Organoleptic characteristics of the classification of carcasses from bovine cattle in the tropics of veracruzano / Características organolepticas de la clasificación de canales procedentes de ganado bovino en el tropico veracruzano


This research work was carried out in a municipal trail (TIF) in the North of Veracruz, Mexico, with the aim of physically analyzing the quality of beef. A sample of 90 male cattle, which were divided into the following groups:   F1  pure Brahman  (n=30), F2 Brahman Crossses/ Holstein (n=30) y  F3 Brahman Crosses/ Brown Swiis (n=30), male cattle was used at 24 months of age. They received the same management and a food ration based on harinoline, soybean paste, grain corn, grain sage and a mixture of vitamins-minerals, which was offered to 3.5.0% (NRC, 2000) fresh water and forage to free access, averaging the 350 kg completed in intensive corral for slaughter during the 60 days of the experiment. The variables analyzed were: flesh color, fat color, marbling and texture. The results were evaluated through the STADISTIC programme, showing generally that cuts of meat from young uncastrated males with two years of age presented category A, characterized by white fat, with a deep red color, soft texture and abundant marbling in a rating of 11 and 12. Noting that young animals showed the best physical qualities in beef.                           

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