1,212 research outputs found

    Technical cooperation and innovation in the textile dressmaking exporting SME in Barranquilla-Colombia

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    To analyze the technical cooperation as a strategic resource for the innovation of products and services that promote the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are exporters in the dressmaking- textile sector in Barranquilla, Colombia, rules the article's objective. Based on a descriptive research and qualitative method, it was proceeded with the selection of the sample was represented by 18 SMEs from Barranquilla. It was determined the lack of participation in cooperative activities focused on exporters SMEs, which is debilitating the capacity to consolidate innovation processes. It is concluded that it is important to strengthen the interaction between the government and the SMEs to maximize the benefits of technical cooperation and addressing competitively the innovation.Ana Virginia Moreno Charris Analizar la cooperación técnica como un recurso estratégico para la innovación de productos y servicios que promueven el crecimiento de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pyme) exportadoras del sector textil-confección de Barranquilla-Colombia, rige el objetivo del artículo. Basada en una investigación descriptiva y método cualitativo, se procedió con la selección de la muestra que estuvo representada por 18 pyme de Barranquilla. Se determinó, la nula participación de las pyme en actividades de cooperación técnica, lo cual debilita la capacidad de consolidar procesos de innovación. Se concluye, sobre la importancia de la interacción entre Estado - pyme para maximizar beneficios respaldados por esta cooperació

    Estrategias de satisfacción laboral en las pyme exportadoras del sector textil-confección de Barranquilla

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    Maestría en AdministraciónThe research aims to propose strategies of job satisfaction for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are exporters in the dressmaking- textile sector in Barranquilla, Colombia. To achieve this, a research based on the quantitative paradigm, with non-experimental transectional design was developed. The sample was made up of 19 SME exporters in the dressmaking- textile sector in Barranquilla, Colombia; the data were analyzed using central trend measures. The results indicate that there are high levels of satisfaction in the SMEs under study, as well as the presence of human resource strategies, which promote high levels of job satisfaction. The traits found in this study served as input to build strategies that allow employees to be satisfied.La investigación tiene como objetivo Proponer estrategias de satistisfacción laboral para las Pyme exportadoras del sector Textil-Confección en Barranquilla-Colombia. Para lograrlo, se desarrolló una investigación sustentada en el paradigma cuantitativo, con diseño no experimental transeccional. La muestra estuvo conformada por empleados de las 19 pyme exportadoras del sector textil-confección de Barranquilla, Colombia; los datos fueron analizados mediante la utilización de medidas de tendencia central. Los resultados indican que existen altos niveles de satisfacción en las Pyme objeto de estudio, así como demarcan la presencia estrategias orientadas al recurso humano, que promueven elevados niveles de satisfacción en el trabajo. Los rasgos hallados en este estudio sirvieron de insumo para construir estrategias que permitan tener empleados laboralmente satisfechos

    The effect of psyllium (Plantago ovata Forsk) fibres on the mechanical and physicochemical characteristics of plant-based sausages

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    [EN] Psyllium is a source of natural dietary fibre with recognised health benefits that can be used as a hydrocolloid with functional food applications. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different levels of Plantago ovata fibres in plant-based sausages on their composition, physicochemical, and mechanical properties. Proximate composition was studied. Water activity (a(w)), water release, pH, colour measurement, texture profile analysis (TPA), and Warner-Bratzler Shear Force (WBSF) were determined to establish the physicochemical and textural properties of sausages. A plant-based sausages microstructure study and a sensory study were carried out to better understand conformation and to determine their acceptance. The results showed that sausages had high ash and carbohydrate contents but, above all, a low-fat content. The use of psyllium increased water-holding capacity. The results also indicated that employing Plantago ovata white (PW) fibre can minimise mechanical problems and reduce colour changes. However, PW fibre showed less retained water, which was why chickpea starch further developed and was more gelatinised. At the same time, the plant-based sausages with PW fibre obtained the best overall score with the fewest colour changes in the sensory evaluation. Nevertheless, further studies are recommended to improve the texture and acceptability of these plant-based sausages.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana (programme FDEGENT 2018) and the company Productos Pilarica S.A. (Paterna, Spain).Noguerol-Meseguer, AT.; Larrea Santos, V.; Pagán Moreno, MJ. (2022). The effect of psyllium (Plantago ovata Forsk) fibres on the mechanical and physicochemical characteristics of plant-based sausages. European Food Research and Technology. 248(10):2483-2496. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00217-022-04063-2248324962481

    Enrofloxacin-based therapeutic strategy for the prevention of endometritis in susceptible mares

