45 research outputs found

    The role of self-esteem, locus of control and big five personality traits in predicting hopelessness

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    AbstractHope is related to self-esteem and personality. Therefore, to find out relationship between these variables is critical. This study aimed to find out the role of self-esteem, locus of control, and big five personality traits in predicting hopelessness of students. The participants were university students who completed instruments, The Adjective Based Personality Scale, The Rotter Internal–External Scale, The Beck Hopelessness Scale and The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. ANOVA and multiple regression statistical methods were applied. Results indicated that internal locus of control; self-esteem and extraversion predicted hopelessness

    Career Development and Mental Health from the Perspective of Life-Span Development Approach

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    The life-span development approach is one of the multi-disciplinary approach aiming to understand human development. With this feature, life span developmental approach examines human development from birth to death by taking into account the contextual factors. Career development is one of developmental areas through human development and this developmental area influence mental health while being affected by factors related to mental health. Because of this, career development is one of developmental areas that is examined by life span developmental approach. Current research aims to examine the relationship between mental health and career development from the perspective of life span developmental approach. Both theoretical knowledge and research findings indicate that experiences through career development influence mental health and it is affected by factors related to mental health. [Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry 2017; 9(2.000): 227-249

    Türkiye'de Fen Bilimleri, Teknoloji, Mühendislik ve Matematik Alanlarının Seçiminde Cinsiyetler Arası Farklılıklar

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    Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde ve Ekonomik İşbirliği ve Kalkınma Teşkilatı’na bağlı bazı ülkelerde kadınların, yükseköğretimde öğrenim gördükleri ve mezun oldukları alanların daha çok kadınlara özgü olduğu düşünülen biyoloji, sosyal bilimler, eğitim gibi alanlar olduğuna ilişkin çalışmalar vardır. İlerleyen yıllarda dünyada fen bilimleri, teknoloji, mühendislik ve matematik (FeTeMM) alanlarında istihdam olanaklarının giderek artacağına ilişkin bazı öngörüler bulunmaktadır. Öte yandan yurtdışında FeTeMM alanlarında öğrenim görenlerin her iki cinsiyette de az olduğunu, ayrıca öğrenim gören öğrenciler arasından kadın öğrencilerin bu alanları daha az tercih ettiklerine ilişkin raporlar yayınlanmaktadır. Türkiye’de öğrencilerin cinsiyetlerine göre FeTeMM alanlarını seçme eğilimlerine dair fazla çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada Ölçme Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi tarafından düzenli olarak yayınlanan istatistikler incelenerek 1999-2013 yılları arasında kadın ve erkekler arasında FeTeMM alanlarını seçme konusunda nasıl bir eğilim olduğu ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Yapılan incelemede kadınların doğal bilimleri, matematik ve istatistik alanlarını, erkeklerin ise bilgisayar ve mühendislik alanlarını ağırlıklı olarak yeğlendikleri görülmektedir. Elde edilen sonuçlar alanyazı bağlamında değerlendirilmiş, kariyer psikolojik danışmanlığı açısından tartışılmış ve bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur

    Gender differences related to parental role of the youths’ moral and emotional intelligence developmentGençlerin ahlak ve duygusal zekâ gelişiminde ebeveyn rolüne yönelik toplumsal cinsiyet farklılıkları

