21 research outputs found


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    Kappaphycus alvarezii merupakan salah satu spesies rumput laut yang mayoritas dikembangkan di kawasan pesisir dan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi. Upaya dalam mengembangkan kawasan budidaya rumput laut membutuhkan pendekatan yang memperhatikan indikator kesesuaian dan daya dukung untuk menjamin keberlanjutan produksi rumput laut jenis tersebut di masa depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kawasan budidaya rumput laut jenis K. alvarezii berdasarkan analisis kesesuaian dan daya dukung perairan dengan pendekatan konsentrasi nitrat (NO3-). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pesisir Kota Baubau, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara pada bulan Februari–Maret 2020. Data parameter fisik dan kimia perairan dikumpulkan secara langsung di lokasi penelitian, sementara satuan konsentrasi nitrat yang mampu diserap rumput laut diperoleh dari data sekunder yang tersedia. Data parameter lingkungan diolah dengan metode weight sum overlay pada aplikasi image processing dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis daya dukung berdasarkan konsentrasi nitrat. Hasil analisis kesesuaian perairan diperoleh mencapai 3240,6 ha. Kategori sangat sesuai seluas 920,58 ha dan kategori sesuai 2320 ha. Daya dukung berdasarkan konsentrasi nitrat yang dapat ditampung oleh perairan adalah 0,497 kg-N/hari dengan total jumlah rumput laut yang dapat dibudidayakan dalam satu tahun adalah 7317,90 ton. Berdasarkan angka tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar Pesisir Kota Baubau potensial untuk dijadikan sebagai kawasan pengembangan budidaya rumput laut dengan jumlah produksi yang tinggi.Kappaphycus alvarezii is one of the seaweed species which is mostly developed in coastal areas and has a highly economic value. Development areas that pay attention to the suitability and carrying capacity indicators of the waters is an effort that can be done to ensure the sustainability of this species production in the future. This study aims to analyze the development area of seaweed farming based on the suitability and carrying capacity indicators. This study was conducted in the coastal of Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi Province, from February to March 2020. Data on physical and chemical parameters of the waters were collected directly at the research site to determine suitability categories, while the concentration of nitrate (NO3-) that can be uptake by seaweed is obtained from available secondary data. Environmental parameter data was processed using software image processing with weight sum overlay method and continued with carrying capacity analysis based on the nitrate absorption of seaweed. The results of the analysis suitability category obtained reached 3114.9 ha, with the most suitable category covering 1033.3 ha and the suitable category 2081.6 ha. The carrying capacity of the nitrate concentration that can be accommodated by the waters is 0.497 kg-N/day, with the total amount of seaweed that can be cultivated is 7317.90 tons. Most of the coastal waters area of Baubau City has the potential to be utilized as a seaweed aquaculture development area with a high amount of production. &nbsp


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    Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan model Problim Based Learning diharapkan prestasi belajar peserta didik meningkat, Dari ketiga siklus menunnjukkan prestasi belajar peserta didik . Dapat disimpulkan metode problem based learning dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar peserta didik. Dari 32 peserta didik didapatkan data nilai pada akhir pelaksanaan tindakan pada setiap siklus tampak ada peningkatan pembelajaran dan hasil pembelajaran disetiap siklus meningkat pula yaitu nilai rata-rata sebelum diadakan penelitian 42,8, pada siklus I 69,4 dan pada siklus II 74,4 dengan prosentase kenaikan nilai rata-rata ulangan harian sebelum diadakan PTK ke siklus I naik 62,15% dari siklus I ke siklus II naik 7,20 %. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode Problem-Based Learning dalam pembelajaran matematika pada pokok bahasan logika matematika dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar matematika. Kata kunci: Logika, Problem-Based Learnin


