131 research outputs found

    Analisis Implementasi Supervisi Akademik sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru Agama (Studi Kasus di MTsN Kabupaten Brebes dan SMP Al Irsyad Tegal)

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    The aims of this research are to find out; (1) the urgency of academic supervision at SMP Al-Irsyad Tegal and MTsN Brebes, Jawa Tengah; (2) the picture of the academic supervision implementation, obstacles, and solutions; (3) the positive impact of the implementation of academic supervision in developing teacher of religion professionalism in SMP Al-Irsyad Tegal and MTsN Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah. The result showed that: (1) Academic supervision is necessary to do by a supervisor, in this case, the headmaster SMP Al-Irsyad Tegal and MTsN Brebes, which had done supervision activity so school activities can be directed to achieve the expected education purposes. (2) The implementation of educators supervision either at SMP Al-Irsyad Tegal or MTsN Model Brebes could be reviewed in some aspects, those are the purpose of supervision, the function of supervision, the types and technique of the implementation of supervision used. As for the steps had done, it included planning, implementing, and evaluating of supervision. Meanwhile, the obstacles in the implementation of supervision were a complexity of the headmaster's duty as the leader, lack of preparation of supervised teachers and sometimes happens at the same time with other activities, such as training, workshop, etc. The effort made was by coordinating with senior teachers. (3) The positive impact of the implementation of academic supervision is motivating supervised teachers of the importance to improve competence, so the quality of the learners will increase, and then it shows more of a professional teacher

    The hardiness of adolescents in various social groups

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    Hardiness is considered as one of the adaptation resources of personality to stressful situations, responsible for the mental health preservation. Adolescents as an age group is one of most susceptible to stress factors, so conducting research on the development of hardiness in adolescents becomes necessary. Due to difference in social conditions under which development of hardiness of adolescents takes place, the purpose of our research was to study the hardiness of adolescents included in different social groups: first group – athletes, students of sports schools, second – students of specialized schools for intellectually gifted individuals, third– students of regular schools. In total, 239 adolescents of 14–16 years old participated. The study revealed significant differences in the development of hardiness among all three groups of adolescents. The general and specific patterns of the development of hardiness components of adolescents in different social groups were identified. The article describes the main types of manifestation of hardiness and its components under different social conditions of activity and development in modern adolescents. © 2019 Malkin, Rogaleva, Kim and Khon

    Tuning the Morphology of Au/CdS Nanocomposites through Temperature-Controlled Reduction of Gold-Oleate Complexes

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    A general synthetic strategy for controlling the shape of gold domains grown onto CdS semiconductor nanocrystals is presented. The colloidal growth of Au nanoparticles is based on the temperature-controlled reduction of Au-oleate complexes on the surface of CdS and allows for precise tuning of nanoparticle diameters from 2.5 to 16 nm simply by adjusting the temperature of the growth solution, whereas the shape of Au/CdS nanocomposites can be controllably switched between matchsticks and barbells via the reaction rate. Depending on the exact morphology of Au and CdS domains, fabricated nanocomposites can undergo evaporation-induced self-assembly on a substrate either through end-to-end coupling of Au domains, resulting in the formation of one-dimensional chains or via side-by-side packing of CdS nanorods, leading to the onset of two-dimensional superlattices

    Suppression Of The Plasmon Resonance In Au/cds Colloidal Nanocomposites

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    The nature of exciton-plasmon interactions in Au-tipped CdS nanorods has been investigated using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. The study demonstrates that the key optoelectronic properties of composite heterostructures comprising electrically coupled metal and semiconductor domains are substantially different from those observed in systems with weak interdomain coupling. In particular, strongly coupled nanocomposites promote mixing of electronic states at semiconductor-metal domain interfaces, which causes a significant suppression of both plasmon and exciton excitations of carriers


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    В статье представлены результаты исследования взаимосвязи личностных особенностей с показателями по депрессии, тревоге и безнадежности у подростков с суицидальными мыслями. Цель исследования состояла в определении индивидуально-личностных характеристик, наиболее присущих подросткам с суицидальными мыслями, а также взаимосвязи данных характеристик с показателями тревоги, депрессии, безнадежности и суицидальных мыслей по шкалам Бека. Посредством корреляционного анализа было выявлено, что к суицидальным мыслям больше склонны подростки с высокими показателями по таким шкалам, как ригидность, индивидуализм и интроверсия. Исследование проводилось на базе Центра психотерапии С. Скляра путем опроса подростков, обратившихся в Центр с жалобами на наличие суицидальных мыслей. Индивидуально-личностные особенности определялись с помощью «Стандартизированного многофакторного метода исследования личности» (СМИЛ). В исследовании была выявлена взаимосвязь показателей шкал СМИЛа с показателями по шкалам тревоги, депрессии, безнадежности и суицидальных мыслей А. Бека. Ценность и значимость исследования заключается в том, что по его результатам возможно составление плана профилактических мероприятий по превенции суицидального поведения среди подростков, а также для определения мишеней индивидуальной психотерапии подростков, находящихся в группе риска. Ключевые слова: подростки, подростковый суицид, личностные особенности, шкалы А. Бека

