2,654 research outputs found

    The HIRM+ Flight Dynamics Model

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    The major objective of the GARTEUR Action Group on Analysis Techniques for Clearance of Flight Control Laws FM(AG-11) is the improvement of the flight clearance process by increased automation of the tools used for modelbased analysis of the aircraft’s dynamical behaviour. What is finally needed are techniques for faster detection of the worst case combination of parameter values and manoeuvre cases, from which the flight clearance restrictions are be derived. The basis for such an analysis are accurate mathematical models of the controlled aircraft. In this chapter the HIRM+ flight dynamics model is described as one of the benchmark military aircraft models used within FM(AG-11). HIRM+ originates from the HIRM (High Incidence Research Model) developed within the GARTEUR Action Group on Robust Flight Control M(AG-08). In building the HIRM+, additional emphasis has been put on realistic modelling of parametric uncertainties

    Theory of Evolution and Faith in Creation On the History of a Tense Relationship

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    This overview of the history of the idea of evolution includes the work of many European scholars often omitted from such accounts, particularly in the United States. It provides a case study in the origin of cultural tensions, owing to the attempts of some scientists and theologians, without sufficient interdisciplinary understanding, to undermine public confidence in each other\'s proper authority

    Efficiency and profitability of European banks: how important is operational efficiency?

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    Most previous research on efficiency in banking takes a regulatory perspective. In contrast, this paper investigates the empirical relation between efficiency and profitability in five large economies of the European Union during the period 1998-2005 and discusses the results from the perspective of corporate bank strategy. Methodologically the existing literature is expanded by the use of DEA super-efficiency values to regress profitability, the incorporation of risk by calculative costs of capital, and a model specification built on the modern understanding of banks as centers of value creation. The results of the conducted static and dynamic regression analyses show that profitable banks operate with higher technical efficiency than their competitors. Furthermore, the strategic environment and in this regard the structure and concentration of the national financial sector have a considerable impact on a bank's financial performance. Both issues proved to be statistically and economically significant. Thus, the results support the appropriateness of the generic strategy of cost leadership for the European banking market. Banks following this strategic position were able to achieve higher excess returns during the analyzed period. --Banks,corporate strategy,efficiency,operational efficiency,profitability

    Parenteral vaccination of mammalian livestock with Newcastle disease virus-based vector vaccines offers optimal efficacy and safety

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    Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is an avian virus that is being evaluated as a vaccine vector for the delivery of foreign genes in mammals. The use of NDV as a vaccine vector in these species offers two major advantages. First, NDV is highly attenuated in mammals, rendering its use inherently safe. Second, mammals lack pre-existing NDV immunity, which minimizes the risk of vaccination failure. NDV-vector vaccines are generally administered to mammals via the respiratory route. We recently showed that intramuscular vaccination with NDV-based Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) vaccines provides complete protection in mice and induces neutralizing antibodies in sheep and cattle, the main target species of RVFV. Here, we discuss the use of NDV as a vaccine vector for applications in mammalian livestock with an emphasis on the vaccination route. We also report the results of novel experiments that underscore our notion that vaccination via a parenteral route is more effective than immunization via the respiratory route

    Phenomenology of Graphite Burning in Air Ingress Accidents of HTRs

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    Air ingress with graphite burning belongs to the accident scenarios in HTRs with potentially severe consequences. This paper gives an overview of basic phenomena of graphite burning like ignition conditions and moving reaction fronts. The pioneering graphite burning experiments of Don Schweitzer are successfully reevaluated. Ignition conditions are examined, and it is underlined that burning depends not only on graphite properties but also on the heat balance in the whole graphite arrangement. In graphite-moderated reactors, ignition occurs at about 650°C for small air flow rates: this means that normal operation temperatures in HTRs always allow for ignition. Fuel behaviour in air ingress, as determined in the KORA facility, is discussed: up to about 1300°C modern TRISO fuel is stable in air, but from 1500°C a complete, fast destruction is observed. Exemplary calculations on massive air ingress by chimney draught performed with REACT/THERMIX are outlined. For a hot bottom reflector there is a substantial time span before fuel is attacked. Because severe air ingress in well-designed HTRs belongs to beyond design basis accidents, the knowledge is fairly good. Concerning protecting measures, a more detailed examination of thick SiC layers is proposed

    Anatomie einer Leidenschaft : Anmerkungen zu Bernardo Bertoluccis transgressivem Liebesfilm DER LETZTE TANGO IN PARIS

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    Mit Ultimo tango a Parigi gelang Bernardo Bertolucci ein Skandalerfolg Anfang der siebziger Jahre. Begünstigt durch Gerüchte um extreme Sexszenen, gerichtliche Klagen und Verbote, spielte der Film, dessen Budget lediglich bei 1,2 Millionen Dollar lag (vgl. David Thompson: Last tango in Paris. London 1998, S. 16), insgesamt über 40 Millionen Dollar ein (vgl. Dietrich Kuhlbrodt: L´ultimo tango a Parigi. In: Peter W. Jansen / Wolfram Schütte: Bernardo Bertolucci. München 1982, S. 170). Obwohl Ultimo tango a Parigi in den USA als Pornofilm vermarktet wurde (vgl. ebd.), erkannte die Filmkritik schon früh seine künstlerische Qualität

    Light at the end of the tunnel:Synthesis-based engineering for road tunnels

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    Light at the end of the tunnel:Synthesis-based engineering for road tunnels

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