278 research outputs found

    Causal discovery with general non-linear relationships using non-linear ICA

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    We consider the problem of inferring causal relationships between two or more passively observed variables. While the problem of such causal discovery has been extensively studied, especially in the bivariate setting, the majority of current methods assume a linear causal relationship, and the few methods which consider non-linear relations usually make the assumption of additive noise. Here, we propose a framework through which we can perform causal discovery in the presence of general non-linear relationships. The proposed method is based on recent progress in non-linear independent component analysis (ICA) and exploits the non-stationarity of observations in order to recover the underlying sources. We show rigorously that in the case of bivariate causal discovery, such non-linear ICA can be used to infer causal direction via a series of independence tests. We further propose an alternative measure for inferring causal direction based on asymptotic approximations to the likelihood ratio, as well as an extension to multivariate causal discovery. We demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed method via a series of simulation studies and conclude with an application to neuroimaging data

    Towards the interpretation of time-varying regularization parameters in streaming penalized regression models

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    High-dimensional, streaming datasets are ubiquitous in modern applications. Examples range from finance and e-commerce to the study of biomedical and neuroimaging data. As a result, many novel algorithms have been proposed to address challenges posed by such datasets. In this work, we focus on the use of ℓ1 regularized linear models in the context of (possibly non-stationary) streaming data. Recently, it has been noted that the choice of the regularization parameter is fundamental in such models and several methods have been proposed which iteratively tune such a parameter in a time-varying manner; thereby allowing the underlying sparsity of estimated models to vary. Moreover, in many applications, inference on the regularization parameter may itself be of interest, as such a parameter is related to the underlying sparsity of the model. However, in this work, we highlight and provide extensive empirical evidence regarding how various (often unrelated) statistical properties in the data can lead to changes in the regularization parameter. In particular, through various synthetic experiments, we demonstrate that changes in the regularization parameter may be driven by changes in the true underlying sparsity, signal-to-noise ratio or even model misspecification. The purpose of this letter is, therefore, to highlight and catalog various statistical properties which induce changes in the associated regularization parameter. We conclude by presenting two applications: one relating to financial data and another to neuroimaging data, where the aforementioned discussion is relevant

    Classifying HCP task-fMRI networks using heat kernels

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    Network theory provides a principled abstraction of the human brain: reducing a complex system into a simpler representation from which to investigate brain organisation. Recent advancement in the neuroimaging field are towards representing brain connectivity as a dynamic process in order to gain a deeper understanding of the interplay between functional modules for efficient information transport. In this work, we employ heat kernels to model the process of energy diffusion in functional networks. We extract node-based, multi-scale features which describe the propagation of heat over 'time' which not only inform the importance of a node in the graph, but also incorporate local and global information of the underlying geometry of the network. As a proof-of-concept, we test the efficacy of two heat kernel features for discriminating between motor and working memory functional networks from the Human Connectome Project. For comparison, we also classified task networks using traditional network metrics which similarly provide rankings of node importance. In addition, a variant of the Smooth Incremental Graphical Lasso Estimation algorithm was used to estimate non-sparse, precision matrices to account for non-stationarity in the time series. We illustrate differences in heat kernel features between tasks, and also between regions of the brain. Using a random forest classifier, we showed heat kernel metrics to capture intrinsic properties of functional networks that serve well as features for task classification

    Design and studies of novel polyoxysterol-based porphyrin conjugates

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    New types of steroid-porphyrin conjugates derived from 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and 24-epibrassinolide (EBl) were synthesized. An exceptional regioselectivity in the reaction of both steroids with porphyrin boronic acids was found to give side-chain-conjugated boronic esters as sole products. UV–Vis-, fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy yielded similar data for all the studied compounds confirming the solvent driven supramolecular assembly with formation of J-aggregates. CD measurements of water diluted solutions showed a clear difference between 20E and EBl conjugates. The latter showed a strong supramolecular chirality, whereas 20E J-aggregates did not

