24 research outputs found

    Effects of Cooking Medium and Batter Formulation on Quality Attributes Of Fried Fish Fillets

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    Fried breaded fish fillets are consumed for their unique flavor and textural characteristics which are contributed by the preparation and the breading process. However, the cooking process can cause detrimental changes to the highly valued lipid characteristics of the fish lipid. Therefore, this study was carried out with the objectives of evaluating the changes that could be brought upon by the presence of breading materials, preparation process (pre-frying and pre-drying) and the cooking methods on the desired quality attributes of the breaded fish fillets. The effects of resistant starches on the quality attributes of the breaded fillets were also evaluated. The breaded and non-breaded black pomfret (Parastromateus niger) fillets were deep-fried in sunflower oil and palm olein and evaluated for the physico-chemical properties such as fat content, moisture loss, texture and color changes. The frying process significantly (P<0.05) changed the fat and moisture content in the fillets. The presence of breading materials decreased significantly (P<0.05) the moisture loss and the fat uptake. However, the lipid compositions were observed to change significantly. The n-3/n-6 ratios were decreased in all fried samples. The palm olein fried samples had significantly (P<0.05) higher n-3/n-6 ratio than the sunflower oil fried samples. Breaded fillets were also pre-fried prior to frozen storage to evaluate the effect of pre-frying on the lipid profile of the samples. The pre-frying treatments resulted in the decrease of the saturated fatty acids concentration and an increase of the monounsaturated fatty acids for all samples. The polyunsaturated fatty acids content was found to increase in the sunflower oil fried samples and decreased in the palm olein fried ones. The effects of three final cooking methods on the quality attributes of breaded fillets were also determined. Among the three methods, oven cooking had the least changes in the parameters evaluated. The concentration of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the oven cooked samples was about two times higher than the samples cooked by other methods. Oven cooking methods also showed lower thermal oxidation and higher n-3/n-6 ratio than the other two cooking methods. The highest and lowest values of hardness in the final product were observed for those fried and microwaved, respectively. Pre-drying before frying of breaded fillets affected the moisture content, the fat content and the hardness of the final product significantly (P<0.05). A positive correlation (r = 0.90) between the pre-drying time and moisture content, and between pre-drying time and hardness (r = 0.96), and a negative correlation between the pre-drying time and the fat uptake (r = -0.78) were found. The incorporation of the resistant starches in the batter formulation affected all trends of moisture and fat migration in and out of the breading materials. The moisture content increased while the fat content decreased significantly (P<0.05) in all breaded samples containing resistant starches as compared to the control. A significant (P<0.05) increase in hardness and crispiness of the samples containing resistant starches were also observed

    Investigation on the shelf life and quality changes of tilapia during storage, and it’s consumer acceptability

