899 research outputs found

    The Use of ITS for Improving Bus Priority at Traffic Signals

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    A modal shift from private to public transport, which will lighten traffic congestion and environmental impact, can be achieved only if bus service is made more efficient and attractive to passengers. One of the ways to achieve the goal is to exploit Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) within public transport. This paper examines the potential of ITS for improving bus priority at traffic signals, based on comparison and analyses of different bus priority systems, aiming at detecting weaknesses and strengths of each of them. Moreover, a framework for the evaluation of bus priority systems is presented, together with examples of benefits achieved internationally and challenges for research

    Vers une ingénierie coopérative enseignants/chercheurs?

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    National audienceNous proposons de présenter l'étude de certaines modalités d’un travail collaboratif enseignants/chercheurs actuellement mis en oeuvre autour d’une ingénierie didactique. Cette ingénierie porte sur la construction du nombre à l’entrée de l’école élémentaire obligatoire et s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une recherche ministérielle intitulée « Arithmétique et Compréhension à l’Ecole élémentaire

    Illuminating cellular formaldehyde

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    Writing in Nature communications, Zhu and collaborators reported the development of a genetically encoded sensor for the detection of formaldehyde in cells and tissues. This tool has great potential to transform formaldehyde research; illuminating a cellular metabolite that has remained elusive in live structures.Fil: Umansky, Carla. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires - Instituto Partner de la Sociedad Max Planck; ArgentinaFil: Morellato, Agustín Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires - Instituto Partner de la Sociedad Max Planck; ArgentinaFil: Pontel, Lucas Blas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires - Instituto Partner de la Sociedad Max Planck; Argentin

    Sintesi e valutazione biologica di nuovi complessi di Cu2+ e Ga3+ con leganti ditiocarbammici per l'imaging diagnostico e la terapia antitumorale

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    Copper is an essential metal for our organism and it belongs to the group 11 in the periodic table. Thanks to its chemical and physical features it is an effective candidate within diagnostic imaging and antitumor therapy as radioactive isotope and metal complex, respectively. 64Cu is a β+ emitter radioactive isotope, ideal to be used in PET (Positron Emission Tomography) imaging. This technology allows to obtain body images in order to identify and quantify biological and biochemical in vivo processes. Several copper compounds were synthesized and studied but only one complex with a thiosemicarbazone ligand entered in clinical trial and no copper-64 compound is still put in the market. Copper is a much studied metal even as therapeutic agent, since its concentration is very high in tumor tissues and it is involved in the angiogenetic process associated to cellular growth. These remarks, with the cisplatin success as anticancer agent and the relative interest created around the chance to develop new therapeutic agents, led to design and synthesize copper complexes able to act selectively into the tumor tissue, even against cisplatin resistant cells and without systemic toxic effects. With the aim to design new chelating systems able to be used as diagnostic agents in nuclear medicine with the radioactive isotope 64Cu and as potential anticancer agents, a neutral square-planar [Cu(DTC-Ln)2] complexes library was developed where DTC = dithiocarbamate. Dithiocarbamates are ligands, just widely studied inside our research group, able to coordinate the metal center by means of two sulfur atoms. They have the chance to be conjugated with bioactive molecules in order to obtain potential specific target systems. Moreover, recently some dithiocarbamates showed to form spontaneously stable Cu(II) complexes, able to inhibit the proteasoma chymotrypsinic-like activity inducing apoptosis in several cancer cells. Therefore use of a very wide range of structurally different dithiocarbamate ligands has the aim to evaluate possible relationship between the chemical structure and the cytotoxic activity. The complexes were prepared with the application of several synthetic procedures using CuCl2•2H2O as starting material. The complexes were completely characterized via elemental analysis, spectroscopic techniques (IR and UV-Vis) and ESI(+) mass spectrometry. In vitro citotoxicity against several human cancer cells, resistant and not to cisplatin, was tested for all copper complexes. Then, coordination chemistry was transferred to a radioactive tracer level with the radionuclide copper-64 and it was evaluated if this labeling system could be applied as radiopharmaceutical. In particular, the synthetic procedures were optimized and labeling efficiency and in vitro stability were tested. Finally, a series of uptake experiments were performed with human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) both with the cold complexes and the analogous radioactive complexes in order to learn more about the accumulation patterns whereby this class of compounds shown its citotoxic activity. Also gallium presents chemical and physical characteristics which make it a very interesting metal both in diagnostics and in therapy. In fact, gallium-68 is a β+-emitter isotope which can be easily produced by means of a portable generator and it allows to obtain high quality PET images, comparable with PET images made with fluorine-18, the most used radionuclide in diagnostic imaging, and so gallium-68 gained an increasing interest for nuclear medicine applications. Several gallium complexes were synthesized and studied and some of these were very effective and they entered in clinical trial. But, despite these promising results, no gallium compound is still put in the market. Gallium is a very employed metal just in therapy, thanks to its anticancer properties and for many decades ordinary gallium salts are used as antitumor agents. The excellent results obtained led to the design of metal based complexes able to act selectively against cancer cells, without without systemic toxic effects. With the aim to project new chelating systems for a radiopharmacetical application with gallium-68 and to develop new anticancer agents a neutral [Ga(DTC-Ln)3] complexes library was prepared with dithiocarbamate ligands, chosen for their interesting properties, just listed above. The complexes were prepared with the application of several synthetic procedures using Ga(NO3)3•6H2O as starting material. The compounds were characterized by means of elemental analysis, spectroscopic techniques (IR, NMR) and X-ray diffraction. In vitro citoxicity was tested against two human cancer cell lines for some of these complexes and, finally, it was evaluated the yield of these compounds in pH dependence in order to perform some considerations before transferring coordination chemistry to a radioactive tracer level with gallium-68 which is obtained from the generator by means of an acid solution

