188 research outputs found

    Mètodes de determinació d’òxids de plom

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2017, Tutors: Antoni Roca Vallmajor, Alfred Borràs Baldomà i Víctor Garcia GarciaLead oxides have been produced and used for all kinds of applications over hundreds and thousands of years. There are many types of lead oxides but, nowadays, the most common oxides in industry are Lead Monoxide (PbO) and Red Lead (Pb3O4), which can be also called Minium. Lead Monoxide has two polymorphs, Massicot (α-PbO) and Litharge (β-PbO), which have different properties such as colour or conductivity and, as a result, different industrial applications. The determination of the distinct crystalline forms on Lead Monoxide is not simple. A specific method for the determination and quantification of lead monoxide is not stablished. The main part of this project has been searching a method for the measurement of these two modifications. Subsequently an analysis of the most suitable technique for the determination of the different lead monoxide modifications has been carried out. This project describes three different methods for the determination of lead monoxides: X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and X-Ray Absortion (XAS) and discusses if XRD is a suitable technique for the determination of lead monoxide polymorphs. Also a chemical characterization of metallic lead and lead dioxide is realized using classical analytical methods. Finally, a granulometric study of lead monoxides is accomplished by a grain size distribution analysis

    Arenaviruses and lethal mutagenesis. prospects for new ribavirin-based interventions

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    Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) has contributed to unveil some of the molecular mechanisms of lethal mutagenesis, or loss of virus infectivity due to increased mutation rates. Here we review these developments, and provide additional evidence that ribavirin displays a dual mutagenic and inhibitory activity on LCMV that can be relevant to treatment designs. Using 5-fluorouracil as mutagenic agent and ribavirin either as inhibitor or mutagen, we document an advantage of a sequential inhibitor-mutagen administration over the corresponding combination treatment to achieve a low LCMV load in cell culture. This advantage is accentuated in the concentration range in which ribavirin acts mainly as an inhibitor, rather than as mutagen. This observation reinforces previous theoretical and experimental studies in supporting a sequential inhibitor-mutagen administration as a possible antiviral design. Given recent progress in the development of new inhibitors of arenavirus replication, our results suggest new options of ribavirin-based anti-arenavirus treatments. © 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Fundacion Ramón Areces; The Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd); Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Junta de AndalucíaPeer Reviewe

    New insights into non-dietary treatment in celiac disease: Emerging therapeutic options

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    To date, the only treatment for celiac disease (CD) consists of a strict lifelong gluten-free diet (GFD), which has numerous limitations in patients with CD. For this reason, dietary transgressions are frequent, implying intestinal damage and possible long-term complications. There is an unquestionable need for non-dietary alternatives to avoid damage by involuntary contamination or voluntary dietary transgressions. In recent years, different therapies and treatments for CD have been developed and studied based on the degradation of gluten in the intestinal lumen, regulation of the immune response, modulation of intestinal permeability, and induction of immunological tolerance. In this review, therapeutic lines for CD are evaluated with special emphasis on phase III and II clinical trials, some of which have promising results.Federación de Asociaciones de Celíacos de España (FACE) SUBN/2019/00

    Acercamiento a las Teorías del Aprendizaje en la Educación Superior

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    La forma en que aprenden los estudiantes en la actualidad, se ha venido transformando en los últimos años. De un paradigma Constructivista ha evolucionado a uno Conectivista, que sin dejar a un lado la creatividad del estudiante en la formación de su propio conocimiento por medio de un aprendizaje significativo, ahora se sustenta sobre la base del trabajo en redes y las nuevas Técnicas Informáticas y de Comunicaciones. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica actualizada y pertinente en relación a las diferentes Teorías del Aprendizaje en el contexto de la Educación Superior, desde el Conductismo, pasando por el Cognitivismo y el Constructivismo, hasta el Conectivismo. Con la finalidad antes mencionada se revisaron las principales bases de datos disponibles en la red, así como evidencia más actualizada disponible hasta el momento en la temática

    Instituciones de Educación Superior en la formación de capacidades para el desarrollo

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    En un entorno de cambios constantes y vertiginosos, las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) deben diseñar estrategias que les permitan enfrentar ese contexto inestable a nivel global, sobre todo porque en ellas recae la responsabilidad de formar profesionistas cuyo perfil de egreso y aún más, su incorporación al ámbito laboral, favorezca la prevención y solución de problemas sociales, por lo que se requiere de la evaluación de los planes y programas de estudio, para medir su efectividad y tomar decisiones oportunas respecto a la reestructuración de los mismos. La educación es determinante en el desarrollo de cualquier país, por lo que las IES, buscan la formación de profesionistas acordes a las necesidades del entorno, pero, ¿Cuáles son las necesidades de los estudiantes? ¿Qué requieren los empleadores? ¿Qué capacidades favorecen el desarrollo personal y colectivo?, ¿Qué capacidades se están fomentando en los espacios educativos?, estas son algunas interrogantes que dieron origen a la presente investigación, cuyo objetivo fue analizar elementos teóricos sobre el enfoque de formación de capacidades para el desarrollo en instituciones de educación superior en México. El trabajo contempló una investigación documental, misma que permitió examinar la literatura disponible sobre el rol que tienen las IES en la formación de capacidades para el desarrollo, con la finalidad de que dicha información motive la reflexión de los actores en el ámbito educativo (institución, autoridades, docentes y estudiantes) respecto a la relevancia que tiene su participación para lograr el desarrollo individual y colectivo