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    In this study، effects of slow and quick freezing، different packaging methods on quality of red and black tilapia and consumer acceptability of tilapia were investigatied. For preparation the samples for inveatigation the effects of slow and quick freezing methods on quality of tilapia، fresh tilapia fillets were frozen by slow and quick frozen methods. Slow frozen samples were prepared by storing the packed fillets directly in the -18 C°. The sprila freezing tunle with -30C° was also used for preparation the quick frozen sample. The quick frozen samples were then stored at -18C for six months. Proximate composition، fatty acid profiles، TBA، PV، TVN، Total cuont، Drip loss، and sensory evaluation of the samples were determined in every month. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used for study on the effects of the frozen condition on the microstructure of the fillets. Results indicated that two different frozen methods had significantly different effects on the quality of the samples. Most of the proximate composition (protein، moistre and fat) reduced during the storage. Quick frozen samples had significantly (P<0.05) lower reduction than slow frozen samples. All of the chemical quality indexes (PV، TBA، and TVN) increased during the storage as compered to the fresh samples. In these paramethers، the slow freezing had higher changes than quick freezing metods (P<0.05). The microbial properties of the samples showed decrese during the storage. Lower amont of total cuont was observed at the end of the storage time in the quick frozen samples than slow frozen once (P<0.05). The large changes in the fatty acid profiles of the sample were fond in all samples. During the storage SFA and MUF of the samples increased however، the PUFA decresed. A lower change was obseved in the quick frozen samples than slow frozen samples (P<0.05). Drip loss was increased in both frozen samples during the storage period. The percentage of the drip in the slow frozen samples was significantly higer than quick frozen samples (P<0.05). SEM micrographs were also showed that the chnges in the microstructur of the samples was different in the slow and frozen samples. Slow freezing methods had higher damge in the microstructure of the sample then quick freezing mathods. Sensory evaluation of the samples indicated that a better acceptability in the quick frozen samples than slow frozen sample (P<0.05). For study the effect of some different methods of packaging fresh fillets were packed Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) (40% CO_2، 5% O_2 and 55% N_2) Vacuum Packaging and normal and stored in the refrigerator's. The packaged samples in these methods were examined for 10 days with regard to the changes in chemical (TVN، PV، pH)، microbial (total viable count) and organoleptic agents. The results indicated that the samples packed in MAP conditions had higher quality than that of the other methods at the end of the storing period. In addition، the slower destructive impacts and microbial growth was observed in MAP. According to the obtained results، we can suggest that the packaging of tilapia under MAP conditions resulted in the increase in the durability، storing، and distribution period of fillets. Consumer acceptability of tilapia was also investigated in this research. For this research، 300 farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and 300 Red tilapia (Oreochromi. niloticus × Tilapia mosambicus) were collected from the salt water fish research station located in Bafgh Yazd. The fish were transported to the National Fish Processing Research Center by using CSW method. Two methods were used for the study. First method was based on the sensory evaluation. In this method the fish fillets were cooked with Tuster and then the cooked sample were tested by 8 trained panelists. The second methods was established by Central Location Test ) CLT) In this method the fish fillet were fried in sun flower oil and tested by 276 consumers of three provinces ( Theran، Gillan and Mazanderan). 9-point scale (1 = very bad، 9 = very good) was applied for investigating the acceptability level of the samples. Evaluation questionnaires of consumers were designed based on the CLT method and after evaluating the reliability and validity of the questionnaires. The proximate compositions of the fillet were also determined. Results showed that the mean acceptance rates of both species of tilapia did not have significant differences in all three provinces. However، comparing the acceptance rates of black fillets in Tehran (7/05)، Guilan (6/24) and Mazandaran (6/56) and red fillets in Tehran (6/91)، Guilan (6/19) and Caspian (6/59) showed significant differences in both samples. Results showed that the tilapia meat had between 1.30 – 1.68% fat، 18.70-19.26 protein، 78-79% moisture and 1.34-1.8 % ash

    Investigation on seafood business in Islamic Republic of Iran

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    Seafood business is one of the important subjects in fishery activation. It is covered a wide range of fishery activation from the fishing to the table. The fishery production success is depending to the many factors. Without considering the market conditions and suitable trading the fishery activations are not commercial. Therefore considering to the different subjects is necessary. This project is one of the road map seafood processing plans. The aim of this project was to study of the world fishery production, world fish processing, marketing and fish production and treading in Iran by using current different information

    Investigation on seafood business in Islamic Republic of Iran

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    Seafood business is one of the important subjects in fishery activation. It is covered a wide range of fishery activation from the fishing to the table. The fishery production success is depending to the many factors. Without considering the market conditions and suitable trading the fishery activations are not commercial. Therefore considering to the different subjects is necessary. This project is one of the road map seafood processing plans. The aim of this project was to study of the world fishery production, world fish processing, marketing and fish production and treading in Iran by using current different information

    Moisture, fat content and fatty acid composition in breaded and nonbreaded deep-fried black pomfret (Parastromateus niger) fillets

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    Effects of breading materials and deep-fat frying on fat uptake, moisture content and fatty acid composition of the black pomfret (Parastromateus niger) fillets. Black pomfret fillets both breaded and non-breaded were deep-fat fried in sunflower oil and palm olein. Fat uptake, moisture content and fatty acid composition in the fillets were determined. Total fat content in the fillets of both breaded and un-breaded fillets increased significantly (p<0.05); approximately 10 times in the non-breaded fillets and less than twice in the breaded fillets. Saturated fatty acids (SFA) of raw fillets significantly (P<0.05) decreased when fried in sunflower oil. However, it slightly increased during deep-frying in palm olein. A significant (P<0.05) increase in the monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was observed in both oils fried samples. The amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) increased in sunflower oil fried fillets and decreased in palm olein fried ones. The n-6/n-3 ratios were observed to increase in both sunflower oil and palm olein fried fillets. The increases were significantly (P<0.05) less in breaded than those in the non-breaded fillets. Breaded fillets had lower changes in the fatty acid composition than non-breaded fillets

    Effects of different final cooking methods on physico-chemical properties of breaded fish fillets.