    Towards tailoring non-invasive brain stimulation using real-time fMRI and Bayesian optimization

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    Non-invasive brain stimulation, such as transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) provides a powerful tool to directly modulate brain oscillations that mediate complex cognitive processes. While the body of evidence about the effect of tACS on behavioral and cognitive performance is constantly growing, those studies fail to address the importance of subjectspecific stimulation protocols. With this study here, we set the foundation to combine tACS with a recently presented framework that utilizes real-time fRMI and Bayesian optimization in order to identify the most optimal tACS protocol for a given individual. While Bayesian optimization is particularly relevant to such a scenario, its success depends on two fundamental choices: the choice of covariance kernel for the Gaussian process prior as well as the choice of acquisition function that guides the search. Using empirical (functional neuroimaging) as well as simulation data, we identified the squared exponential kernel and the upper confidence bound acquisition function to work best for our problem. These results will be used to inform our upcoming realtime experiments

    Algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of restless legs syndrome in primary care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder with a lifetime prevalence of 3-10%. in European studies. However, the diagnosis of RLS in primary care remains low and mistreatment is common.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The current article reports on the considerations of RLS diagnosis and management that were made during a European Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group (EURLSSG)-sponsored task force consisting of experts and primary care practioners. The task force sought to develop a better understanding of barriers to diagnosis in primary care practice and overcome these barriers with diagnostic and treatment algorithms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The barriers to diagnosis identified by the task force include the presentation of symptoms, the language used to describe them, the actual term "restless legs syndrome" and difficulties in the differential diagnosis of RLS.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The EURLSSG task force reached a consensus and agreed on the diagnostic and treatment algorithms published here.</p

    A Preliminary Mixed-Method Investigation of Trust and Hidden Signals in Medical Consultations.

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    Background Several factors influence patients' trust, and trust influences the doctor-patient relationship. Recent literature has investigated the quality of the personal relationship and its dynamics by considering the role of communication and the elements that influence trust giving in the frame of general practitioner (GP) consultations. Objective We analysed certain aspects of the interaction between patients and GPs to understand trust formation and maintenance by focusing on communication channels. The impact of socio-demographic variables in trust relationships was also evaluated. Method A cross-sectional design using concurrent mixed qualitative and quantitative research methods was employed. One hundred adults were involved in a semi-structured interview composed of both qualitative and quantitative items for descriptive and exploratory purposes. The study was conducted in six community-based departments adjacent to primary care clinics in Trento, Italy. Results The findings revealed that patients trusted their GP to a high extent by relying on simple signals that were based on the quality of the one-to-one communication and on behavioural and relational patterns. Patients inferred the ability of their GP by adopting simple heuristics based mainly on the so-called social \u201chonest signals\u201d rather than on content-dependent features. Furthermore, socio-demographic variables affected trust: less literate and elderly people tended to trust more. Conclusions This study is unique in attempting to explore the role of simple signals in trust relationships within medical consultation: people shape trust and give meaning to their relationships through a powerful channel of communication that orbits not around words but around social relations. The findings have implications for both clinicians and researchers. For doctors, these results suggest a way of thinking about encounters with patients. For researchers, the findings underline the importance of analysing some new key factors around trust for future investigations in medical practice and education

    Environmental Influences on Mate Preferences as Assessed by a Scenario Manipulation Experiment

