158 research outputs found

    On the constants in a basic inequality for the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations

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    We consider the incompressible Euler or Navier-Stokes (NS) equations on a d-dimensional torus T^d; the quadratic term in these equations arises from the bilinear map sending two velocity fields v, w : T^d -> R^d into v . D w, and also involves the Leray projection L onto the space of divergence free vector fields. We derive upper and lower bounds for the constants in some inequalities related to the above quadratic term; these bounds hold, in particular, for the sharp constants K_{n d} = K_n in the basic inequality || L(v . D w)||_n <= K_n || v ||_n || w ||_{n+1}, where n in (d/2, + infinity) and v, w are in the Sobolev spaces H^n, H^{n+1} of zero mean, divergence free vector fields of orders n and n+1, respectively. As examples, the numerical values of our upper and lower bounds are reported for d=3 and some values of n. Some practical motivations are indicated for an accurate analysis of the constants K_n.Comment: LaTeX, 36 pages. The numerical values of the upper bounds K^{+}_{5} and K^{+}_{10} for d=3 have been corrected. Some references have been updated. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1009.2051 by the same authors, not concerning the main result

    On the constants for multiplication in Sobolev spaces

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    For n > d/2, the Sobolev (Bessel potential) space H^n(R^d, C) is known to be a Banach algebra with its standard norm || ||_n and the pointwise product; so, there is a best constant K_{n d} such that || f g ||_{n} <= K_{n d} || f ||_{n} || g ||_{n} for all f, g in this space. In this paper we derive upper and lower bounds for these constants, for any dimension d and any (possibly noninteger) n > d/2. Our analysis also includes the limit cases n -> (d/2) and n -> + Infinity, for which asymptotic formulas are presented. Both in these limit cases and for intermediate values of n, the lower bounds are fairly close to the upper bounds. Numerical tables are given for d=1,2,3,4, where the lower bounds are always between 75% and 88% of the upper bounds.Comment: LaTeX, 45 page

    Quantitative functional calculus in Sobolev spaces

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    In the framework of Sobolev (Bessel potential) spaces H^n(\reali^d, \reali {or} \complessi), we consider the nonlinear Nemytskij operator sending a function x \in \reali^d \mapsto f(x) into a composite function x \in \reali^d \mapsto G(f(x), x). Assuming sufficient smoothness for GG, we give a "tame" bound on the HnH^n norm of this composite function in terms of a linear function of the HnH^n norm of ff, with a coefficient depending on GG and on the HaH^a norm of ff, for all integers n,a,dn, a, d with a>d/2a > d/2. In comparison with previous results on this subject, our bound is fully explicit, allowing to estimate quantitatively the HnH^n norm of the function x↦G(f(x),x)x \mapsto G(f(x),x). When applied to the case G(f(x),x)=f2(x)G(f(x), x) = f^2(x), this bound agrees with a previous result of ours on the pointwise product of functions in Sobolev spaces.Comment: LaTex, 37 pages. Final version, differing only by minor typographical changes from the versions of May 23, 2003 and March 8, 200

    Smooth solutions of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations from the a posteriori analysis of approximate solutions

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    The main result of [C. Morosi and L. Pizzocchero, Nonlinear Analysis, 2012] is presented in a variant, based on a C^infinity formulation of the Cauchy problem; in this approach, the a posteriori analysis of an approximate solution gives a bound on the Sobolev distance of any order between the exact and the approximate solution.Comment: Author's note. Some overlaps with our previous works arXiv:1402.0487, arXiv:1310.5642, arXiv:1304.2972, arXiv:1203.6865, arXiv:1104.3832, arXiv:1009.2051, arXiv:1007.4412, arXiv:0909.3707, arXiv:0709.1670; these overlaps aim to make the paper self-contained and do not involve the main results. Final version to appear in Nonlinear Analysi

    On the constants for some fractional Gagliardo-Nirenberg and Sobolev inequalities

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    We consider the inequalities of Gagliardo-Nirenberg and Sobolev in R^d, formulated in terms of the Laplacian Delta and of the fractional powers D^n := (-Delta)^(n/2) with real n >= 0; we review known facts and present novel results in this area. After illustrating the equivalence between these two inequalities and the relations between the corresponding sharp constants and maximizers, we focus the attention on the L^2 case where, for all sufficiently regular f : R^d -> C, the norm || D^j f||_{L^r} is bounded in terms of || f ||_{L^2} and || D^n f ||_{L^2} for 1/r = 1/2 - (theta n - j)/d, and suitable values of j,n,theta (with j,n possibly noninteger). In the special cases theta = 1 and theta = j/n + d/2 n (i.e., r = + infinity), related to previous results of Lieb and Ilyin, the sharp constants and the maximizers can be found explicitly; we point out that the maximizers can be expressed in terms of hypergeometric, Fox and Meijer functions. For the general L^2 case, we present two kinds of upper bounds on the sharp constants: the first kind is suggested by the literature, the second one is an alternative proposal of ours, often more precise than the first one. We also derive two kinds of lower bounds. Combining all the available upper and lower bounds, the Gagliardo-Nirenberg and Sobolev sharp constants are confined to quite narrow intervals. Several examples are given.Comment: LaTex, 63 pages, 3 tables. In comparison with version v2, just a few corrections to eliminate typo

