7 research outputs found

    Efecto fisiológico de la aplicación postparto de dos diferentes dosis de ácido acetilsalicílico en vacas de doble propósito en Tuxpan, Veracruz

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    Se determinó el efecto de dos dosis de ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS), en la producción de leche (PL), concentración de glucosa (CG) en sangre y días a primer servicio (DPS) en vacas sanas de doble propósito. Se seleccionaron al azar 30 vacas y se dividieron en tres grupos de 10 individuos cada uno: Control sin tratamiento (C); grupo dosis alta (DA; 7 g/24 hrs/VO) y grupo dosis baja (DB; 5 g/24 hrs/VO). Posterior a su aplicación se monitorearon los siguientes indicadores: Temperatura Rectal (TR), Condición Corporal (CC; escala del 1–5); Mastitis Subclínica (MS), metritis (M), CG, DPS y PL. El análisis estadístico se realizó utilizando el modelo ANOVA. Los resultados indicaron que las vacas con DA tuvieron mayor (P0.05). Finalmente, las vacas con DA presentaron menos MS (P < 0.05), seguidas por DB y las control. En conclusión, el tratamiento con la DA de AAS durante tres días consecutivos al parto mejoró la producción de leche y redujo el número de casos de MS, comparado con la DB y C, pero no redujo las vacas con M o los DPS

    Organoleptic characteristics of the classification of carcasses from bovine cattle in the tropics of veracruzano / Características organolepticas de la clasificación de canales procedentes de ganado bovino en el tropico veracruzano

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    This research work was carried out in a municipal trail (TIF) in the North of Veracruz, Mexico, with the aim of physically analyzing the quality of beef. A sample of 90 male cattle, which were divided into the following groups:   F1  pure Brahman  (n=30), F2 Brahman Crossses/ Holstein (n=30) y  F3 Brahman Crosses/ Brown Swiis (n=30), male cattle was used at 24 months of age. They received the same management and a food ration based on harinoline, soybean paste, grain corn, grain sage and a mixture of vitamins-minerals, which was offered to 3.5.0% (NRC, 2000) fresh water and forage to free access, averaging the 350 kg completed in intensive corral for slaughter during the 60 days of the experiment. The variables analyzed were: flesh color, fat color, marbling and texture. The results were evaluated through the STADISTIC programme, showing generally that cuts of meat from young uncastrated males with two years of age presented category A, characterized by white fat, with a deep red color, soft texture and abundant marbling in a rating of 11 and 12. Noting that young animals showed the best physical qualities in beef.                           

    Tricholiperus lipeurides (Mégnin 1884) in Mazama temama (Kerr 1792): first case report in Mexico

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    Objective: To identify the taxonomy of the lice of the family Trichodectidae present in a captive population of M. temama. Methodology: Lice were collected from 15 red brocket deer (M. temama) in captivity at the Unit for the Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use of Wildlife (UMA) El Pochote, Ixtaczoquitlán, Veracruz, Mexico. The deer were sedated and inspected in the ventral, inguinal, ears and tail areas to collect the lice, which were observed with bright field microscopy and electron microscopy and using taxonomic keys they were identified at the species level. Results: A total of 155 lice identified as Tricholiperus lipeuroides were collected from 8 females and 7 males of M. temama. The prevalence was 60% (9 of 15 deer had lice) and the mean abundance of 10 lice per deer. The inguinal and ventral areas were the areas of the body where the presence of lice accumulated the most. Implications: This study expands the knowledge about ectoparasites in M. temama in captivity and how the chewing louse T. lipeuroides adapts to new hosts. Although M. temama acts as an incidental host for T. lipeuroides, the deer did not show clinical signs such as hair loss. This information had not been reported in other studies and there are no previous case reports for Mexico. Conclusions: The presence of T. lipeuroides in M. temama is reported for the first time in the UMA El Pochote, Ixtaczoquitlán, Veracruz, Mexico, since by sharing some areas of the UMA enclosures with O. virginianus; red brocket deer became a host of T. lipeuroides.Objective: To identify the taxonomy of lice of the family Trichodectidae present in a captive population of M. temama.Methodology: Lice were collected from 15 red brocket (Temazate) deer (M. temama) in captivity at the Unit for the Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use of Wildlife El Pochote, Ixtaczoquiltan, Veracruz, Mexico. The deer were sedated and inspected in the ventral and inguinal zone, ears and tail to collect the lice, which were observed with bright field microscopy and electron microscopy. Then, with the use of taxonomic keys, lice were identified up to species.Results: A total of 155 lice identified as Tricholiperus lipeuroides were collected in 8 females and 7 males of M. temama. The prevalence was 60% (9 out of 15 deer had lice) at an average abundance of 10 lice per deer. The inguinal and ventral zone were the areas of the body where most of the collected lice were detected. Implications: This study expands the knowledge about ectoparasites in M. temama incaptivity, recording for the first time the association of the chewing louse T. lipeuroideswith this species of deer. The deer analyzed did not present clinical signs such as hairloss. This information is not yet reported in other studies; there are no previous casereports for Mexico.Conclusions: The presence of T. lipeuroides in M. temama is reported for the first timein the UMA El Pochote, Ixtaczoquitlán, Veracruz, Mexico. Since M. temama sharessome areas of the enclosures in the UMA with O. virginianus, the Temazate became ahost of T. lipeuroides

