4,352 research outputs found

    A note on the Eisenbud-Mazur Conjecture

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    The Eisenbud-Mazur conjecture states that given an equicharacteristic zero, regular local ring (R,\mathfrak{m}) and a prime ideal P\subset R, we have that P^{(2)}\subseteq mP. In this paper, we computationally prove that the conjecture holds in the special case of certain prime ideals in formal power series rings.Comment: 21 page

    Gravitational lens candidates in the E-CDFS

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    We report ten lens candidates in the E-CDFS from the GEMS survey. Nine of the systems are new detections and only one of the candidates is a known lens system. For the most promising five systems including the known lens system, we present results from preliminary lens mass modelling, which tests if the candidates are plausible lens systems. Photometric redshifts of the candidate lens galaxies are obtained from the COMBO-17 galaxy catalog. Stellar masses of the candidate lens galaxies within the Einstein radius are obtained by using the zz-band luminosity and the VzV-z color-based stellar mass-to-light ratios. As expected, the lensing masses are found to be larger than the stellar masses of the candidate lens galaxies. These candidates have similar dark matter fractions as compared to lenses in SLACS and COSMOS. They also roughly follow the halo mass-stellar mass relation predicted by the subhalo abundance matching technique. One of the candidate lens galaxies qualifies as a LIRG and may not be a true lens because the arc-like feature in the system is likely to be an active region of star formation in the candidate lens galaxy. Amongst the five best candidates, one is a confirmed lens system, one is a likely lens system, two are less likely to be lenses and the status of one of the candidates is ambiguous. Spectroscopic follow-up of these systems is still required to confirm lensing and/or for more accurate determination of the lens masses and mass density profiles.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, ApJ accepte

    The design and construction of a mass spectrograph

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 1953 M65Master of Scienc

    A review of bovine Johne's disease control activities in 6 endemically infected countries

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    Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is endemic in the bovine populations of many countries and can cause a significant reduction in animal welfare and production efficiency making control desirable. Effective control has proved very difficult to achieve despite multiple regionally coordinated programmes being in existence since the 1920s. The international community increasingly recognises the value in learning from the collective experiences of existing programmes to improve the effectiveness of control. The aim of this review is to outline key aspects of bovine Johne's disease control activities across 6 endemically infected countries to facilitate comparison of current international practice. The background, control activities and monitoring components of programmes in Australia, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States of America were individually reviewed. Factual accuracy of each review was checked by individuals involved in the respective programmes before the reviews were condensed and combined into a single document presented here, with the complete reviews of each programme available as supplementary material. There was considerable heterogeneity in key aspects of control activity design including goals, responses to declining participation, herd classification, recommended control measures and associated test requirements. The data presented will be of interest to organisations that are involved in developing new or existing regionally coordinated BJD control activities

    Some Relationships Between IQ And Arithmetic Achievement For Selected Junior High School Students

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    The ever-increasing complexity of today\u27s highly dynamic society demands that the educator of our nation\u27s children be always in search of knowledge that will enable him to comprehensively understand the actions, attitudes, and abilities of his students. With this view in mind, the author is attempting to set down the results of his research

    Inequalities in maternity care and newborn outcomes: one-year surveillance of births in vulnerable slum communities in Mumbai

