bird species in inhabited areas is becoming increasingly common. The problem with these species is that they are more likely to spread pathogens, contaminate public and private land with their droppings, cause economic damage or even frighten the public. One of the most notable conflict species causing environmental pressures in populated areas is the feral pigeon (Columba livia f. domestica), whose populations are increasing worldwide. Adequate practices and methods are available to reduce the problem. However, their applicability and effectiveness may vary from one locality to another due to the different characteristics of the localities and the different causes of the pigeons' presence. Therefore, it is essential to think in terms of town-specific solutions, the preparation of which requires, among other things, an assessment of the temporal and spatial pattern of occurrence of the species causing the conflict, an understanding of the extent of damage and an overview of the population's level of information. In our study, we investigated the environmental pressures of the feral pigeon in the historical city centre of Sopron, using a combination of the three elements mentioned above. For this purpose, we carried out a monthly visual population assessment combined with a photographic technique at sample points for one year. We conducted a field visit to the area to draw up a damage map of the study area and a spatial localisation of existing control methods. Questionnaire surveys complemented this to assess the public's awareness of the issue. In light of the results, we drew up a map of the pigeon conflict in the city centre of Sopron and identified possible solutions

    Visszatérő szomatikus mutáció hajas sejtes leukémiában

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    A hajas sejtes leukémia olyan érett B-sejtes non-Hodgkin-lymphoma, amelyet egyedi klinikai, morfológiai és immunfenotípusbeli sajátosságok jellemeznek. A betegséget splenomegalia, progresszív pancytopenia és relatív indolens lefolyás kíséri. A diagnózis megszületése után a klinikai stádiumtól függ, hogy a „watchful waiting” stratégiát választjuk, avagy azonnali kezelés szükséges. Az első vonalban javasolt purin-nukleozid analógokkal (cladribin, pentostatin) akár több évtizedig tartó komplett remisszió is elérhető. A hajas sejtes leukémia néha igen komoly differenciáldiagnosztikai kérdéseket felvető betegség. A pontos diagnózis igen nagy horderejű, hiszen a rokon kórképek prognózisa és kezelése nagymértékben különbözik a hajas sejtes leukémiáétól. Ezért volt kiemelkedő fontosságú az a felismerés, hogy létezik olyan genetikai elváltozás, amely e betegségek elkülönítő diagnózisában döntő értékű. A BRAF gén V600E szomatikus mutációja hajas sejtes leukémiában szenvedő betegek csontvelői mintáiból izolált DNS-ben minden esetben jelen van, míg a rokon kórképekre ezen mutáció hiánya a jellemző. A szerzők a mutáció felismerésének és a mutációvizsgálat alkalmazásának jelentőségét foglalják össze. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154, 123–127. | Hairy cell leukemia is a mature B-cell non-Hogkin lymphoma characterized by unique clinical, morphological and immunhistochemical features. Patients with hairy cell leukemia usually present with splenomegaly, progressive pancytopenia and a relative indolent clinical course. The diagnosis does not always indicate immediate treatment, as treatment depends on the clinical stage of the leukemia. Asymptomatic disease without progression requires a watchful waiting policy, while other categories usually need treatment. The treatment of choice is purin nucleosid analogues (pentostatin, cladribine) which can achieve complete remission even for decades. Interferon and monoclonal CD20 antibodies can also significantly prolong tevent free survival. Unfortunately, only the latter two therapies are easily available in Hungary. Splenectomy, which was suggested as first line treatment before the era of purin nucleosid analogues, is only recommended as ultimum refugium. Although hairy cell leukemia is a well-defined lymphoproliferative disease, sometimes it is difficult to differentiate it from other similar entities such as hairy cell leukema variant, splenic marginal zone lymphoma, small lymphocytic lymphoma etc. Making the correct diagnosis is of utmost importance because of the great difference in treatment modalities. Recently, a somatic mutation was found in all analysed hairy cell leukemia samples, but not in other splenic B-cell lymphomas. This article reviews the significance of this observation and presents the different types of methods for the detection of this mutation. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154, 123–127
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