420 research outputs found

    Entre Eros y Tánatos

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    Relato presentado al Certamen “Villa de Mazarrón- Antonio Segado del Olmo

    Nuclear heritage of the south of Spain. Diagnosis and proposals

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    El presente trabajo es una puesta al día del patrimonio nuclear existente en el sur de España. Las antiguas minas de uranio, las fábricas de combustible nuclear, los almacenes de residuos nucleares o los lugares afectados por accidentes nucleares tienen un conjunto de posibilidades por encima de su relación con la actividad del uranio. Se analiza y valora el estado de las instalaciones nucleares existentes en el sur de España que forman un conjunto patrimonial que merece atención institucional y puede tener oportunidades para su trasformación en recurso de aprovechamiento docente o turístico. Del análisis detallado de cada elemento del objeto de estudio, se ha pasado a establecer el diagrama de fortalezas y debilidades del conjunto. El patrimonio nuclear analizado sufre una estigmatización que se debe revertir a partir de una serie de acciones conducentes al desarrollo de las localidades afectadas, en una serie de acciones conducentes de modo sostenible a integrarles en sus entornos regionales.This paper is an update of the existing nuclear heritage in southern Spain. Old uranium mines, nuclear fuel factories, nuclear waste warehouses or places affected by nuclear accidents have a set of possibilities beyond their relation to uranium activity. The state of existing nuclear facilities in southern Spain, which form a heritage complex that deserves institutional attention and may have opportunities for its transformation into a resource for educational or tourist use, is analyzed and valued. From the detailed analysis of each element to the object of study, the diagram of strengths and weaknesses of the whole has been established. This suffers a certain stigmatization that should be reverted in a series of actions conducive in a sustainable way to comprehensiveness in their regional environments

    Tourist-recreational potentialities of the nuclear heritage of southern Spain: a geographical vision

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    En este trabajo se analiza desde una óptica geográfica el patrimonio nuclear del Sur de España que se concentra en un conjunto de territorios que, vinculados a la energía nuclear en distintas facetas de nuestra historia reciente, presentan no pocas posibilidades como soporte de nuevos productos turístico-recreativos, los cuales se intentan identificar en esta investigación. Se trata de territorios con fuerte éxodo rural y despoblación, importante crisis de sus actividades económicas tradicionales y la excesiva dependencia de los subsidios y ayudas sociales públicos, a lo que se suma el desmantelamiento de sus instalaciones vinculadas a la energía nuclear y/o la extracción de uranio. Asimismo, sufren el lastre que para la imagen de sus territorios representa su “pasado nuclear”, que ha frenado o suspendido proyectos que podrían haber servido para aliviar su estado actual de fuerte depresión socioeconómica y emprender algunas iniciativas de desarrollo sostenible. Por tanto, en este estudio se pretenden vislumbrar las posibilidades de generación de actividades y productos turísticos-recreativos, de educación ambiental, culturales o de turismo rural y turismo deportivo de naturaleza que puedan insertar adecuadamente estas áreas en los mercados turísticos nacionales e internacionales, contribuyendo así a buscar fórmulas complementarias de desarrollo y generación de ingresos para las poblaciones rurales que las integran.This paper analyzes with a geographical optics the nuclear heritage of southern Spain, which is concentrated in a set of territories that, linked to nuclear energy in different facets, present not a few possibilities for tourism development, which are attempted to identify in this research. These are territories whose strong rural exodus and its consequent depopulation, added to the dismantling of nuclear or uranium extraction activities and the excessive dependence on subsidies and public social assistance, along with the ballast that for the image of these territories , it represents their “nuclear past”, they have halted or suspended projects, that, of course, well focused, could have served to alleviate their current state of strong socio-economic depression and undertake some initiatives for sustainable development. Therefore, this study intends to glimpse the possibilities of generating activities and tourist-recreational products, environmental education, cultural and rural tourism and nature sports tourism that can properly insert these areas into national and international tourist markets, contributing thus to look for complementary formulas of development and generation of income for the rural populations that integrate them

    Cuentos finlandeses

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    Relación de relatos inéditos escritos entre 2001 y 200

    Patrimonio nuclear de Sierra Morena. Una propuesta geográfica para un desarrollo económico integral