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    Background: Aggregate urban health statistics mask inequalities. We described maternity care in vulnerable slum communities in Mumbai, and examined differences in care and outcomes between more and less deprived groups. Methods: We collected information through a birth surveillance system covering a population of over 280 000 in 48 vulnerable slum localities. Resident women identified births in their own localities and mothers and families were interviewed at 6 weeks after delivery. We analysed data on 5687 births over one year to September 2006. Socioeconomic status was classified using quartiles of standardized asset scores. Results: Women in higher socioeconomic quartile groups were less likely to have married and conceived in their teens (Odds ratio 0.74, 95% confidence interval 0.69–0.79, and 0.82, 0.78–0.87, respectively). There was a socioeconomic gradient away from public sector maternity care with increasing socioeconomic status (0.75, 0.70–0.79 for antenatal care and 0.66, 0.61–0.71 for institutional delivery). Women in the least poor group were five times less likely to deliver at home (0.17, 0.10–0.27) as women in the poorest group and about four times less likely to deliver in the public sector (0.27, 0.21–0.35). Rising socioeconomic status was associated with a lower prevalence of low birth weight (0.91, 0.85–0.97). Stillbirth rates did not vary, but neonatal mortality rates fell non-significantly as socioeconomic status increased (0.88, 0.71–1.08). Conclusion: Analyses of this type have usually been applied across the population spectrum from richest to poorest, and we were struck by the regularly stepped picture of inequalities within the urban poor, a group that might inadvertently be considered relatively homogeneous. The poorest slum residents are more dependent upon public sector health care, but the regular progression towards the private sector raises questions about its quality and regulation. It also underlines the need for healthcare provision strategies to take account of both sectors


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    Objective: To develop and validate stability indicating RP-HPLC gradient method for simultaneous estimation of impurities and degradation products from Olmesartan Medoximil and Hydrochlorothiazide tablet.Methods: The chromatographic separation was achieved by using Inertsil ODS (250 mm x 4.6 mm, 5μ) column. The mobile phase-A consists of 0.01M potassium dihydrogen phosphatebuffer pH 3.2 adjusted using orthophosphoric acids and acetonitrile as mobile phase-B. The flow rate was 1 ml/min, and chromatograms extracted at wavelength 225 nm.Results: The method was found linear from LOQ to 0.4% level with respect to target concentrations of Olmesartan Medoximil (1.6 mg/ml) and Hydrochlorothiazide (0.5 m/ml) for all impurities, with correlation coefficient found greater than 0.99. The method found robust in all deliberate variations of method parameters as a resolution between adjacent peaks found greater than 2.0. The % RSD results for precision and intermediate precision found less than 5.0%.Conclusion: The proposed analytical method was found to be robust, stability indicating and can be used for estimation of impurities and degradation products of Olmesartan Medoximil and Hydrochlorothiazide from tablet dosage form.Keywords: Stability indicating, RP-HPLC, ICH, Olmesartan Medoximil and Hydrochlorothiazid

    La implementación de una arquitectura para inteligencia de negocios con aplicaciones comunitarias (estudio de caso: Hospital de la Amistad, Santa Rosa de Piura)

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    Poco a poco son más las organizaciones que perfilan sus estrategias y proyecciones a largo plazo, basando su crecimiento no solo en elementos tangibles como los estados financieros, sino que han implementado elementos como el nivel de la capacidad de sus trabajadores, eficiencia y eficacia de sus procesos, la satisfacción de sus clientes hacia sus servicios o productos. El Balanced Scorecard es una herramienta que permite medir aquellos indicadores financieros y no financieros de la organización, orientando todos sus esfuerzos al logro de objetivos, ya que su función primordial es traducir la visión y la estrategia de la organización en un conjunto de indicadores que informen de la consecución de los objetivos. Esta metodología constituye una de las herramientas más eficaces para implementar y llevar a la práctica el plan estratégico de la compañía o institución. Uno de los factores y el más importante para las instituciones son los que afectan de manera relevante, como el que los funcionarios no cuentan con una herramienta que les permita monitorear, controlar y dirigir el cumplimiento y avance del plan estratégico. Especial parte débil de una institución mixta,desde la perspectiva administrativa

    Hemodialysis Care Staff Perceptions on Barriers to Optimal Health: Results from a Qualitative Study and National Survey

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    Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is currently the ninth leading cause of death in the United States, and despite the favorable outcomes reported in previous studies, mortality rates for CKD have yet to show improvement. The purpose of this study was distinguish between the different strategies used to treat CKD as perceived by renal practitioners. It is hypothesized that the lack of improvement in mortality rates may be attributed to the lack of cardiovascular protection