1,645 research outputs found

    Extending and exploring students\u27 problem solving via problem posing

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    Despite the fact that problem posing has been recommended as a useful mathematical activity in the curriculum documents of several countries, research about the types of problem-posing situations in which students could be involved, and about the effects of these problem-posing activities on students\u27 mathematical performance is limited. The application of problem posing in school mathematics has been hindered by the absence of a framework which links problem posing, problem solving and mathematics curricul

    Composición lipídica de diferentes partes del fruto del aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana L.) y valorización de residuos de semillas y cáscaras

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    The consumption of Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) fruit (CG), fresh or processed, is gaining popularity worldwide, due to its nutritional and medicinal benefits. This study was based on the analysis of the lipid fraction of different parts of CG fruit and on further valorization of the resulting CG waste. The content of glyceride oil in CG seeds, peels and seed/peel waste, as well as the individual fatty acid, sterol and tocopherol composition of the oils was determined. CG seeds and seed/peel waste were a rich source of oil (up to 22.93%), which is suitable for nutritional application, due to its high proportions of unsaturated fatty acids (up to 83.77%), sterols (campesterol, Δ5-аvenasterol, β-sitosterol) and tocopherols (β-, δ- and γ-tocopherols). Seed/peel waste and the extracted seed cakes contained macro- and microminerals (K, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu) which are important for human and animal nutrition. Seed cakes had relatively high protein (24.32%) and cellulose (42.94%) contents, and an interesting amino acid profile. The results from the study contribute to a deeper understanding of the composition of CG fruit, and might be of practical relevance in the development of functional foods and feeds.El consumo del aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana L.), fresco o procesado, está ganando popularidad en todo el mundo debido a sus beneficios nutricionales y medicinales. Este estudio se basó en el análisis de la fracción lipídica de diferentes partes de la fruta y en una mayor valorización de los desechos resultantes. Se determinó el contenido de la fracción glicerídica en semillas, cáscaras y residuos de semillas/cáscaras, así como la composición individual de ácidos grasos, esteroles y tocoferoles de los aceites. Las semillas de aguaymanto y los residuos de semillas/cáscaras fueron una rica fuente de aceite (hasta 22,93%), adecuados para un uso nutricional, debido a las altas proporciones de ácidos grasos insaturados (hasta 83,77%), esteroles (campesterol, Δ5-avenasterol, β-sitosterol) y tocoferoles (β-, δ- y γ-tocoferol). Los residuos de semillas/cáscaras y los residuos desengrasados de semillas extraídos (tortas) contenían macro y microminerales (K, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu) importantes para la nutrición humana y animal. Las tortas de semillas tenían un contenido relativamente alto de proteínas (24,32%) y celulosa (42,94%), y un perfil de aminoácidos interesante. Los resultados del estudio contribuyen a una comprensión más profunda de la composición del aguaymanto y pueden ser de relevancia práctica en el desarrollo de alimentos y alimentos funcionales

    La manipolazione nascosta nei segnali discorsivi ведь e же usati come attivatori di presupposizione

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    In questo articolo innanzitutto si chiarisce che cosa si intende per manipolazione dal punto di vista della teoria linguistica, sia nella tradizione russa, sia in quella occidentale. In seguito si presentano alcuni meccanismi linguistici che possono veicolare la manipolazione, con una particolare attenzione a quello della presupposizione. Quindi si considerano vari tipi di presupposizione, mettendo in luce la funzione dell\u2019attivatore di presupposizione. Infine, si analizzano, tramite il Corpus Nazionale della Lingua Russa (NKRJa), i due segnali discorsivi russi \u432\u435\u434\u44c e \u436\u435, evidenziando una chiara distinzione tra di essi in riferimento alla loro capacit\ue0 di veicolare la manipolazione nascosta.In this paper, we first of all clarify what is meant by manipulation from the point of view of linguistic theory, both in the Russian and in the Western traditions. Then we present some linguistic mechanisms that can convey manipulation, paying a particular attention to presupposition. Later we consider different presuppositional typologies and definitions, highlighting the function of the presupposition triggers. Finally, two Russian discourse markers, \u432\u435\u434\u44c and \u436\u435, are analyzed through the National Russian Language Corpus (NKRJa), and a clear distinction between them is drawn, concerning their ability to convey the hidden manipulation


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    Modeling language learning using specialized Elo ratings

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    Automatic assessment of the proficiency levels of the learner is a critical part of Intelligent Tutoring Systems. We present methods for assessment in the context of language learning. We use a specialized Elo formula used in conjunction with educational data mining. We simultaneously obtain ratings for the proficiency of the learners and for the difficulty of the linguistic concepts that the learners are trying to master. From the same data we also learn a graph structure representing a domain model capturing the relations among the concepts. This application of Elo provides ratings for learners and concepts which correlate well with subjective proficiency levels of the learners and difficulty levels of the concepts


