4,069 research outputs found

    Kalavasos - Kopetra : 1991

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    "Fresh out of the classroom and beckoned by the long mild days of early summer, we returned to Cyprus this year for our fifth season of work at the Late Roman settlement at Kopetra. In previous years our museum-sponsored project explored this small, previously unknown community by surface survey and selective excavation. Preliminary results revealed a settlement of perhaps five hectares that stood atop a high ridge overlooking the Vasilikos Valley, about halfway between the island's south coast and the present village of Kalavasos . Between 1987 and 1990 we traced the general outlines of this small Late Roman settlement and discovered two basilicas that served its residents in the sixth and early seventh centuries. This year we completed work at the second basilica and undertook trial excavations in three other parts of the inhabited site."--First paragraph.Includes bibliographical reference

    Kalavasos - Kopetra : 1988

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    Kalavasos - Kopetra : 1989-1990

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    "The annual patterns of farming and herding in the Vasilikos Valley were again joined by archaeological fieldwork in the summers of 1989 and 1990. Located in the lower valley between the village of Kalavasos and the south Cypriot coast, the broad Kopetra ridge was home to a small and still anonymous settlement in the Late Roman period. The existence of this site at Kopetra was first noted over twelve years ago during valleywide reconnaissance of the Vasilikos area. During previous work, sponsored in part by the Museum of Art and Archaeology, the settlement's location was confirmed and excavations were undertaken at one part of the site. In our third and fourth annual campaigns we expanded the topographic survey of the central habitation zone and continued excavations in different parts of the Kopetra area."--First paragraph.Includes bibliographical reference

    Investigations at KaIavasos-Kopetra

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    "The Mediterranean world of the fourth through seventh centuries saw one of the most momentous turning points of Western history. Fundamental changes occurred at all levels of Late Roman society and involved basic revaluations of the artistic, political, and religious traditions of classical antiquity. Edward Gibbon characterized this age as comprising an epochal "Fall of Rome," of which the repercussions continued to shape European history into the modern era. If the larger results of this cultural reorientation are not in doubt, its course and process remain less well understood. Historians of the period have focused their attention primarily on the large urban and religious centers of the late Roman empire, with relatively less attention paid to the more humdrum life of its provincial settlements. The Kalavasos-Kopetra Project was initiated in 1986 with the goal of providing a new and more representative perspective of this period on the level of a small and otherwise unknown east Mediterranean island community. The expedition is a collaborative undertaking of the authors on behalf of the Department of Art History and Archaeology and the Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri-Columbia, and the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania. Informal reconnaissance in the summer of 1986 led to a six-week field season in July and August 1987. The resultsof these preliminary investigations, which included an initial topographic and field survey of the site, are discussed in this report."--First paragraph.Includes bibliographical reference

    Calculation of critical water flow rates for wildfire suppression

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    Predicting water suppression requirements and its impacts on firefighting strategies and logistics within the urban environment has been the subject of many previous studies, however the same level of research has yet to be applied in the realm of wildfire suppression. To work towards addressing this knowledge gap, this paper provides guidance for Incident Controllers in relation to critical water flow rates required to extinguish large wildfire across a wide range of forest fuel loads, fire weather and active fire front depths. This is achieved through mathematical empirical analysis of water flow rates required for head fire suppression during 540 simulated wildfires in forest vegetation. This research applies a fire engineering approach to wildfire suppression logistics and deterministically assess the suitability of appliance and aircraft based head fire suppression. The results highlight the limitations of offensive wildfire suppression involving direct head fire attacks by appliances once wildfires attain a quasi-steady state in forest fuels

    Cluster-mining: An approach for determining core structures of metallic nanoparticles from atomic pair distribution function data

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    We present a novel approach for finding and evaluating structural models of small metallic nanoparticles. Rather than fitting a single model with many degrees of freedom, the approach algorithmically builds libraries of nanoparticle clusters from multiple structural motifs, and individually fits them to experimental PDFs. Each cluster-fit is highly constrained. The approach, called cluster-mining, returns all candidate structure models that are consistent with the data as measured by a goodness of fit. It is highly automated, easy to use, and yields models that are more physically realistic and result in better agreement to the data than models based on cubic close-packed crystallographic cores, often reported in the literature for metallic nanoparticles

    Проблеми побудови відкритої та гнучкої методичної системи навчання математичних методів фізики у педагогічних університетах

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    (uk) Розглядаються тенденції розвитку фундаментальної фізико-математичної освіти, зближення природничо-наукового та гуманітарного, що уможливлюють розв’язання проблеми побудови відкритої та гнучкої науково-обґрунтованої методичної системи навчання математичних методів фізики у педагогічних університетах.(en) The article examines progressive trends of fundamental physical and mathematical education, rapprochement of naturally scientific and humanitarian, that makes possible to solve the problem of constructing the open and flexible scientifically reasonable methodical systeme of mathematical methods of physics teaching inpedagogical universities