    Embryonic losses between the early diagnosis and the confirmation of gestation in dairy cows from different farms for one year

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze embryonic losses between early pregnancy diagnosis and confirmation in dairy cows of different farms for one year. Design/methodology/approach: Total of 3,413 Holstein milking cows stabled from three different farms were studied. Cows were milked 3 times a day and they had an average daily milk production of 36.5 ± 1.5 L. The diagnosis of pregnancy was made by ultrasonography at 34 ± 7 days post-artificial insemination and confirmation at 60 ± 5 days. Mean embryonic losses were compared with respect to farm and month. Results: Average embryonic losses were 18.8%. No effect was observed in month factor, nor in month x farm interaction in the embryonic loss percentage (p &lt; 0.05). Factor farm showed differences (p &lt; 0.05), embryonic loss percentages for farms 1, 2 and 3 were: 4 ± 1.6%, 11.4 ± 1.6%, y 22.9 ± 1.6%, respectively. Limitations on study/implications: Cow management was similar therefore no detailed differences between farms were studied. It is important to keep records of embryonic losses as they can have a significant impact on the farm. Findings/conclusions: There is a high variability of embryonic losses between the diagnosis of early pregnancy and the confirmation between the stables and this may be due to differences in management since the breed and environmental conditions were the same in the three stables.Objective: To determine embryonic losses between the early diagnosis and the confirmation of gestation in dairy cows from different barns for one year. Design/Methodology/Approach: A total of 3,413 confined Holstein cows from three different dairy barns in the Mexican Altiplano (highlands) were studied. Cows were milked three times a day with an average daily production of 36.5 ± 1.5 L. Gestation diagnosis was performed by ultrasonography at 34 ± 7 d after the artificial insemination, while gestation was confirmed at 60 ± 5 d. Average pregnancy loss was determined and embryonic losses were compared taking into account barn and month. Results: The overall average of embryonic losses was 18.8%. Neither the month factor nor the month × barn interaction affected the percentage of embryonic losses (p&lt;0.05). Differences per barn (p&lt;0.05) were observed and barns 1, 2, and 3 recorded losses percentages of 4 ± 1.6 %, 11.4 ± 1.6 %, and 22.9 ± 1.6%, respectively. Study Limitations/Implications: Detailed differences between barns were not studied, since cow management was similar in all three of them. Embryonic losses must be recorded, given their significant impact on the barn. Findings/Conclusions: There is a high variability among barns regarding embryonic losses between the early diagnosis and the confirmation of gestation. This situation may be the result of management differences, since the breed and environmental conditions were the same in all three barns


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    Lepstospira interrogans ha sido identificada como uno de los agentes causantes de la leptospirosis, una zoonosis ampliamente distribuida, la cual se ha identificado en numerosos animales domésticos y silvestres. En este trabajo se analizaron los riñones de dos especies de roedores silvestres procedentes del estado de Campeche, México mediante la técnica de PCR con iniciadores específicos para la detección de DNA de Leptospira interrogans. Las especies de roedores que resultaron positivas corresponden a Heteromys gaumeri y Ototylomys phyllotis, ambas representan nuevos registros de huéspedes para la bacteria en el sureste de México. Estos nuevos huéspedes deberán ser estudiados cuidadosamente con el fin de determinar la posibilidad de que otras especies de animales, y en particular los humanos, entren en contacto con el patógeno presente en animales silvestres.Leptospira interrogans has been identified to cause leptospirosis, a widespread zoonotic disease that has been identified in domestic and wild animals. This work analyzed kidneys from two species of wild rodents from the state of Campeche, Mexico. Analyses were made by PCR using specific primers for detection of Leptospira interrogans DNA. The rodent species that tested positive were Heteromys gaumeri and Ototylomys phyllotis, both of which are new hosts for the bacteria in Southeastern Mexico. These records provide new insights into the disease’s transmission that should be studied carefully in order to identify other potential host species, including humans, which are at risk of becoming infected if they are in contact with infected wildlife