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    Abstract. It has been shown that practical activity of people during the last several decades exerts significant influence not only for frequency of population’s contacts with leptospirosis foci, but also for changes of mammalian types which are reservoirs and sources of infection. The last ones in significant proportion determined etiological structure of human diseases, mechanisms of infection transmission, social and professional groups, who have highest risk to be infected, and also incidence rates and changes in clinical course of infection and its outcomes. The evolution of leptospirosis is characterized by cyclic changes of epidemiological and clinical indices


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    The chemical composition of extract from rosa (Rosa damascena Mill.) by extraction with tetrafluoroethane was analyzed using GC and GC/MS. The main compounds (concentration higher than 3%) of extract were: phenylethyl alcohol (59.08%) and citronellol (12.31%).The chemical composition of extract from rosa (Rosa damascena Mill.) by extraction with tetrafluoroethane was analyzed using GC and GC/MS. The main compounds (concentration higher than 3%) of extract were: phenylethyl alcohol (59.08%) and citronellol (12.31%)

    A Peer-reviewed Newspaper About_ Datafied Research

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    An examination of the implications of datafication for research: to investigate and propose actions that push against the limits of today’s pervasive quantification of life, work, and play. Publication resulting from research workshop at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, organised in collaboration with School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, and transmediale festival of art and digital culture, Berlin

    Molecular and genetic characterization of LEPTOSPIRA spp. collection strains from the St. Petersburg Pasteur institute based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing data

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    Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease found virtually worldwide. Microscopic Agglutination Test with live leptospira (MAT) is the reference method for the serological diagnosis of leptospirosis. MAT is based on assessing serum potential to agglutinate live reference serovar Leptospira maintained at a reference laboratory. At some laboratories having own collections of isolated and reference Leptospira strains applicable for serological diagnosis, those microorganisms are maintained for many years by repeated subculturing, that increases markedly a chance of strain cross-contamination. The lack of adequate quality control for reference strains may affect data of epidemiological studies. Control of Leptospira spp. reference strains purity and stability of their antigenic composition is very important for diagnosis of leptospirosis. The study objective was to compare the 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequences of some Leptospira strains from the collection of the St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute to with relevant sequences uploaded to GenBank. In this study, 38 Leptospira strains were investigated. Nucleotide sequences of 36 strains were deposited in the international GenBank database, inconsistencies were revealed in two strains. The study found that the control Leptospira strains from the collection of the St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute had minimal dissimilarities from international control strains. The analysis of the resultant 16S rRNA sequences has shown the presence of point mutations, transitions, deletions and insertions, regardless of the strain species. The open leptospira pan-genome demonstrates high genomic variability in species due to the capability of leptospira for lateral gene transfer in order to adapt to changing environmental conditions. The massive acquisition and loss of genes give rise to an increased species diversity. The 16S rRNA gene is suitable for screening diagnostics; however, high level of the fragment similarity and close phylogenetic relationship between different species put bounds to its use in genotyping. The presence of point nucleotide mutations is most likely associated with the evolutionary mechanisms of leptospira, their ability to horizontal gene transfer and crossing-over, including ribosomal genes, but this assumption necessitates additional research. For specimen genotyping it is necessary to select alternative genes with high specificity and sufficient level of nucleotide divergence. The study shows a need for genetic analysis of collection strains in order to control the purity of cultures

    Multivisceral ‘en-bloc` resections of colorectal tumours - milestones in the surgical techniques

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    Purpose: Colorectal tumours (CRT) consisting mainly of colorectal cancer (CRC) are diagnosed sometimes at an advanced T4 stage, i. e. local involvement of neighbouring organ/organs and anatomical structure/ structures. Aggressive surgical approach preceded and/or followed by neo-adjuvant/adjuvant therapy is advocated because of proven benefit for the patient. The aim of this study was to carry out a literature survey, on the one hand, and to analyze the cases from the authors` institutional experience, on the other hand, in an attempt to submit for consideration the milestones of the multivisceral en-block resections in cases of locally advanced CRTs, i.e. to describe the specific surgical approaches depending on different tumour location and peritumoural involvement of adjacent structures and organs.Material and methods: A retrospective analysis of 154 cases of CRT was performed, all of them operated in the Clinic of Liver, Biliary, Pancreatic and General Surgery, Tokuda Hospital of Sofia, from January 1, 2007 to March 31, 2013. All the patients were diagnosed in an advanced T4-stage and received multivisceral en-bloc resections. Three main groups of methods that had been used were analyzed: 1) preoperative diagnosis, giving a hint of multivisceral en-bloc resection; 2) intraoperative assessment - gross tumour appearance, frozen sections (?), final histological examinations, and 3) surgical methods.Results: Early morbidity and mortality rates were 22,6% and 5,8%, respectively, without any significant difference when compared with ‘simple` colon and rectum resections and with literature data available.Conclusion: Multivisceral en-bloc resection for CRCs has been performed in more than 10% of the cases. It benefits the long-term prognosis. Tumour location and number of resected organs are essential characteristics of these procedures and they are independently associated with the quantity of intraoperative blood loss, higher early morbidity rates and more frequent local recurrence
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