    Ingénierie didactique coopérative : quelle pratique de collaboration entre professeurs et chercheurs ?

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    Nous cherchons à décrire les pratiques de coopération entre professeurs des écoles et chercheurs. Ceux-ci ont œuvré à la constitution et la mise en place conjuguées d’une ingénierie didactique coopérative sur la construction des nombres au début de l’enseignement primaire (élèves de 6 à 8 ans). Ils ont fondé pour cela un collectif, considéré comme une institution au sein du projet de recherche Ace-Arithmécole. Nous avons décrit une telle institution au travers d’un dialogue spécifique, le dialogue d’ingénierie. Nous analyserons un exemple emblématique d’un tel dialogue en nous appuyant sur la théorie de l’action conjointe en didactique et la notion de contrat / milieu. Ainsi nous appréhenderons les transactions entre les membres du collectif dans une perspective didactique. Nous montrerons que c’est au cœur de ces transactions que sont construits des faits d’expérience, c’est-à-dire des faits appris de l’expérience vécue collectivement au cours d’une enquête sur la mise en œuvre. Ainsi chacun est à même de participer à l’élaboration de praxéologies d’ingénierie.We seek to describe the cooperative practices of a team of teachers and researchers during the implementation of a cooperative didactic engineering on the construction of number concepts for 6-year-old and 8-year-old pupils (first & second grades). The collective group founded by teachers and researchers are viewed as an institution within the research project Ace-arithmécole, with a specific dialogue, that of the engineering dialogue of the project. We analyse this dialogue through an emblematic example. We use the Joint Action Theory in Didactics. We refer to the notion of the dialectic of contract / milieu in order to identify the transactions between the collective members from a didactic point of view. We show how experience-facts have been developed by these transactions, that is to say facts that have been learnt from the collective, lived experience. They are the result of a common investigation of the didactic engineering. Thanks to this collective experience, each member is in a position to take on a share of the construction of the engineering knowledge

    The toxic side of one-carbon metabolism and epigenetics

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    One-carbon metabolism is a central metabolic hub that provides one-carbon units for essential biosynthetic reactions and for writing epigenetics marks. The leading role in this hub is performed by the one-carbon carrier tetrahydrofolate (THF), which accepts formaldehyde usually from serine generating one-carbon THF intermediates in a set of reactions known as the folate or one-carbon cycle. THF derivatives can feed one-carbon units into purine and thymidine synthesis, and into the methionine cycle that produces the universal methyl-donor S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet). AdoMet delivers methyl groups for epigenetic methylations and it is metabolized to homocysteine (Hcy), which can enter the transsulfuration pathway for the production of cysteine and lastly glutathione (GSH), the main cellular antioxidant. This vital role of THF comes to an expense. THF and other folate derivatives are susceptible to oxidative breakdown releasing formaldehyde, which can damage DNA -a consequence prevented by the Fanconi Anaemia DNA repair pathway. Epigenetic demethylations catalysed by lysine-specific demethylases (LSD) and Jumonji histone demethylases can also release formaldehyde, constituting a potential threat for genome integrity. In mammals, the toxicity of formaldehyde is limited by a metabolic route centred on the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase 5 (ADH5/GSNOR), which oxidizes formaldehyde conjugated to GSH, lastly generating formate. Remarkably, this formate can be a significant source of one-carbon units, thus defining a formaldehyde cycle that likely restricts the toxicity of one-carbon metabolism and epigenetic demethylations. This work describes recent advances in one-carbon metabolism and epigenetics, focusing on the steps that involve formaldehyde flux and that might lead to cytotoxicity affecting human health.Fil: Morellato, Agustín Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires - Instituto Partner de la Sociedad Max Planck; ArgentinaFil: Umansky, Carla. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires - Instituto Partner de la Sociedad Max Planck; ArgentinaFil: Pontel, Lucas Blas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires - Instituto Partner de la Sociedad Max Planck; Argentin

    Sviluppo di modelli e simulazioni per pianificazione e valutazione di veicoli subacquei autonomi