    Length of Illness Does Not Predict Cognitive Dysfunction in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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    Neuropsychological studies have shown cognitive impairment in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), particularly in information-processing speed. The aim of this study was to examine the evolution of cognitive impairment in CFS. The evolution is one of the most disabling aspects of the CFS, and it has received little attention in the literature. Fifty-six women with CFS were assessed with neuropsychological tests. Patients were divided into three groups based on the duration of the disease. There were no differences between groups in terms of cognitive function. The cognitive impairment in CFS was not found to be more severe with longer disease duration. These data suggest that there is no progressive cognitive impairment in patients with CFS. Therefore, the cognitive deficits in CFS should be treated with cognitive rehabilitation programs focused on improving emotional distress associated to the illness and on promoting functional abilities

    Celiac Immunogenic Potential of α-Gliadin Epitope Variants from Triticum and Aegilops Species

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    The high global demand of wheat and its subsequent consumption arise from the physicochemical properties of bread dough and its contribution to the protein intake in the human diet. Gluten is the main structural complex of wheat proteins and subjects affected by celiac disease (CD) cannot tolerate gluten protein. Within gluten proteins, α-gliadins constitute the most immunogenic fraction since they contain the main T-cell stimulating epitopes (DQ2.5-glia-α1, DQ2.5-glia-α2, and DQ2.5-glia-α3). In this work, the celiac immunotoxic potential of α-gliadins was studied within Triticeae: diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid species. The abundance and immunostimulatory capacity of CD canonical epitopes and variants (with one or two mismatches) in all α-gliadin sequences were determined. The results showed that the canonical epitopes DQ2.5-glia-α1 and DQ2.5-glia-α3 were more frequent than DQ2.5-glia-α2. A higher abundance of canonical DQ2.5-glia-α1 epitope was found to be associated with genomes of the BBAADD, AA, and DD types; however, the abundance of DQ2.5-glia-α3 epitope variants was very high in BBAADD and BBAA wheat despite their low abundance in the canonical epitope. The most abundant substitution was that of proline to serine, which was disposed mainly on the three canonical DQ2.5 domains on position 8. Interestingly, our results demonstrated that the natural introduction of Q to H at any position eliminates the toxicity of the three T-cell epitopes in the α-gliadins. The results provided a rational approach for the introduction of natural amino acid substitutions to eliminate the toxicity of three T-cell epitopes, while maintaining the technological properties of commercial wheats

    Prototipo de aplicación móvil para el control de vacunación contra COVID en México, compatible con distintas plataformas móviles

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    As a result of the COVID-19 confinement, countries closed their borders with the rest of the world to curb the spread of this epidemic. At the national level, several places and workplaces whose activity was not essential for the economy were ordered to close. In response to this, the Mexican Government initiated a vaccination plan for its citizens, with vaccines approved by the Ministry of Health at the federal level. Vaccination allows the relaxation of confinement measures and favors the recovery of the economy; however, there is still no accessible tool available, which provides the population with their digital vaccination certificate and important information such as: user data, pharmacy of origin of the vaccine and current status of the vaccination schedule. COV-ID App is a development that seeks to help people to check their current vaccination status, obtaining this information from their mobile devices; and thus, allowing various establishments such as: restaurants, workplaces, border crossings, or any other that so requests, to verify truthfully that the person complies with the partial or total vaccination schedule, as well as the relevant details of each of the doses applied to the person.Derivado del confinamiento por COVID-19, los países cerraron sus fronteras con el resto del mundo para así frenar la expansión de esta epidemia. En el ámbito nacional, se ordenó el cierre de diversos lugares y centros de trabajo, cuya actividad no fuera primordial para la economía. Ante esto, el Gobierno de México, inició un plan de vacunación para sus ciudadanos, con vacunas aprobadas por la Secretaría de Salud a nivel federal. La vacunación permite el relajamiento de las medidas de confinamiento y favorece la recuperación de la economía; sin embargo, aún no se dispone de una herramienta accesible, que proporcione a la población su certificado digital de vacunación e información importante como: datos del usuario, farmacéutica de procedencia de la vacuna y estatus actual del esquema de vacunación. COV-ID App es un desarrollo que busca ayudar a que las personas puedan comprobar su actual estatus de vacunación, obteniendo esta información desde sus dispositivos celulares; y permitiendo con esto, que establecimientos diversos tales como: restaurantes, lugares de trabajo, cruces fronterizos, o cualquier otro que así lo solicite; puedan comprobar de manera veraz, que la persona cumple con el esquema de vacunación parcial o total, así como los detalles relevantes de cada una de las dosis aplicadas a la persona

    Grau de satisfacció dels estudiants sobre les activitats complementàries realitzades a l'assignatura Fisiologia i Fisiopatologia III del Grau de Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona

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    L'avaluació continuada de l'assignatura de Fisiologia i Fisiopatologia III del Grau de Farmàcia es basa en l'acreditació de coneixements assolits en l'estudi autònom i en la realització de tot un seguit d'activitats complementàries. Aquestes activitats inclouen una Prova intermèdia, Seminaris, Classes pràctiques al laboratori i a l'aula d'informàtica i, Anàlisi d'un text, on l'estudiant ha de comprendre un text, amb l'objectiu d'integrar-ne els continguts i relacionar-los amb les assignatures prèvies. S'ha realitzat una enquesta per copsar la utilitat i el grau de satisfacció dels estudiants sobre les diferents activitats complementàries utilitzades com a eines d'aprenentatge