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    Many evolutionary psychology studies have addressed the topic of mate preferences, focusing particularly on gender and cultural differences. However, the extent to which situational and environmental variables might affect mate preferences has been comparatively neglected. We tested 288 participants in order to investigate the perceived relative importance of six traits of an ideal partner (wealth, dominance, intelligence, height, kindness, attractiveness) under four different hypothetical scenarios (status quo/nowadays, violence/post-nuclear, poverty/resource exhaustion, prosperity/global well-being). An equal number of participants (36 women, 36 men) was allotted to each scenario; each was asked to allocate 120 points across the six traits according to their perceived value. Overall, intelligence was the trait to which participants assigned most importance, followed by kindness and attractiveness, and then by wealth, dominance and height. Men appraised attractiveness as more valuable than women. Scenario strongly influenced the relative importance attributed to traits, the main finding being that wealth and dominance were more valued in the poverty and post-nuclear scenarios, respectively, compared to the other scenarios. Scenario manipulation generally had similar effects in both sexes, but women appeared particularly prone to trade off other traits for dominance in the violence scenario, and men particularly prone to trade off other traits for wealth in the poverty scenario. Our results are in line with other correlational studies of situational variables and mate preferences, and represent strong evidence of a causal relationship of environmental factors on specific mate preferences, corroborating the notion of an evolved plasticity to current ecological conditions. A control experiment seems to suggest that our scenarios can be considered as realistic descriptions of the intended ecological conditions

    Environmental Influences on Mate Preferences as Assessed by a Scenario Manipulation Experiment

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    Many evolutionary psychology studies have addressed the topic of mate preferences, focusing particularly on gender and cultural differences. However, the extent to which situational and environmental variables might affect mate preferences has been comparatively neglected. We tested 288 participants in order to investigate the perceived relative importance of six traits of an ideal partner (wealth, dominance, intelligence, height, kindness, attractiveness) under four different hypothetical scenarios (status quo/nowadays, violence/post-nuclear, poverty/resource exhaustion, prosperity/global well-being). An equal number of participants (36 women, 36 men) was allotted to each scenario; each was asked to allocate 120 points across the six traits according to their perceived value. Overall, intelligence was the trait to which participants assigned most importance, followed by kindness and attractiveness, and then by wealth, dominance and height. Men appraised attractiveness as more valuable than women. Scenario strongly influenced the relative importance attributed to traits, the main finding being that wealth and dominance were more valued in the poverty and post-nuclear scenarios, respectively, compared to the other scenarios. Scenario manipulation generally had similar effects in both sexes, but women appeared particularly prone to trade off other traits for dominance in the violence scenario, and men particularly prone to trade off other traits for wealth in the poverty scenario. Our results are in line with other correlational studies of situational variables and mate preferences, and represent strong evidence of a causal relationship of environmental factors on specific mate preferences, corroborating the notion of an evolved plasticity to current ecological conditions. A control experiment seems to suggest that our scenarios can be considered as realistic descriptions of the intended ecological conditions

    An Active Site Aromatic Triad in Escherichia coli DNA Pol IV Coordinates Cell Survival and Mutagenesis in Different DNA Damaging Agents

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    DinB (DNA Pol IV) is a translesion (TLS) DNA polymerase, which inserts a nucleotide opposite an otherwise replication-stalling N2-dG lesion in vitro, and confers resistance to nitrofurazone (NFZ), a compound that forms these lesions in vivo. DinB is also known to be part of the cellular response to alkylation DNA damage. Yet it is not known if DinB active site residues, in addition to aminoacids involved in DNA synthesis, are critical in alkylation lesion bypass. It is also unclear which active site aminoacids, if any, might modulate DinB's bypass fidelity of distinct lesions. Here we report that along with the classical catalytic residues, an active site “aromatic triad”, namely residues F12, F13, and Y79, is critical for cell survival in the presence of the alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). Strains expressing dinB alleles with single point mutations in the aromatic triad survive poorly in MMS. Remarkably, these strains show fewer MMS- than NFZ-induced mutants, suggesting that the aromatic triad, in addition to its role in TLS, modulates DinB's accuracy in bypassing distinct lesions. The high bypass fidelity of prevalent alkylation lesions is evident even when the DinB active site performs error-prone NFZ-induced lesion bypass. The analyses carried out with the active site aromatic triad suggest that the DinB active site residues are poised to proficiently bypass distinctive DNA lesions, yet they are also malleable so that the accuracy of the bypass is lesion-dependent