    On the expansion of the Kummer function in terms of incomplete Gamma functions

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    The expansion of Kummer's hypergeometric function as a series of incomplete Gamma functions is discussed, for real values of the parameters and of the variable. The error performed approximating the Kummer function with a finite sum of Gammas is evaluated analytically. Bounds for it are derived, both pointwisely and uniformly in the variable; these characterize the convergence rate of the series, both pointwisely and in appropriate sup norms. The same analysis shows that finite sums of very few Gammas are sufficiently close to the Kummer function. The combination of these results with the known approximation methods for the incomplete Gammas allows to construct upper and lower approximants for the Kummer function using only exponentials, real powers and rational functions. Illustrative examples are provided.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures. To appear in "Archives of Inequalities and Applications

    On power series solutions for the Euler equation, and the Behr-Necas-Wu initial datum

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    We consider the Euler equation for an incompressible fluid on a three dimensional torus, and the construction of its solution as a power series in time. We point out some general facts on this subject, from convergence issues for the power series to the role of symmetries of the initial datum. We then turn the attention to a paper by Behr, Necas and Wu in ESAIM: M2AN 35 (2001) 229-238; here, the authors chose a very simple Fourier polynomial as an initial datum for the Euler equation and analyzed the power series in time for the solution, determining the first 35 terms by computer algebra. Their calculations suggested for the series a finite convergence radius \tau_3 in the H^3 Sobolev space, with 0.32 < \tau_3 < 0.35; they regarded this as an indication that the solution of the Euler equation blows up. We have repeated the calculations of Behr, Necas and Wu, using again computer algebra; the order has been increased from 35 to 52, using the symmetries of the initial datum to speed up computations. As for \tau_3, our results agree with the original computations of Behr, Necas and Wu (yielding in fact to conjecture that 0.32 < \tau_3 < 0.33). Moreover, our analysis supports the following conclusions: (a) The finiteness of \tau_3 is not at all an indication of a possible blow-up. (b) There is a strong indication that the solution of the Euler equation does not blow up at a time close to \tau_3. In fact, the solution is likely to exist, at least, up to a time \theta_3 > 0.47. (c) Pade' analysis gives a rather weak indication that the solution might blow up at a later time.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure

    Large order Reynolds expansions for the Navier-Stokes equations

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    We consider the Cauchy problem for the incompressible homogeneous Navier-Stokes (NS) equations on a d-dimensional torus, in the C^infinity formulation described, e.g., in [25]. In [22][25] it was shown how to obtain quantitative estimates on the exact solution of the NS Cauchy problem via the "a posteriori" analysis of an approximate solution; such estimates concern the interval of existence of the exact solution and its distance from the approximate solution. In the present paper we consider an approximate solutions of the NS Cauchy problem having the form u^N(t) = sum_{j=0}^N R^j u_j(t), where R is the "mathematical" Reynolds number (the reciprocal of the kinematic viscosity) and the coefficients u_j(t) are determined stipulating that the NS equations be satisfied up to an error O(R^{N+1}). This subject was already treated in [24], where, as an application, the Reynolds expansion of order N=5 in dimension d=3 was considered for the initial datum of Behr-Necas-Wu (BNW). In the present paper, these results are enriched regarding both the theoretical analysis and the applications. Concerning the theoretical aspect, we refine the approach of [24] following [25] and use the symmetries of the initial datum in building up the expansion. Concerning the applicative aspect we consider two more (d=3) initial data, namely, the vortices of Taylor-Green (TG) and Kida-Murakami (KM); the Reynolds expansions for the BNW, TG and KM data are performed via a Python program, attaining orders between N=12 and N=20. Our a posteriori analysis proves, amongst else, that the solution of the NS equations with anyone of the above three data is global if R is below an explicitly computed critical value. Our critical Reynolds numbers are below the ones characterizing the turbulent regime; however these bounds have a sound theoretical support, are fully quantitative and improve previous results of global existence.Comment: Some overlaps with our works arXiv:1405.3421, arXiv:1310.5642, arXiv:1304.2972, arXiv:1203.6865, arXiv:1104.3832, arXiv:1009.2051, arXiv:1007.4412, arXiv:0909.3707, arXiv:0709.1670. These overlaps aim to make the paper self-cointained and do not involve the main result

    A posteriori estimates for Euler and Navier-Stokes equations

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    The first two sections of this work review the framework of [6] for approximate solutions of the incompressible Euler or Navier-Stokes (NS) equations on a torus T^d, in a Sobolev setting. This approach starts from an approximate solution u_a of the Euler/NS Cauchy problem and, analyzing it a posteriori, produces estimates on the interval of existence of the exact solution u and on the distance between u and u_a. The next two sections present an application to the Euler Cauchy problem, where u_a is a Taylor polynomial in the time variable t; a special attention is devoted to the case d=3, with an initial datum for which Behr, Necas and Wu have conjectured a finite time blowup [1]. These sections combine the general approach of [6] with the computer algebra methods developed in [9]; choosing the Behr-Necas-Wu datum, and using for u_a a Taylor polynomial of order 52, a rigorous lower bound is derived on the interval of existence of the exact solution u, and an estimate is obtained for the H^3 Sobolev distance between u(t) and u_a(t).Comment: AUTHORS' NOTE. In Sect.s 1 and 2, some overlap with our previous works on the Euler/NS equations (arXiv:1203.6865, arXiv:0709.1670, arXiv:0909.3707, arXiv:1009.2051, arXiv:1104.3832, arXiv:1007.4412, arXiv:1304.2972). These overlaps aim to make the present paper self-contained, and do not involve the main results of Sect.s 3, 4. To appear in the Proceedings of Hyp 201
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