176 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Image Thresholding Untuk Segmentasi Objek

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    Salah satu operasi di dalam analisis citra adalah segmentasi citra, yaitu memisahkan objek dari latar belakangnya atau dari objek lain yang tidak menjadi perhatian. Metode sementasi yang sederhana adalah dengan operasi pengambangan (thresholding). Operasi pengambangan menghasilkan citra biner, yang dalam hal ini objek yang diacu di-set berwarna putih sedangkan latar belakangnya di-set berwarna hitam (atau sebaliknya bergantung kasusnya). Makalah ini mempresentasikan penggunaan operasi pengambangan untuk melakukan segmentasi objek. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan menggunakan kakas MATLAB. Hasil eksperimen memperlihatkan bahwa pemilihan nilai ambang (threshold) yang tepat sangat menentukan keberhasilan segmentasi

    The Balinese Unicode Text Processing

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    In principal, the computer only recognizes numbers as the representation of a character. Therefore, there are many encoding systems to allocate these numbers although not all characters are covered. In Europe, every single language even needs more than one encoding system. Hence, a new encoding system known as Unicode has been established to overcome this problem. Unicode provides unique id for each different characters which does not depend on platform, program, and language. Unicode standard has been applied in a number of industries, such as Apple, HP, IBM, JustSystem, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Sun, Sybase, and Unisys. In addition, language standards and modern information exchanges such as XML, Java, ECMA Script (JavaScript), LDAP, CORBA 3.0, and WML make use of Unicode as an official tool for implementing ISO/IEC 10646. There are four things to do according to Balinese script: the algorithm of transliteration, searching, sorting, and word boundary analysis (spell checking). To verify the truth of algorithm, some applications are made. These applications can run on Linux/Windows OS platform using J2SDK 1.5 and J2ME WTK2 library. The input and output of the algorithm/application are character sequence that is obtained from keyboard punch and external file. This research produces a module or a library which is able to process the Balinese text based on Unicode standard. The output of this research is the ability, skill, and mastering of 1. Unicode standard (21-bit) as a substitution to ASCII (7-bit) and ISO8859-1 (8-bit) as the former default character set in many applications. 2. The Balinese Unicode text processing algorithm. 3. An experience of working with and learning from an international team that consists of the foremost experts in the area: Michael Everson (Ireland), Peter Constable (Microsoft US), I Made Suatjana, and Ida Bagus Adi Sudewa

    Generic Animation Method for Multi-Objects in IFS Fractal Form

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    Both non-metamorphic animation and metamorphic animation of objects or multi-objects in IFS fractal form as basic animation method can be implemented by a modified version of the random iteration algorithm as basic algorithm. In this way it is possible to create an attractive animation based on the combination of both animation methods as a generic animation method, as discussed in this paper. The proposed method can be used as an alternative for or as an extension of the existing animation methods in classical geometry, which are restricted to objects with regular forms. The proposed method can be used to produce more attractive media for interactively learning about the behavior of manipulated objects of any form


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    Di dalam makalah ini dipresentasikan analisis keamanan dari sebuah usulan algoritma enkripsi citra yang berbasis chaos dan penggunaan teknik enkripsi selektif untuk mengurangi volume komputasi. Algoritma enkripsi menggunakan Arnold Cat Map untuk mengacak citra, selanjutnya teknik enkripsi selektif diterapkan dengan memilih hanya empat bit MSB dari setiap pixel untuk di-XOR-kan dengan keystream yang dibangkitkan dari Logistic Map. Analisis keamanan meliputi analisis ruang kunci, analisis histogram, analisis korelasi, analisis entropi, dan analisis sensitivitas. Secara keseluruhan dapat dinyatakan bahwa analisis keamanan terhadap algoritma enkripsi citra yang ditinjau menunjukkan bahwa algoritma tersebut aman dari berbagai serangan yang bertujuan untuk menemukan kunci atau pixel-pixel di dalam plain-image.

