121 research outputs found


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    Identifikasi wilayah menunjukkan bahwa Kelompok Tani Salokaraja Kelurahan Salokaraja Kecamatan Lalabata Kabupaten Soppeng memerlukan kegiatan untuk meningkatkan sumberdaya petani dalam mengantisipasi kejadian iklim ekstrim (banjir dan kekeringan) dengan mengadopsi model sistem pertanian terpadu melalui Sekolah Lapang Iklim (SLI) dengan pertimbangan sebagai berikut: (i) kelompok tani Salokaraja rentan terhadap perubahan iklim, (ii) jumlah petani yang terlibat cukup banyak, dan pemahaman teknologi pertanian masih relatif terbatas, (iii) kondisi sosial ekonomi petani, persepsi dan keinginan serta permasalahan-permasalahan yang timbul yang berhubungan dengan usahatani perlu diperdalam khususnya masalah pemanfaatan informasi iklim melalui SLI. Target luaran kegiatan ini adalah: (i) petani peserta Sekolah Lapang Iklim (SLI) dapat menyerap dengan baik materi aplikasi model sistem pertanian terpadu untuk antisipasi anomali iklim; (ii) peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan petani dalam mengelola lahan usaha taninya; (iii) mampu beradaptasi terhadap kejadian anomali iklim; dan (iv) dampak anomali iklim dapat diatasi dan diteksi secara dini. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dalam bentuk penyuluhan / penyadaran.  Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa, Sekolah Lapang Iklim (SLI) memberikan gambaran permasalahan kepada peserta tentang pentingnya data meteorologi digunakan dalam bidang pertanian untuk pengembangan model sistem pertanian terpadu (padi – ternak) serta dapat menjadi solusi sebagai antisipasi dampak perubahan iklim. Perubahan Iklim dapat meningkatkan serangan OPT dan Sistem pertanian terpadu dapat mengurangi serangan OPT. Kata kunci: Sekolah lapang Iklim (SLI), Sistem pertanian terpadu, Kelompok Tani, Penyuluha


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    Perbenihan padi merupakan salah satu usaha agribisnis yang dapat dikelola oleh kelompok tani untuk memenuhi kebutuhan benih padi secara mandiri. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra kelompok tani adalah terbatasnya benih unggul dan pupuk pada saat tanam, maka petani lebih dominan menggunakan benih yang diproduksi sendiri dengan pemupukan yang terlambat dan dosis rendah. Hal tersebut menyebabkan produktivitas yang diperoleh hanya 50% dari potensi yang seharusnya diperoleh (7-8 ton/ha). Kegiatan ini membina kelompok tani menjadi penangkar benih sehingga mampu memproduksi benih unggul secara mandiri, sekaligus mendorong menjadi calon wirausaha baru, melatih petani mengolah limbah organik yang tersedia secar lokal (jerami, limbah ternak, limbah buah-buahan) menjadi pupuk kompos, pupuk cair/ biopestisida, memperbaiki sistem tanam dari hambur menjadi jajar legowo melalui demplot perbenihan untuk mengefisienkan penggunaan benih dan menghindari serangan hama tikus, serta melakukan pendampingan selama kegiatan berlangsung. Kegiatan berlangsung selama 5 bulan sejak Juli sampai November 2018 di Desa Mabbiring, Kecamatan SibuluE, Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk sosialisasi, pelatihan dan produksi pupuk kompos, produksi pupuk cair dan biopestisida dari limbah tanaman dan ternak, pelatihan perbenihan padi (teknik pengujian daya kecambah), serta demplot perbenihan Jagung hibrida melalui produksi benih dari penanaman, pemeliharaan, panen, dan pasca panen. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa Kelompok tani yang dibina sudah mampu memproduksi Mikroorganisme lokal (MOL) yang dapat digunakan sebagai decomposer dalam memproduksi pupuk kompos. Kelompok tani yang dibina sudah mampu memproduksi Mikroorganisme lokal sebagai pupuk cair dan biopestida.  Minat kelompok tani dalam berusaha tani padi semakin meningkat dengan kemampuan memproduksi benih padi sebagai usaha komersial. Kemampuan UMKM memproduksi kompos, pupuk cair, biopestida dan benih padi, keuntungan petani melalui perbenihan padi meningkat dua kali lipat (Rp.27.000.000ha) dibandingkan dengan produksi jagung pakan (Rp.16.000.000/ha), serta tambahan pendapatan melalui penjualan kompos Rp.750/kg dan pupuk cair/biopestisida Rp.8000/liter. Kata Kunci: Perbenihan padi, kompos, pupuk cair dan biopestisida


