648 research outputs found

    Inmigración y Estado de Bienestar en España

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    The position of Spain in the international migration system has substantially changed over the last decade. The settlement of immigrant communities poses a series of important challenges to Spanish society. The social protection schemes included in the welfare state are considerably affected by the social, political, cultural and demographic transformations derived from this phenomenon. On the one hand these schemes must define the way to grant access to their services and benefits to the new residents (definition of the boundaries of entitlement to access the health care system, the social services, the education system or the housing policies). On the other hand, they need to articulate mechanisms to respond to the differential demands of a changing population (in terms of socio-demographic structure, cultural and linguistic profiles, as well as biological characteristics). The welfare regime is also subject to a modification in the social perception of its legitimacy due to the increase of the internal social heterogeneity. In addition to posing a challenge, this phenomenon constitutes in itself a good opportunity to identify the weaker points of the social protection system, a necessary step to reinforce it and to guarantee its future sustainability

    Retos, reformas y futuro del sistema nacional de salud

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    Universalism and decentralization constitute the main characteristics of the Spanish SNS. In addition to the budgetary pressures common to all health systems in Western countries (growth of age-related health costs, increased social expectations, the consequences of the growing social inequality, and technological development) there are specific structural tensions that signal the weaknesses in the institutional architecture of the Spanish healthcare system (complexity of its multilevel governance structure). The current context of economic and fiscal crisis has led Spanish health authorities to adopt a series of measures (budget cuts, reduction in the coverage of the system,privatization, and reform of health governance) that threaten to undermine the SNS as a universalist and decentralized system as it has been built during the last three decades

    Mapping the axiology of European wellfare

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    While welfare research on historical and institutional trajectories has been carried out extensively in recent decades, less attention has been paid to citizens preferences for social policies. On analysing welfare provision the self-interest and neo-institutionalist theories have often placed incentives and resources at the core of their explanations. But values can also play a very important role in the support and shaping of welfare arrangements. This article explores how values are present in European populations and to what extent variation can be related to the geographical distribution of the different types of welfare regimes. A classification of values associated with social categories, and an overview of the main axiological differences across Europe is therefore put forward.Peer reviewe

    L’Europe du Sud face à l’immigration. Politique de l’Etranger.

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    L’Europe du Sud face à l’immigration. Politique de l’Etranger.Évelyne Ritaine (coord.). París: Presses Universitaires de France, 2005

    Transnational mobility and rootedness: the upper middle classes in European cities

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    Some authors argue that ‘mobilities’ form the distinctive feature of late modern societies and represent a new social cleavage between cosmopolitan mobile élites and urban residents more rooted in their local neighbourhoods. One assumption in contemporary discourses of rootedness is that this new transnational or global society entails an ongoing process of uprooting individuals and a mainly mobile élite packing up and relocating. In this article, we draw on empirical comparative research to examine the patterns and dynamics of mobility and belonging across European borders among upper-middle-class managers in four cities – Paris, Madrid, Milan and Lyon. We suggest that these new urban upper-middle-class managers display flight responses, or ‘partial exit’ strategies, which operate at various levels to enable them to protect and control their interests while holding onto the reins of power in their local communities. Our study adopts a micro-level perspective to explore individual experiences, strategies, motivations and values based on interviews with 480 managers in these cities. [Résumé éditeur

    Controlling the Urban Fabric: The Complex Game of Distance and Proximity in European Upper-Middle-Class Residential Strategies

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    This article presents an open discussion of the processes of urban secession and gentrification in contemporary European cities, arguing that intergroup social dynamics in urban spaces are generally more complex than either extreme mutual avoidance or the colonization of neighbourhoods by the wealthiest groups. We analyse the residential strategies of urban upper-middle class managers in various European metropolitan areas through in-depth semi-structured interviews to argue that these groups develop complex strategies of proximity and distance in relation to other social groups. The development of these ‘partial exit’ strategies takes place through specific combinations of practices that allow groups to select the dimensions they are willing to share with other social groups, and those in which they prefer a more segregated social environment for themselves and their families. The responses of our interviewees were consistently more nuanced and complex than suggested by a simplistic theory about their drive to withdraw from society, forcing us to develop more sophisticated conceptual frameworks to account for the growing prevalence of multi-layered identities and spheres of reference and solidarity, specific combinations of elective segregation and local involvement, and more active patterns of mobility combined with local embeddedness. [Résumé éditeur