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    En Sierra morena central se encuentran tres de los elementos principales del patrimonio nuclear del sur de España. Las antiguas minas de uranio de la virgen de la Cabeza (Andújar), Cardeña-El Cerezo y El Cabril. Hoy día, selladas, y en desuso, a excepción de las últimas, reconvertidas en el almacén centralizado de residuos nucleares de muy baja, baja y media actividad de Enresa. Estos tres territorios tienen un considerable potencial para actividades turísticas, educativo-ambientales, deportivas y en general, de desarrollo sostenible, que, o están infradesarrolladas, o, directamente, no existen. De ahí que la geografía es una herramienta necesaria para poder analizar sus fuerzas y debilidades a la hora de plantear el desarrollo de proyectos que permitan alguna posibilidad para estas zonas infrapobladas rayanas en el subdesarrollo. Zonas no exentas de valores ambientales y que, sin lugar a dudas, tienen posibilidades, a día de hoy más que desaprovechadas: de progresar de modo sostenible hacia nuevos modelos de desarrollo vinculados a las actividades ambientales. Y este, mientras haya mantenimiento de los usos agrarios y cinegéticos que podrían ser complementados por aquellas otras actividades, en orden a la obtención de un mayor desarrollo socioeconómico que permitiría a la población permanecer en el territorio.In central Sierra Morena there are three of the main elements of the Nuclear Heritage in the South of Spain. The old uranium mines of La Virgen de la Cabeza (Andújar), Cardeña-El Cerezo and El Cabril. Today, sealed and in Disuse, with the exception of the last one, reconverted in Enresa´s Centralized Warehouse for Very Low, Low and Medium Activity nuclear waste. These three territories have considerable potential for tourist, educational-environmental, sports and in general, sustainable development activities, which are either underdeveloped or directly do not exist. Therefore, Geography is a necessary tool to analyze its strenghts and weaknesses when proposing the development of projects that allow some possibility for these underpopulated areas bordering to the underdevelopment. Areas not exempt of environmental values have the possibilities, today more than unused: of progress in a sustainable way towards new development models linked to environmental activities. And this, while maintaining agricultural uses and hunting activities that would be complemented by those other activities, in order to obtain greater socioeconomic development that would allow the population remain in the territory

    BERT Learns From Electroencephalograms About Parkinson's Disease: Transformer-Based Models for Aid Diagnosis.

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    Medicine is a complex field with highly trained specialists with extensive knowledge that continuously needs updating. Among them all, those who study the brain can perform complex tasks due to the structure of this organ. There are neurological diseases such as degenerative ones whose diagnoses are essential in very early stages. Parkinson’s disease is one of them, usually having a confirmed diagnosis when it is already very developed. Some physicians have proposed using electroencephalograms as a non-invasive method for a prompt diagnosis. The problem with these tests is that data analysis relies on the clinical eye of a very experienced professional, which entails situations that escape human perception. This research proposes the use of deep learning techniques in combination with electroencephalograms to develop a non-invasive method for Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. These models have demonstrated their good performance in managing massive amounts of data. Our main contribution is to apply models from the field of Natural Language Processing, particularly an adaptation of BERT models, for being the last milestone in the area. This model choice is due to the similarity between texts and electroencephalograms that can be processed as data sequences. Results show that the best model uses electroencephalograms of 64 channels from people without resting states and finger-tapping tasks. In terms of metrics, the model has values around 86%.post-print1134 K

    Lidar and Radar Signal Simulation: Stability Assessment of the Aerosol–Cloud Interaction Index

