1,540 research outputs found

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    Modelling the spatial distribution of cysts placed in a porpoise stomach using a Gibbs process

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    En un trabajo previo (Balaguer et al., 1992) los autores estudiaron la distribución espacial de los quistes en el estómago de la marsopa para contrastar su compatibilidad con la hipótesis de aleatoriedad espacial completa (AEC). El resultado condujo a rechazar la hipótesis señalando en la dirección de un patrón agregado, confirmando la sospecha inicial de los zoólogos. Este trabajo completa aquel estudio en la dirección que parece más coherente a sus autores: la de conjeturar un modelo puntual espacial con interacciones dos a dos (un proceso de Strauss) y estimar sus parámetros. Previamente se lleva a cabo el imprescindible desarrollo teórico poniendo el énfasis en los distintos métodos de estimación máximo-verosímil

    Ultra-Broadband Directional Couplers Using Microstrip with Dielectric Overlay in Millimeter-Wave Band

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    Nowadays, millimeter-wave systems are being a key factor to develop wide band applications. In this paper, a directional coupler in millimeter-wave band using dielectric overlay is presented. This leads us to technology aspects, in directional coupler design, are key points to achieve the proper response of the circuit. The coupler proposed in this paper covers the 15-45 GHz band and its response has 15-dB coupling-level, 1-dB coupling-ripple and a reflection coefficient better than 10 dB

    Efecto de la inclusión de harina de cáscara de plátano dominico hartón en el desempeño de pollos de engorde en el municipio de Dosquebradas, Risaralda

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    Con el propósito de disminuir costos de alimentación en la producción de pollos de engorde y aprovechar eficientemente los residuos agroindustriales, se evaluó el efecto de la inclusión de harina de cáscara de plátano en el desempeño de pollos de engorde en el municipio de Dosquebradas, Risaralda. Para la elaboración de la harina (HCP) se utilizó cáscara de plátano Dominico hartón proveniente de la planta procesadora PASABOCAS PATTY, ubicada en el municipio de Santa Rosa de Cabal. Se utilizaron 21 pollos entre machos y hembras de la variedad ROSS 308 de un día de nacidos durante 45 días. Se empleó un diseño experimental completamente al azar, con análisis de varianza ANOVA factorial 3x3 donde se evaluó el efecto de tres niveles de inclusión (T1: Concentrado comercial libre de HCP, T2: Concentrado comercial + 5% de inclusión de HCP y T3: Concentrado comercial + 10% de inclusión de HCP) en tres tiempos de colecta (a los días 12, 22 y 45 del tratamiento), con 7 aves por tratamiento. Se utilizó como test post hoc el test de Duncan con significancia de 5%. Se evaluaron las variables Consumo diario de alimento (CDA), Ganancia de peso total (GPT), conversión alimenticia aparente (CAA), Tasa de Crecimiento Específico (TCE%), Tasa Eficiencia Protéica (TEP%) y tasa de sobrevivencia (S%). T1 arrojó los mejores resultados en cuanto a GPT, CAA, TCE% y TEP%

    Conversion of Forest to Agro-Silvo-Pastoral System – Montado – in Mediterranean Environments

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    The Mediterranean environment regions are characterized by climate and soil specificities that justify low productive capacity for primary production when compared to other environments on earth. The Mediterranean forests are essentially formed by trees and shrubs. The shrubs are the perfect fuel to feed the forest fires that occur in a natural and cyclical manner in these environmental conditions. Therefore, the Mediterranean Systems of Agriculture have evolved to control the shrubs and the extensification of the systems because of low productivity. Sustainability is achieved by increase of productivity through improvement of the soil and irrigation. The application of these principles to the Mediterranean Forest resulted in the preservation of the trees, control of the shrubs and improvement of the pastures. Thus, the Mediterranean Agro-Silvo-Pastoral Systems have developed to recover and improve the soil. This desideratum is obtained by an efficient usage of Mediterranean Permanent Pastures. These, in turn, are only sustainable through proper grazing systems. All species of domestic animals are used in the process and because of the seasonal irregularity of the production of forage biomass, the Extensive Systems of Animal Production depend on the production and conservation of fodder crops. This paper intends to demonstrate how to recover a Mediterranean Forest farm, converting it into a Mediterranean Agro-Silvo-Pastoral System, known in Portugal as Montado. This is achieved using the Montado Crop Rotation and the Feeding Scheme of Extensive Systems of Animal Production, and needs investment in infrastructures for its implementation. A brief economic analysis is also elaborated, to conclude the technical, economic and environmental sustainability

