6,072 research outputs found

    Using Self-Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithms to Evolve Dynamism-Oriented Maps for a Real Time Strategy Game

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    9th International Conference on Large Scale Scientific Computations. The final publication is available at link.springer.comThis work presents a procedural content generation system that uses an evolutionary algorithm in order to generate interesting maps for a real-time strategy game, called Planet Wars. Interestingness is here captured by the dynamism of games (i.e., the extent to which they are action-packed). We consider two different approaches to measure the dynamism of the games resulting from these generated maps, one based on fluctuations in the resources controlled by either player and another one based on their confrontations. Both approaches rely on conducting several games on the map under scrutiny using top artificial intelligence (AI) bots for the game. Statistic gathered during these games are then transferred to a fuzzy system that determines the map's level of dynamism. We use an evolutionary algorithm featuring self-adaptation of mutation parameters and variable-length chromosomes (which means maps of different sizes) to produce increasingly dynamic maps.TIN2011-28627-C04-01, P10-TIC-608

    Long-distance distribution of genuine energy-time entanglement

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    Any practical realization of entanglement-based quantum communication must be intrinsically secure and able to span long distances avoiding the need of a straight line between the communicating parties. The violation of Bell's inequality offers a method for the certification of quantum links without knowing the inner workings of the devices. Energy-time entanglement quantum communication satisfies all these requirements. However, currently there is a fundamental obstacle with the standard configuration adopted: an intrinsic geometrical loophole that can be exploited to break the security of the communication, in addition to other loopholes. Here we show the first experimental Bell violation with energy-time entanglement distributed over 1 km of optical fibers that is free of this geometrical loophole. This is achieved by adopting a new experimental design, and by using an actively stabilized fiber-based long interferometer. Our results represent an important step towards long-distance secure quantum communication in optical fibers.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Matches published versio

    On the Integrability and Chaos of an N=2 Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs Mechanical Model

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    We apply different integrability analysis procedures to a reduced (spatially homogeneous) mechanical system derived from an off-shell non-minimally coupled N=2 Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs model that presents BPS topological vortex excitations, numerically obtained with an ansatz adopted in a special - critical coupling - parametric regime. As a counterpart of the regularity associated to the static soliton-like solution, we investigate the possibility of chaotic dynamics in the evolution of the spatially homogeneous reduced system, descendant from the full N=2 model under consideration. The originally rich content of symmetries and interactions, N=2 susy and non-minimal coupling, singles out the proposed model as an interesting framework for the investigation of the role played by (super-)symmetries and parametric domains in the triggering/control of chaotic behavior in gauge systems. After writing down effective Lagrangian and Hamiltonian functions, and establishing the corresponding canonical Hamilton equations, we apply global integrability Noether point symmetries and Painleveproperty criteria to both the general and the critical coupling regimes. As a non-integrable character is detected by the pair of analytical criteria applied, we perform suitable numerical simulations, as we seek for chaotic patterns in the system evolution. Finally, we present some Comments on the results and perspectives for further investigations and forthcoming communications.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Interference and complementarity for two-photon hybrid entangled states

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    In this work we generate two-photon hybrid entangled states (HES), where the polarization of one photon is entangled with the transverse spatial degree of freedom of the second photon. The photon pair is created by parametric down-conversion in a polarization-entangled state. A birefringent double-slit couples the polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of these photons and finally, suitable spatial and polarization projections generate the HES. We investigate some interesting aspects of the two-photon hybrid interference, and present this study in the context of the complementarity relation that exists between the visibilities of the one- and two-photon interference patterns.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in Physical Review

    Irrigação por bacias em nível na cultura da bananeira.

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    Descrição do sistema de irrigação; Vantagens, desvantagens e adaptabilidade; Bases para o dimensionamento; Operação e manejo do sistema de irrigação; Considerações sobre a exploração comercial da bananeira irrigada por bacias em nível.bitstream/item/71927/1/CPAMN-CIR.-TEC.-04-92.pd

    Seleção assistida com uso de marcador molecular para resistência a potyvírus em pimentão.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a presença do alelo Pvr4, que confere resistência contra o PepYMV (Pepper yellow mosaic virus), em genótipos de pimentão comunmente encontrados no mercado brasileiro, com uso de um marcador molecular codominante tipo CAPS. A resistência ao PepYMV, nos genótipos CM?334?INRA, Myr?29 e em genótipos derivados do híbrido comercial Mônica?R, foi detectada como associada à banda de 444 pb, ligada ao alelo de resistência Pvr4. As plantas resistentes homozigotas (pvr4/pvr4) mostraram uma banda de 444 pb, as suscetíveis (Pvr4+/Pvr4+) uma banda de 458 pb e as resistentes heterozigotas (Pvr4+/Pvr4) mostraram as duas bandas. No entanto, no acesso resistente CM?334?UFV, nos híbridos Magali?R e Martha?R, assim como em populações derivadas desse acesso e desses híbridos, a resistência ao PepYMV não esteve associada ao marcador CAPS. O acesso CM?334?UFV ('Criollo de Morelos?334', de Viçosa, MG) distinguiu-se do CM?334?INRA ('Criollo de Morelos?334', da França); embora ambos os acessos tenham sido resistentes ao PepYMV, apenas em CM?334?INRA foi encontrada a associação da resistência com a banda de 444 pb