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    Enrofloxacin (EFX) is often used empirically to prevent uterine infections in mares in order to improve efficiency on Commercial Embryo Transfer Farms. This study investigated the uterine distribution of EFX and its metabolite ciprofloxacin (CFX) in mares and assessed the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of EFX against various common pathogens as a basis for establishing a rational dosing schedule. Plasma and uterine pharmacokinetic (PK) studies were performed in two groups (n = 5) of healthy mares following intravenous (i.v.) administration of EFX at either 2.5 and at 5 mg/kg bodyweight. Plasma and endometrial tissue samples, taken before for up to 48 h after treatment were analysed by Reverse Phase HPLC. MIC values for wild strains of Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and Gram-positive bacteria (β-haemolytic streptococci) ranged from 0.25-2 and 1.5-3.0 μg/mL respectively. In terms of tissue distribution, the sum of the endometrial concentrations of the parent drug (EFX) and its active metabolite (CFX) (in terms of AUC), exceeded those in plasma by 249% and 941% following administration of EFX at 2.5 and 5 mg/kg respectively. After i.v. treatment with EFX at 5 mg/kg, endometrial concentrations of EFX and CFX above the MIC value were detected for 36-48 and 22-43 h posttreatment for Gram-negative and -positive isolates respectively. Concentrations above MIC were maintained for much shorter periods at the lower (2.5 mg/kg) treatment dose. Based on these results, a conventional dose (5 mg/kg) of EFX given prebreeding followed by two further doses at 36-48 h postbreeding are proposed as a rational strategy for using of EFX as a preventative therapy against a variety of common bacterial strains associated with equine endometritis.Fil: González, C. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Fisiopatología. Laboratorio de Farmacología; ArgentinaFil: Moreno, L.. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Fisiopatología. Laboratorio de Farmacología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fumuso, E..Fil: García, J..Fil: Rivulgo, M..Fil: Confalonieri, A..Fil: Sparo, M..Fil: Sánchez Bruni, S.

    Perfil del administrador: construcción a partir de la experiencia Tuning-Colombia

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    Las tendencias orientadas hacia la calidad de la educación superior se han fundamentado en la renovación de metodologías educativas, que trascienden de modelos centrados en la enseñanza hacia el aprendizaje basado en el desarrollo de competencias. En función de ello, se concibe el objetivo de determinar el perfil del administrador de empresas egresado de la Universidad de la Costa-Colombia, para contrastarlo con las competencias definidas en el proyecto Tuning-Colombia. Se establece una investigación descriptiva. Las unidades muestrales fueron localizadas en la Universidad de la Costa, como contexto organizacional donde se configura el componente empírico de la investigación. El uso del método cuantitativo, identificó los resultados que determinan las bases del desarrollo de competencias, donde se prevé la compatibilidad, competitividad y el análisis de las demandas del sector, considerado como componentes integradores para la adaptación de diseños curriculares. Se concluye, que concebir la formación en competencias consolida la formación integral de profesionales capaz de transformar contextos sociales y organizacionales dinámicos y complejos, por lo que se recomienda afianzar la calidad del proceso educativo superior como referencia que confluye con los avances impulsados desde un entorno global.Trends orientated to higher education quality have been rooted on the renewal of educational methodologies, which trascend from teaching-focused models to the learning based on the competencies development. Depending on it, it is conceive the goal of determining the profile of the business administrators graduated from Universidad de la Costa-Colombia, to contrast it with the competencies defined in the Tuning-Colombia project. It is established a descriptive research. The sample units were located in University of the Coast, as an organizational context where the empirical component of the research is configured. The use of the quantitative method, identified the results that determine the bases of the development of competences, where the compatibility, competitiveness and the analysis of the sector demands are envisaged, considered as integrating components to the adaptation of the curricular designs. It is concluded that conceiving the training in competencies consolidates professionals integral training capable of transforming dynamic and complex social and organizational contexts, which is why it is recommended secure the higher education process quality as a reference that comes together with the advances promoted from a global environment

    Family Caregivers’ Experiences with Tele-Rehabilitation for Older Adults with Hip Fracture

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    This research was funded by EIT Health (210752).Background: There is a knowledge gap for implementing tele-rehabilitation (telerehab) after hip fracture. We recently conducted a clinical trial (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02968589) to test a novel online family caregiver-supported rehabilitation program for older adults with hip fracture, called @ctivehip. In this qualitative substudy, our objective was to use semi-structured interviews to explore family caregivers experience with the telerehab program. Methods: Twenty-one family caregivers were interviewed between three and six months after the older adults completed @ctivehip. One occupational therapist with research and clinical experience, but not involved in the main trial, conducted and transcribed the interviews. We conducted a multi-step content analysis, and two authors completed one coding cycle and two recoding cycles. Results: Family caregivers who enrolled in @ctivehip were satisfied with the program, stated it was manageable to use, and perceived benefits for older adults’ functional recovery after hip fracture. They also suggested improvements for the program content, such as more variety with exercises, and increased monitoring by health professionals. Conclusions: This work extends existing literature and generates research hypotheses for future studies to test telerehab content and program implementation.EIT Health 21075