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through projects CGL2016-81092-R, PID2020-120015RB-I00 and RTI2018-101154-A-I00, the Regional Government of Andalusia through project AEROPRE (P18-RT-3820), and by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and Spanish Ministry of universities through grant FPU19/05340. The financial support for EARLINET in the ACTRIS.IMP 871115 (H2020-INFRADEV-2018-2020) is gratefully acknowledged. This work is related to activities within the COST Action CA18235 PROBE (PROfiling the atmospheric Boundary layer at European scale). The authors thank the University of Granada, Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucia 2014-2020 through project DEM3TRIOS (A-RNM-430-UGR20). Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda received funding from the Marie Skodowska-Curie Action Cofund 2016 EU project-Athenea3i under grant agreement no. 754446. Maria J. Granados-Munoz project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skodowska-Curie grant agreement No 796539. The financial support for UGR and FEDER funds through project B-RNM-496-UGR18 is gratefully acknowledged.Aerosol-cloud interactions (ACI) are in the spotlight of atmospheric science since the limited knowledge about these processes produces large uncertainties in climate predictions. These interactions can be quantified by the aerosol-cloud interaction index (ACI index), which establishes a relationship between aerosol and cloud microphysics. The experimental determination of the ACI index through a synergistic combination of lidar and cloud radar is still quite challenging due to the difficulties in disentangling the aerosol influence on cloud formation from other processes and in retrieving aerosol-particle and cloud microphysics from remote sensing measurements. For a better understanding of the ACI and to evaluate the optimal experimental conditions for the measurement of these processes, a Lidar and Radar Signal Simulator (LARSS) is presented. LARSS simulate vertically-resolved lidar and cloud-radar signals during the formation process of a convective cloud, from the aerosol hygroscopic enhancement to the condensation droplet growth. Through LARSS simulations, it is observed a dependence of the ACI index with height, associated with the increase in number (ACINd) and effective radius (ACIreff) of the droplets with altitude. Furthermore, ACINd and ACIreff for several aerosol types (such as ammonium sulfate, biomass burning, and dust) are estimated using LARSS, presenting different values as a function of the aerosol model. Minimum ACINd values are obtained when the activation of new droplets stops, while ACIreff reaches its maximum values several meters above. These simulations are carried out considering standard atmospheric conditions, with a relative humidity of 30% at the surface, reaching the supersaturation of the air mass at 3500 m. To assess the stability of the ACI index, a sensitivity study using LARSS is performed. It is obtained that the dry modal aerosol radius presents a strong influence on the ACI index fluctuations of 18% cause an ACI variability of 30% while the updraft velocity within the cloud and the wet modal aerosol radius have a weaker impact. LARSS ACI index uncertainty is obtained through the Monte Carlo technique, obtaining ACIreff uncertainty below 16% for the uncertainty of all LARSS input parameters of 10%. Finally, a new ACI index is introduced in this study, called the remote-sensing ACI index (ACIRs), to simplify the quantification of the ACI processes with remote sensors. This new index presents a linear relationship with the ACIreff, which depends on the Angstrom exponent. The use of ACIRs to derive ACIreff presents the advantage that it is possible to quantify the aerosol-cloud interaction without the need to perform microphysical inversion retrievals, thus reducing the uncertainty sources.Spanish Government CGL2016-81092-R PID2020-120015RB-I00 RTI2018-101154-A-I00Junta de Andalucia P18-RT-3820Spanish Government FPU19/05340EARLINET in the ACTRIS.IMP 871115University of Granada, Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucia through project DEM3TRIOS A-RNM-430-UGR20European Commission 754446 796539UGREuropean Commission B-RNM-496-UGR1

    Audiovisual Resources in Laboratory Practices for Hydraulic Engineering

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    During the laboratory practices of a subject, students write all the data, methodology, development and final results for later study at home. When a certain period of time passes since the essay was carried out, there are details that many of the students forget. They do not relate the methodology and development with the laboratory equipment used. The use of audiovisual resources can help students to better study the practical part of the subject. The new teaching resources will be applied in a block of the Hydraulics subject, which is included in the second year of the degree in Civil Engineering, at the Algeciras School of Engineering and Technology. The subject has a theoretical-practical part and another of laboratory practices. The course is divided into three blocks: Hydrostatics, Hydrokinematics and Hydrodynamics. The article will focus on the improvement of the teaching resources of the part of the laboratory practices, of the hydrostatics block. Audio-visual resources will consist of explanatory videos with the development of laboratory practices. The videos show for each of the tests the initial data, the methodology to be applied and the development of the practice. These videos help students to reinforce the knowledge acquired in the laboratory. In addition, the use of these resources helps Erasmus students (for language reasons) to understand the practices. Additionally, the generated material can be used as a resource in the case of non-face-toface practices (as in previous courses due to the Covid-19 pandemic). For the implementation of this initiative, a teaching innovation project has been developed. Eventually, the students show a great interest in the virtualization of the laboratory practices and a high degree of satisfaction with the available videos. Moreover, their academic results improved slightly with this new methodology

    Methodological improvements in the final project of Civil Engineering Degree

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    The final project of an engineering degree represents a test of maturity where students must crossexamine all the contents studied in the degree which adds technical difficulties. Traditionally the students are supervised by only one teacher and they usually also take a previous course in the writing of the project. Currently, the program of the Civil Engineering Degree contemplates this activity in the last semester with an allocation of 18 credits. The hardest difficulty noted by students and teachers is the short time estimated for writing it. A teaching innovation project is presented herein which aims to define a working protocol in order to help the student in a more efficient and close way during the development of the task. Among the methodological changes introduced, it should be highlighted the tutoring by professors from different areas of knowledge instead of only one professor as it was traditionally done. Thus, coordination mechanisms must be implemented to guarantee the achievement of the proposed objectives. The innovation project also helps to identify tasks that can be advanced in time and gain time for the effective drafting of the project. Some other solutions found will be presented as well as a comparison of the results obtained along this year with those of the former methodology