    Functionalized BODIPY derivatives as potential fluorescent labels

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    Labels can be attached to proteins, for example antibodies, which accumulate in specific organs for imaging in animals and human subjects. However, there is a growing realization that imaging events in cells and whole organisms by fluorescence is limited by the accessible probes. 4,4-Difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene (BODIPY) dyes tend to be strongly UV-absorbing small molecules that emit relatively sharp fluorescence peaks with high quantum yields. They are relatively insensitive to the polarity and pH of their environment and are reasonably stable to physiological conditions. Moreover, small modifications to their structures enable tuning of their fluorescence characteristics. Therefore, these dyes are widely used to label proteins and DNA, among others. Consequently, there is the potential that modifications to the BODIPY framework will lead to probes that can be used more effectively for imaging in living cells and whole organisms, but that it is still largely unrealized. Having in mind earlier studies, by other groups, and also the research developed recently by our group, we report in this work the synthesis and evaluation of the optical properties of BODIPY derivatives having in mind their potential application as novel fluorescent probes for the detection of a wide range of analytes, such as neutral molecules and ions, as well for bio-imaging in living cells.Thank are due to Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal) and FEDER COMPETE for financial support through Centro de Química (UID/ QUI/0686/2016). The NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance III 400 is part of the National NMR Network and was purchased within the framework of the National Program for Scientific Re-equipment, contract REDE/1517/RMN/2005 with funds from POCI 2010 (FEDER) and FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phosphorus removal from eutrophic waters with a polymer nanocomposite containing aluminium

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    Intensive agriculture production and industrial expansion are causing an increase on nutrient release (phosphorus and nitrogen), resulting in over-enrichment of soils and aquatic bodies. The nutrient over-enrichment of aquatic ecosystems leads to an excessive biomass growth. Eutrophication processes have negative effects on biology, chemistry and human use of lakes and rivers, namely by cyanobacteria toxins release. The Water Framework Directive set a tight schedule for water quality recovery and in order to implement a scientific based policy for eutrophication remediation and to attain a good water status, prospective scenarios are being considered in decision making processes [1]. Based on biogeochemical models, the need to lower phosphorus concentration on surface waters and to avoid phosphorus impact from resolubilisation processes are seen as mandatory [2]. One of most common water quality treatment strategies is based on chemicals addition to promote phosphorus precipitation [3]. However, these methods may be a source of ecological contamination with sludge production problems. Moreover, being phosphates a non-renewable source, the recovery and recycling of phosphorus is essential. Therefore, the present work concerned the removal and recovery of phosphorus from water using a new developed polymer nanocomposite containing aluminium nanoparticles (HPN). The results point that this new material removes 0.80±0.01 mgP/g in a pH interval between 2.0 and 6.5. Moreover, it could be regenerated using an HCl dilute solution. The issues that contribute mostly to the attractiveness of HPN-Pr as phosphorus sorbent are its moderate removal capacity, production process feasible at industrial scale, reuse after regeneration and recovery of phosphorus. The results obtained indicate that this material is a efficient alternative to solve the eutrophic problem

    Distribution and toxicity of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Cyanobacteria) in Portuguese freshwaters

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    The cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis racborskii has become increasingly prevalent in freshwaters worldwide. This species is of concern from a water quality perspective due to its known ability to produce a potent hepatotoxic alkaloid cylindrospermopsin, which has been implicated in outbreaks of human sickness and cattle mortality. C. raciborskii isolates from Brazil have also been found to produce the highly toxic paralytic shellfish poisons (PSP's). In this paper we report the toxicity of four isolates of C. raciborskii taken from three reservoirs and one river in Portugal as well as the occurrence of this species in other water bodies used for potable and recreational purposes. All four isolates grown in pure culture in the laboratory were found to be toxic in the mouse bioassay at 8 - 24 hours after intraperitoneal administration of single doses ranging from 1337 to 1572 mg kg-1. Histological examination showed liver damage as the primary lesion, in addition to some inflammation in the intestine. HPLC/MS tests for the presence of cylindrospermopsin, microcystins and PSP toxins were negative. The available evidence suggests that another toxin may be present. This report constitutes the first report of toxic C. raciborskii in Europe and draws attention to our need for increased monitoring of this cyanobacterium in water bodies used for potable and recreational purposes.La cianobacteria Cylindrospermopsis racborskii ha incrementado su presencia en agua dulce por todo el mundo. Esta especie es de gran importancia debido a su conocida capacidad para producir un alcaloide hepatotóxico, cilindrospermopsina. Esta toxina es responsable de enfermedades en humanos y mortalidad en ganado. Cepas de C. raciborskii aisladas de Brasil se ha demostrado que tienen capacidad para producir la toxina paralytic shellfish poisons (PSP's). En este trabajo hemos estudiado la presencia de esta especie en agua dulce con usos recreacionales y de abastecimiento en Portugal. De las cuatro cepas C. raciborskii aisladas de tres embalses y de un río estudiamos la toxicidad con bioensayos en ratones. Todas presentaron toxicidad al cabo de las 8 - 24 horas tras inyección intraperitoneal, la dosis presenta un rango de concentración de 1337 a 1572 mg kg-1. La examinación histológica reveló daños en el hígado y señales inflamatorias en el intestino. Los análisis con HPLC/MS revelaron la ausencia de cilindrospermopsina, microcistinas y PSP, sugiriendo que otra toxina podría estar presente para las cepas aisladas y cultivadas en laboratorio. Este artículo es el primero acerca de la toxicidad de C. raciborskii en Europa y refleja la necesidad de aumentar el monitoreo de esta cyanobacteria en el agua potable y con fines recreativos
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