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    Kegiatan ini bertujuan memperbaiki sistem produksi benih padi untuk mendapatkan metode perbenihan padi yang ideal dikembangkan pada setiap wilayah pengembangan berdasarkan agroekologi padi dengan teknologi minapadi secara terpadu dengan penentuan varietas yang sesuai dan perbaikan kualitas lahan melalui pemanfaatan limbah organik dengan menggunakan mikroorganisme lokal (MOL). Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama 8 bulan di Kabupaten Bone dengan menggunakan sistem tanam legowo 2:1. Disamping itu, sistem legowo yang memberikan ruang yang luas (lorong) sangat cocok dikombinasikan dengan pemeliharaan ikan (minapadi legowo).  Hasil ikan yang diperoleh mampu menutup sebagian biaya usahatani sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani.  Perbenihan padi merupakan salah satu usaha tani yang dapat dikelola oleh petani dan keluarganya secara berkelompok pada kelompok tani Wanuae dan Harapan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan benih padi sendiri dan dapat juga dijual ke petani di daerah lainnya sebagai suatu usaha agribisnis teknologi minapadi. Selain memproduksi padi juga memproduksi ikan yang secara langsung akan menambah pendapatan petani sehingga diharapkan teknologi ini dapat diserap oleh petani dan dikembangkan secara berkelanjutan.  Untuk keperluan tersebut, maka sebuah lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat bekerja sama dengan Fakultas Pertanian Unhas diharapkan dapat membina kelompok tani menjadi penangkar benih melalui pelatihan dan praktek di wilayah kerjanya masing-masing, yang meliputi: teknik pembuatan/cara menghasilkan benih padi berkualitas, cara mempertahankan kualitas benih dan cara mendeteksi atau mengukur kualitas benih, serta teknik budidaya minapadi yang baik dan benar. Kata kunci: perbenihan padi, minapadi, mikroorganisme lokal

    Characterization of Biochar Empty Fruit Bunches OPEFB at Various Temperatures and Burning Time

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    Oil palm waste (OPW), comprising mainly of empty fruit bunch, mesocarp fiber, frond, trunk, and palm kernel shell generated from the palm oil industry, was collected, characterized, and then pyrolyzed to evaluate their potential to be converted into biochar.  Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFB) are a source of organic material with abundant nutrients and are highly potentially useful as biochar. This article provides experimental data for the production of biochar at a temperature range of 100 to 300 °C at time of 4 to 8 hours. The chemical components examined are pH, CEC, C-Organic, N-total, C/N, K dd, P, Ca, Mg, and Na, using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The results showed that organic C, nitrogen, and pH were highest at 200–300 °C and had a burning time of 8 hours. Furthermore, the highest concentrations of P, Ca, and Mg were recorded at 200–300°C after 5 hours, Kdd at 100–200 °C after 5 hours, and Na and CEC at 200–300 °C after 4 hours. The transmittance intensity produced by the spectrum of hydroxyl (O-H) vibrations, carbonyl stretching (C=O), alkanes    (-CH), and aromatics (C=C) decreased with increasing time, while stretching alcohol (C-O) vibrations increased with time. Our results demonstrate that OPEB is a biowaste that shows exceptional promise to be transformed into high-grade biochar rather than simply disposed of by landfilling or burning

    CULTURE ORGANIC FARMING: Sebuah Pengabdian dalam Upaya Pembentukan Karakter Petani terhadap Pengelolaan Padi Sawah Modern dan Berkelanjutan di Sulawesi Selatan