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    Breaded black pomfret (Parastromateus niager) fillets were pre-fried for 30 sec in sunflower oil and palm olein and stored at -20°C for one week prior to the final cooking. They were finally cooked by microwave, oven and deep-fat frying. Moisture loss, fat uptake, fatty acid, texture and color of the pre-fried and all completely cooked samples were evaluated. Final cooking methods resulted in the change in the fat and fatty acid composition of the pre-fried fillets. The least changes were observed in the oven cooked samples. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in oven cooked samples were significantly (p<0.05) higher than the other cooked samples. They also had lower ratio of n-6/n-3 and lower thermal oxidation. The hardness was found highest in the final fried and lowest in the microwaved samples. Significant differences on the color of the final cooked samples were obtained among the different cooking methods

    Effects of pre-drying on quality of fried breaded black pomfret (parastromateus niger) fillet.

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of pre-drying process on quality of fried breaded fish fillets. For this study, breaded black pomfret (Parastromateus niger) fillets were pre-dried in conventional oven at 180°C for 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 sec. The pre-dried fillets were pre-fried in sunflower oil and stored at -20°C for 1 week. They were then finally cooked in the combination oven. Fat, moisture, texture and color of the cooked fillets were evaluated. Results indicated that moisture loss and the fat uptake of cooked fillets decreased with increasing pre-drying time. Instrumental texture analysis showed that hardness of the pre-dried samples increased as compared to the control. Results from color evaluation showed that the b* (yellowness) values of the samples increased, while L* (whiteness) and a* (redness) values did not change significantly (p<0.05). The best quality product was prepared when 90 sec pre-drying time was applied

    The effects of slow and quick freezing methods on microstructure, drip loss, proximate composition and sensory properties of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fillets

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of slow and quick freezing on the changes in sensory properties, drip loss, microstructure and proximate compositions of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fillets. For this reason, skined off and deboned tilapia fillets were frozen by slow and quick freezing methods. The samples were packed and stored at -18 ° C for six months. Proximate composition, drip loss, and sensory evaluation of the samples were determined on a montly basis. Microstructure of the samples was studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) every second month. Results indicated that fresh tilapia fillets had 1/30, 18/70, 1/85, 79/12 percentage of fat, protein, ash and moisture contents, respectively. The amounts of proximate compositions were changed during the storageperiod. Quick frozen samples had significantly lower changes than slow frozen samples. The percentage of the drip in the slow frozen samples was significantly higher than quick frozen samples. SEM micrographs were also showed that the changes in the microstructure of the samples were different in the slow and frozen samples. Slow freezing method resulted in the higher damage in the microstructure of the samples than quick freezing method. Sensory evaluation of the samples indicated a better acceptability for the quick frozen samples than that for slow frozen sample

    Cytotoxic activity of extracts of demosponges Haliclona caerulea, Axinella sinoxea and Ircinia mutans from Persian Gulf

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    249-253Sponges are valuable source of bioactive natural products. Although marine benthic invertebrate communities occur in the Persian Gulf they have been little explored for their biomedicinal potential. Here, we studied the methanol and diethyl ether extracts of sponges Haliclona caeralea, Axinella sinoxea and Ircinia mutans sponges for their cytotoxic activity against human epidermis carcinoma (KB/C152) and T-cell lymphoma cell lines (HUT-78/C185) cell lines. Sponges after collection and identification were extracted with methanol and diethyl ether extract. The cell viability and cytotoxicity induced by the extracts were assessed using XTT and lactate dehydrogenase release assays (LDH leakage). The results indicated that the methanol and diethyl ether extract of I. mutans exhibited strong cytotoxicity towards KB and HUT cell lines and diethyl ether extract of H. caeralea and A. sinoxea had significant cytotoxicity in HUT and KB cells compared to methanol extract. The results indicated that the methanol and diethyl ether extract of I. mutanspossess significant cytotoxic activity

    Road map for developing fish processing industries

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    Fish per capita consumption in the world is 18.8 kg. The value of fish consumption per capita in Iran has reported 9.1 kg. Comparing to the other countries the fish consumption in our country is very low. Therefore the government organizations are going to increase the fish consumption per capita. There are many ways for increasing the fish consumption that can be considered by the countries. Developing the fish production, producing the new fish products, good marketing and trading are the some of the ways. For the achievement to this objective, a comprehensive program should be planned. In seafood consumption the safety of the food is very important. This matter should also be considered by the consumers. Addition of using the fish as food, the aquatics organisms are very interested for producing the biological products. The road map for developing fish processing industries layout is designed for achieving to these proposes. The road map layout were included three chapters. Road map of fish processing, aquatics organism’s biological products, healthy and safety fishery products. The road map of the fish processing chapter is focused on dissolving the fish processing development problems. The road map of seafood healthy and safety products chapter is researched on identify the related problems and making some suggestions for removing the problems. The road map chaoter on aquatics biological products is subjected on preparing the program for producing the different biological products in pilot plan and industry scale