    Physical Activity Programmes in the Treatment of Addictions: A Systematic Review

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    Background: The scientific literature was reviewed with the aim of determining the current state of the research on relationships between physical activity programmes and addiction treatment. Methods: The search was carried out in the WOS, Scopus and PubMed databases, restricting the publication language to English and Spanish, and it was limited to studies conducted in the last 5 years, i.e., between 1 January 2016 and 31 November 2021, selecting only open-access articles with physical activity programmes for the treatment of addictions to harmful substances. Results: Of the 38 initial articles selected, a total of 10 articles were ultimately included, as they met the established eligibility criteria after performing a more exhaustive analysis. The results show a positive relationship between physical activity and adherence to addiction cessation treatment. Conclusions: Physical activity has been incorporated into coadjuvant treatments in combination with other pharmacological or behavioural treatments. These results strengthen the importance of promoting physical activity in rehabilitation and substance-withdrawal treatments. Complementarily, physical activity programmes improve other health variables that influence the quality of life, such as sleep quality and mood, and reduce the risk of social exclusion. Physical activity also directly reduces a sedentary lifestyle, which is responsible for more than 40 diseases and chronic disorder

    Improving attitudes toward brands with environmental associations: an experimental approach

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    Purpose – The purpose of this article is to determine the relative importance of the ecological attribute when other attributes referring to the functional performance of a brand are taken into account, and check the effectiveness of environmental labels. Design/methodology/approach – The paper establishes an experiment in which 352 women responsible for the household shopping are exposed to different levels of environmental information. The study analyses the effect said information has on product attitude and purchase intention. In order to transmit the information, a leaflet specifically designed for the research was used. Findings – This study confirms the presence of a positive effect of environmental associations on brand attitude, though this effect is smaller than that of other functional attributes. It also demonstrates that using independent environmental certifications strengthens beliefs in the product's ecological performance. Research limitations/implications – The use of washing powder can limit the feasibility of extrapolation of the results to other products. Therefore, a replication in other product categories is necessary/advisable. Practical implications – In the light of the results, using environmental associations certified by independent bodies is recommended. This would help improve both brand attitude and brand equity. Originality/value – This paper increases the knowledge about the precise commercial usefulness of environmental associations in relation with other attributes.Grupo de Investigación ADEMA

    Aplicació d’un sistema automatitzat per a l’aprenentatge i l’entrenament del tennis en condicions d’interferència contextual

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    En aquest treball es presenten els efectes de l’aplicació d’un sistema automatitzat per a l’aprenentatge del tennis en condicions d’interferència contextual. El sistema esmentat permet el registre de la precisió assolida en els copejaments mitjançant un protocol de filmació audiovisual. Un cop filmades les imatges s’aplica un procés de digitalització per analitzar l’error variable de les trameses, tot determinant així la consistència dels copejaments. Es van analitzar els resultats obtinguts per 8 tennistes, després d’un període d’aprenentatge de 3 setmanes, i es va valorar el manteniment del rendiment mitjançant 4 tests de retenció, realitzats  posteriorment a la fase d’aprenentatge inicial. Els resultats mostren millores en els quatre cops practicats després del període d’aprenentatge, i també una tendència poc acusada de pèrdua del rendiment després dels períodes sense pràctica

    Aplicación de un sistema automatizado para el aprendizaje y el entrenamiento del tenis en condiciones de interferencia contextual

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    En este trabajo se presentan los efectos de la aplicación de un sistema automatizado para el aprendizaje del tenis en condiciones de interferencia contextual. Dicho sistema permite el registro de la precisión alcanzada en los golpeos mediante un protocolo de filmación audiovisual. Una vez filmadas las imágenes se aplica un proceso de digitalización para analizar el error variable de los envíos, determinando así la consistencia de los golpeos. Se analizaron los resultados obtenidos por 8 tenistas, tras un periodo de aprendizaje de 3 semanas, valorando el mantenimiento del rendimiento mediante 4 tests de retención, realizados posteriormente a la fase de aprendizaje inicial. Los resultados muestran mejoras en los cuatro golpes practicados tras el periodo de aprendizaje, así como una tendencia poco acusada de pérdida del rendimiento tras los periodos sin práctica
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