23 research outputs found

    Satellite Observations to Monitor Subarctic Rain-On-Snow Events

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    Rain-on-snow (ROS) events have been the focus of numerous studies in the past five years. Their characteristics(frequency, extent, and duration) represent a new and relevant climate indicator. However, monitoring ROS occurrences remotely using satellite observations is deemed challenging. The ROS events can be sporadic, of very different intensities, and the outcome of the rain water uncertain (either it freezes in the snow cover or runs off). Using passive and active microwave remote sensing observations, our study proposes new approaches to monitor the occurrence of ROS events.Specifically, we utilize observations from Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2), and Global Precipitation Measurements (GPM) Microwave Imager (GMI), and GPM Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR). We compare our ROS detection against weather stations and recently published algorithms using a different set of microwave frequencies

    Evaluation of Precipitation Detection over Various Surfaces from Passive Microwave Imagers and Sounders

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    During the middle part of this decade a wide variety of passive microwave imagers and sounders will be unified in the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission to provide a common basis for frequent (3 hr), global precipitation monitoring. The ability of these sensors to detect precipitation by discerning it from non-precipitating background depends upon the channels available and characteristics of the surface and atmosphere. This study quantifies the minimum detectable precipitation rate and fraction of precipitation detected for four representative instruments (TMI, GMI, AMSU-A, and AMSU-B) that will be part of the GPM constellation. Observations for these instruments were constructed from equivalent channels on the SSMIS instrument on DMSP satellites F16 and F17 and matched to precipitation data from NOAA's National Mosaic and QPE (NMQ) during 2009 over the continuous United States. A variational optimal estimation retrieval of non-precipitation surface and atmosphere parameters was used to determine the consistency between the observed brightness temperatures and these parameters, with high cost function values shown to be related to precipitation. The minimum detectable precipitation rate, defined as the lowest rate for which probability of detection exceeds 50%, and the detected fraction of precipitation, are reported for each sensor, surface type (ocean, coast, bare land, snow cover) and precipitation type (rain, mix, snow). The best sensors over ocean and bare land were GMI (0.22 mm/hr minimum threshold and 90% of precipitation detected) and AMSU (0.26 mm/hr minimum threshold and 81% of precipitation detected), respectively. Over coasts (0.74 mm/hr threshold and 12% detected) and snow-covered surfaces (0.44 mm/hr threshold and 23% detected), AMSU again performed best but with much lower detection skill, whereas TMI had no skill over these surfaces. The sounders (particularly over water) benefited from the use of re-analysis data (vs. climatology) to set the a-priori atmospheric state and all instruments benefit from the use of a conditional snow cover emissivity database over land. It is recommended that real-time sources of these data be used in the operational GPM precipitation algorithms

    Remote Sensing of Precipitation from Airborne and Spaceborne Radar

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    Weather radar measurements from airborne or satellite platforms can be an effective remote sensing tool for examining the three-dimensional structures of clouds and precipitation. This chapter describes some fundamental properties of radar measurements and their dependence on the particle size distribution (PSD) and radar frequency. The inverse problem of solving for the vertical profile of PSD from a profile of measured reflectivity is stated as an optimal estimation problem for single- and multi-frequency measurements. Phenomena that can change the measured reflectivity Z(sub m) from its intrinsic value Z(sub e), namely attenuation, non-uniform beam filling, and multiple scattering, are described and mitigation of these effects in the context of the optimal estimation framework is discussed. Finally, some techniques involving the use of passive microwave measurements to further constrain the retrieval of the PSD are presented

    Detection Thresholds of Falling Snow from Satellite-Borne Active and Passive Sensors