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    This Community Service Program is motivated by the situation of rice field management problems in South Sulawesi and Bulukumba Regency in particular. Lowland rice productivity in South Sulawesi only ranged from 4,197 ~ 5,074 tons/ha or an average of 4,623 tons/ha (BPS, 1993 ~ 2011). The problem lies in: (1) the narrowness of the managed land due to the existence of land pragmentation in farming families and land conversion; (2) land fatigue due to continuous and even excessive use of chemical fertilizers, (3) low adoption of superior seeds due to misunderstandings from farmers regarding the seeds they plant and partly due to frequent failures of the seeds distributed; (4) increasing pest and disease attacks due to the use of various and excessive pesticides, (5) weak regeneration of farmers due to the lack of interest in agricultural graduates to return to farming. This service program recommends a comprehensive solution by combining technological engineering (adoption of liquid organic fertilizer which has been patented by the Research and Development Center for Biotenology LPPM UNHAS under the name MOPlus Biological Fertilizer, adoption of superior hybrid seeds, efficient and effective control of water in farmland, and organic pest control). with social-institutional engineering (in terms of character building of farmers through direct assistance of the Expert Team in the management of lowland rice farming in a modern and sustainable manner). The results of this service program are an increase in productivity (35 ~ 50% of the previous production) and the growth of the nation's character (awareness of the interests of the national economy, scientific work or smart work, and concern for changing ways of thinking from moral choice to rational choice) in supporting increased productivity, competitiveness, and sustainability

    The use of polyethylen glycol (PEG) as selection agent of callus and plantlet of some sugarcane varieties for drought tolerance

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    An experiment was carried out at Tissue culture laboratory, sugarcane factory in Takalar,\ud aiming to analyze the drought resistant capacity of some sugarcane varieties treated with\ud Polyethylen Glycol (PEG) as selecting agent. The research was arranged according to\ud factorial experiment based on completely randomized design. The first factor of variety\ud consisted by three varieties of R-579, Philipin and Q-81. PEG as the second factor consisted\ud by four concentrations namely 0 g L-1, 10 g L-1, 15 g L-1 dan 20 g L-1.\ud Results of the research indicated that there was a variation of variety parameters in response\ud to PEG at the callus state and their plantlet growth. Variety of R579 performed better callus\ud and plantlet growth in terms of rapid root and shoots formation, on the other hand,\ud Philippine variety has more number of roots and shoots. This phenomenon indicated that\ud variety selection at callus state and plantlet can be performed at the early state, yet\ud evaluation of promising variety need to be continued under acclimatization and field\ud condition

    social cognition part 12

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    The Effectiveness of Giving Plant PGPR Rhizosphere Bamboo on Cocoa Seeds Germination at The Nursery Level

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    The low productivity of cocoa plantations in Indonesia is partly due to the low quality of seeds, which refers to the impeded growth of cultivated cocoa nurseries. Seed is the initial growth of plants so the importance of giving special treatment to seeds will refer to better seed growth. Provision of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) microbes can produce indoleacetic acid (IAA) in plants to improve the quality of plant growth. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the provision of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria bamboo rhizosphere against cocoa seed germination. The study was carried out in the farmer group garden, Gantarangkeke District, Bantaeng. This study was arranged in the form of a two-factor factorial design (F2F) in a randomized block design (RBD). The use of cocoa seed type as the first factor consisted of GTB (Gantarangkeke Bantaeng) local cocoa seed and MCC 01 cocoa seed and seed immersion treatment at PGPR rhizosphere bamboo concentration as the second factor consisting of 0% (control) concentration, 5%, 10 % and 15%. The results obtained indicate that administration of seeds with bamboo rhizosphere PGPR affects the germination (100.00%), the speed of seed growth (7.14%/etmal), as well as on abnormal seeds (10.00%). So that the provision of bamboo rhizosphere PGPR on cocoa seeds has an effective influence on seed germination and cocoa seedling development

    Landscape Ecological Changes and Livelihood Dilemma of the Rural Household around the Oil Palm Plantation

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    The pressure of global market demand for palm oil is driving a massive expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesia. Although it provides benefits in economic terms, it also has social and environmental impacts. The impact is in the form of changes in the ecological landscape, conversion of agricultural land, rural household livelihood systems, reduced biodiversity, deformation, plant monoculturalization, and even a monostructuring of livelihood. This study aimed to provide an overview of changes in the ecological landscape that resulted from the expansion of oil palm plantations and the socio-economic impact of the expansion of oil palm plantations on farmers' household livelihood systems. The study was conducted in West Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study uses the livelihood survey method by selecting 30 farmer households selected by random sampling. The results of the study found the fact that oil palm plantations seemed to provide welfare for rural households, but what happened was a vulnerability and high livelihood dependence on income from the wages of oil palm plantations. The expansion of oil palm plantations has created the integration and dependence of rural economies on the global political economy of oil palm, but at risk to even undergoing household livelihood dilemmas due to the two villages’ deliberate divergence of livelihoods because of shifting ecosystems now leading by palm oil commodities
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