    Systemic-psychological analysis of research fields in equestrian sports

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    Kazakhstan develops various disciplines of equestrian sports, but there are practically no domestic studies in the field of equestrian sports psychology. Because of this, it is important to carry out theoretical analysis and classification of psychological research at the world level. The novelty of this work lies in the use of a systemic approach as a methodological basis for theoretical analysis and classification.Казахстан развивает различные дисциплины конного спорта, однако отечественных исследований в области психологии конного спорта практически нет. В силу этого актуальным является проведение теоретического анализа и классификации психологических исследований на мировом уровне. Новизна данной работы состоит в использовании системного подхода в качестве методологической основы для теоретического анализа и классификации

    Improving The Catalytic Activity Of Semiconductor Nanocrystals Through Selective Domain Etching

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    Colloidal chemistry offers an assortment of synthetic tools for tuning the shape of semiconductor nanocrystals. While many nanocrystal architectures can be obtained directly via colloidal growth, other nanoparticle morphologies require alternative processing strategies. Here, we show that chemical etching of colloidal nanoparticles can facilitate the realization of nanocrystal shapes that are topologically inaccessible by hot-injection techniques alone. The present methodology is demonstrated by synthesizing a two-component CdSe/CdS nanoparticle dimer, constructed in a way that both CdSe and CdS semiconductor domains are exposed to the external environment. This structural morphology is highly desirable for catalytic applications as it enables both reductive and oxidative reactions to occur simultaneously on dissimilar nanoparticle surfaces. Hydrogen production tests confirmed the improved catalytic activity of CdSe/CdS dimers, which was enhanced 3-4 times upon etching treatment. We expect that the demonstrated application of etching to shaping of colloidal heteronanocrystals can become a common methodology in the synthesis of charge-separating nanocrystals, leading to advanced nanoparticles architectures for applications in areas of photocatalysis, photovoltaics, and light detection

    Linker-Free Modification Of TiO2 Nanorods With PbSe Nanocrystals

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    We report on a colloidal synthesis of Pbse/TiO2 heterostructures, comprising small-diameter PbSe nanocrystals epitaxially grown onto the surface of TiO2 nanorods. The deposition of lead selenide onto prefabricated TiO2 nanocrystals proceeds via formation of a thin PbSe shell that subsequently breaks into sub-2-nm islands. Additional precursor injections are then used to increase the size of PbSe nanocrystals up to 5 nm. In the case of small-size PbSe, a 2.1-ns transfer of photoinduced carriers into TiO2 domain was evidenced through quenching of the PbSe band gap emission. Overall, the present synthesis demonstrates a colloidal approach to all-inorganic modification of TiO2 surfaces with semiconductor nanocrystals, which provides a viable alternative to a more common supramolecular assembly of nanocrystal-oxide composites

    Synthesis Of Pbs/tio2 Colloidal Heterostructures For Photovoltaic Applications

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    We report on heteroepitaxial growth of nearly monodisperse PbS nanocrystals onto the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles via colloidal hot-injection routes. Fabricated PbS/TiO2 nanocomposites can be dispersed in nonpolar solvents, which enables an easy solution processing of these materials into mesoporous films for use as light-absorbing layers in nanocrystal-sensitized solar cells. High-temperature deposition of the sensitizer material allows controlling both the size and the number of PbS domains grown onto TiO2 nanoparticles, whereby providing synthetic means for tuning the absorbance spectrum of PbS/TiO2 nanocomposites and simultaneously enhancing their photocatalytic response in the visible and near-infrared. Compared with conventional ionic bath deposition of PbS semiconductors onto TiO2, the reported method results in an improved nanocrystal quality and narrower distribution of PbS sizes; meanwhile, the use of hot-temperature deposition of PbS (T = 180 degrees C) promotes the formation of near-epitaxial relationships between PbS and TiO2 domains, leading to fewer interfacial defects. The photovoltaic response of pyridine-treated PbS/TiO2 nanocomposites was investigated using a two-electrode cell filled with polysulfide electrolyte. The measured photocurrent compared favorably to that of PbS/TiO2 electrodes fabricated via chemical bath deposition