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    SOMMARIO E’ stato sviluppato un simulatore per la valutazione della configurazione di AUV in missioni di ricerca e classificazione. Il simulatore utilizza un database che immagazzina informazioni su modelli di AUV, sorgenti d’alimentazione, sistemi di navigazione, sonar acustici a scansione laterale (SSS). Possono essere combinate differenti configurazioni di AUV selezionando opportuni modelli di SSS / sorgenti d’energia / sistemi di navigazione fra quelli disponibili nel database. I SSS sono caratterizzati da un insieme di informazioni che permettono la valutazione della capacità di individuazione / classificazione in un certo scenario di missione. Un interfaccia GIS permette di definire direttamente sulla mappa una specifica strategia di missione (a tagliaerba o a waypoints) e permette di inserire un insieme di oggetti nell’area. La missione del veicolo è simulata, con la configurazione scelta, nell’area selezionata, producendo come risultato finale la percentuale di oggetti correttamente individuati / classificati e il tempo impiegato. La simulazione è ripetuta in modalità Monte Carlo al fine di stimare il valore atteso della percentuale di individuazione / classificazione; la stima è fornita con un livello di accuratezza e di confidenza misurato facendo uso del Bound di Chernoff, che mette in relazione il numero di prove indipendenti sullo stesso scenario con il livello di confidenza nella stima del valor medio. ABSTRACT A simulation system for evaluation of AUV configurations in search and classification missions has been developed. The simulator relies on a database storing information on AUV class, energy source, navigation system, acoustic Side Scan Sonar payload (SSS). Different AUV configurations can be combined by selecting the appropriate payloads/energy sources/ navigation systems among the ones available in the database. The acoustic payloads are characterized by a set of data to allow evaluation of detection/classification capabilities for a given mission scenario. A GIS-based interface allows to define a specific mission strategy directly through a map interface and it allows to insert a set of objects within the geographic area. Vehicle mission is simulated with the chosen configuration over the defined area, producing as final result the percentage of correctly detected / classified objects and the mission time. The simulation is repeated in a Monte Carlo fashion in order to estimate the expected value of the detection / classification percentages; the estimate is given with a level of accuracy and a level of confidence measured by use of the Chernoff bound, which links the number of independent runs over the same scenario with the level of confidence in the estimated average value

    Rethinking tropical phenology: insights from long‐term monitoring and novel analytical methods

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    Here, we introduce the Special Section (SS) on long‐term monitoring and new analytical methods in tropical phenology. The SS puts together nine original papers plus a synthesis, bringing significant advances and new insights into our understanding of tropical phenology across Africa and tropical America. The papers address environmental cues, methodological shortcomings, and provide innovative analytical approaches, opening new pathways, perspective and applications of tropical phenology for forest management and environmental monitoring. The SS is a substantial step toward a more comprehensive overview of trends in tropical phenology, as seven of nine studies evaluate >10‐yr data sets applying new methods of analysis such as hierarchical Bayesian models, generalized additive models, and Fourier analysis. We argue that it is essential to maintain ongoing monitoring programs and build a tropical phenology network at least for long‐term (>10 yr) study sites, providing the means for national and international financial support. Cross‐continental comparisons are now a primary goal, as we work toward a global vision of trends and shifts in tropical phenology in the Anthropocene

    Análisis interpretativo de la voz en la bossa nova

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    [EN] This artistic research work analyzes the vocal emission and interpret at ive aspects of the voice in the Brazilian music genre Bossa Nova, from theoretical and practical points of view. The starting point is the historical context of the movement, followed by studies of vocal technique and analysis of the voices of two Bossa Nova singers. Reflecting on the creative process and man ipulating the aesthetic concepts of containment vs. excess on the artistic expression, I proceed to make two practical experiments with the Bossa Nova vocal technique: the first, on a standard theme of Bossa Nova , and the second, on a theme of opposite aes thetics, namely a Flamenco theme, experimenting to isolate the technique of its original scope. With these studies it has been possible to conclude that there exists a proper way of singing Bossa Nova, and verify proper practice technique acquisition throu gh experiments. The experiments also enabled the creation of a hybrid style interpretation between Bossa Nova and Flamenco, showing how healthy it is, in the art world, to challenge the limits of one self. Keywords: Bossa Nova, Voice, Interpretation[ES] Este trabajo de investigación artística analiza la emisión vocal y aspectos interpretativos de la voz en el género musical brasileño Bossa Nova, desde puntos de vista teóricos y prácticos. El punto de partida es la contextualización histórica del movimiento, seguido de estudios de técnica vocal y del análisis de las voces de cantantes del estilo. Reflexionando sobre el proceso creativo y manipulando con los conceptos estéticos de contención /vs./ exceso en la expresión artística, se procede a realizar dos experimentos prácticos con la técnica vocal de la Bossa Nova: el primero, sobre un tema estándar de Bossa Nova, y el segundo, sobre un tema de estética opuesta, en concreto, un tema de Flamenco, experimentando aislar la técnica de su ámbito original. Con estos estudios ha sido posible concluir que sí existe una forma adecuada de cantar Bossa Nova, y también verificar la adecuada adquisición práctica de la técnica, a través de los experimentos. Los experimentos también posibilitaron la creación de una interpretación de estilo híbrido entre Bossa Nova y Flamenco, evidenciando lo saludable que es, en el medio artístico, desafiar los límites de uno mismo.Morellato, T. (2016). Análisis interpretativo de la voz en la bossa nova. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/77700TFG