    Single-Board-Computer Clusters for Cloudlet Computing in Internet of Things

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    The number of connected sensors and devices is expected to increase to billions in the near future. However, centralised cloud-computing data centres present various challenges to meet the requirements inherent to Internet of Things (IoT) workloads, such as low latency, high throughput and bandwidth constraints. Edge computing is becoming the standard computing paradigm for latency-sensitive real-time IoT workloads, since it addresses the aforementioned limitations related to centralised cloud-computing models. Such a paradigm relies on bringing computation close to the source of data, which presents serious operational challenges for large-scale cloud-computing providers. In this work, we present an architecture composed of low-cost Single-Board-Computer clusters near to data sources, and centralised cloud-computing data centres. The proposed cost-efficient model may be employed as an alternative to fog computing to meet real-time IoT workload requirements while keeping scalability. We include an extensive empirical analysis to assess the suitability of single-board-computer clusters as cost-effective edge-computing micro data centres. Additionally, we compare the proposed architecture with traditional cloudlet and cloud architectures, and evaluate them through extensive simulation. We finally show that acquisition costs can be drastically reduced while keeping performance levels in data-intensive IoT use cases.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-82113-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad RTI2018-098062-A-I00European Union’s Horizon 2020 No. 754489Science Foundation Ireland grant 13/RC/209

    Delirio en el paciente crítico: identificación, prevención y cuidados de enfermería. Una revisión integrador

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    Treball Final de Grau en Infermeria. Codi: IN1138. Curs: 2021/2022Introducción. El delirio es una patología común e infradiagnosticada en las unidades de cuidados intensivos debido a las diferentes manifestaciones. Enfermería tiene un papel importante en su prevención, diagnóstico y manejo. Objetivos. Describir cómo afecta el síndrome del delirio al paciente crítico. Método. Revisión integradora de la literatura. Se consultaron las bases de datos PubMed, ScienceDirect y CINAHL; aplicándose filtros de carácter temporal, idiomático, diseño del estudio y texto libre. Se seleccionaron estudios que tratasen exclusivamente de paciente crítico adulto, excluyendo los que no trataban sobre delirio o informaban un diagnóstico previo de trastorno mental. La calidad metodológica se evaluó mediante las herramientas Lectura Crítica 3.0 y CASPe. Resultados. Se hallaron 25.333 estudios, tras aplicar filtrado, criterios de inclusión/exclusión y calidad metodológica se recopilaron (n=22). La mayor parte de los estudios se publicaron en el año 2017 y China fue el país que más publicó. Se observó que la identificación precoz del delirio reducía la mortalidad hospitalaria y disminuía el número de días con ventilación y/o contención mecánica. Las herramientas diagnósticas recomendadas fueron la CAM-ICU, la ICDSC y los criterios diagnósticos del DSM-V. Conclusiones. Se identificaron como predictores de delirio: la edad avanzada, la sedación profunda, las benzodiazepinas, el dolor, la aplicación de ventilación mecánica invasiva y el uso de sujeciones físicas. Se recomienda la dexmedetomidina para reducir la incidencia de delirio. Como cuidados de enfermería se propone fomentar un nivel de sedación ligero, la movilización temprana, la reorientación sensorial espacio/tiempo, la participación familiar y la retirada temprana de dispositivos.Background. Delirium is a common and underdiagnosed pathology in intensive care units due to the different manifestations. Nursing has an important role in its prevention, diagnosis and management. Aims. To describe how delirium syndrome affects the critically ill patient. Methods. Integrative review of the literature. The databases PubMed, ScienceDirect and CINAHL were consulted, applying temporal, language, study design and free text filters. Studies dealing exclusively with adult critically ill patients were selected, excluding those that did not deal with delirium or reported a previous diagnosis of mental disorder. Methodological quality was assessed using the Critical Reading 3.0 and CASPe tools. Results. We found 25.333 studies, after applying filtering, inclusion/exclusion criteria and methodological quality were collected (n=22). Most of the studies were published in 2017 and China was the most published country. It was observed that early identification of delirium reduced hospital mortality and decreased the number of days with ventilation and/or mechanical restraint. The recommended diagnostic tools were the CAM-ICU, ICDSC and DSM-V diagnostic criteria. Conclusions. The following were identified as predictors of delirium: advanced age, deep sedation, benzodiazepines, pain, invasive mechanical ventilation and the use of physical restraints. Dexmedetomidine is recommended to reduce the incidence of delirium. Nursing care is proposed to promote light sedation, early mobilization, space/time sensory reorientation, family involvement and early removal of devices