    Penerapan Secret Sharing Scheme Pada Joint Ownership Watermarking Untuk Citra Digital

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    Digital watermarking merupakan metode untuk menyisipkan suatu informasi, yangbiasanya disebut sebagai watermark, pada suatu data digital penampung. Masalah yangdihadapi pada metode digital watermarking saat ini adalah semua metode yang telah adahanya mampu menangani perlindungan hak cipta dari satu pemilik saja. Solusi yangkemudian ditawarkan untuk menangani masalah kepemilikan bersama suatu citra digitaladalah dengan menerapkan secret sharing scheme pada digital image watermarking.Makalah ini membahas tentang penerapan secret sharing scheme pada joint ownershipwatermarking yang meliputi protokol-protokol dan metode-metode untuk proses penyisipan(embedding) watermark serta protokol-protokol untuk proses pendeteksian kepemilikan(detection) watermark. Robustness watermark diuji dengan melakukan beberapa prosesmanipulasi terhadap citra digital yang telah mengandung watermark, kemudian dilakukanproses pendeteksian kepemilikan watermark terhadap citra digital tersebut. Hasil ujimenunjukkan, watermark cukup robust terhadap beberapa proses manipulasi citra digital,seperti Perubahan brightness, kontras, scaling, flipping, rotasi, printscreen, serta kompresiJPEG 2000. Namun watermark masih rentan terhadap proses cropping dan penyisipanwatermark ganda pada citra digital

    Image Captioning menurut Scientific Revolution Kuhn dan Popper

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    Image captioning is one area in artificial intelligence that elaborates between computer vision and natural language processing. The focus on this process is an architecture neural network that includes many layers to solve the identification object on the image and give the caption. This architecture has a task to display the caption from object detection on one image. This paper explains about the connection between scientific revolution and image captioning. We have conducted the methodology by Kuhn's scientific revolution and relate to Popper's philosophy of science. The result of this paper is that an image captioning is truly science because many improvements from many researchers to find an effective method on the deep learning process. On the philosophy of science, if the phenomena can be falsified, then an image captioning is the science

    Digital Signatures Chain and El Gamal Scheme Integration for Data Transmission Integrity in Digital Transaction

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    Digital signatures have been widely used by both private and government agencies. However, the use of chain digital signatures is still not widely used, especially in the military world. This results in a lack of ability to ensure data integrity, where it will be difficult to find out who has made changes to the document and to find out the original source of the document. This paper proposes a digital signature chain as a solution to guarantee data authenticity and prevent tampering during transmission. This technique involves creating a chain of digital signatures that are attached to data before it is sent over the network. The proposed method is expected to provide a more secure and efficient way to ensure data integrity, compared to traditional methods such as encryption and checksums. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of the proposed method through a series of experiments and shows that digital signature chains are an effective and reliable way to secure and maintain data transmission over networks. The proposed research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of digital signature chain technology in ensuring data security and integrity and to provide recommendations for its implementation

    Application of Chaos-Based Fragile Watermarking to Authenticate Digital Video

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    Fragile watermarking algorithm is a technique used to authenticate of digital data multimedia such as video. A watermarking algorithm consists of two processes: embedding and extraction of watermark. In this paper, a secure video fragile watermarking algorithm in spatial domain based on chaos is proposed. The watermark is a binary image which has the same size with frame size of the video. Before embedding, in order to increase security, the watermark is encrypted using XOR operation with a random image. The random image is generated by using Cross-Coupled Chaotic random Bit Generator (CCCBG). The encrypted watermark is embedded to each frame. In the extraction process, the encrypted watermark is extracted from the watermarked video, decrypted it, and then compared to the original watermark. This algorithm has capability to localize the area being tampered in the video frames. We have performed some typical attacks to the watermarked video and then authenticated it. Based on the experiment results, the algorithm can detect and localize the modified region of video frames very well. Sensitivity to the slightest change on initial conditions of the chaos map provided security of the algorithm

    An Asymmetric Watermarking Method in the DCT Domain Based on RC4-Permutation and Chaotic Map

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    This paper presents an asymmetric watermarking method in the DCT domain for still images based on permutation and chaos. This method uses secret watermark as private key and public watermark as public key. The public watermark has a normal distribution with mean = 0 and variance = 1. The secret watermark is obtained by permutating the public watermark according to combination of a part of RC4 algorithm and a logistic map. The watermark is embedded into mid-frequency components of the DCT block for better robustness. The detection process is implemented by correlation test between the public watermark and the received image. Experiments show that the watermarking method was proved to be robust againts some typical image processings (cropping, JPEG compression, resizing, rotation, sharpening, and noising)
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