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    Precipitation, including rain and snow, is a critical part of the Earth's energy and hydrology cycles. Precipitation impacts latent heating profiles locally while global circulation patterns distribute precipitation and energy from the equator to the poles. For the hydrological cycle, falling snow is a primary contributor in northern latitudes during the winter seasons. Falling snow is the source of snow pack accumulations that provide fresh water resources for many communities in the world. Furthermore, falling snow impacts society by causing transportation disruptions during severe snow events. In order to collect information on the complete global precipitation cycle, both liquid and frozen precipitation must be collected. The challenges of estimating falling snow from space still exist though progress is being made. These challenges include weak falling snow signatures with respect to background (surface, water vapor) signatures for passive sensors over land surfaces, unknowns about the spherical and non-spherical shapes of the snowflakes, their particle size distributions (PSDs) and how the assumptions about the unknowns impact observed brightness temperatures or radar reflectivities, differences in near surface snowfall and total column snow amounts, and limited ground truth to validate against. While these challenges remain, knowledge of their impact on expected retrieval results is an important key for understanding falling snow retrieval estimations. Since falling snow from space is the next precipitation measurement challenge from space, information must be determined in order to guide retrieval algorithm development for these current and future missions. This information includes thresholds of detection for various sensor channel configurations, snow event system characteristics, snowflake particle assumptions, and surface types. For example, can a lake effect snow system with low (approx 2.5 km) cloud tops having an ice water content (IWC) at the surface of 0.25 g / cubic m and dendrite snowflakes be detected? If this information is known, we can focus retrieval efforts on detectable storms and concentrate advances on achievable results. Here, the focus is to determine thresholds of detection for falling snow for various snow conditions over land and lake surfaces. The results rely on simulated Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) simulations of falling snow cases since simulations provide all the information to determine the measurements from space and the ground truth. Sensitivity analyses were performed to better ascertain the relationships between multifrequency microwave and millimeter-wave sensor observations and the falling snow/underlying field of view. In addition, thresholds of detection for various sensor channel configurations, snow event system characteristics, snowflake particle assumptions, and surface types were studied. Results will be presented for active radar at Ku, Ka, and W-band and for passive radiometer channels from 10 to 183 GHz

    Active and Passive Radiative Transfer Simulations for GPM-Related Field Campaigns

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    Using a three-dimensional radiative transfer model combined with cloud-resolving model output, we simulate active and passive sensor observations of clouds and precipitaiton. This combination of tools allows us to diagnose the contributions of various hydrometeor types. Radar multiple scattering is most closely associated with the presence of graupel. At Wband, massive amounts multiple scattering in deep convection can decorrelate the reflectivity profile from the vertical structure, but for less intense events, multiple scattering could be a useful indicator of riming. For passive sensors, polarization differences at 166 GHz indicate the presence of horizontally aligned frozen particles with pronounced aspect ratios, while high concentrations of more isotropic aggregates and graupel dampen the polarization difference while also contributing to the lowest brightness temperature depressions. The insights into remote sensing measurements will facilitate the development of improved algorithms and advanced sensors

    Reconciling CloudSat and GPM Estimates of Falling Snow

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    Satellite-based estimates of falling snow have been provided by CloudSat (launched in 2006) and the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) core satellite (launched in 2014). The CloudSat estimates are derived from W-band radar measurements whereas the GPM estimates are derived from its scanning Ku- and Ka-band Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) and 13-channel microwave imager (GMI). Each platform has advantages and disadvantages: CloudSat has higher resolution (approximately 1.5 km) and much better sensitivity (-28 dBZ), but poorer sampling (nadir-only and daytime-only since 2011) and the reflectivity-snowfall (Z-S) relationship is poorly constrained with single-frequency measurements. Meanwhile, DPR suffers from relatively poor resolution (5 km) and sensitivity (approximately 13 dBZ), but has cross-track scanning capability to cover a 245-km swath. Additionally, where Ku and Ka measurements are available, the conversion of reflectivity to snowfall rate is better-constrained than with a single frequency

    Three-Dimensional Sensor Forward Modeling of Clouds and Precipitation in the Multi-Instrument Inverse Solver Testbed (MIIST)

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    Sensor forward models are an essential tool for interpreting remote sensing observations and performing quantitative estimates of geophysical parameters. Our three-dimensional forward modeling and retrieval framework allows us to perform detailed analyses of NASA field campaign datasets for a deeper understanding of the remote sensing of clouds and precipitation. This presentation details the componenets of this radiative transfer model used to simulate active (radar) and passive (microwave radiometer) observations, and we give some relevant examples based on both model precipitation systems and actual observations

    The Precipitation Imaging Package : Assessment of Microphysical and Bulk Characteristics of Snow