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk mencari suatu strategi pembelajaran yang efektif dan Efisien dalam me-ngajarkan materi logaritma bagi siswa program bakat istimewa di SMA Negeri 1 Turen  dengan cara mengaktifkan siswa pada pembelajaran. Strategi dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan melalui 2 siklus dan pada setiap siklus meliputi kegiatan perencanaan , pelaksanaan , observasi dan refleksi. Sedang untuk  mengaktifkan siswa dalam penelitian ini , peneliti menggunakan lembar kerja yang diberikan kepada siswa dalam kelompok besar dan kelompok kecil. Yang menjadi subjek pada penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah siswa kelas X program bakat istimewa SMA Negeri 1 Turen sedang objeknya adalah pembelajaran materi logaritma pada mata pelajaran Matematika yang diajarkan dengan cara mengaktifkan siswa dalam kelompok kecil dan kelompok besar.Dari penelitian yang diadakan dengan meneliti kondisi awal siswa yang diukur dengan alat tes tertulis dan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas dengan 2 siklus terlihat adanya peningkatan hasil yang dicapai siswa dalam menguasai materi logaritma yang diberikan. Peningkatan penguasaan materi ini mulai dari siklus I siswa dapat meningkat sebesar 28 % dari kondisi awal sedang dari kondisi di siklus I setelah dilakukan tindakan pada siklus II meningkat sebear 30 %.Dari Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini maka peneliti merekomendasikan pada pengambil jabatan ataupun pelaksana pembelajaran dalam hal ini yaitu pengajar untuk mengajarkan materi pembelajaran dalam kelompok kecil dan dengan tehnik mengaktifkan siswa

    Value Capture and Vertical Allocations of Public Amenities

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    This paper describes and critically reviews an important but under-theorized value capture mechanism that we have termed “vertical allocations” (or vertical exactions). This mechanism enables cities to capture value vertically by allocating floor space for public utilities in privately owned, mixed-use, vertical development. As a value capture tool, vertical allocations allow the government to tap value uplift to supply the nearby neighborhood, and the city as a whole, with much needed public services. The owner or developer is required to make in-kind contributions in the form of spaces provided for a range of public facilities such as schools, preschools, community centers, and public medical clinics. While focusing on vertical exactions in Israel we explore how a certain share of land/floorspace can be allocated for public amenities in a given project. There are several legal pathways for securing public floorspace including negotiated agreements, land readjustment and expropriation. The findings show that unclear policies and regulations could create frictions between developers and municipalities, and these raise the nexus question as well as debates about construction costs and financial contributions developers have to make. Specifically, the paper finds that while developers often argue that cities should cover the costs of constructing public floorspace, city officials assert that the costs should be borne by the owners and developers

    Maintenance and condominium living– reciprocal learning from Serbia, Israel and Australia

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    All condominium buildings require maintenance as they age. Good maintenance is a rational choice as it helps to retain the value of a building and makes it more enjoyable to live in. Poor maintenance or neglect can lead to serious damage and safety hazards. It may also trigger municipalities, in their attempt to prevent neighbourhood blight to pursue planning enforcement or building rectification work orders against the homeowners association or even against all lot owners. This paper explores and compares building maintenance law and governance requirements in three jurisdictions: Israel, Serbia and the state of Victoria (Australia). It canvasses the requirements (or not) for forward planning and the role (if any) played by maintenance plans and sinking funds to ensure that common areas, facades and roofs are kept in good condition. Such asset management includes planning for major capital items for repair and replacement, estimating the cost of the repair and replacement of those items or components, and the expected life of those items or components once repaired or replaced. This area of law touches on the realm of community living and the obligations placed on all unit owners, from the time they become registered proprietors, to maintain, repair and plan ahead for the common areas in the condominium development. Specifically, this paper compares the laws and governance in a particular area of property law in three distinct jurisdictions, and examines the way in which apartment owners vote, organize, and decide on short term and long term maintenance, refurbishment, and upgrades. It is important and timely to do so as condominium living is on the rise as city populations in most countries are increasing and housing is in high demand. Quality of life for condominium communities, as well as for neighbourhoods is at stake here, as is the value of the property in question, and the neighbourhood more generally

    From Progressive Property to Progressive Cities: Can Socially Sustainable Interpretations of Property Contribute toward Just and Inclusive City-Planning? Global Lessons