    Labor satisfaction in Colombian SMEs in the textile-clothing sector

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la satisfacción de los empleados de las pyme exportadoras del sector textil-confección de Barranquilla, Colombia. La perspectiva teórica se orientó fundamentalmente considerando los aportes realizados por Robbins y Judge (2009). En este sentido, se desarrolló una investigación sustentada en el paradigma cuantitativo, con diseño no experimental transeccional, para lo cual se realizó un censo constituido por las 19 pyme exportadoras del sector. Los datos fueron procesados mediante la utilización de medidas de tendencia central, evidenciándose que los indicadores por debajo de la media establecida corresponden a la variedad de trabajo, reconocimiento del desempeño, seguridad, estabilidad, oportunidades y relación con los compañeros; mientras que los indicadores referidos al salario, estructura y flexibilidad laboral, alcanzaron los niveles de mayor satisfacción. Se concluye, que los efectos globlalizadores en este sector, exigen que las empresas colombianas definan estrategias orientadas a potenciar la satisfacción en los atributos del empleo, dado que el recurso humano se constituye en su factor más importante de competitividad.e aim of this article is to analyze the satisfaction of the employees of the dressmaking-textile sector exporting SMEs of Barranquilla, Colombia. e theoretical perspective was mainly oriented from the study made by Robbins and Judge (2009). In this sense, a research based on the quantitative paradigm was developed, with a non-experimental transectional design, for which a census formed by the 19 exporting SMEs of the sector was carried out. e data was processed by the use of central tendency measures, evidencing that the indicators below the established average are the variety of work, the recognition of performance, safety, permanence, opportunities and relationship with the companions; on the contrary, the indicators referring to salary, structure and labor flexibility, reached the highest levels of satisfaction. It is concluded that the global effects in this sector require the definition of strategies made by Colombian companies, aimed at enhancing job satisfaction, considering human resource as the most important factor in competitiveness

    Evaluación de las indicaciones de cesáreas a pacientes ingresadas en el servicio de obstetricia del Hospital Escuela San Juan de Dios, Estelí, en el año 2018

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar las indicaciones de cesáreas más frecuentes en el Hospital Escuela “San Juan de Dios”, Estelí, en el período de enero a Diciembre del año 2018. Adopta el paradigma positivista, descriptivo, retrospectivo y de corte transversal. Se obtuvo una muestra aleatoria de 286 expedientes clínicos de pacientes embarazadas a las que les fue realizada cesárea en el período estudiado. Las características sociodemográficas de las pacientes en estudio, el 60.8% oscila entre 20- 34 años de edad, el 40.9% son ama de casa, el 51.4% en unión libre, el 54.5% con escolaridad secundaria, el 58% de procedencia rural. En las indicaciones de cesárea el 70.2% fueron electivas, siendo las de causa materna las más frecuentes con el 33.2%. Las indicaciones más frecuentes de cesárea fueron: cesárea anterior con un 18.8% e inducción fallida 11.8%. Se evaluó en cumplimiento de la normativa de indicación de cesárea y se verificó que se cumplió en un 94.4% con respecto a los expedientes revisados. Los resultados del presente estudio brindaran nuevos conocimientos a las autoridades de la institución, así como a los médicos tratantes que permitirá mejorar la toma de decisiones acerca de la vía de finalización del embarazo en las pacientes atendidas en el Hospital Escuela San Juan de Dios de Estelí, influyendo en la calidad de vida de las pacientes, familia y sociedad en general. Por lo anterior, se hace necesaria la planeación y diseño de estrategias para posteriormente revertir la tendencia en aumento de la frecuencia de cesárea

    Labor Satisfaction in Colombian SMEs in the Textile-Clothing sector

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la satisfacción de los empleados de las pyme exportadoras del sector textil-confección de Barranquilla, Colombia. La perspectiva teórica se orientó fundamentalmente considerando los aportes realizados por Robbins y Judge (2009). En este sentido, se desarrolló una investigación sustentada en el paradigma cuantitativo, con diseño no experimental transeccional, para lo cual se realizó un censo constituido por las 19pyme exportadoras del sector. Los datos fueron procesados mediante la utilización de medidas de tendencia central, evidenciándose que los indicadores por debajo de la media establecida corresponden a la variedad de trabajo, reconocimiento del desempeño, seguridad, estabilidad, oportunidades y relación con los compañeros; mientras que los indicadores referidos al salario, estructura y flexibilidad laboral, alcanzaron los niveles de mayor satisfacción. Se concluye, que los efectos globlalizadores en este sector, exigen que las empresas colombianas definan estrategias orientadas a potenciar la satisfacción en los atributos del empleo, dado que el recurso humano se constituye en su factor más importante de competitividad.The aim of this article is to analyze the satisfaction of the employees of the dressmaking-textile sector exporting SMEs of Barranquilla, Colombia. The theoretical perspective was mainly oriented from the study made by Robbins and Judge (2009). In this sense, a research based on the quantitative paradigm was developed, with a non-experimental transectional design, for which a census formed by the 19 exporting SMEs of the sector was carried out. The data was processed by the use of central tendency measures, evidencing that the indicators below the established average are the variety of work, the recognition of performance, safety, permanence, opportunities and relationship with the companions; on the contrary, the indicators referring to salary, structure and labor flexibility, reached the highest levels of satisfaction. It is concluded that the global effects in this sector require the definition of strategies made by Colombian companies, aimed at enhancing job satisfaction, considering human resource as the most important factor in competitiveness