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    Morality is related to differentiation between ‘good (may be right)’ or ‘bad (may be wrong)’. It usually includes a range of rules that individuals what they should do or should not do in their society. Morality is a kind of specific cognitive concept that involves conscious judgment and making decision on issues related to rightfulness, injustice, right-wrong, good-bad and behave in parallel with these decisions and judgments. Emotional intelligence has a moral dimension as well. Goleman clarifies concept of emotional intelligence, and he underlines emotions’ role on human behaviour and their close relationships. According to Goleman, the emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of one self, others, and groups. The study group consists of eight undergraduate students were studying at Eskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Education in the academic year 2013-2014. Students were selected from 183 university students among their results from Emotional Intelligence Scale (Ergin, Ismen and Ozabacı, 1999) and Determination of Value Test (Rest, 1979) was applied with 183 undergraduate students with the method of standards sampling with the help of the minimum and maximum scores was selected from individuals (Yildirim and Simsek, 2008). The data were collected by a semi-structured interview form that was prepared by the researchers. The development of form was created for the purpose of considering the questions of the study. Data were collected by interview and qualitative data collection techniques. During the interviews, audio recording was used with the data were analysed the collected recordings with the descriptive analysis. After the categorization of data, the Cappa coefficient was calculated for the consistency between categories. The majority of the participants explained themselves as fair, honest, and emotional. ÖzetAhlak, bireyin doğru ile yanlışı ayırt edebilmesini sağlayan ilkeler ve değerler bütünüdür. Ahlak gelişimi toplumun tüm değerlerine kayıtsız şartsız edilgin bir uyma değil, topluma etkin bir uyum sağlamak için değerler sistemi oluşturma süreci olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Duygusal zekâ, kişinin kendisinin ve başkalarının hislerini tanıma, kendisini motive etme, içindeki ve ilişkilerindeki duyguları yönetme yetisidir. Ona göre duygusal zekâ ahlaki boyutun bir parçasıdır. Araştırma, probleme uygun olarak algıların gerçekçi ve bütüncül bir biçimde, derinlemesine ortaya konmasını hedefleyen nitel araştırma modeli ve olgu bilim deseni ile desenlenmiştir. Araştırmaya Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi’nde 2013-2014 öğretim yılında öğrenim gören 8 lisans öğrencisi katılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan öğrenciler, daha önceden kendilerine Duygusal Zekâ Ölçeği (Ergin, İşmen ve Özabacı, 1999) ve Değerlerin Belirlenmesi Testi (Rest, 1979) uygulanmış olan 183 lisans öğrencisi arasından aykırı durum örneklemesi (Yıldırım ve Şimşek, 2008) yardımıyla en az ve en çok puan alan bireyler arasından seçilmiştir. Veriler nitel veri toplama tekniklerinden görüşme tekniği ile araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin toplanması aşamasında elde edilen ses kayıtlarının dökümü yapılmış ve dökümler üzerinden betimsel analiz yapılmıştır. Kodlamaların ardından, kodlayıcılar arası tutarlılığın belirlenebilmesi için Kappa katsayısı hesaplanmıştır. Çalışma grubundaki bireylerle yapılan görüşmeler sonucunda bireylerin çoğu kendisini adaletli, dürüst, duygusal olarak tanımladığı bulunmuştur.

    Kariyer belirleyicileri, kariyer araştırma ve kariyer kararsızlığı arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi: sistemler kuramının test edilmesi.

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    The study aimed to investigate the structural relationships among career influences (career decision making self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy, parental support, teacher support, friend support, negative social events, ethnic-gender expectations), career exploration (self-exploration, environmental exploration, intended-systematic exploration) and career indecision by testing a structural model based on Systems Theory Framework. This study also aimed to adapt the Career Influence Inventory (CII) and Career Exploration Survey (CES) into Turkish and investigate the psychometric properties of the CII and CES. The results have verified adequate psychometric properties of the Turkish CES and CII. 836 university students participated in the main study. The Career Decision Scale, CII, Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form, CES and Demographic Information Form were used as data collection instruments. The data were analyzed by using structural equation modeling. The results indicated that career decision making self-efficacy, ethnic-gender expectations, selfexploration and environmental exploration had direct effects on career indecision. Academic self-efficacy, teacher support, friend support, parental support, negative social events and intended-systematic exploration had no direct effects on career indecision of university students. Additionally, the indirect associations between career decision making self-efficacy and career indecision were provided by the mediator roles of self-exploration and environmental exploration. The results indicated that academic self-efficacy had an effect on career indecision through the indirect effect of self-exploration. Parental support predicted career indecision through the indirect effect of environmental exploration. Findings were discussed by taking into consideration of relevant literature. Implications for practice and recommendations for further studies, practitioners, and policymakers were presented.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    The investigation of foot structure within children who have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a case-controlled study

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    The impairments in motor performance could be related to the foot structure in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) while considering the close relationship between foot structure and lower extremity alignment. This study aimed to investigate the foot structure and its relationships between disease severity, physical activity and psychiatric traits in children with ADHD. Children with ADHD (n = 50; mean age: 12.02 +/- 1.83 years) and typically developing peers (n = 30; mean age: 12.86 +/- 2.56 years) were included. The static footprint analysis was collected by using digital images. The ImageJ program was used to calculate Clarke's angle, Staheli arch index (SAI) and Chippaux-Smirak index (CSI). The Turgay DSM-IV disruptive behavior disorders rating scale (T-DSM-IV-S), physical activity questionnaire for older children (PQ-C), children's depression inventory and state-trait anxiety inventory for children were all used to assess symptoms of ADHD, physical activity, depression, stress and anxiety, respectively. Approximately 52-53% of children with ADHD had mild to severe flatfoot, while only 8-13% of typically developing peers had flatfoot based on SAI and CSI (P = 0.01). Significant correlation was found between Clarke's angle and PQ-C (r = 0.21, P = 0.04). Besides, T-DSM-IV-S was significantly correlated with SAI (r = 0.24, P = 0.01) and CSI (r = 0.25, P = 0.01) in children with ADHD. Children with ADHD had a significantly greater tendency of flatfoot compared to typically developing peers. Besides, the deterioration of the foot structure of children with ADHD was associated with disease severity