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    This paper explores if and how the idea of progressive property can help to shape more inclusive, sustainable, and just cities around the globe. While quite nuanced, at its heart the progressive perspective on property considers property as a means of addressing important human needs. It is consistent with reciprocal and communitarian approaches to property rights. Nowhere are these insights more relevant or needed than in cities—dense urban areas where legacies of exclusion have deprived disadvantaged groups of housing and public services. In cities and neighboring suburbs, the right to exclude collides head-on with the need to share limited space with those of little means. By re-examining the work of progressive property scholars, we suggest concrete ways of reconceptualizing access to the city. This paper ties legal theory to housing and city-planning by proposing an international perspective to progressive property scholarship, with a focus on local government policies pertaining to housing. We do so by comparatively examining case studies from the United States (US), Spain, Brazil, and Israel—four countries that are actively experimenting with progressive definitions of property in a manner which affects urban planning and housing in cities

    How COVID Affects Decision Making in Planning? The Use of ICT in Planning Boards’ Hearings

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of COVID-19 on decision-making in planning. Put differently, how the shift to video-conference meetings has influenced the processes associated with land use planning. We discuss this issue by looking at the shift of Israeli planning boards to online meetings. Since March 2020 decision-making has changed from face-to-face meetings between planners, public officials, and stakeholders to an online mode of decisions and meetings using a range of tools including, but not limited to Zoom and Teams. The lessons learned in Israel are relevant and applicable to other countries where similar shifts to online \ virtual hearings took place in 2020. Everywhere, and globally, state and local governments have found new ways to enable the continuation of planning hearings and meetings; these remain uninterrupted, amid new requirements for social distancing. New laws enabled planning boards at the local, regional, and national levels to make decisions without meeting face-to-face. Notably, the Israeli regulations are but one example. In other countries, such as in the US and the UK, national and local governments have introduced similar policies and guidelines that enable, or even mandate, planning boards to shift their mode of operations to include online meetings -usually through ZOOM, TEAMS, SKYPE softwares (Thomas, 2020). COVID19 has therefore had a major impact on the way planning is conducted around the world. These new regulations are important, as they have facilitated the continuity of policymaking in the field of planning. They also enabled planning boards to cope with their workload as no meetings had been held for months due to social distancing requirements. The shift to online decision-making was praised by the professionals and media as rather successful (Steuteville, 2020), saving time, travel costs, and making planning more accessible via the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). On the face of it, COVID19, as a crisis, also held the promise of expediting the assimilation of technology in the planning process. It was therefore an opportunity to reconsider the way in which planning is carried out and to make it better, less bureaucratic, and more transparent. To examine these issues, we initiated a survey among practicioners who participated in online (Zoom) meetings held by planning boards. In particular we ask: • What do participants in online decision-making think about this new mode of communication? How satisfied are they? • Compared with face-to-face engagements, what are the major pitfalls and advantages of online decision-making in planning? The findings suggest that attendees is online meetings acknowledge the importance and advantages of ICT in facilitating planning discussions during the pandemic. However, they also flag some problems and challenges associated with this tool

    Evaluating Comparative Research: Mapping and Assessing Current Trends in Built Heritage Studies

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    The question leading this research is: what are the attributes and scales of comparative research that applies to built heritage studies? The paper begins by recognizing the interrelatedness of built heritage protection and sustainable urban development. While comparative research into built heritage studies analyses and documents existing practices, policies and impacts, its generalizable capacities are often lacking and therefore less applicable to policy-makers. In an attempt to further the potential contribution of such studies, the paper maps comparative built heritage research based on a critical review of over 100 articles and books. The analysis of these sources relies on an evaluative categorization of comparative built heritage studies. This categorization consists of four criteria: the number of compared cases, their geographic location, the scope of comparison and its degree of structuredness. The findings suggest that heritage studies compare a relatively small number of cases; they are quite structured; focus on local as well as national-level analysis; and lean towards Western-centered comparisons. The paper concludes by suggesting that built heritage studies can contribute to sustainable urban development policies by taking on comparative research that has a large enough N, expanding non-Eurocentric and Anglo-American research, comparing local jurisdictions in more than one country and by utilizing highly structured categories for comparison

    A framework for analyzing the effectiveness and efficiency of land readjustment regulations: Comparison of Germany, Spain and Israel

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    Contains fulltext : 208894.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access