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    Remote-sensing observations are needed to estimate the regional and global impacts of snow. However, to retrieve accurate estimates of snow mass and rate, these observations require augmentation through additional information and assumptions about hydrometeor properties. The Precipitation Imaging Package (PIP) provides information about precipitation characteristics and can be utilized to improve estimates of snowfall rate and accumulation. Here, the goal is to demonstrate the quality and utility of two higher-order PIP-derived products: liquid water equivalent snow rate and an approximation of volume-weighted density called equivalent density. Accuracy of the PIP snow rate and equivalent density is obtained through intercomparison with established retrieval methods and through evaluation with colocated ground-based observations. The results confirm the ability of the PIP-derived products to quantify properties of snow rate and equivalent density, and demonstrate that the PIP produces physically realistic snow characteristics. When compared to the National Weather Service (NWS) snow field measurements of six-hourly accumulation, the PIP-derived accumulations were biased only +2.48% higher. Additionally, this work illustrates fundamentally different microphysical and bulk features of low and high snow-to-liquid ratio events, through assessment of observed particle size distributions, retrieved mass coefficients, and bulk properties. Importantly, this research establishes the role that PIP observations and higher-order products can serve for constraining microphysical assumptions in ground-based and spaceborne remotely sensed snowfall retrievals.Peer reviewe

    Active and Passive Radiative Transfer Simulations for GPM-Related Field Campaigns

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    Radiative transfer modeling is an important tool for interpreting remote sensing observations. It allows us to determine how sensor characteristics will impact observations, and it gives us a framework for us to test assumptions about the phenomena we are attempting to observe. In this work, we use cloud simulations for precipitation events observed during various GPM-related field campaigns. The simulations show how various properties of clouds and precipitation affect the measurements

    Active and Passive Radiative Transfer Modeling of the Olympic Mountains Experiment

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    Sensor forward models are an important tool for interpreting remote sensing observations of geophysical phenomena. By implementing a three-dimensional framework, we can simulate and analyze observations from various sensors on disparate platforms. To demonstrate our model framework, we simulate observations from the Olympic Mountains Experiment (OLYMPEX). The use of cloud model simulations allows us to understand sensor response to cloud ice, falling snow, and other processes and features, and the application of model tools to observations allows us to quantify precipitation.MIIST 3D Forward ModelThe Multi-Instrument Inverse Solver Testbed(MIIST) uses the Atmospheric Radiative TransferSimulator (ARTS) for solving the vector radiativetransfer (RT) equation in up to three spatialdimensions within a spherical geometry Gas absorptiono Line-by-line calculationso Fast transmittance tables Hydrometeor scattering solverso Discrete ordinateo RT4 (Evans, 1D)o Radar Single Scattering (1D or 3D)o Monte Carlo (3D)Scattering TablesHigh-fidelity hydrometeor scatteringtables are necessary for accurateand consistent forward modeling ofmulti-frequency observations Requires full Stokes matriceso And absorption vector Randomly oriented particleso Discrete Dipole Approximationo Characteristic Basis Function Method(coming soon) Horizontally-oriented plateso Invariant Imbedding T-matrix MethodCloud Resolving SimulationsCloud resolving simulations (e.g.,NU-WRF) supply output consistentwith ARTS needs Atmospheric Informationo Temperatureo Pressure / heighto Water vapor Hydrometeor Profileso ARTS architecture ripe for explicit binmicrophysics Examples use Morrison 2M schemeThe Olympic Mountains Experiment (OLYMPEX)Validation for GPM of mid-latitudefrontal systems approaching nearcoastalmountains from the ocean Large collection of ground-based andairborne sensorso Radarso Radiometerso In situ Contemporaneous with RADEXo Two sets of radar at same frequenciesRadiometer Simulation (3 km NUWRF, 20151203, 15:00)2018.12.14 7Simulate 166 GHz polarizationdifference Corresponds to the presence of aligned icecrystals Look at trends for both simulations andobservations Simulations can tolerate lower resolutiono Larger domainSimulations from Observations: OLYMPEXSimulate sensor response usinggeophysical retrievals as input Single frequency radar retrievals Multiple scattering enhancementapparent at W band Spatially dependent phenomenonModeling Application: 1D Retrievals03 December 2015 DC-8 and ER-2 flightso Focus on APR-3 (DC-8) Citationo Stacked microphysics legso Qualitative comparisonso Range of frozen habitso Presence of supercooledliquid cloudsResults Retrievals match probeso Good qualitative match Bands of increasedreflectivity correspond tolarge Dm and highaggregate fraction Significant amounts ofsupercooled liquid wate